Apple's 'iWatch' has flexible sapphire screen & wireless charging, 'iPhone 6' to offer one-handed mo



  • Reply 41 of 100
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,385member

    I have a feeling Apple is going to put all these other clown companies with their useless clown products in their place. They will show that no matter how many "smart watches" these frauds have spammed out, in such a desperate, ADD like fashion- these things will be instantly obsoleted by a product that is not just a knee-jerk reaction of pre-emptive attack, but one which has had millions of hours of thought put into it, and which will serve a meaningful and practical purpose in every day life. Apple is going to show the world, once again, how to create a product that truly changes things and deserves to exist. And all the fucking haters who have been whining about Apple's "lack of innovation" (you know, all while Apple has been doing the tough behind the scenes work that makes innovation possible) will have crow to eat once again. 

  • Reply 42 of 100
    No, the stock is down because of Apple's iCloud security breach.  It's a huge story outside the Apple reality bubble at Mac fanboi sites.

    TekStud is back.
  • Reply 43 of 100
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,385member

    Originally Posted by Junkyard Dawg View Post


    One-handed mode is going to be HUGE!  


    Think about it - what is the main reason for getting a large display phone?  pr0n.  A one handed phablet will sell like pr0n.


    iWatch will be the first real test of Apple's ability to innovate without The Steve.  The more I learn of it, the more excited I am for Apple's future.  


    Apple has had a shitload of innovations since Steve passed, and you'd be extremely superficial to ignore those. The first desktop class 64 bit mobile CPU, Touch ID- the first actually useable, reliable mass produced,  consumer biometric system, duotone flash, the M7 motion coprocessor, the new Retina Macbook Pro line, the ridiculous advancements in the iPad line (thinness, weight, display resolution), the new Mac Pro, all the hundreds of software innovations in iOS and OSX, even a new programming language- the list goes on and on. Apple, and Tim, have been tested. And so far, they've succeeded with flying colors. "Innovation" isn't exclusive to a new product category. It also applies to the engineering and design of their existing product lines, through hardware and software, and a vision based on laying the foundation with all the above technologies and more.  



    Originally Posted by Junkyard Dawg View Post



    No, the stock is down because of Apple's iCloud security breach.  It's a huge story outside the Apple reality bubble at Mac fanboi sites.


    1. The "breach" wasn't just with iCloud

    2. There was no breach in security- you have moronic celebrities taking nude selfies, uploading them to the cloud, and using shitty and super-common password to protect their accounts. 

    3. "Mac fanboi sites" (a strange way to describe a site you've posted 2,700+ times on) have reported this story heavily, as far as I've seen. 


    At least your name matches the shitty quality of your posts. 

  • Reply 44 of 100

    Originally Posted by Constable Odo View Post


    It really doesn't matter if the news media or industry pundits are disappointed because the iPhone doesn't have some built-in matter transporter.  All that matters is whether consumers will buy the iPhone in quantity.  The average consumer doesn't have the expectations of tech-heads and they'll simply settle for a good Apple product.  Apple has stated nothing about any product and its the news media that's gone off all by itself.  The average consumer probably doesn't follow every little rumor as they've got more important things in their life.  I think a lot of consumers will like mobile payments and if it works seamlessly and Apple has major banks and credit card companies signed up, then I'm sure there will be a lot of happy consumers.  I would certainly be one of them to have NFC take the place of my credit card especially if it worked for vending machines or as a transit pass.

    This is all so true. The vast majority of smartphone owners don't follow sites like this. I was talking with some members of my extended family, who are loyal Apple users, and none of them seemed to know that a bigger iPhone was coming. The expectations letdown is only among the techie crowd, which is a pretty small percentage of overall tech users.

  • Reply 45 of 100

    Originally Posted by mdriftmeyer View Post

    With researchers and John Hopkins, Berkeley and Cal Tech independently solving the lattice issues of glass and allowing for the atoms to align analogous to steel, thus being coined transparent steel, I wonder if the world will soon be able to experience these advances, and not just be entertained with more research breakthroughs.

    Metallic Glass:

    Glass you can build with: Metallic glass that's stronger and lasts longer

    Caltech-Led Team Creates Damage-Tolerant Metallic Glass -

    Thanks for that. John Hopkins is right round the corner from me too!

  • Reply 46 of 100
    Originally Posted by SirLance99 View Post

    and all the iPhone user's with larger screens in about 15 days?


    That’s what I just...


    Originally Posted by jman225 View Post

    It's called Siri


    So I’m supposed to talk to Siri instead of the people I actually want to call? Great.

  • Reply 47 of 100

    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    So I’m supposed to talk to Siri instead of the people I actually want to call? Great.

    You talk on your phone? I can't remember the last time I even held my phone up to my ear. When I do talk, it's usually through my bluetooth stereo in my car, but even that is super rare these days. I agree with you, though, that 5.5 inch phones look pretty dumb, whether against an ear or in a hand. I'll definitely love talking to my watch, though.

  • Reply 48 of 100
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    dmarcoot wrote: »
    Otherwise, people might justifiably say, I will wait for next years iPhone with wireless charging., of course not.
  • Reply 49 of 100
    hopeless wrote: »
    I agree with you, though, that 5.5 inch phones look pretty dumb, whether against an ear or in a hand. I'll definitely love talking to my watch, though.

    I am guessing that the primary strategy -- both sensible -- with the 5.5 is to: (1) Get android types to switch; and (2) Protect/enhance market share in China and the Far East, where a larger screen does matter, given the nature of the script.

    I will be truly bummed, however, if the 5.5 ends up having features that the 4.7 does not.
  • Reply 50 of 100
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,780member
    dmarcoot wrote: »
    The only website I can being correct within days of any Apple annulment is the WSJ.

    I dont buy flexible sapphire for a second. Curved?

    I also don't see them doing wireless charging unless iPhone has it as well. Otherwise, people might justifiably say, I will wait for next years iPhone with wireless charging.

    Oh come on, of course Apple has created rubberized, flexible sapphire for the iPhone 6 which also has 10 mile radius wireless charging. Plus, if you grip the iPhone 6 just right, you can walk on water.

    Actually, give it a year or two, and I'd believe all that except the water part. :D
  • Reply 51 of 100
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    Please, please get out, and spare us the minute-by-minute pangs, twitches, regret, guilt, angst, breast-beating, caterwauling, etc etc. Enough already. It's become quite tiresome.
    Put me on ignore then and I'll do the same with you (and the mouse in your pocket).
  • Reply 52 of 100
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    No, the stock is down because of Apple's iCloud security breach.  It's a huge story outside the Apple reality bubble at Mac fanboi sites.

    Stock was actually up on Tuesday. Dropped 4% on Wednesday when an analyst at Pacific Crest said sell the stock. Of course it didn't help that Samsung and others were launching new products that day so the clueless AP and others would attribute the drop to Samsung's new products.
  • Reply 53 of 100
    rogifan wrote: »
    Put me on ignore then and I'll do the same with you (and the mouse in your pocket).

    I never put anyone on 'ignore,' not even some of the toads on this forum. I like to take it in its entirety.

    Your posts have got annoying (they're not terrible), and I am merely expressing an opinion. If you don't like to hear that, you can stop with these incessant, moanie-groanie posts of yours on the topic of Apple's stock price.

    If you can't or don't stop, you'll just have to deal with the occasional pushback. (You might, however win the 'Aspires To Be Constable Odo' award.)
  • Reply 54 of 100
    blackbookblackbook Posts: 1,361member
    Originally Posted by Wovel View Post

    If anyone creating mock up drawings read this site, I apologize in advance. AI, please stop including these absolutely hideous mock-up drawings with every story about the "iWatch". They are irrelevant and we always end up with some dweeb saying how the device is going to fail because it so ugly. What does the picture in this story have to do with the story?

    Here is my mock up of the iWatch. Please consider it for the next story:


    I agree.


    I think the closest mockup to what we may actually see next week is Todd Hamilton's:



    All the other mockups look like Androids or sorry attempts at merging a smartphone with a watch. Todd's concept looks the closest to Apple's original wearable patent also:


  • Reply 55 of 100

    Every time this image is used in an article and angel gets its wings:

    Please, Apple, please announce the iWatch or whatever it's going to be called on Sept 9 so AI can stop trolling us with this fake pic.

  • Reply 56 of 100
    fallenjtfallenjt Posts: 4,056member
    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post


    I have a feeling Apple is going to put all these other clown companies with their useless clown products in their place. They will show that no matter how many "smart watches" these frauds have spammed out, in such a desperate, ADD like fashion- these things will be instantly obsoleted by a product that is not just a knee-jerk reaction of pre-emptive attack, but one which has had millions of hours of thought put into it, and which will serve a meaningful and practical purpose in every day life. Apple is going to show the world, once again, how to create a product that truly changes things and deserves to exist. And all the fucking haters who have been whining about Apple's "lack of innovation" (you know, all while Apple has been doing the tough behind the scenes work that makes innovation possible) will have crow to eat once again. 

    I can't stand laughing at other smart watches when the iWatch's unveiled. I'm sure Samsung Gear S just announced yesterday with the specs will totally change when it's actually released. I love to see how Apple reinvent things that put everyone's products to shadow (is it what it for in the 9.9.2014 invitation: the shadow of sun dial?)

  • Reply 57 of 100


    Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton View Post


    Please, Apple, please announce the iWatch or whatever it's going to be called on Sept 9 so AI can stop trolling us with this fake pic.



    ^^^This is the one that bugs the crap out of me. ^^^

  • Reply 58 of 100
    therealtom wrote: »
    It'd be more funny if the iwatch launched this quarter instead of Q1 2015.

    It would be even funnier of the iWatch ends up a TV.
  • Reply 59 of 100
    fallenjtfallenjt Posts: 4,056member

    Originally Posted by TheMacMan View Post

    It would be even funnier of the iWatch ends up a TV.

    and Apple smart watch is actually called iTime.

  • Reply 60 of 100
    themacman wrote: »
    therealtom wrote: »
    It'd be more funny if the iwatch launched this quarter instead of Q1 2015.

    It would be even funnier of the iWatch ends up a TV.

    Or a pair of (sapphire?) glasses that i-Watch everything through?
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