Apple chose to handle iOS 8 rollout with own content delivery network



  • Reply 41 of 59
    I thought maybe the download was slower than last year but now that it's done, I think the aftermath will be more consequential.

    The apps have mostly updated and I have some new ones, quite powerful. Switching between 3 books via the kindle widget might approach making kindle usable, and they finally put in copy of highlighted text, the self congratulatory bastards.

    But I digress????????????
  • Reply 42 of 59

    Something strange was going on.


    I went to update my iPhone. Connected to my computer and told it to download and update.


    Estimated time to completion: 12 hours.


    So, I let it run for an hour to see if it got better. It didn't so I canceled that and told it to simply download. I figured I would let it download overnight and update the phone the next day.


    Estimated time to completion: 30 minutes.


    It downloaded in that time and installed in a little less.


    Figured I would try the same with my wife's iPhone.


    Estimated time to completion: 20 hours.


    Left it running overnight. Got up this morning and the download had failed. I figure I will try again tonight.


    So, within a span of about two hours I had one download estimated at 12 hours, one download actually completed in 30 minutes, and one 20 hour estimate that failed to complete.


    Yeah, I would say there are still some glitches in Apple's CDN. But, they have to be found somehow and this should be a good way to expose the flaws in the system.

  • Reply 43 of 59

    Friday morning, still getting issue for update "Unable to Check for Update" here on the US west coast.


    Anyone else experience this?


    Phone has been restarted, but no luck.

  • Reply 44 of 59
    wood1208wood1208 Posts: 2,920member
    n my own experience, there is some truth to the hick-ups while updating ios 8 on iphone 4s. This may not be a problem for others. In my case, It went through twice the process of download, install and reboot. I got panic when first install didn't work as expected thinking Apple really screwed up but nothing unusual as finally it all went good. My wife who is iphone 4s user for a long time and a biggest complainer in universe has not complained yet after ios 8 update. So, LG (life is good). Yes, there may be glitch here and their when massive over 900MB OS update is downloaded and installed and all possible combination get played out. But trust me, at the end Apple made it work good. All good. Cool.
  • Reply 45 of 59
    razorpitrazorpit Posts: 1,796member
    I DON'T KNOW WHAT EVERYBODY IS COMPLAINING ABOUT BUT I HAD THE BEST EXPERIENCE UPDATING ALL MY DEVICES YESTERDAY THAN I'VE [sic] EVERY HAD! None of my devices took more than 10 mins to download the update itself, and that was in the morning and at night. iOS 7 it took an hour just to download. That's not to say that nobody else had issues, but I for one was a very happy camper.

    Look I can do it too!
  • Reply 46 of 59
    I'm not sure why people have trouble downloading iOS 8 to their devices. I updated my iPhone 5, 5S, iPad 4 and iPad 5 and my family's iDevices with in an hour on my house, no problems or slow network speeds. Weird.
  • Reply 47 of 59
    Originally Posted by razorpit View Post

    Look I can do it too!

    Awesome, i'm actually pretty glad that you're oh so capable of proving how much of a idiot you are to everyone.

    I know exactly what I said and that's exactly what I meant. I personally didn't experience those issues so I wouldn't KNOW first hand. I wasn't saying it in a way that meant everybody should stop complaining, I was saying that I didn't have those issues so I honestly don't KNOW what everyone is complaining about. That's why I specifically ended it by saying that I wasn't trying to imply that everybody besides myself had the same great experience that I had. Usually if you read an entire paragraph and not just parts of it it'll give you something called context, you should try it sometime.


    Therefore I say good job, give yourself a pat on the back for not being as clever as you thought you were being.

  • Reply 48 of 59

    I downloaded it Wednesday night and it took under 5 minutes. I backed up and installed the update on 2 phones and it tool about 25 minutes.

  • Reply 49 of 59
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    gtr wrote: »
    My advice would be, just like it's not a good idea to go drive your car into a fence, don't drop it.

    No kidding. These are $500+ pieces of high tech but I'm always amazed at how frequently I see people casually tossing them around like they are their keys or some other inexpensive possesion. Amazingly enough, I have never had a case on any if my iPhones and amazingly enough I have never broken one - probably because I treat them like th expensive and fragile pieces of technology they are.

    Having said that, accidents happen. I dropped my iPhone 4s in line earlier this week and it landed flat on it's face. People around me gasped and I fully expected to pick it up with a broken screen, but thankfully other than a few scuffs it was OK. I'll chance that rather than putting ugly and bulky cases on the phones.
  • Reply 50 of 59

    Originally Posted by ThePixelDoc View Post

    Here's also a good read for techies interested in how the Internet can "easily" be broken sometimes.

    Why Far-Flung Parts of the Internet Broke Today (18 Sept. 2014)

    "Global Impacts - To recap, a major routing leak occurred, one that was entirely preventable with some common-sense limits. So what? How much impact could this small Pennsylvania-hosting company have on the global Internet? Well, quite a lot in fact and such is the nature of our trust-based Internet routing. Pretty much anyone can mess it up."

    So then, anyone wanting to cast a shadow on the credibility or reliability of a company

    doing an announced roll-out would have the choice of a few potential co-conspirators

    in making it a less than memorable internet day?

    Or am I misunderstanding the potential here for a guided sabotage?

  • Reply 51 of 59
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    I always seem to have problems with iOS updates on the day of release - in th past I was on Comcast, this time on FIOS so I don't think I can blame it on my ISP. I also generally prefer to do the major updates (6 to 7, 7 to 8, etc.) via iTunes. At least you can start the download on iTunes and then keep using your devices. It took over 8 hours for both my iPad and iPhone downloads to complete. The iPhone one took twice that - the first time it failed and I had to restart it, the second time it stalled for an hour and I restarted it again - the third time it finally downloaded - after 8 hours. It wouldn't be so bad if they would resume when paused/interrupted, but for whatever reason if the download is interrupted iTunes tosses what it has and sarts over. I'm sure that doesn't help their CDN either.

    Oh well, it's hardly a major issue. My life wasn't significantly impacted by not having the udpate until the next day. Indeed, your often better to wait 24 hours anyway to make sure there aren't some new issues - updates are always a gamble.
  • Reply 52 of 59
    boredumb wrote: »
    So then, anyone wanting to cast a shadow on the credibility or reliability of a company
    doing an announced roll-out would have the choice of a few potential co-conspirators
    in making it a less than memorable internet day?
    Or am I misunderstanding the potential here for a guided sabotage?

    That's not why I posted the link... but I suppose it "could" happen for the right amount of money... hmmm....?!?
  • Reply 53 of 59
    razorpitrazorpit Posts: 1,796member
    I DON'T KNOW WHAT EVERYBODY IS COMPLAINING ABOUT BUT I HAD THE I don't know what everybody is complaining about but I had the best experience updating all my devices yesterday than I've every had! None of my devices took more than 10 mins to download the update itself, and that was in the morning and at night. iOS 7 it took an hour just to download. That's not to say that nobody else had issues, but I for one was a very happy camper.
    Awesome, i'm actually pretty glad that you're oh so capable of proving how much of a idiot you are to everyone.

    I know exactly what I said and that's exactly what I meant. I personally didn't experience those issues so I wouldn't KNOW first hand. I wasn't saying it in a way that meant everybody should stop complaining, I was saying that I didn't have those issues so I honestly don't KNOW what everyone is complaining about. That's why I specifically ended it by saying that I wasn't trying to imply that everybody besides myself had the same great experience that I had. Usually if you read an entire paragraph and not just parts of it it'll give you something called context, you should try it sometime.

    Therefore I say good job, give yourself a pat on the back for not being as clever as you thought you were being.

    It is sometime hard to tell what emotions a person is trying to include with a post. Are they being sarcastic or are they really that dumb. Unfortunately on the Internet there is a lot of dumb. I wasn't sure what your intent was because I interpreted the start as being completely different from the finish and your response didn't help your case. All too often you see posts where if "it didn't happen to me it didn't happen". For whatever reason those people irritate the hell out of me. (The other one is the "links to prove it" crowd.) I apologize for the misunderstanding, but I have to argue on the clever part. I'll amaze you beyond belief on that one.... ;)
  • Reply 54 of 59
    I tried to download iOS 8 on the first night at 8 p.m. EDT. The time estimate was 23 hours. Sometime in the small hours of the morning, the download fished, after not having budged since midnight.

    The next night, I tried the same with my wife's iPhone. Same story. Trying to download with iTunes said 30 hours.

    Our ISP is Verizon. Not sure if Apple CDNs have worse connections than Akamai had, but it was very slow this year. Even downloading updates for apps is slow for the past few days. shows my network is humming along at full speed.
  • Reply 55 of 59
    boredumbboredumb Posts: 1,418member

    Originally Posted by ThePixelDoc View Post


    Originally Posted by boredumb View Post

    So then, anyone wanting to cast a shadow on the credibility or reliability of a company

    doing an announced roll-out would have the choice of a few potential co-conspirators

    in making it a less than memorable internet day?

    Or am I misunderstanding the potential here for a guided sabotage?

    That's not why I posted the link... but I suppose it "could" happen for the right amount of money... hmmm....?!?

    No, I hadn't thought it was your intent...

    but since the celeb/pic kerfuffle, I've been casting a weather eye

    for any possible attacks on Apple's credibility, either in the security or 

    tech-ability areas, especially given the growing level of desperation 

    evinced by some of their more prominent competitors.

  • Reply 56 of 59
    This was easily my best upgrade experience, but I think this is largely a product of being in Singapore with the great wifi speeds here vs my work environment in rural Sichuan, where our wifi is for all effects & purposes "steam driven". I'm talking dial-up 9.8 modem lethargy. So, 4s, 5s, and iPad 2 b-upped & done in 6 hrs. All 64 Gb.
    However, the 2 old-timers, 4s & iPad 2 now quite "laggy" now with iOS8. Annoyingly enough so, that I may go back to iOS 7. I'll give it a couple days.
  • Reply 57 of 59
    petripetri Posts: 121member
    Yeah I appreciate that for some of you it was a breeze but unfortunately for me it was several hours and at least three attempts, so, you know, hard to regard it as a success.

    This was over a 20mbps connection which was having no other problems btw.
  • Reply 58 of 59
    That's probably part of the 'fun', that it might work flawlessly for some (or even some regions, contries etc.) and not at all for others.
    I a had a lot of problems and also, the download was painfully slow (felt like back in the modem days.. 20 kb/s etc...)
    Fortunately I then compared the downloaded part with the GM I already had, decided it was identical and updated the device of my wife with that. Otherwise I'd still be waiting ;)
  • Reply 59 of 59
    Here in the midwest all I got was an extended Denny's commercial in Chinese.

    Had to wait 'til it was over to watch it recorded. All the energy of the event had been squeezed out.

    Next time Apple could hire some African drummers to pass the word along, it would be more reliable and interesting that what I witnessed.
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