No it was in seconds, see my father was a hummingbird and my mother was never satisfied. Oh wow, Freddrik you lasted .005 seconds that time. I keep pissing off my nurse, I still have all of that surgical gunk on me you know that iodine stuff, anyway he wants to clean me up and put a gown on me, but what's the point, I have another surgery in the morning, 4 in total to look forward too. Plus I'm just way too comfortable right now for someone to wash and dress me, even if he is cute, so I keep pretending I'm asleep. Not working though as the glow from my iPad is showing through the sheets, damn. You know in this situation Google Glass just might be a cool idea. I'm in the Childrens ward because my doctor works predominately with children who have cancer, anyway the gowns here have cartoon characters, so cute and I my bed had a teddy bear in it when I got here. When the nurse went to take it away I grabbed it from her and yelled mine! "Your going to be problem patient aren't you", you have no idea sister.:) His name is Phillybearly, thank you for all of your kind words, your a wonderful person and you always bring a smile to my face, Phillybearly is blowing you a kiss.
Hang on there relic. Valium was the best drug (vasectomy) took my GF out for dinner afterwards....(Indian food) I've never been so "witty!"
LOL at that nurse of yours, some things never change.
What has changed is my not knowing you went in for no less than 5 surgeries. Sounds like they know exactly what they're doing, which gives me confidence. And with that I look forward to many more of your witty posts, and technical knowledge.
Hey Relic—good to see you posting still. Thank you for your generous words the other day. I've come down with some fever or other for the past few days. I like to think some of your pain has been transferred to me to help alleviate your suffering. Nuts, I know.
I hope it all goes well for you whilst you're in hospital.
LOL at that nurse of yours, some things never change.
What has changed is my not knowing you went in for no less than 5 surgeries. Sounds like they know exactly what they're doing, which gives me confidence. And with that I look forward to many more of your witty posts, and technical knowledge.
No it's 5, I said I have a total of 4 left, one of which had already been performed before I posted that. There two different types of surgeries done over a few sessions but it's the latter that I can't wait for. I get boobies! Nothing to big, handfuls really, their temporary, kind of like trainers, until what's left of my muscles and the fat that was transferred from my once luscious ass to my chest and the skin outside heals properly around them. Still better then looking like Peter Pan, seriously, me and Mary Martin could be twins.
Hey Relic—good to see you posting still. Thank you for your generous words the other day. I've come down with some fever or other for the past few days. I like to think some of your pain has been transferred to me to help alleviate your suffering. Nuts, I know.
I hope it all goes well for you whilst you're in hospital.
Thank you so much, I hope you get better soon. Drink lot's of whiskey, kills what ails you, like your memories, your hopes and dreams, the once beautiful relationship you had, friendships, or the cat you accidentally threw in the dryer thinking it was scarf, who's name was ironically Fluffy, I need to go to a meeting, excuse me.
Well, if you do something, you'll need to do it right. And thorough, so this is all good. I read in the next post you have a meeting, so wishing you good luck. Again. Thanks for all the laughs. Again. And if you turn out to look like Mary, a very pretty woman, I'll just remember that beautiful woman playing her cello. Nobody tops her.
I read in the next post you have a meeting, so wishing you good luck.
Yea well the word for my boobs is ________. No meeting, it was a joke, you know, AA meeting, the whole drinking thing, I thought simply saying meeting was enough. I don't know my head is all loopy, with jumping circles, why is there a bear in my bed.
Yea well the word for my boobs is ________. No meeting, it was a joke, you know, AA meeting, the whole drinking thing, I thought simply saying meeting was enough. I don't know my head is all loopy, with jumping circles, why is there a bear in my bed.
I did get it, still, thanks. Well, get some rest. You'll appreciate the bear after you have woken up.
If I can't feel sympathy for people who are less sophisticated than I am, why should people who are more sophisticated than me ever feel sympathy for me? Perhaps I'll never need any sympathy because I'm perfect?
The answer is to do with the difference between 'empathy' and 'sympathy'.
Hang on there relic. Valium was the best drug (vasectomy) took my GF out for dinner afterwards....(Indian food) I've never been so "witty!"
Best regards,
& Phil (boogie) is a good guy!
LOL at that nurse of yours, some things never change.
What has changed is my not knowing you went in for no less than 5 surgeries. Sounds like they know exactly what they're doing, which gives me confidence. And with that I look forward to many more of your witty posts, and technical knowledge.
I hope it all goes well for you whilst you're in hospital.
No it's 5, I said I have a total of 4 left, one of which had already been performed before I posted that. There two different types of surgeries done over a few sessions but it's the latter that I can't wait for. I get boobies! Nothing to big, handfuls really, their temporary, kind of like trainers, until what's left of my muscles and the fat that was transferred from my once luscious ass to my chest and the skin outside heals properly around them. Still better then looking like Peter Pan, seriously, me and Mary Martin could be twins.
Hey Relic—good to see you posting still. Thank you for your generous words the other day. I've come down with some fever or other for the past few days. I like to think some of your pain has been transferred to me to help alleviate your suffering. Nuts, I know.
I hope it all goes well for you whilst you're in hospital.
Thank you so much, I hope you get better soon. Drink lot's of whiskey, kills what ails you, like your memories, your hopes and dreams, the once beautiful relationship you had, friendships, or the cat you accidentally threw in the dryer thinking it was scarf, who's name was ironically Fluffy, I need to go to a meeting, excuse me.
Well, if you do something, you'll need to do it right. And thorough, so this is all good. I read in the next post you have a meeting, so wishing you good luck. Again. Thanks for all the laughs. Again. And if you turn out to look like Mary, a very pretty woman, I'll just remember that beautiful woman playing her cello. Nobody tops her.
I read in the next post you have a meeting, so wishing you good luck.
Yea well the word for my boobs is ________. No meeting, it was a joke, you know, AA meeting, the whole drinking thing, I thought simply saying meeting was enough. I don't know my head is all loopy, with jumping circles, why is there a bear in my bed.
Couldn't decide on a post, so I will let you the audience at home decide.
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I did get it, still, thanks. Well, get some rest. You'll appreciate the bear after you have woken up.
If I can't feel sympathy for people who are less sophisticated than I am, why should people who are more sophisticated than me ever feel sympathy for me? Perhaps I'll never need any sympathy because I'm perfect?
The answer is to do with the difference between 'empathy' and 'sympathy'.
"Duhh, it's not even from MY bank, but I think I'll do it eenyway... a feller cain't be too safe, I always say."
Have you seen this classic saga.