Former White House Press Secretary Carney still considering Apple PR role, Bloomberg says



  • Reply 61 of 230

    Originally Posted by leavingthebigG View Post

    Oh man, I just wanted you to see how stupid your remark was. You are not going to leave Apple nor this Web site if the guy is hired. You did not leave with the Beats purchase, which you very vocal about, you will not leave with this hire.

    Please prove me wrong if the guy is hired. Please.


    Threatening to quit is usually more a statement of protest, or a veiled demand for change, than a declaration of future action.

  • Reply 62 of 230
    patsupatsu Posts: 430member
    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    Ok so you don't know of a specific role Apple is trying to fill, you just think they need someone to better represent them to various governments. Got it. The rumor Dalrymple said "nope" to specifically said Carney's name was being "bandied about" as Apple's new PR chief. I'm not sure what Dalrymple would need to interpret. He said Tim Cook has never met Jay Carney. Not sure how he would know that other than someone from Apple telling him.


    Dalrymple is of course well connected to high level Apple folks to be so accurate over the years.

    He basically said 'nope' to the rumor that Carney 'was being "bandied about" as Apple's new PR chief'. Hence, not the Katie Cotton replacement.


    But if Bloomberg and Re/code insist that Carney did speak with Apple, then it's not unreasonable to infer that he's talking about other roles. Based on his expertise and the current challenges we know Apple face, the government team would be a natural fit. Or they may not see eye-to-eye on certain issues, and the match-up falls through.

  • Reply 63 of 230
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member

    Carney probably doesn't even want the PR job. It probably pays pretty well but not exactly prestigious. I'm not sure why he resigned as press secretary, but perhaps he is tired of standing up in front of a mob of reporters. I'd guess it gets really boring having nothing more to say than, "No", "I don't know" and "Next question."


    He is a born and raised east coaster and has worked in Washington for years. There are probably any number of positions for him in the DC area. Honestly, being the PR face of Apple sounds like a horrible job. It is not like you ever get to make any cool announcements. It is non-stop "No comment."

  • Reply 64 of 230
    patsupatsu Posts: 430member

    Originally Posted by mstone View Post


    Carney probably doesn't even want the job. It probably pays pretty well but not exactly prestigious. I'm not sure why he resigned as press secretary, but perhaps he is tired of standing up in front of a mob of reporters. I'd guess it gets really boring having nothing more to say than, "No", "I don't know" and "Next question."


    He is a born and raised east coaster and has worked in Washington for years. There are probably any number of positions for him in the DC area. Honestly, being the PR face of Apple sounds like a horrible job. It is not like you ever get to make any cool announcements. It is non-stop "No comment."




    Possible ! May be he will scout for a writer to help write a book first.


    The PR Chief job with Apple sounds very hands on and intense. 

  • Reply 65 of 230
    nofeernofeer Posts: 2,427member
    You mean apple can't find anything better??
    My issue
    We have NSA looking over our shoulder govt spying on its citizens
    Why have another path for political elitist a to manipulate our data
    I don't like google for its search which most use so close to govt leaders
    We were warned about the
    Military industrial complex
    We now have the tech snoops
    Keep him and his likes AWAY from our data
    It's too enticing for govt to use to control and intimidate its people
    It could and will happen if we don't fight back
  • Reply 66 of 230
    patsupatsu Posts: 430member

    Originally Posted by NOFEER View Post

    You mean apple can't find anything better??

    My issue

    We have NSA looking over our shoulder govt spying on its citizens

    Why have another path for political elitist a to manipulate our data

    I don't like google for its search which most use so close to govt leaders

    We were warned about the

    Military industrial complex

    We now have the tech snoops

    Keep him and his likes AWAY from our data

    It's too enticing for govt to use to control and intimidate its people

    It could and will happen if we don't fight back


    Apple already have the belief, people and platform to fight those things.

    All they need now is to work with the various governments to understand their platform(s).

  • Reply 67 of 230
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    Threatening to quit is usually more a statement of protest, or a veiled demand for change, than a declaration of future action.

    Yes, a threat from Rogifan has much veiled gravitas. His comment must be taken seriously, no matter how childish it may seem on the surface.

    As we know, he is on the right side of history. Apple, with its concern for environmental responsibility, its concern for its users' privacy, all these are trivial liberal distractions that a mature American corporation will grow out of eventually, thus proving him right in the end.

  • Reply 68 of 230

    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Ah, the far right wing crawling out of the woodworks again.... Sigh....

    You guys are relentless.



    Originally Posted by iaeen View Post

    That's not the point. A PR chief is supposed to help Apple win over customers, not drive them away. If there is someone else out there that will do the job without all the political controversy, I bet Apple will go after that person instead.

    Some nobody friend of Carney talking to the news as if all Carney has to do to get the job is ask for it sounds more like Carney trying to stir up interest or save face than reality to me.

    a PR chief for a corporation is NOT supposed to help Apple win over customers.   that's MARKETING.  If anything, the PR chief is supposed to make sure they don't LOSE customers based on how corporate actions are perceived.


    a PR chief's main (not supposed) job is to maximize the positive spin on the corporation's message to the press and stockholders.


    Before she resigned, did you even know who Katie Cotton was and what she did for Apple.  Other than 'Fake Steve Jobs,' where whatsitname mentioned Katie in a manner that Apple's retribution to leaks and/or negative reporting fell under her team of black bag operatives to 'fix' press problems ('he swims with the fishes....' sort of activity),   The 'face of Apple PR' is pretty much vacant.   The choice (or not) of Carney is based on his ability to read how messages can play before they are played.   But in the end, he is the messenger, not a politician.

  • Reply 69 of 230

    Originally Posted by NOFEER View Post

    You mean apple can't find anything better??

    My issue

    We have NSA looking over our shoulder govt spying on its citizens

    Why have another path for political elitist a to manipulate our data

    I don't like google for its search which most use so close to govt leaders

    We were warned about the

    Military industrial complex

    We now have the tech snoops

    Keep him and his likes AWAY from our data

    It's too enticing for govt to use to control and intimidate its people

    It could and will happen if we don't fight back

    And Carney isn't working for them anymore.  To me that says he's looking to get away from trying to find a sweet smelling message to describe the manure of 'how government works.'


    You've lumped a lot of Cheney, Rumsfeld, Bush the 1st, 50's Defense Appropriations, into a role that neither the clearance or the pay grade to even gain access to 'our data.  Yet you haven't pointed out one thing that Carney has done or the power to do.   Bravo.   Great straw man argument.

  • Reply 70 of 230
    Threatening to quit is usually more a statement of protest, or a veiled demand for change, than a declaration of future action.

    The statement of protest is pointless. We have no idea what Apple is executing to strengthen its resources for the future. Instead of fighting EVERYTHING Apple does, how about trying to decipher what and why Apple is doing what it is doing.

    Already, Samsung has produced "me too" headphones to compete with Apple Beats headphones. All Samsung knows is Apple is now in the headphones business and Samsung has to be there too. We all know headphones is not the endgame for Apple.

    The PR hire has something Apple wants. What other skills does the guy have? What did he study in college? Remember, there is a musician working at Apple studying the sound of blood flow in an attempt to predict heart attacks. The musician probably never thought of using his skills for this. None of us would have considered this either.

    This is why I challenged Rogifan to adhere to his threat.
  • Reply 71 of 230
    mgsarchmgsarch Posts: 50member

    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    If Tim Cook hires him then he loses me as a customer.


    Why would a PR appointment have any impact on your technology choices?

  • Reply 72 of 230
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member

    Originally Posted by mgsarch View Post



    Why would a PR appointment have any impact on your technology choices?

    Because I won't give money to a company that would hire a liar and political hack like Carney. If Target hired him I'd stop shopping there. I'm not a fan of Amazon or Jeff Bezos (for various reasons) so I don't shop on, don't have a prime membership and don't use any of their apps.

  • Reply 73 of 230
    droidftwdroidftw Posts: 1,009member

    What's so surprising or upsetting about this (rhetorical, btw)?  Have we all already forgotten that every major tech company is already in bed with the US government, including Apple?  It seems like every couple of weeks everyone here forgets that Apple is a part of the PRISM project as well.  Funny how no one forgets that the other major tech companies are a part of it though.  They all record your activities and they all share them with the NSA.  This is not speculation anymore, this is fact and has been known for quite awhile now.  If you're uncomfortable with this then you shouldn't own a smartphone or tablet.  It would make sense that Apple (or any tech company for that matter) would start to hire guys in Washington as they already work very closely together.

  • Reply 74 of 230
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,815member
    mstone wrote: »
    Carney probably doesn't even want the PR job. It probably pays pretty well but not exactly prestigious. I'm not sure why he resigned as press secretary, but perhaps he is tired of standing up in front of a mob of reporters. I'd guess it gets really boring having nothing more to say than, "No", "I don't know" and "Next question."

    He is a born and raised east coaster and has worked in Washington for years. There are probably any number of positions for him in the DC area. Honestly, being the PR face of Apple sounds like a horrible job. It is not like you ever get to make any cool announcements. It is non-stop "No comment."

    That's true, for Apple the title is totally wrong isn't it? In Apple's case, the 'PR' position is really more like Chief Cleaner or Sanitizer... terms I picked up watching Spy TV shows ... :)
  • Reply 75 of 230
    bdkennedy1bdkennedy1 Posts: 1,459member

    Originally Posted by leavingthebigG View Post

    Does this mean you will discontinue expressing your opinion on this Web site as well?

    You will not be missed as a contributor nor as an Apple customer.

    I doubt you will follow through though..


    Oh, shut up.

  • Reply 76 of 230
    bdkennedy1bdkennedy1 Posts: 1,459member

    Originally Posted by mgsarch View Post



    Why would a PR appointment have any impact on your technology choices?


    Well, let's see. He helped cover up Benghazi, lied about it, got caught and resigned over it. So it appears that he sucks at his job and he's potentially a criminal.

  • Reply 77 of 230
    macxpressmacxpress Posts: 5,903member

    Originally Posted by bdkennedy1 View Post



    Well, let's see. He helped cover up Benghazi, lied about it, got caught and resigned over it. So it appears that he sucks at his job and he's potentially a criminal.


    And what does that have to do with buying an iPhone or MacBook Pro? Honestly, you'll never really see his work at Apple anyways. How many times did you hear about Katie Cotton before news of her retirement?

  • Reply 78 of 230
    macxpressmacxpress Posts: 5,903member

    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post


    Because I won't give money to a company that would hire a liar and political hack like Carney. If Target hired him I'd stop shopping there. I'm not a fan of Amazon or Jeff Bezos (for various reasons) so I don't shop on, don't have a prime membership and don't use any of their apps.


    So in other words, you don't really shop anywhere because it sounds like you have a complaint about everyone in the world? But...I have a feeling you're stretching the truth a little there. 

  • Reply 79 of 230
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    bdkennedy1 wrote: »
    Oh, shut up.

    Why is that unreasonable if someone is casing they will stop buying the products of a company. If I stopped buying Ans subsequently stopped using Apple's products as a result I would also stop reading and posting to this site.

    Why not say that to the person clearly posting a ridiculous statement?
  • Reply 80 of 230
    8thman8thman Posts: 31member
    BAD IDEA, to have a Political figure like Carney.
    He has baggage associated with him.
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