Google unveils YouTube Music Key subscription service to compete with Apple's Beats



  • Reply 41 of 47
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,676member
    Then it doesn't offer you any value. Beats sounds like a great choice for you.

    As far as "Google actively trashing Indie groups" did you make that one up or do you have some citation showing Google doing so? As far as I know they just signed licensing deals with the biggest of them and continue doing so with others. Is Apple's tactic of using their market presence to pressure the music labels (including Indies) for even lower royalty payments (Yippee, $5 Beats might be coming) an example of "Apple actively trashing music labels"?
  • Reply 42 of 47
    What does this do that Spotify doesn't?
  • Reply 43 of 47
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,676member
    euphonious wrote: »
    What does this do that Spotify doesn't?
    "ad-free video playback, naturally; offline playback, so that you can listen to YouTube music without an Internet connection; and the ability to play back music as a background service, meaning that you can surf the Web and still listen to your favorite tunes. Oh, and Google tossed in a free subscription to Google Play Music All Access, too"
  • Reply 44 of 47
    badmonkbadmonk Posts: 1,340member
    It's time for Dr. Dre to leave a severed horse head in Eric Schmidt's bed.
  • Reply 45 of 47
    Is there really that much money to be made in streaming music services? I guess they will be able to cull yet more personal information out of the people who pay for this, but come on.

    Yes. Millions today. Billions if the service has access to China, India, Japan. Spotify currently doesn't. It's not about personal info. Advertisers know who listens to what. Music taste goes hand in hand with lots of consumer taste which increases advertising value.
  • Reply 46 of 47
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,676member
    In e-mails to Google Music subscribers today Google gave a little clarity on how they'll get access to Youtube Music Key:

    "Starting next week, as a Google Play Music subscriber, you’ll get free and complete access to the YouTube Music Key beta, a new service from YouTube where you can watch ad-free music videos, and keep the music playing in the background or when you’re offline. The Google Play Music app will also include ad-free music videos alongside select tracks. Stay tuned for more information."
  • Reply 47 of 47
    bigpicsbigpics Posts: 1,397member

    Originally Posted by Lord Amhran View Post


    It's called not using any of their services


    You also better get something like Ghostery to keep from being tracked by Google Analytics on Adsense using websites....



    Originally Posted by freediverx View Post



    In what way do you feel this is better than Beats?

    Not saying it's better, but am I missing something here?  How is this derivative of anything (other than in selection algorithms and catalog) - as it's the first VIDEO music streaming service, no....???

    I personally spend far more of my music listening time on YouTube than Spotify, Pandora, iTunes radio, etc., combined, so guess I'm a potential user....  ...but I already find enough free content to more than fill as much good music as I can possibly consume....

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