Apple's iOS, Google's Android grow to 96.4% of smartphone market as competitors shrink, IDC says



  • Reply 41 of 77
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member

    Originally Posted by Constable Odo View Post


    It's hard to imagine how Microsoft spent all that money acquiring Nokia and the Windows Phone platform remains on a decline.  I'm not saying it's written in stone to remain this way but Microsoft has a long uphill battle to even slightly turn things around.  It seems the most likely way would be for Microsoft to incur more financial losses to gain market share by trying to undercut whole bunches of smaller companies.  I'm sure Microsoft has the funds to do it but unless they can come out with some pretty special smartphones, the future of Windows Phone OS honestly doesn't look all that promising for the next few years.



    The entire platform is pointless. It's completely redundant. Apple and Google already cover all ends of the market. Windows Phone brings nothing new to the table. There isn't anything there that is interesting enough to make the platform competitive. 

  • Reply 42 of 77
    Tom Petty sings Free Falling in honor of Blackberry's market share.
  • Reply 43 of 77

    I'm kinda surprised to see the Android growth, even in the low-end market. I finally got a Moto X for my company phone in part because I wanted to have a chance to try out Android and see why so many of my friends say it's so much better than iOS. After two months of use, I can only fathom their claim is based on never having used iOS. All of that tweaking and customization Android users talk about simply isn't there. I haven't found much I can do with my Moto X that I cannot do with my iPhone (aside from widgets - frankly having a live view into my email and calendar right on my home page rocks and I hope widgets become part of iOS 9).


    Otherwise I find the Android experience to be frustrating - the interface is clunky and inconsistent. I was hoping for more flexibility with notifications (which is one area where BlackBerry still way outperforms any other platform) as well as the ability to set profiles that you can change easily, or even have your phone select for you based on time and date, and perhaps even location based. iOS doesn't have any of this functionality. I expected the Android platform to and it's really no better than iOS in this regard (and I'm on 4.4.2 which I believe to be the latest Android release).


    I think we all agree the BlackBerry platform is near-death; I'd love to see some of its flexibility come to the other platforms.


    And for those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about... I occasionally need to be alerted (even in the middle of the night) when something happens in the office. With iOS (and Android), email and SMS notifications are all-or-nothing. With the BB I can set up filters based on subject/sender/content that will flag a message as high priority and set a special alert tone. I can then set up profiles so that during the day I am alerted to all emails, but after hours the only thing I will hear is a notification for high priority items. And I can set a vacation profile so that the only thing I'll hear is phone calls. I can also set my phone to automatically switch between profiles at certain times of the days.


    It may be something few people need but, for those of us who do, it's critical. 

  • Reply 44 of 77
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,584member
    piot wrote: »
    Well one company is doing just that:

    Short version...ASOP accounts for 20% of the market. Nearly a quarter of 'total' Android.

    I would have thought the percentage of non-Google Android smartphones would be higher than that. Chna is the world's largest smartphone market and I don't think there's too many Google Android phones being sold there. Goog doesn't want to play under Chinese censorship and citizen control rules, and IMHO they deserve some small measure of credit for that
  • Reply 45 of 77
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    lunarmoon wrote: »
    hahahahahaha! Wait, Apple holds 3.6% of the market but sucks 80% of all money in the market. Apple must be a genius! Android tactics is simple:

    1. install android in all crappy devices you find and call that device a smartphone.
    2. count the number of sales to retailers as real sales
    3. BOOM, now you are the "leader" of the market.

    But wait, people who buy your "smartphones" don't give a shit to app stores, buying music, buying videos and apps, browsing the web, sending emails, etc., they just make phone calls.

    Now you are the king of beggars. While you brag about your leadership, Apple is on the other side of the market with their vacuum cleaners on full steam, sucking all the money on the market and you are fighting with other beggars to get some crumbles.

    Android leadership is so crappy that the iPhone appears in all charts as the most used device, most used camera on flickr and instagram, most web traffic, etc. Where are all those trillions of android devices? being used as paper weight?

    So what's the solution?
  • Reply 46 of 77

    Originally Posted by PScooter63 View Post

    Originally Posted by Interdyne View Post

    Does anyone really believe IDC number at all?


    Aren't they occasionally cited by Apple brass?


    As Gatorguy said, yes they are.


    And no doubt, if they show Apple in a positive light, they may get used again. However, I don't place any store in them regardless of how good a light they may show Apple; they destroyed their reputation a long time ago.

  • Reply 47 of 77
    froodfrood Posts: 771member
    Nice bandwagoning in the headline... If there were such a thing as a windows phone fan site their headline would likely read "Android and Windows phone together capture nearly 90% of the total market!"

    Apple has the crown for the big statistic for now and the near future, $$$.
  • Reply 48 of 77
    piotpiot Posts: 1,346member
    gatorguy wrote: »
    IGoog doesn't want to play under Chinese censorship and citizen control rules, and IMHO they deserve some small measure of credit for that

    Hardly relevant to this thread though?
  • Reply 49 of 77
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    dasanman69 wrote: »
    So what's the solution?

    Well, bitch more of course silly, duh. :D
  • Reply 50 of 77
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    djames4242 wrote: »
    I think we all agree the BlackBerry platform is near-death; I'd love to see some of its flexibility come to the other platforms.

    Oh gosh I sure hope not, they seem to be bouncing back a little and I'm hoping their new Passport phone will breath a little life in this once great company. I recently bought a Porsche-Design P9882 for my husband as a thank you gift for beeing so wonderful in my time of need. It's a beautiful phone but even better, BB OS 10.3 Beta is friggen awesome, BB Hub is something all phones should have, multitasking is genius, you can watch a movie on NetFlix and still goof around on the device, no phone that I know of supports multi-display like that, displaying the desktop through it's built in HDMI is even good enough to use as a desktop computer, especially now that you can change the display dpi so everything doesn't look so huge, like it does when you connect an Android or iOS device to a monitor or TV, it runs Android apps just fine and I absolutely dig the gesture controls. It's like 10 times better then my P9881, which was the previous model to the one I got him, he bought it as an anniversary gift a couple years back.

    So here's hoping some more people notice all of the hard work that BB has put into their OS and phones lately. Have you seen the new Passport, super cool, hardware keyboard, 1:1 aspect ration screen with a 1440 x 1440 Display, Qualcomm 801 CPU, 3 GB Ram, 64GB storage, Mini SD card slot, 13MP camera, yeah, where do I line up to buy one.
  • Reply 51 of 77

    Originally Posted by Michael Scrip View Post

    I think the best-selling Windows Phone in the world is the Lumia 520.

    It's about $100 unlocked.

    And from what I hear.... it's a pretty nice phone for the price... MUCH better than the usual $100 Android phone.

    There's a cheap Motorola Android phone that's pretty good... but it doesn't sell nearly the same volume as other Android phones.

    The general consensus is... if you've only got $100 to spend... the Lumia 520 is the phone to get.

    The Lumia 520 is currently $39.99 at the Microsoft online store. It has in the past gone for anywhere between $50 and $70 consistently. It's a good phone for the price, albeit limited with no front camera, no flash, cpu is slow, etc.

    The Lumia 635 is pretty much a successor to the 520 and is similarly disadvantaged with no flash, no front facing camera, etc, but speedier and has expanded memory ability up to 128GB (and you can place apps and video/photos/docs on it.)


    Android wise the Moto E and G are excellent phones and priced either at or near $100. Motorola Moto series are all pretty top notch. For the price of the Moto and Lumia phones, you get some great kit. 


    If I had a C note to spend though, I would opt for the Lumia 635 or Moto G.

  • Reply 52 of 77

    Originally Posted by djames4242 View Post


    I'm kinda surprised to see the Android growth, even in the low-end market. I finally got a Moto X for my company phone in part because I wanted to have a chance to try out Android and see why so many of my friends say it's so much better than iOS. After two months of use, I can only fathom their claim is based on never having used iOS. All of that tweaking and customization Android users talk about simply isn't there. I haven't found much I can do with my Moto X that I cannot do with my iPhone (aside from widgets - frankly having a live view into my email and calendar right on my home page rocks and I hope widgets become part of iOS 9).


    Otherwise I find the Android experience to be frustrating - the interface is clunky and inconsistent. I was hoping for more flexibility with notifications (which is one area where BlackBerry still way outperforms any other platform) as well as the ability to set profiles that you can change easily, or even have your phone select for you based on time and date, and perhaps even location based. iOS doesn't have any of this functionality. I expected the Android platform to and it's really no better than iOS in this regard (and I'm on 4.4.2 which I believe to be the latest Android release).


    I think we all agree the BlackBerry platform is near-death; I'd love to see some of its flexibility come to the other platforms.


    And for those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about... I occasionally need to be alerted (even in the middle of the night) when something happens in the office. With iOS (and Android), email and SMS notifications are all-or-nothing. With the BB I can set up filters based on subject/sender/content that will flag a message as high priority and set a special alert tone. I can then set up profiles so that during the day I am alerted to all emails, but after hours the only thing I will hear is a notification for high priority items. And I can set a vacation profile so that the only thing I'll hear is phone calls. I can also set my phone to automatically switch between profiles at certain times of the days.


    It may be something few people need but, for those of us who do, it's critical. 

    Wow, your company has severly screwed you over by crippling your phone. In your phones settings are 3 Moto X specific menu's that let you control the Active Display, Touchless Control and Motorola Connect (a nice feature that pushes any incoming notification, email, text or call direct to your computer). You must not have the ability to utilize your phones settings? You might also want to update to the latest Android OS, cause you aren't on it. Or your company has forced you to remain on an outdated OS?


    By the way, if you want to set email and SMS quiet times, customize ringtones for specific people, have calls from specific people go straight to voicemail or shut people off completely, you can. I happen to have a stock Moto X and these features are built in. 

  • Reply 53 of 77
    pk22901pk22901 Posts: 153member
    Someone somewhere suggested that IDC and Gartner marketshare numbers should be limited to the top 5, 6, or 10 OEMs. Why?

    Because the devices sold by the top 5... 10 are not competing in sales to those produced by the super low priced 'others' OEMs which have risen to above 25% marketshare.

    I think this is a great suggestion.

    Why not create a table limited to the top 5, 6, or 10 so we can appreciate the marketplace share numbers among true competitor OEMs?
  • Reply 54 of 77

    I don't agree with the article, but I do know Apple is losing market share. I really wish Apple would go back to 'think different' internally.

    If you keep trying the same thing expecting different results, maybe shift gears. 

    I love Apple and all their products, but sometimes, I do get bored with the same ol', same ol',

    (keeping each design for 2 years with a minor spec bump and some OS 'features' add ons.)


    Switch something up. Do something. Try something Different.  I have No idea what that is... wish I did, but there are some really smart people working at Apple. Innovate more. 


    Maybe try a 2nd line of phones with a New, different OS. Reinvent the phone again in a new way. ( wild idea, that would never happen, i know...)


    Don't get me wrong. Apple has a Lot of money and they are very successful at what they do, but that doesn't mean the should put it in neutral and coast on Steve's ideas for the next 5 years. I am also not saying the iOS 8 isn't full of great features, it is, but I do wish I could have a little more freedom for customization of the interface. Maybe something as simple as a toggle switch to turn off auto arrange apps so I can put them anywhere I want. Of course I want more than that, just an example. 


    Again, I love Apple, but I don't hate windows phone, blackberry, or android. None of those operating systems, devices, or companies that makes those products has ever done anything to me to make me hate them just because I prefer Apple. Nor is anyone who chooses those devices/products stupid for doing so. Just because someone doesn't buy the same phone you bought, doesn't mean you are better than them, or smarter than them. I can guarantee you that right now, somewhere in the world,  there is an idiot holding a 5S, that can't keep a job, and a millionaire holding a S5 galaxy.

  • Reply 55 of 77
    Originally Posted by r4d4 View Post

    I do know Apple is losing market share.

    Except it’s growing every quarter.

    I love Apple and all their products, but


    Try again.


    Innovate more. 


    Yeah, they’ll get RIGHT on that…


    Maybe try a 2nd line of phones with a New, different OS.


    Completely psychotic.


    but that doesn't mean the should put it in neutral and coast on Steve's ideas for the next 5 years.


    And your evidence of this happening would be where?

    Maybe something as simple as a toggle switch to turn off auto arrange apps so I can put them anywhere I want.


    Why not hold your finger on one of them for a few seconds?

  • Reply 56 of 77


    Originally Posted by pk22901 View Post

    Someone somewhere suggested that IDC and Gartner marketshare numbers should be limited to the top 5, 6, or 10 OEMs. Why?

    Because the devices sold by the top 5... 10 are not competing in sales to those produced by the super low priced 'others' OEMs which have risen to above 25% marketshare.

    I think this is a great suggestion.

    Why not create a table limited to the top 5, 6, or 10 so we can appreciate the marketplace share numbers among true competitor OEMs?

    You know all the numbers except Apple's are completely made up? So they can't grind imaginary numbers any finer than the size of large turds.


    Of course, Samsung and the rest know that the Android numbers are highly inflated; after all they know their own real numbers. If this weren't true Apple wouldn't be anyone's target to hit....



  • Reply 57 of 77

    Originally Posted by Lloydbm4 View Post

    Originally Posted by Michael Scrip View Post

    I think the best-selling Windows Phone in the world is the Lumia 520.

    It's about $100 unlocked.

    And from what I hear.... it's a pretty nice phone for the price... MUCH better than the usual $100 Android phone.

    There's a cheap Motorola Android phone that's pretty good... but it doesn't sell nearly the same volume as other Android phones.

    The general consensus is... if you've only got $100 to spend... the Lumia 520 is the phone to get.

    The Lumia 520 is currently $39.99 at the Microsoft online store. It has in the past gone for anywhere between $50 and $70 consistently. It's a good phone for the price, albeit limited with no front camera, no flash, cpu is slow, etc.

    The Lumia 635 is pretty much a successor to the 520 and is similarly disadvantaged with no flash, no front facing camera, etc, but speedier and has expanded memory ability up to 128GB (and you can place apps and video/photos/docs on it.)


    Android wise the Moto E and G are excellent phones and priced either at or near $100. Motorola Moto series are all pretty top notch. For the price of the Moto and Lumia phones, you get some great kit. 


    If I had a C note to spend though, I would opt for the Lumia 635 or Moto G.


    P. T. Barnum had a sayin' about people like you...

  • Reply 58 of 77
    Originally Posted by djames4242 View Post


    I'm kinda surprised to see the Android growth, even in the low-end market. I finally got a Moto X for my company phone in part because I wanted to have a chance to try out Android and see why so many of my friends say it's so much better than iOS. After two months of use, I can only fathom their claim is based on never having used iOS. All of that tweaking and customization Android users talk about simply isn't there. I haven't found much I can do with my Moto X that I cannot do with my iPhone (aside from widgets - frankly having a live view into my email and calendar right on my home page rocks and I hope widgets become part of iOS 9).


    Otherwise I find the Android experience to be frustrating - the interface is clunky and inconsistent. I was hoping for more flexibility with notifications (which is one area where BlackBerry still way outperforms any other platform) as well as the ability to set profiles that you can change easily, or even have your phone select for you based on time and date, and perhaps even location based. iOS doesn't have any of this functionality. I expected the Android platform to and it's really no better than iOS in this regard (and I'm on 4.4.2 which I believe to be the latest Android release).


    I think we all agree the BlackBerry platform is near-death; I'd love to see some of its flexibility come to the other platforms.


    And for those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about... I occasionally need to be alerted (even in the middle of the night) when something happens in the office. With iOS (and Android), email and SMS notifications are all-or-nothing. With the BB I can set up filters based on subject/sender/content that will flag a message as high priority and set a special alert tone. I can then set up profiles so that during the day I am alerted to all emails, but after hours the only thing I will hear is a notification for high priority items. And I can set a vacation profile so that the only thing I'll hear is phone calls. I can also set my phone to automatically switch between profiles at certain times of the days.


    It may be something few people need but, for those of us who do, it's critical. 

    Widgets are coming to iOS 8 as part of "extensibility".

  • Reply 59 of 77
    P. T. Barnum had a sayin' about people like you...
    It wasn't PT Barnum that said it, it was David Hannum and it was said in criticism of both PT and his customers. Ironically, he was referring to people like you.
    You see, I use other hardware and make informed decisions based on my needs and what the phone can do. You, on the other hand, sound like a lemming without any capability for individual thought. An assimilated drone. Feel sorry for you.
  • Reply 60 of 77
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    r4d4 wrote: »
    I don't agree with the article, but I do know Apple is losing market share. I really wish Apple would go back to 'think different' internally.
    If you keep trying the same thing expecting different results, maybe shift gears. 
    I love Apple and all their products, but sometimes, I do get bored with the same ol', same ol',
    (keeping each design for 2 years with a minor spec bump and some OS 'features' add ons.)

    Switch something up. Do something. Try something Different.  I have No idea what that is... wish I did, but there are some really smart people working at Apple. Innovate more. 

    Maybe try a 2nd line of phones with a New, different OS. Reinvent the phone again in a new way. ( wild idea, that would never happen, i know...)

    Don't get me wrong. Apple has a Lot of money and they are very successful at what they do, but that doesn't mean the should put it in neutral and coast on Steve's ideas for the next 5 years. I am also not saying the iOS 8 isn't full of great features, it is, but I do wish I could have a little more freedom for customization of the interface. Maybe something as simple as a toggle switch to turn off auto arrange apps so I can put them anywhere I want. Of course I want more than that, just an example. 

    Again, I love Apple, but I don't hate windows phone, blackberry, or android. None of those operating systems, devices, or companies that makes those products has ever done anything to me to make me hate them just because I prefer Apple. Nor is anyone who chooses those devices/products stupid for doing so. Just because someone doesn't buy the same phone you bought, doesn't mean you are better than them, or smarter than them. I can guarantee you that right now, somewhere in the world,  there is an idiot holding a 5S, that can't keep a job, and a millionaire holding a S5 galaxy.

    Is this a joke post? They are making the majority of profits. They don't chase market share for market share's sake.

    Hey TS, I know you responded already but how many troll talking points were hit?
    -I love Apple but...
    -coasting on Jobs
    -innovate more
    -feature checklist

    Judging by his last sentence, I bet this guy has a 5S.
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