Follow-up 'Bendgate' video finds iPhone 6 less flexible than iPhone 6 Plus



  • Reply 141 of 196
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    foggyhill wrote: »
    Right.. Legitimate... I'll only believe its legitimate when someone, somewhere actually does a real news story on it and does not just post a link to a youtube video or recite a few second hand anecdotes as click bait.  Since most journalists these days just report whatever's on the twitter feed, my expectation that his will happen is a bit low. 

    Right now, it is not really a news story in the traditional sense of the word; though the net has kind of perverted the value of that word so much with sourceless factoids filled with "truthiness" that it is only clinging to its original meaning with its bare teeth.

    It's not just on the net anymore, it has now been reported on EVERY single mainstream news outlets as well, including TV and newspapers. There was an article in the Washington Post the other day on it. So again this is a news story in the traditional sense, even if you don't care to think it as so.

    I just got finished watching BBC litterly just 5 minutes ago who did a large expose on the bending issue. Here is their posted news story.
  • Reply 142 of 196

    I was going to get the iPhone 6 Plus to replace my daily driver (Galaxy Note 3), but maybe I must now rather get the iPhone 6 instead. But I am also thinking of just waiting a bit, to see if this bendgate thing is maybe only limited to a few iPhone 6 Plus devices with a manufacturing flaw. If after a month or so from now it becomes clear that only a few iPhone 6 Plus devices are affected by it, and it is covered under the warranty, then I will get an iPhone 6 Plus.

  • Reply 143 of 196
    relic wrote: »
    I just got finished watching BBC litterly just 5 minutes ago who did a large expose on the bending issue. Here is their posted news story.

    That's funny, I was reading that very thread and in comes the BBC journalist. He kindly requested an ok from the person who posted the images, see his post here

    Yup, this is indeed an issue. No idea how widespread it is though. I personally would expect any device this long to be bendable when pressure is applied. I don't think a regular case would prevent it even, you'll need a really hard case for it. I'm sure a 5/5c/5s can be bend as well.

    I'm sure Apple is hell-bent to investigate it to the nucleus.
  • Reply 144 of 196
    Can someone explain to my why the F*&^ it matters if it bends under pressure?
  • Reply 145 of 196
    Can someone explain to my why the F*&^ it matters if it bends under pressure?

    Sorry, I can't. Guess we'll simply have to wait for a troll to start infecting this site.
  • Reply 146 of 196

    Not surprising. The iPhone's long, narrow proportions with large top and bottom bezels is much better in a smaller phone like the 6. It becomes an issue with a larger, "phablet" style phone like the 6 Plus, where Samsung's shorter, almost-all-screen design in the Note series works better. That being said, I've had the Plus in my front pocket everyday with no issues, and I don't wear baggy pants haha.

  • Reply 147 of 196

    Originally Posted by LordJohnWhorfin View Post

    Nobody's going to bend a samsuck device, they're too busy pooping on them.


    Didn't you have to accept some agreement that you're over 12 to use this site?

  • Reply 148 of 196
    Originally Posted by foggyhill View Post



    Its EXACTLY the same because this clip is a freak show, pure entertainment without any real value whatsoever, just like the cat videos.


    If its defective, its not a Youtube videos from a random sources that will tell you. If you rely on Youtube videos from just about anyone for "news" or "analysis", well then I can't help you at all.


    If you are interested in real data, you'll advocate for that instead. Write Apple. Ask reputable sites to review the bend resistance of different phones in a scientific way. I'm all for that. Though I myself don't expect a long aluminum phone put into tight pants on which I sit to actually survive. Why, this evaluation? Maybe because of my background in material and mechanical engineering... Or maybe it is just common sense.


    Don't get all bent out of shape, pardner. (get it... "all bent out of shape"... hardeharhar!)


    I don't see anywhere in my statement where it says that I believe this farce... but I'm only one out of the 11,000,000 that have seen this video.


    ... and I can't speak for everyone... maybe you can... but I certainly can't.


    If the other people are gullible enough to believe the bendy video at first blush then Apple might have a problem.


    Now quit puffing out your chest and relax.

  • Reply 149 of 196
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,433moderator
    sog35 wrote: »
    So 2 phones out of 10,000,000 got bent.

    There weren't 10m Pluses sold, the vast majority were the 6 model. There were several confirmed bent out of say 1m 6 Pluses. As we know from surveys, several represents 1m.
    sog35 wrote:
    There are 350,000,000 views of a goat yelling.

    Leave Justin Bieber's music videos out of this.
    Can someone explain to my why the F*&^ it matters if it bends under pressure?

    It's a durability test like when people run over a phone with a car or throw it along the ground. They aren't saying that people will bend the phone in half under normal conditions, they are testing structural strength - you can't replicate days of mild bending in a few minute Youtube video. If a phone is being bent back and forward in a tight pocket over long periods of time, there may be a chance of them being warped. Look at the real-world bend shown here:


    It's not huge, it's a very mild warp that could be from a buttcheek or leg but it bends around the structural weak point. That kind of bend isn't a big deal as you can still use the phone ok but that kind of weakness has led to batteries shorting out and going on fire and display glitches and people who don't like the slightest aesthetic defect might be bothered by it.
  • Reply 150 of 196

    Originally Posted by Evilution View Post




    On the flip side, that'll teach you for buying a ridiculous sized phone. Apple should never have made the 5.5" iPhone. It's just making the Android people think they were right that screen size matters on a pocket device.


    Agree. Apple should have never release that ridiculous size, or at least, if it appeals to women who can throw that thing into their purses and uses the front camera to check their make ups, they should have made it in a more Apple way, creating a truly innovative bluetooth headset so tiny, comfortable and elegant that everybody should want to buy that Plus thing. And of course, the bluetooth headset should be included with the Plus.


    The release of the Plus is a marketing error, they should stand by what they believe and never go with the flow. That's what Steve believed in, I hope Apple don't start to forget that principle.

  • Reply 151 of 196
    Well, all this Apple trolling has successfully pushed the stock under $100 again...which may have been the real goal from the start.
  • Reply 152 of 196

    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    Well, all this Apple trolling has successfully pushed the stock under $100 again...which may have been the real goal from the start.


    I heard there is a lot of high fiving over at Samsung HQ.

  • Reply 153 of 196
    I heard there is a lot of high fiving over at Samsung HQ.

    As I understand it, a lot of the automated trading that goes on today includes trading based on "sentiment", which would include negative comments and news stories. The bottom feeders and whiners certainly are having a field day.
  • Reply 154 of 196

    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    It's not huge, it's a very mild warp that could be from a buttcheek or leg but it bends around the structural weak point. That kind of bend isn't a big deal as you can still use the phone ok but that kind of weakness has led to batteries shorting out and going on fire and display glitches and people who don't like the slightest aesthetic defect might be bothered by it.

    Are you getting ahead of yourself here? A handful of the 10 million phones sold have bent under normal use, and now .. got to go my pants are on fire!!

  • Reply 155 of 196
    YouTube tech pundits know that any Apple vid will get views; so intentionally bend/destroy aluminum iPhones to prove the obvious and profit. One rarely sees this kind of behavior with Android or Windows flagship phones. Those too have their own problems (often serious) but never gets massive attention except within the owner and specialty blogs devoted to those devices.
  • Reply 156 of 196
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,433moderator
    kent909 wrote: »
    Marvin wrote: »
    It's not huge, it's a very mild warp that could be from a buttcheek or leg but it bends around the structural weak point. That kind of bend isn't a big deal as you can still use the phone ok but that kind of weakness has led to batteries shorting out and going on fire and display glitches and people who don't like the slightest aesthetic defect might be bothered by it.
    Are you getting ahead of yourself here? A handful of the 10 million phones sold have bent under normal use, and now .. got to go my pants are on fire!!

    That happened with the 5c, someone sat down with it, it flexed and the battery went on fire:

    Any amount of flex in a smartphone isn't good for safety.
  • Reply 157 of 196

    What was the need to completely ditch the 5S industrial design? It was getting boring? The metal frame was critical to the rigidity of the product. Not that this silly "bendable" iPhone thing is really an issue at all, it is really a fandroid b*******t, but I think the design shouldn't be changed so much from the 4/4S and 5/5S form factor. For me it was just perfect.

  • Reply 158 of 196

    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    That happened with the 5c, someone sat down with it, it flexed and the battery went on fire:

    Any amount of flex in a smartphone isn't good for safety.

    One out of how many millions? I'll take my chances.

  • Reply 159 of 196
    It's not that the phone bends. It's the all new customizable curved screen.
  • Reply 160 of 196
    Originally Posted by waterrockets View Post

    Didn't you have to accept some agreement that you're over 12 to use this site?


    You managed to breach it…

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