Analyst Ming-Chi Kuo: Apple's 5.5-inch 'iPhone 6' faces production issues, launch may be pushed to 2

in iPhone edited July 2014
Apple's rumored 5.5-inch "phablet" iPhone model is said to be facing issues with its new in-cell touchscreen panel, as well as color unevenness on the new "iPhone 6" metal casing, which could see the device's launch pushed back to next year, leaving the smaller 4.7-inch model to debut alone this year, according to one industry insider.

"iPhone 6" and "iPhone 6c" concepts by Martin Hajek.

KGI Securities analyst Ming-Chi Kuo, who has a respectable track record in revealing Apple's future product plans, issued a note on Sunday, a copy of which was obtained by AppleInsider. In it, he revealed that while Apple's 4.7-inch "iPhone 6" is still expected to debut this fall, the larger 5.5-inch model could be introduced at a later date.

According to Kuo, Apple is already facing production bottlenecks on the 4.7-inch model related to the new technology for the device's in-cell touch panel, as well as color unevenness on the redesigned "iPhone 6" metal casing. Those problems are said to be even worse with the larger 5.5-inch model.

"These problems will likely be even more complicated with a larger size," he said. In particular, he said the new in-cell touch panels may have issues related to touch sensitivity on the edges of the panel as displays become larger in size, making the 5.5-inch model a much greater technical achievement for Apple to accomplish.

In addition, Kuo said he doesn't expect that a new scratch-resistant 5.5-inch sapphire front panel will "easily pass the drop test near term." That technical issue could also prompt delays, he said.

Kuo said that the "most conservative scenario" is that Apple delays the 5.5-inch "iPhone 6" model to 2015. In that situation, he expects a larger 4.7-inch model along with more affordable iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c models will spur Apple to sales growth in the holiday quarter, meaning a later-than-expected launch for the rumored product would not have much of an effect on the company's bottom line.

The analyst did hold out some hope that the 5.5-inch "iPhone 6" could launch in 2014. But even if that happens, he said it's likely to occur after mid-fourth-quarter, which would mean after mid-November --?a much later timeframe than Apple has launched new iPhone models in recent years.

Alleged 4.7-inch and 5.5-inch iPhone 6 mockups with iPhone 5s. | Source: TechSmartt via YouTube

Kuo also issued a note last week on Apple's rumored "iWatch," revealing that he has been told the anticipated wrist-worn device is facing mass production delays. As such, he believes that it may not go on sale to the public until as late as December of this year.

The insider also expects that Apple will debut a new Apple TV set-top box this fall with motion controls and potentially support for a third-party App Store. He expects that a revamped Apple TV will play a "key role" in Apple's connected ecosystem going forward.


  • Reply 1 of 128
    kindredmackindredmac Posts: 153member
    It's going to be late, it's going to be on time, it's going to be late, it's going to be on time.....
  • Reply 2 of 128
    512ke512ke Posts: 782member
    If he's wrong, may Ming-Chi Kuo be fired or demoted for spreading this AAPL attack.
  • Reply 3 of 128
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member



    Why have these people not been fired? What does this say to anyone else in any other occupation about needing to have any sort of integrity whatsoever?

  • Reply 4 of 128
    spaceagespaceage Posts: 21member
    Its the week before earnings, so bring forth every crazy, half-baked rumor known to man...
  • Reply 5 of 128
    mmaskmmask Posts: 4member
    Flushing out the leaks in Apple.
  • Reply 6 of 128
    I am beginning to think that AI has become the PR newswire for dubious analysts. AI gets so many "leaked" analyst reports on Sunday. What gives?
  • Reply 7 of 128
    So, Ming starts a rumor, changes the rumor, changes the rumor again and again and again... until he gets close enough to the truth. Them he is considered well respected. Cone on AI, question the guy's integrity once in a while. Sure, Ming has had a few hits, but the misses are accumulating. Anyone remember Gene Munster? ????
  • Reply 8 of 128
    . Anyone remember Gene Munster? ????

    I remember Herman Munster. Does that count?
  • Reply 9 of 128

    Nah… He's just covering up for being wrong about a 2014 launch. ;)

  • Reply 10 of 128
    curtis hannahcurtis hannah Posts: 1,834member

    Why have these people not been fired? What does this say to anyone else in any other occupation about needing to have any sort of integrity whatsoever?
    It's interesting, the device that does not exsist is going to be "delayed" untill the darn thing does exsist. Which of course could be 10 years and still saying "the 5.5 inch iPhone is 6 months away".
  • Reply 11 of 128
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    The reaction to analysts depends on the news.

    It might be a good idea to release at least one model in March anyway. To balance the year and get production ramped up before Christmas.
  • Reply 12 of 128

    Originally Posted by leavingthebigG View Post

    So, Ming starts a rumor, changes the rumor, changes the rumor again and again and again... until he gets close enough to the truth. Them he is considered well respected. Cone on AI, question the guy's integrity once in a while. Sure, Ming has had a few hits, but the misses are accumulating. Anyone remember Gene Munster? ????


    Rumors of "production problems" for the 5.5-inch are old news.

  • Reply 13 of 128
    misamisa Posts: 827member
    KGI Securities analyst Ming-Chi Kuo, who has a respectable track record in revealing Apple's future product plans, issued a note on Sunday, a copy of which was obtained by <em>AppleInsider</em>. In it, he revealed that while Apple's 4.7-inch "iPhone 6" is still expected to debut this fall, the larger 5.5-inch model could be introduced at a later date.
    According to Kuo, Apple is already facing production bottlenecks on the 4.7-inch model related to the new technology for the device's in-cell touch panel, as well as color unevenness on the redesigned "iPhone 6" metal casing. Those problems are said to be even worse with the larger 5.5-inch model.

    Unreleased item is expected to take longer to ship... and people are surprised by this? Maybe the AAPL bears, but that has never actually stopped an item from being released. Please wake me up when Apple actually cancels an item that has actually been announced before it ships.

    The thing is, AAPL used to do this earnings-pop thing and then everyone had a heart attack when Steve Jobs died and it looked like half of the EU was going to go bankrupt. Those are external political forces, not internal management issues.

    Stupid things are like Newscorp buying MySpace and then sinking it, or RIM repeatedly offering no compelling hardware when businesses were dumping their hardware left and right in favor of the iPhone. Those are actions where management completely misunderstands the business they are in and should get out of the pool before it boils.
  • Reply 14 of 128
    palegolaspalegolas Posts: 1,361member
    Batik phones with glitchy touch zones... yeey!
  • Reply 15 of 128
    jameskatt2jameskatt2 Posts: 722member
    Another ANALyst trying to get eyeballs.
  • Reply 16 of 128
    dnd0psdnd0ps Posts: 253member
    In other news, the rumored apple iCar got delayed into 2016 due to existential issues
  • Reply 17 of 128
    evilutionevilution Posts: 1,399member

    FFS, everything that Apple have made in the last 6 years have apparently had production issues.

    This is never true. Apple don't have problems making things, they have problems making enough of these things.

  • Reply 18 of 128

    Heh - "ANALyst" is getting almost as irritating as "First!"

  • Reply 19 of 128
    fallenjtfallenjt Posts: 4,056member
    At the end, there is no 5.5" iPhone 6 at all. I never believe in iPhablet. It doesn't make sense.
  • Reply 20 of 128
    I don't give one shit about what this guy thinks.
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