I wonder if they're not seeing these issues? It looks like their video servers / CDN are garbage, so if they're watching it in-house they might be okay...
This is like video 101 and live broadcasting 101. You watch the feed that's going out to the public, not your own internal feed.
Somebody needs to get fired for sure, because this is amateur hour.
this feed is kind of painful to watch... admittedly... I'm sure there's an outrageously large number of people trying to watch it...but if they're making such a big deal out of the live feed...they probably should have been ready for it...
...or maybe samsung hired a bunch of hackers to try to take it down? :-)
Ah ... This evokes fond recollections of some of Bill Gates' more memorable product presentation screwups. Console yourselves that the in-house video recording is probably okay and we'll see it later when they straighten out the feed mess.
yeah it is ! those stupid ads and that fckin translator
Okay. And that has what to do with the keynote itself?
I wonder if they're not seeing these issues? It looks like their video servers / CDN are garbage, so if they're watching it in-house they might be okay...
This is like video 101 and live broadcasting 101. You watch the feed that's going out to the public, not your own internal feed.
Somebody needs to get fired for sure, because this is amateur hour.
this feed is kind of painful to watch... admittedly... I'm sure there's an outrageously large number of people trying to watch it...but if they're making such a big deal out of the live feed...they probably should have been ready for it...
...or maybe samsung hired a bunch of hackers to try to take it down? :-)
I guess the live blog is for the poor suckers who can't watch the live stream. 25 minutes to go.
Ha! Famous last words.
(Boy, somebody really screwed up)
Why not just go to one of the dozens of text streams? Kids these days.
I was looking forward to watching this on my new 50" TV. I am sorry that I am seriously pissed off.
Shut up.
You STFU…are you enjoying it with an ASIAN TRANSLATOR talking over everyone? Total failure with the audio feed.
Sabotage? Possibly.
Massive incompetence? Probably.
No, I’m ignoring her speech, watching the keynote, and I have a text stream up beside it. What’s the problem? Judge the keynote for the keynote.
Feed seems more stable. I guess a bunch of folks gave up. LOL
Heads need to roll for this. This High School AV-Club bullshit.
I was looking forward to watching this on my new 50" TV. I am sorry that I am seriously pissed off.
If it looks this bad on my rMBP, I'd hate to see how it looks on a 50" TV (click for full-size pixelation):
No, you’re acting like idiots.
No, you're acting like an idiot as usual. Stop being a fanboy for 2 seconds and realize how much of an embarrassment this is to Apple.
Chinese fixed. you guys can stop whining now.
They fixed it! no more translation! yay!
Fucking finally!
Somebody just killed the Chinese woman! Hurray!
It's about damn time!!!!!
Hey, the translator got the boot!
Also, are you going to ban yourself now that the 5.5" iPod Touch has turned out to be an iPhone as predicted all along?
If it looks this bad on my rMBP, I'd hate to see how it looks on a 50" TV (click for full-size pixelation):
It seems like I'm getting 1080, so it actually looks not bad at all. And of course the Chinese is now gone, so the stream seems good for now.