After Apple Inc. dodged the iPhone 6 Plus BendGate bullet, detractors wounded by ricochet



  • Reply 341 of 429
    muppetrymuppetry Posts: 3,331member
    <span style="line-height:1.4em;">At least when someone directs a comment at fanboys, you know you're included.</span>

    No duh. Where do you think we are?!

    Further engagement is probably counterproductiive. When someone responds to a reasoned set of points with a one liner that comprises the tired old fanboy insult and no attempt to address even a single point, it just reeks of trolling. The only alternative is simple rank stupidity, but I don't think that is credible in this case.
  • Reply 342 of 429
    03n13 wrote: »
    This is a biased article

    For **** sake, does the term editorial mean nothing?


    Until the great man - Steve Jobs passed away, iPhones have been dominating the market, it was solid and rapid.

    1) You mean that domination that had 0% percent of the market and never once has had anywhere close to a majority of the handsets units sold?

    2) It's on its 8th generation and you're surprised that a product make not have the same growth it once had? BTW, that growth was slowing when Jobs was alive.

    3) My prediction is the iPhone, whose APR, revenue and profits in the market were growing after Jobs' death will continue to grow with the new iPhone 6 sizes, capacities and price points.
    Apple is at the beginning of an end if we are talking about smartphones.

    Oh yeah, their toast¡ :rolleyes:
    In my opinion iPhone 4 and 4s is the best and last iPhone that is loyal to its fame and quality. Lots of my friends have iPhone 4 and 4s and they all still look fantastic and brand new.

    No LTE, no ?Pay, heavier and a greater volume than the iPhone 6, much thicker, squared edges, and a much smaller display despite that thickness, weight and volume. Not to mention other changes that make all the components much better after several generations.

    You can your friends should really jump to Android. Please, anything to get you off this forum.
    I never have been a hater…

    Sure. :lol:
    This site has lots of clever people and I am sure they all remember this: When Apple was months close to declare the iPhone 5S and 5C, if you wanted to buy a regular iPhone 5, you just could not find it anywhere. Later on, we were so dissapointed of the fact that Apple actually pulled those iPhones from the stores to put colourful plastic cases and call it "iPhone 5C" and sell it for more bucks although the material of the iPhone 5C was less good.

    10 So mow you wanted an iPhone 5 after it was gone even though you previously stated the iPhone 4/4S were the best? Pathetic! At least try to keep your lies consisitent from post to post. Don't be another [@]pazuzu[/@].

    2) If you really wanted an iPhone 5 you could have bought one from any number of sources, both new and used. As for the 5C it was $100 less expensive and came with a better camera. It was probably also tougher than the 5 due to the plastic casing that added some of that thickness and weight you loved so much with the 4/4S.
    Come on, just for the sake of iPhone fans who made fun of Samsungs as "plastic sh...s" is it really okey to make a plastic iPhone, betraying to the its premium feel, fame, quality and history? I was surprised that fans were feeling good when they were making fun of plastic Samsungs and they just ignore that Apple also began to use plastic.

    Perhaps that's why it was never a flagship device.
    And now Apple is trying to hard to catch up with the market's demands like larger screens but this is a field that the rivals have more experience.

    1) And yet according to Google's very own analytics larger screen devices — not just smartphones — are a very, very small portion of Android-based devices in use and yet by the end of this year Apple will now be the most dominate supplier of 4.5" and larger smartphones in the word.

    2) Funny how you ignore Cook's comments about the technology not being there yet. The iPhone 6 is thinner, lighter, and has a lower volume than your precious iPhone 4 from 2010 and you call it a failure. Did all the HW exist then for what they included in the 6 series? Considering the move to 20nm lithography and the additional size of the battery and NFC compared to its jump in battery life all the facts say Apple could NOT have made this exact device back in 2010.
    They know which material is better for larger and thinner screens.

    Yes, yes they do. You on the other hand, not so much.

    As the days will pass, there will be more people who will test its durability and I am afraid the tests of ??box ??pay are true.

    Ah, your'e pimping a site trying to get some page hits to earn a quick buck by pooh-poohing the success of others. Fucking parasites! :no:
    Apple needs a meditation to figure out what Steve Jobs would have done.

    What a perfectly sane comment¡ :rolleyes:
    Please write unbiased articles.

    When you see something that starts off with the term EDITORIAL don't fucking read it, but we both you won't do that because you're not hear to make any reasoned and logical comments.
    I do not hate iPhones, I always love and respect what Stece Jobs had done not only for Apple but for all the consumers.

    1) Funny how people like you always claimed Apple was only lucky and that Steve Jobs was only good at marketing, but now that Jobs is dead you can say he was a genius and that Apple can't survive without him despite record profits, growth, and a share price. I'm sure after Cook finishes him reign as the CEO of the world's most successful company you'll be back to say how Apple can possibly survive without Cook. You'll probably still use Jobs by saying how Cook was hand picked but Jobs isn't around to handpick his successor this next time.

    2) Sure you don't. You don't hate anything Apple has done and you own all their stuff. You want to post some pics to prove it there, buddy?¡
  • Reply 343 of 429
    Originally Posted by muppetry View Post

    When someone responds to a reasoned set of points with a one liner that comprises the tired old fanboy insult and no attempt to address even a single point, it just reeks of trolling.


    And if I could, I would have just deleted or edited the post.

  • Reply 344 of 429
    I think Apple panicked with the iPhone 6 Plus. They thought they had to bring it out because of the large Samsung phones, when, in fact, they should have only brought out the 4.7" along with an improved 4".

    With luck, Cook and Ive will learn from their mistakes and rectify them next autumn. It's just a shame that we will have to endure a year of sales that will not be as stellar as they should be.

    1) I personally would have liked to have seen a 4 to 4.2" device but when loon at the weight, volume and design of the iPhone 6, especially in comparison to even earlier devices, there is argument to be made the 4.5" is an improved 4". Is anyone still wanting the 3.5" to exist? They did for awhile after the iPhone 5 was introduced.

    2) it's hard to make an argument that Apple both panicked with the iPhone 6 Plus and is late to the large smartphone game.
  • Reply 345 of 429

    Originally Posted by muppetry View Post

    Ok - well if all you want to do is throw insults and blatant non sequiturs then no point continuing the discussion.

    Despite the evidence, you insist it doesn't bend in normal use.  I will not waste words on someone who refuses to listen, fanboy.

  • Reply 346 of 429
    Originally Posted by Junkyard Dawg View Post


    Despite the evidence, you insist it doesn't bend in normal use.  I will not waste words on someone who refuses to listen, fanboy.

    You have no real proof it is a substantial issue in the real world.

  • Reply 347 of 429
    Originally Posted by foggyhill View Post


    You have no real proof it is a substantial issue in the real world so the "fanboy", the person living in a fantasy world, is by definition : you.  Look it up.. And by the way, why are you even posting here... To educate us? Hmmmm.

    No proof?  Have you been living under a rock?  I already cited a good source.


    Face it, NOTHING will convince you it's defective.  If your own 6+ bends, you'll quietly bend it back and take the secret to your grave.  

  • Reply 348 of 429

    The article is labeled "Editorial," which means it's an opinion.

  • Reply 349 of 429

    Originally Posted by Junkyard Dawg View Post


    No proof?  Have you been living under a rock?  I already cited a good source.


    Face it, fanboy, NOTHING will convince you it's defective.  If your own 6+ bends, you'll quietly bend it back and take the secret to your grave.  


    You seem to have no damn clue what a design flaw is. BTW, I did 2 years in Mechanical engineering / material engineering before switching to computer engineering, so don't BS me on this subject.


    Proof of not being engineered to support real use; that's what a design flaw would be. You got none at all.


    The ability to support stresses that doesn't exist in real use, would have to lead to compromises in other aspects of the phone, battery size (to put more internal bracings keeping same thickness) or thickness (if made thicker for more bracings and keeping the same battery size). The phone responds EXACTLY as it was designed, thus no design flaw.

  • Reply 350 of 429

    Despite the evidence, you insist it doesn't bend in normal use.  I will not waste words on someone who refuses to listen, fanboy.

    Where is this evidence? Show me a single, uncut video of an iPhone 6 Plus (or the HTC One which performed worse in CR's tests) that is bought at a store, opened, placed in a front pocket, the person sits down, gets up, and the device is permanently bent.
  • Reply 351 of 429
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,612member

    No proof?  Have you been living under a rock?  I already cited a good source.

    Face it, fanboy, NOTHING will convince you it's defective.  If your own 6+ bends, you'll quietly bend it back and take the secret to your grave.  
    Name-calling and derogatory tags add nothing to your post and in fact only serves to put others on notice to ignore you. It's just juvenile and completely unnecessary if you really have a valid argument. Of course if you're doing so because you feel you're losing then carry on.
  • Reply 352 of 429

    Originally Posted by foggyhill View Post



    You seem to have no damn clue what a design flaw is. BTW, I did 2 years in Mechanical engineering / material engineering before switching to computer engineering, so don't BS me on this subject.


    Proof of not being engineered to support real use; that's what a design flaw would be. You got none at all.


    The ability to support stresses that doesn't exist in real use, would have to lead to compromises in other aspects of the phone, battery size (to put more internal bracings keeping same thickness) or thickness (if made thicker for more bracings and keeping the same battery size). The phone responds EXACTLY as it was designed, thus no design flaw.


    What's that again, fanboy? 



    Proof of not being engineered to support real use; that's what a design flaw would be.


    They are bending under normal use.  This is well-established.


    I've had enough of your denials, fanboy.  Go suck on Mother Apple's teat for a while before your nap.

  • Reply 353 of 429

    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    Where is this evidence? Show me a single, uncut video of an iPhone 6 Plus (or the HTC One which performed worse in CR's tests) that is bought at a store, opened, placed in a front pocket, the person sits down, gets up, and the device is permanently bent.

    You want video of the whole sequence?  LOL.

  • Reply 354 of 429

    Originally Posted by Gatorguy View Post

    Name-calling and derogatory tags add nothing to your post and in fact only serves to put others on notice to ignore you. It's just juvenile and completely unnecessary if you really have a valid argument. Of course if you're doing so because you feel you're losing then carry on.

    Shut up, fanboy.  There's another Apple teat free, go suck on it.

  • Reply 355 of 429

    Keep it up, fanboys.  When your 6+ bends, please do keep it a secret.  I'd hate to see a litter of fanboys turn on each other...

  • Reply 356 of 429
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,612member

    Shut up, fanboy.  There's another Apple teat free, go suck on it.
    That would be a first for me here. Never been called an Apple fanboy. :D
  • Reply 357 of 429
    You want video of the whole sequence?  LOL.

    Yes, I want the evidence you claim exists that an unaltered smartphone can be bent under normal use conditions.
  • Reply 358 of 429

    Originally Posted by Junkyard Dawg View Post



    What's that again, fanboy? 



    They are bending under normal use.  This is well-established.


    I've had enough of your denials, fanboy.  Go suck on Mother Apple's teat for a while before your nap.


    So science and engineering directly related to this point makes me a fanboy... That sort of runs counter to well...  Logic... But, does makes you look like a button pushing troll... You know who else thinks science and reality is bunk? Religious nuts...


    BTW, I only own a 3GS and a OS X running on VMWARE workstatin on Windows 8.1... Probably buying a 6 next week, so I guess that means I've spent less money on Apple stuff than you... $700 in the last 14 years (that's assuming things in your profile is reflected in your actual postings and is not just bunk)

  • Reply 359 of 429
    muppetrymuppetry Posts: 3,331member

    Originally Posted by Gatorguy View Post


    Originally Posted by Junkyard Dawg View Post

    Shut up, fanboy.  There's another Apple teat free, go suck on it.

    That would be a first for me here. Never been called an Apple fanboy. image


    I think he is actually trying to get himself banned. Weird. Anyone willing to do us all a favor and oblige?

  • Reply 360 of 429
    Originally Posted by Junkyard Dawg View Post

    There's another Apple teat free, go suck on it.


    Oh, great. Thanks. Now I’m thirsty for apple cider but it isn’t the right time of the season yet.

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