CRT with a stuck pixel?
OK, I noticed this a while ago, but I thought i was crazy---but now it is driving me nuts... I have a stuck pixel on my built in iMac display... There is a distinctly green pixel about 2 inches up and 4 inches to the right on my screen...Am I crazy? is this possible? am I going to die of radiation from the CRT?
What happens to these "dead" spots when you change resolutions?
that the light inside gets dirty, spots on the light that scans across the screen... missing a specific spot on the screen. this is dummed down because i'm not sure of the specifics, but i believe thats the general idea, this is why it remains at the same size when you change resolutions.
(Same on the other one)
[ 03-08-2002: Message edited by: MacAgent ]</p>
if it's dust, it might have a charge and get moved by the magnet.
it would also show you if the dead spot will support color of any kind, as the magnet will warp color from the surrounding area.
The odd thing is that they both worked perfectly when they were new...let me back up.
I work in a computer lab - there's one corner that the best equipment is usually in. At this one spot several years ago, we put one CRT. It got said dead pixel about a year after it was put there. Recently, we updated our lab to quicksilver G4s/new CRTs. We put a brand new 22" Diamondtron there, and it got this dead pixel within a week and a half. In the same spot! No other one got it.
This is probably a coincidence, but I felt like mentioning it.