Apple's iPad continues to dominate NA usage with nearly 80% share, up from July

in iPad edited November 2014
Fresh data from ad network Chitika shows Apple's iPad accounted for 79.9 percent of North American Web traffic for the month of September, up 1.9 points from measurements taken in July.

According to a fourth quarter update from Chitika's research arm Chitika Insights, the iPad's 79.9 percent marketshare is down from 81 percent year-over-year, but still sits far ahead of the closest competition, which happens to be Amazon's Kindle Fire series at 6.7 percent. Traffic generated by Amazon's tablets held steady year-over-year.

While Apple reported a worldwide sales decline for iPad during its fiscal fourth quarter ending in September, Chitika believes crucial domestic sales may be bucking the trend. Apple's 1.9 percent increase in usage from July represents the biggest gain for any tablet maker, possibly stemming from price cuts just before the iPad Air 2 and iPad mini 3 debuted in October.

Year-over-year, the biggest gains came from Apple rival Samsung, which grew its usage share from 5.1 percent in 2013 to 6 percent in September. Likely spurring sales was the Korean company's more diverse product offering, jumping from three tablets debuts in all of 2013 to six new models in the first seven months of 2014.

Microsoft also saw a small bump of 0.6 percent from last year with continued Surface 2 sales, ending the month with 1.6 percent of the market. It should be noted that Chitika does not include Surface Pro models in its rankings as they fall closer to laptops than tablets.

Apple has the upper hand going into the holiday shopping season, especially with a recently refreshed lineup, but Amazon, Google and Sony are also fielding new equipment ahead of December. A more stable look at the market should be available once volatility surrounding the holidays dies down in January.


  • Reply 1 of 35
    "Fresh data from ad network Chitika shows Apple's iPad accounted for 79.9 percent of North American Web traffic for the month of September"

    Really? 80% of ALL Web traffic?

    This article should make it clearer that the 80% figure is for tablet internet use, not just internet use in general.
  • Reply 2 of 35
    vaultboy wrote: »
    "Fresh data from ad network Chitika shows Apple's iPad accounted for 79.9 percent of North American Web traffic for the month of September"

    Really? 80% of ALL Web traffic?

    This article should make it clearer that the 80% figure is for tablet internet use, not just internet use in general.

    Pretty sure everyone knew they were just talking about tablets...context clues, you know.
  • Reply 3 of 35
    But...but...but, iPad sales are dropping at a record pace. How is this possible? ¡
  • Reply 4 of 35
    mpantonempantone Posts: 2,153member
    Originally Posted by vaultboy View Post

    "Fresh data from ad network Chitika shows Apple's iPad accounted for 79.9 percent of North American Web traffic for the month of September"

    Really? 80% of ALL Web traffic?

    This article should make it clearer that the 80% figure is for tablet internet use, not just internet use in general.

    Read for context, sonny boy.


    Moreover, the data graphic clearly shows "North American Tablet Usage Rates." (emphasis mine).

  • Reply 5 of 35
    paul94544paul94544 Posts: 1,027member

    Originally Posted by mpantone View Post


    Read for context, sonny boy.


    Moreover, the data graphic clearly shows "North American Tablet Usage Rates." (emphasis mine).

    You can't expect a superficial troll to actually read the article can you? 

  • Reply 6 of 35
    paul94544paul94544 Posts: 1,027member

    Originally Posted by EricTheHalfBee View Post

    But...but...but, iPad sales are dropping at a record pace. How is this possible? ¡

    These real world FACTS simply indicate exactly what we have known for years that  most Android tablets are simply gathering dust in drawers or landfills and also indicate that the " android tablet sales" figures are a fiction 

  • Reply 7 of 35
    mpantonempantone Posts: 2,153member
    Originally Posted by Paul94544 View Post


    You can't expect a superficial troll to actually read the article can you? 


    I can't expect anything on the Internet anymore.


    Real journalism died in the mid-Nineties and thoughtful reader commentary started fading prior to the millennium (c.f., Slashdot circa 1999). The signal-to-noise ratio drops every day.


    Now we mostly have near-illiterates like vaultboy and his ilk.



  • Reply 8 of 35
    80%! Amazing! Total dominance!

    Here we are, four years after the iPad's debut, three years after Jobs's death. Thermonuclear may not have a strict definition, but Jobs would have been happy to see that statistic, I feel.

    I'm pleased that his last major product has been such a triumph. I hope that it reaches new highs under Cook's guidance. It certainly deserves to; the iPad Air 2 is incredible.


    You need an iPad Air 2. It feels like a new world.
  • Reply 9 of 35
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member

    Originally Posted by EricTheHalfBee View Post

    But...but...but, iPad sales are dropping at a record pace. How is this possible? ¡

    You know what? Let the trolls live in their made-up fantasy world... and have a good chuckle at their expense. We shouldn’t care what they think or say anymore. 

  • Reply 10 of 35
    calicali Posts: 3,494member
    The problem with counting sales is that cheap disposable products get high numbers and quality products get the short end of the stick in sales numbers and charts.

    I know someone who has 3 android tablets. 2 are broken and the other one is in a drawer. That accounts to 3 sales and 3 "people" using them. Even though no one is.

    iPads on the other hand last longer and people don't replace them as often. So that means less sales and "less" people using them.

    That's why I like usage data as it brings more clarity but believe android wont quote these numbers.
  • Reply 11 of 35
    lkrupp wrote: »

    You know what? Let the trolls live in their made-up fantasy world... and have a good chuckle at their expense. We shouldn’t care what they think or say anymore. 

    The problem with ignoring trolls is that they are often paid shills.

    Microsoft's marketing machine is in high gear with the release of Microsoft Surface Pro 3.
  • Reply 12 of 35
    mpantone wrote: »
    The signal-to-noise ratio drops every day.

    That is the comment of the day.
  • Reply 13 of 35
    Strangely, I find myself using my tablet [I]more,[/I] now that I took posession of my iPad Air 2 a week ago. Something about the lighter weight... I just can't seem to put it down. (Previously used iPad 3.)

    From Internet usage, to VPN-ing into work, to all-in-one music folio in the evenings... my new constant companion is an amazing piece of tech.

    Sorry to drift off topic for a bit there.
  • Reply 14 of 35
    misamisa Posts: 827member
    paul94544 wrote: »
    These real world FACTS simply indicate exactly what we have known for years that  most Android tablets are simply gathering dust in drawers or landfills and also indicate that the " android tablet sales" figures are a fiction 

    Bingo. Samsung et al: "X Million units shipped" ... everyone who doesn't have a vested interest in Android companies: "landfilled and written off maybe"

    The same can be said of Smartphones. Carrier locks kinda ensures that more devices are needlessly bought rather than simply carrier switched, and carriers with legacy networks (eg Verizon) are still need the backwards compatibility for those who have pre-LTE equipment.

    In all honesty, Samsung's tactics have stopped working. They seemed to think they were in the same league as Apple in the mobile and computer space, but that was only happening because they were shipping cheap devices. That cheap, and utterly worthless market segment makes no money.

    Like, you can not compare an iMac to 300$ Chromebook. But that is what is happening when you compare an Apple iPhone to most of the Android devices out there.
  • Reply 15 of 35

    iPad Usage - Dominates N.A.

    Android Usage - N/A

  • Reply 16 of 35

    Originally Posted by Benjamin Frost View Post

    80%! Amazing! Total dominance!

    Here we are, four years after the iPad's debut, three years after Jobs's death. Thermonuclear may not have a strict definition, but Jobs would have been happy to see that statistic, I feel.

    I'm pleased that his last major product has been such a triumph. I hope that it reaches new highs under Cook's guidance. It certainly deserves to; the iPad Air 2 is incredible.


    You need an iPad Air 2. It feels like a new world.


    Good Sir


    Can I assume you have bought an iPad Air 2? And if yes, how is it?

  • Reply 17 of 35

    Originally Posted by PScooter63 View Post

    Strangely, I find myself using my tablet more, now that I took posession of my iPad Air 2 a week ago. Something about the lighter weight... I just can't seem to put it down. (Previously used iPad 3.)

    From Internet usage, to VPN-ing into work, to all-in-one music folio in the evenings... my new constant companion is an amazing piece of tech.

    Sorry to drift off topic for a bit there.


    Glad to hear of someone with the same 'affliction'.  I can't put down my iPad Air 2 too.  Love the screen and snappiness. 

    Only problem is iPad Air 2 makes my iphone 6 feels slow.

  • Reply 18 of 35
    80%! Amazing! Total dominance!

    Here we are, four years after the iPad's debut, three years after Jobs's death. Thermonuclear may not have a strict definition, but Jobs would have been happy to see that statistic, I feel.

    I'm pleased that his last major product has been such a triumph. I hope that it reaches new highs under Cook's guidance. It certainly deserves to; the iPad Air 2 is incredible.


    You need an iPad Air 2. It feels like a new world.

    It wasn't long ago you were saying this . . .
    I love Apple, but...

    The WWDC this year was exciting; there was a palpable buzz in the air. I'm sure we we will see the fruits of Swift, Metal etc. in the years to come.

    This September, however, hasn't gone by without some big event being marred by controversy.

    Firstly, we had the live stream keynote that caused me to want to hurl my iPhone at the screen due to the constant freezing. Its main highlight was the ?Watch, a product that was announced with no definite date, no indication of battery life and no price, unlike the first iPhone. Technologically, the digital crown takes us back to a time before the iPhone with its needlessly confusing interface. Telling was the share price: it rose strongly during the Apple Pay demo and dived during the ?Watch demo. It finished with U2 and Cook in a protracted embarrassing fizzling out.

    Secondly, we had the preorder nightmare, in which Apple found it impossible to enable the Apple faithful to buy iPhones online without tearing their hair out.

    Thirdly, we had the Chinese scalpers dominating the lines in NYC, casting a slur on what should have been an innocent reflection of Apple's popularity.

    Fourthly, we had BendGate, which made me realise that Apple should have brought out the 6 in two sizes: 4" and 4.7".

    Finally, we had 8.01, a disaster that DED neglects to mention in his article here. People like Slurpy were cussing at all those who were affected, saying that all companies make mistakes and that anyone who updated immediately was an idiot.

    Whilst I'm looking forward to buying probably the iPhone 6, and very looking forward to the new iPads, I feel that this has been a torrid time in Apple's history, and is indicative of a failure of leadership at the very top. As a shareholder, this is not a state of affairs that I wish to continue.

    Tim Cook needs to examine what his priorities are as CEO of Apple, because at the moment, Apple are not doing justice to Steve Jobs's legacy.

    I guess Tim Cook knew better than you after all.
  • Reply 19 of 35
    thedbathedba Posts: 776member

    Just you wait and see, when IDC comes out with their latest figures where Android will dominate the "shipments" category and that infamous manufacturer known as "other" will show the most growth. And let's not forget Samsung and their two or three dozen new and innovative tablet models coming up.

    Then all you fanbois and your beloved iPad will be left behind eating dust. Just like your beloved iPhone. <img class=" src="" />


     Now this just in from July 2013

    • While Samsung does not report how many smartphones it sold, profit from the smartphone division last quarter was US$5.2 billion

      • This makes Samsung the worlds most profitable smartphone manufacturer

      • Apple had held this title for the past four years

      • Apple’s smartphone profit this quarter was US$4.6 billion

    Source: QUARTERLY NUMBERS FROM APPLE, SAMSUNG AND IDC <img class=" src="" /> 

  • Reply 20 of 35
    icoco3icoco3 Posts: 1,474member

    Originally Posted by BestKeptSecret View Post


    iPad Usage - Dominates N.A.

    Android Usage - N/A


    Yes...those periods and slashes are very important...<img class=" src="" />

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