Rumor: Gold Apple Watch Edition priced up to $5,000, steel version at $500, will debut on Feb. 14



  • Reply 41 of 247
    robmrobm Posts: 1,068member
    quinney wrote: »
    Maybe the $5000 version will include lifetime free updates for the internals (like every 2 years or something).

    That's not a bad idea, quinney.
    Apple watch service contract and upgrades for a specified time.

    Hard to plan for though given the rapid advance of tech. Planning a retro fit for new hardware would be cumbersome technically and practically, but hey, maybe.
    If anybody could do it it would be Apple.
  • Reply 42 of 247
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member

    There are people who go out and buy $25,000 TVs, even though it'll be obsolete in a few years.


    There are people who go out and spend thousands on hookers and blow.


    This gold watch is obviously not for the average person.


    It's for people who have plenty of money, and who don't really give a crap about re-sale value or obsolescence. If somebody has the money to spend thousands on a watch and they want one, then they'll buy one.

  • Reply 43 of 247
    robmrobm Posts: 1,068member
    qft :smokey:
  • Reply 44 of 247
    hngfrhngfr Posts: 72member
    W00t W00t

    This is fantastic news, it means the gold watch is solid 18kt, not gold platted, which in turn means the gold is injection moulded.

    Does anyone believe that Apple is cnc milling the watch out of a block of solid 18kt gold ??????

    CNC won't make the 18kt twice as hard, BUT injection molding then quick chilling will indeed make it twice as hard.

    edit : please take a long hard look at the crown, can such fine details be cnc milled? can soft aluminium or soft gold be cnc milled like that?
  • Reply 45 of 247
    ingsocingsoc Posts: 212member

    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post


    There are people who go out and buy $25,000 TVs, even though it'll be obsolete in a few years.


    There are people who go out and spend thousands on hookers and blow.


    This gold watch is obviously not for the average person.


    It's for people who have plenty of money, and who don't really give a crap about re-sale value or obsolescence. If somebody has the money to spend thousands on a watch and they want one, then they'll buy one.

    You have a point, but I don't think it goes the whole way. A $5,000 watch is still a far cry from a $25,000 TV.


    I agree that this watch isn't for the average person, but this will definitely be a factor for many. And obviously, it's a factor that affects not only the top-tier watch, but all of the others in the range as well.

  • Reply 46 of 247
    hngfrhngfr Posts: 72member

    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Prior to the Apple Watch announcement, noted analyst Ming-Chi Kuo accurately predicted that the device would come in two sizes and multiple models spread across a wide range of price points. At the time, he speculated the wearable could cost into the "thousands of dollars."


    the noted analyst Ming-Chi Kuo also predicted that the watch will contain liquidmetal


  • Reply 47 of 247
    robmrobm Posts: 1,068member
    hngfr wrote: »
    the noted and well connected analyst Ming-Chi Kuo also predicted that the watch will contain liquidmetal

    tftfy :D
  • Reply 48 of 247

    Some people even bought the 'I am rich' app. I have electronic cigarettes in my store which sell for £350, people sometimes walk in and say "which one is the best" they don't care about cost, they just want "the best" and the status symbol of owning "the best".


    The gold watch will sell well.

  • Reply 49 of 247
    darkpawdarkpaw Posts: 212member

    Does the Apple Watch (any version) come with a strap? I mean, do you buy the watch, then pick a strap as part of the price, or is the watch itself $350, $500, $5,000 plus the cost of a strap?


    If I were to get an Apple Watch, I'd want a few straps - a silicon one for working out, a leather one one for formal events, and something else for general everyday use.

  • Reply 50 of 247
    fallenjtfallenjt Posts: 4,056member
    For those comparing Apple Watch to traditional watch, please use your brain. This is a small computer on your wrist which is capable to do a thousand things beside telling time. I like to concept but I wouldn't buy one now since the battery technology is not there yet. But I have to admit that it's a lot better than any smart watch out there. I wish Apple just price it below $300.
  • Reply 51 of 247
    solipsismysolipsismy Posts: 5,099member
    fallenjt wrote: »
    For those comparing Apple Watch to traditional watch, please use your brain. This is a small computer on your wrist which is capable to do a thousand things beside telling time.

    Computer or not, it needs to be compared because it's designed fill the spot and role currently held by traditional watches. Apple is also setting it up as both a fashion accessory and jewelry, like a traditional watch, not as CE.
    But I have to admit that it's a lot better than any smart watch out there. I wish Apple just price it below $300

    That might be way it's better and more attractive than other offerings.
  • Reply 52 of 247
    solipsismysolipsismy Posts: 5,099member
    darkpaw wrote: »
    Does the Apple Watch (any version) come with a strap? I mean, do you buy the watch, then pick a strap as part of the price, or is the watch itself $350, $500, $5,000 plus the cost of a strap?

    If I were to get an Apple Watch, I'd want a few straps - a silicon one for working out, a leather one one for formal events, and something else for general everyday use.

    They all come with a strap for the model you'll buy (about 60 in total?), but it also appears you can buy other straps separately.
  • Reply 53 of 247

    just like other higher end watches, Rolex, Tag, a $5000 version is obviously not being sold based on accuracy, or gold content, but based on desire.
    When you buy a Rolex though it is for life. The Apple watch will be a purchase for just a couple of years due to the battery and speed that technology becomes outdated. I wouldn't want to spend $5,000 on a watch that will only last two or three years.
  • Reply 54 of 247
    entropysentropys Posts: 4,216member
    That the edition watch has a special display case tells you that the edition is for collectors, not someone that wears it every day on their wrist.
    They probably would be ecstatic if they sold a hundred edition models. It will keep its value, like the Apple 1.

    The purpose of the edition is about positioning the entire Apple watch line.
  • Reply 55 of 247
    I'm too much of a gadget whore... latest and greatest every generation. Would anyone seriously be using a gold plated $5000 iPhone 3GS still??
  • Reply 56 of 247
    So much nonsense, so little time.
  • Reply 57 of 247
    solipsismysolipsismy Posts: 5,099member
    So much nonsense, so little time.

  • Reply 58 of 247
    solipsismy wrote: »

    I can't see this rumor making any kind of sense.
  • Reply 59 of 247
    solipsismysolipsismy Posts: 5,099member
    I can't see this rumor making any kind of sense.

    I can. Which part(s) sound questionable to you, and why?
  • Reply 60 of 247
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member

    Still less than a maxed out Mac Pro.

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