Cellular device unlocking bill passed by US House, President Obama says will sign into law



  • Reply 21 of 109
    krawallkrawall Posts: 164member
    As others have said it's a good thing and carriers likely not to lose because contracts are tied for their duration anyway.

    Just it increases the amount of available phones hence it's a win for the consumer. If you have a phone that is locked to a provider you don't want to use a solution is to buy a new one. Not anymore now.

    I doubt it's gonna be a big impact for the carriers themselves. But it may stir up competition a bit if people are more free to move to a different carrier as they can use their phone on anyone's now.

    So overall I think it's a big win for the consumer.

    @Blazar, who knows perhaps subsidies getting even bigger in the future as carriers try to keep their consumers and one way would be offering upgrades (renewed 2 year contracts) for less...
  • Reply 22 of 109
    richard getzrichard getz Posts: 1,142member

    Originally Posted by manfrommars View Post


    I'm just surprised that a piece of legislation came out of the House.


    Every piece by law has to, why are your surprised? 100s others are on Reid's desk that he won't bring to the floor for discussion/vote. 

  • Reply 23 of 109
    richard getzrichard getz Posts: 1,142member

    Originally Posted by Sacto Joe View Post

    So do those bills include the one that wants to impeach Obama for being President while black?

    What a maroon....


    There is no impeachment issued, get over it. Stop trying to make talking points where there are none. 


    While black. LMAO, this is the only thing I still like about him. 

  • Reply 24 of 109
    richard getzrichard getz Posts: 1,142member

    Originally Posted by tribalogical View Post


    PS: note, I am indeed making up pretty much the entire "list" of House bills pending before the Senate. However, a closer look will illustrate that there isn't much worthy of the Senate's time being sent to the Senate. And so my satirical approach has valid context.


    Therefore, why do its job. I see that applies to the absent president also. Not worth my time, I'll go golfing LOL 

  • Reply 25 of 109
    richard getzrichard getz Posts: 1,142member

    Originally Posted by tribalogical View Post


    And Reid? He certainly has better things to do with the time spent waiting for a "do nothing Congress" to get off their collective asses and start legislating to the ACTUAL benefit of all of us...



    You do realize the Senate is part of Congress, don't you?? The do nothing is as much the Senate, if not more. 

  • Reply 26 of 109
    When is everyone going to realize that subsidized phones cost you much more? Oh right, never%u2026
  • Reply 27 of 109
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    chadbag wrote: »
    Do you want to see a moron (notice the spelling)?  Go look in the mirror.

    The OP had it spelled correctly. It's a Bugs Bunny reference which you obviously didn't get, and it's not the first time it's been discussed.
  • Reply 28 of 109
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    When is everyone going to realize that subsidized phones cost you much more? Oh right, never%u2026

    And your house cost you so much more, and your car, your TV, your vacation, I could go on and on. Not everyone can nut up $650, $750, or $850 to get a phone outright. They're content paying more over time just like they do with their house, their car, and everything else they buy on credit.
  • Reply 29 of 109
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    Most people have no concept or understanding of the actual cost of their wireless contract -- phone line. AT&T gives them a $450 discount on the phone in exchange for a 2 year commitment, and they don't smell the dinosaur-size rat hiding behind that "gift". It's basic arithmetic any 8 year old should be able to do, but somehow all they see is the lower upfront cost ("I need the subsidies, I would never have been able to pay for the iPhone 5s otherwise!")

    It's not really more up front cost; it's more transparency. I expect the other carriers to follow what T-Mobile is doing (and most European carriers, too): give a low interest loan so that you pay for the phone with your monthly bill over two years. Anything that hurts AT&T and Verizon is good for the consumer.

    It will be a big blow to the manufacturers if subsidies end. People won't upgrade every 2 years. There's already a drop in sales of the iPad, a unsubsidized iPhone will only follow suit.
  • Reply 30 of 109
    tribalogicaltribalogical Posts: 1,182member
    Originally Posted by Richard Getz View Post



    You do realize the Senate is part of Congress, don't you?? The do nothing is as much the Senate, if not more. 


    Of course I do... I went to school before they all but removed Social Studies (aka "how our Constitutional Republic works") from the curriculum... 


    I'll be more specific just for you: "the do nothing (Republican-majority) House, and obstructionist do-nothing Republican minority in the Senate", collectively referred to as, "The Do-nothing Congress". 


    I'm pretty sure you already understood all that, but I thought I ought to clarify nonetheless.



  • Reply 31 of 109
    tribalogicaltribalogical Posts: 1,182member

    Originally Posted by chadbag View Post



    Reid has blocked all substantial bills that have come out of the House.   The "Do Nothing" Congress is in the Senate, not the House.


    Name one "substantial bill" that has come out of the House, that Reid has "blocked" (and how he has done that "blocking" exactly), and we'll talk more. Until then, I call hooey, hogwash AND simple-minded propaganda....

  • Reply 32 of 109
    tribalogicaltribalogical Posts: 1,182member

    Originally Posted by ttollerton View Post

    Are you serious?

    Actually, the full line is, "what a cad, what a maroon!"


    And since he's quoting Bugs Bunny from Looney Tunes, I'm not sure how serious he is (or how serious you should be)....

  • Reply 33 of 109
    tribalogicaltribalogical Posts: 1,182member
    Originally Posted by LordJohnWhorfin View Post

    Most people have no concept or understanding of the actual cost of their wireless contract -- phone line. AT&T gives them a $450 discount on the phone in exchange for a 2 year commitment, and they don't smell the dinosaur-size rat hiding behind that "gift". It's basic arithmetic any 8 year old should be able to do, but somehow all they see is the lower upfront cost ("I need the subsidies, I would never have been able to pay for the iPhone 5s otherwise!")

    It's not really more up front cost; it's more transparency. I expect the other carriers to follow what T-Mobile is doing (and most European carriers, too): give a low interest loan so that you pay for the phone with your monthly bill over two years. Anything that hurts AT&T and Verizon is good for the consumer.


    I paid cash for my iPhone 5s 64GB model. I use T-Mobile service, prepaid @ a flat $50/mo, no extra taxes, fees or subsidies. I get unlimited voice, text & data (incl ~1GB/mo at 4G LTE speeds)... so my cost per month, divided into 24 months is about $80... would be less if I had bought the 32GB model...


    I had my last iPhone for almost 4 years. I replaced a 3GS with this one. I expect I'll keep the 5s for at least 3 years, so my monthly average cost will be more like $70... 


    The last time I was with AT&T, for a similar level of service, I never got under $100 (and usually closer to $120) every month.


    Not going there again.............. and now we can subsidize a phone from T-Mobile for $20/mo. above the base charges? Hard to beat that really...

  • Reply 34 of 109
    sacto joe wrote: »
    So do those bills include the one that wants to impeach Obama for being President while black?

    What a maroon....
  • Reply 35 of 109
    The President is black?
  • Reply 36 of 109
    sacto joesacto joe Posts: 895member

    Originally Posted by chadbag View Post


    Do you want to see a moron (notice the spelling)?  Go look in the mirror.


    There is no bill to impeach Obama that has passed and is sitting in the Senate (which is not how impeachment works).  And certainly no bill to impeach Obama because of his race.  In fact, no bill at all is used in impeachment.   That Republicans want to impeach Obama, or oppose him at all, due to his race is the straw man that the media and liberals put up (aka "race card") to deflect away from the amateur in the White House who screws up everything he touches.  Opposition to Obama has nothing to do with his race and everything to do with his policies, ideology, and abilities (or lack there of).

    Don't tell me you never heard of Bugs Bunny? As for the rest - talk to the hand.

  • Reply 37 of 109
    misamisa Posts: 827member
    capnbob wrote: »
    I assume the ETfs are all still in force but they can't just hold your device hostage as well. The contracts will all still work the same way.

    The situation was already much better than it has been but this will allow a lot of orphan devices to be brought back into prepaid service etc.

    They don't have to hold the device hostage when they are using incompatible technology or frequency bands. This is why you can't switch between Verizon and any "normal" GSM carrier, because Version doesn't operate on GSM at all. You can only use a LTE device that supports both carriers bands, and even then, nobody is using VoLTE yet, it's mostly just LTE for data.

    Like in the US, the value of removing carrier lock (aka SIM lock) is dubious at best. It should be done automatically when the device reaches the end of the contract stipulated in the computer (and trust me, that IS in the computer.) It should also be done manually if the owner of the device cancels the contract but buys out the device. There are also subsidy locks on devices, these prevent a reseller from selling a "new" device as a discounted upgrade. Basically that subsidy lock is an anti-theft deterrent which will damage the device if attempted.

    Generally unlocked devices enable the device to be wiped and resold instead of being landfilled, which is the entire point.
  • Reply 38 of 109
    capnbobcapnbob Posts: 388member
    I agree though you clearly aren't aware that since the 4S all the iphones have basically been the same. The carriers use different frequencies/bands but the phones are the same. A Verizon 5S would work on AT&T if they didn't specially lock it. VZ can unlock the GSM subsystem to work on any GSM carrier in the world EXCEPT AT&T/T-Mob USA. I've bought VZ/Sprint iPhone 4S that work fine on all GSM bands except in the US.
    Unlocked phones sell for WAY more and can be used anywhere in the world. I recycle all my old AT&T phones to European family. I also hope that now AT&T will have to unlock an iPhone 4 I bought off eBay to give to my aunt but won't because it has not been on my account for at least 6 months. RipOff.
  • Reply 39 of 109
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Glad to see this thread stayed on topic, as we all knew it would.


    Originally Posted by Richard Getz View Post

    You do realize the Senate is part of Congress, don't you?? The do nothing is as much the Senate, if not more. 


    I’m so sick of that. “Senators and Congressmen”, they say. They’re imbeciles! Senators and Representatives. They’re BOTH congressmen!


    Originally Posted by tribalogical View Post

    I'll be more specific just for you: "the do nothing (Republican-majority) House, and obstructionist do-nothing Republican minority in the Senate", collectively referred to as, "The Do-nothing Congress". 


    How can a minority obstruct? How can a body that passes bills be “do-nothing”?


    Originally Posted by Capnbob View Post

    A Verizon 5S would work on AT&T if they didn't specially lock it.


    But not with LTE.


    VZ can unlock the GSM subsystem to work on any GSM carrier in the world EXCEPT AT&T/T-Mob USA.


    Sold unlocked from all sources. Works fine on US GSM–again, without LTE.


    Unlocked phones sell for WAY more and can be used anywhere in the world.


    Sort of. It all depends on the bands supported.

  • Reply 40 of 109
    tribalogicaltribalogical Posts: 1,182member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    How can a minority obstruct? How can a body that passes bills be “do-nothing”?



    How can a minority obstruct? Using a much abused thing known as a filibuster, that's how.


    Most bills require a 'super majority' of 60% to pass anymore. The minority can indeed obstruct in perpetuity when they're willing to abuse the mechanisms that were meant for exceptional use... 


    It's amazing how few meaningful bills are being passed... thus the 'do nothing' label...


    More importantly, how few solutions to our interminable problems are being legislated for....

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