What sapphire project??? There is zero proof that Apple had any intentions for the material beyond the current uses. Any material engineer will tell you that sapphire is not viable as a screen material because it breaks on impact too easily at that size. Apple likely knew this when they started, before handing GT Advanced a penny.
the payments were based on delivery of ordered items and keeping a certain amount of cash in the bank. Where is that cash? Perhaps squandered by the company, which wouldn't be Apple's fault.
so how exactly, if GT squandered their cash and failed to meet quotas did Apple f**k them. sounds to me like they did it to themselves.
oh and there is also a rumor that the CEO used insider knowledge to buy Apple stock the day before the iPhone and Apple Watch were announced. Not a smooth move
The massive tooling for sapphire (10x the current world supply), Apple's refusal to make its last payments, and the bankruptcy make it really obvious what happened. It was a failed experiment with sapphire displays. And you are wrong that sapphire can't be used as a display. There are apparently already covers made out of sapphire. I'm sure it was a quality control issue, not a fundamental flaw in sapphire.
So the hundreds of millions of iPhones 5s/6/6+ doesn't count as large scale?? Oooookay....
I don’t think that's the large they were referring to. Large in size not in numbers.