MWT: It didn't dissapoint...

in General Discussion edited January 2014
..It pissed me off! I know people are talking about 100 buck iMac price hike up a couple of threads but over all it was a only dissapointment, I mean it made me mad. They DIDN'T lower the price on the iPod. That would have been fine, BUT THE INTRO. a new 500 iPod WTF? 500 Bucks.... Umm 23" for a grand more ohhh and it has a chrome apple logo... Hmm lets make up for all this disapoint ment by um.. ENGRAVING iPods for 50 bucks. Yeah thats gonna make the mac world so happy steve ohh did I forget about rasing an allready overpriced iMac by 100, because I pretty sure this is gonna umm yeah upset people. The one think I can say well about this macworld is that, that engraving is the best thing to come out of apple from the Apple II

-My rating and lack of raving


[ 03-20-2002: Message edited by: MJE ]</p>


  • Reply 1 of 44
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    Pissed me off too. Steve is so full of shit. Yes, prices have gone up on LCDs and RAM, but not enough for $100 price hikes. The imacs don't even come with much RAM, so don't bitch about the RAM prices Steve! And the iPod engraving is just a joke.
  • Reply 2 of 44
    mjemje Posts: 91member
    Just for the hell of it: Priced a PC at gateway

    15" LCD CDRW 1.3GHz 40GB with speakers 974.. about 400 bucks less than the LOWEST price iMac

    [Edit Full Specs]

    Processor: Intel® Celeron? Processor 1300MHz (1.3GHz) with 256K Cache HDW

    Memory: 128MB SDRAM ........[

    Hard Drive: 40GB UATA100 7200RPM Hard Drive HDW

    Floppy Drive: 3.5" 1.44MB diskette drive HDW

    CD-ROM: 16x/10x/40x Recordable ReWriteable CDRW ........

    Certification: Energy Star Compliant HDW

    Operating System: Microsoft® Windows® XP Home Edition SFW

    Application Software: Microsoft® Works Suite 2002 - Including Microsoft® Word and Encarta SFW

    Monitor: 15" LCD Flat Panel Display (15" viewable) HDW

    Video: Integrated Intel® 3D Graphics HDW

    Keyboard: Multi-function Keyboard HDW

    Mouse: Logitech USB Optical Wheel Mouse and Gateway mouse pad HDW

    Sound System: Integrated Enhanced Audio HDW

    Speakers: 2-Piece Speakers .......

    Case: Gateway Micro-Tower Case HDW

    Expansion Slots: 3 PCI Expansion Slots HDW

    Modem: 56K PCI Voice Modem HDW

    Network Adapter: Integrated 10/100 Ethernet HDW

    Internet Service Provider: One year America Online® Internet Access (New members only) ISP

    Limited Warranty Program: 1 Year Limited Parts / Labor / Support WRN

    AntiVirus Software: Norton AntiVirus 90 day Introductory Offer SFW

    Total Price: US $974

    [ 03-20-2002: Message edited by: MJE ]</p>
  • Reply 3 of 44
    max8319max8319 Posts: 347member
    this is a business move that apple deemed necessary. they're probably loosing money this quarter and maybe the next. they need money so they aren't in the red AS MUCH.

    when you look at it from a consumer price point, it does suck. i wouldn't buy one. i'll stick with my trusty ti400.

    but appearently apple feels that they're enough people out there who are willing to pay the high price for the iamc
  • Reply 3 of 44
    ugh. Bad day to be a Mac Fan. Hate it, hate it, hate it. What pisses me off more is the price of the iPod. $500? Steve must believe everyone has his income. ugh. APple still rules, but damn, they are starting to suck. LOL.
  • Reply 5 of 44
    max8319max8319 Posts: 347member
    gateways aren't good. they focus on QUANTITY rather than QUALITY. i would never buy a gateway
  • Reply 6 of 44
    A 1.3 GHz Celeron....what a beast man. Intel integrated graphics....that oughta push RTCW to its limits....

    Response from half of the people here watching the keynote:




    [ 03-20-2002: Message edited by: TigerWoods99 ]</p>
  • Reply 7 of 44
    [quote]Originally posted by TigerWoods99:


    "OH MY GOD ENGRAVING FOR THE IPODS, AND ONLY 50 BUCKS! STEVE IS GOD!"</strong><hr></blockquote>

    That's the funniest thing. I think I will engrave it with some congratulatory pep talk for myself "yes, just because you payed $500 dollars for an overpriced hard drive you are not stupid!"

    oh my. I am sad.
  • Reply 7 of 44
    fran441fran441 Posts: 3,715member
    I was surprised that Apple released anything at all. The new iPod is okay. $100 more for double the space isn't bad at all.

    The new Cinema Display is cool too. I can't wait to see one of these things in action. I couldn't afford the first one, and I can't afford this new one either, but for those that can, I'm sure it's unbelievable.

    As for the iMac price increase, if you personally weren't planning on buying one, why are you so angry? If you are planning on buying one, go to a catalog reseller fast and buy one now. MacZone's catalog arrived to me today, and it has the regular prices. Order one now and get in on the 'original price' if you can.
  • Reply 9 of 44
    mjemje Posts: 91member
    [quote]Originally posted by TigerWoods99:

    <strong>A 1.3 GHz Celeron....what a beast man. Intel integrated graphics....that oughta push RTCW to its limits....


    Ohh 700 G4 Hot hot NOT and Well yeah intel card.. couldn't upgrade it on the website.. 50 bucks at compusa

    and this was just a comparsion of the price points and please no more shit about style and quailty, I know Apple's products look great but do they justify the 500+ differince.

    -Starting to calm down now

  • Reply 10 of 44
    max8319max8319 Posts: 347member
    if apple didn't charge $500 more, then they wouldn't be in business. they are barely getting by as it is. they need the money.
  • Reply 11 of 44
    satchmosatchmo Posts: 2,699member
    Smells of arrogance to me. Apple should learn from it's past mistakes. Don't get cocky and stop taking things for granted. Apple relies on it's core and fanatical legion of fans.

    Look what happened with the Cube. They got over confident thinking users would pay megabucks for one. They smarted up with the iBooks and the new iMac. Now they're upping the prices of products? But be careful Apple, your very loyal users may one day say enoughs, enough.
  • Reply 12 of 44
    mjemje Posts: 91member
    [quote]Originally posted by Fran441:

    [QB]I was surprised that Apple released anything at all. The new iPod is okay. $100 more for double the space isn't bad at all.

    The new Cinema Display is cool too. I can't wait to see one of these things in action. I couldn't afford the first one, and I can't afford this new one either, but for those that can, I'm sure it's unbelievable.


    Respondinf to the 1st 2 topics.. and sorry 4 the x2 post..

    I really wish apple wouldn't have introed anything new. I really don't think anything was 'WOW' enough. and lets face it we all love apple because of that 'wow' effect. The new ipod isn't bad when you compare it to the old ipod, but the problem still is the 1/2 grand for a mp3 player..

    2nd point: The new display. we all know they new one is amied at super pros but I mean why even bother not just slipping it in w/o an event. Its cool and I mean I would get one if I had the money but it still isn't I don't even know how to describe it. I mean its an inch and more pixles not much else other than the 1000 price hike.

    and the 3rd because yeah...

    And the reason I'm worried about the iMac price isn't because I'm going to buy one, its for the was it will impact apple and its company. I want apple to succeed and my understanding of succeeding isn't rasing an allready very high priced computer when the market can't hanndel it right now.

  • Reply 13 of 44
    sebseb Posts: 676member
    Hey, if you're gonna compare, compare all in ones.

    Gateway's nasty all in one Profile (what speed is the CD-RW on this thing anyways? Couldn't find the info anywhere) = $1699

    <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;

  • Reply 14 of 44
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    [quote]Originally posted by Max8319:

    <strong>if apple didn't charge $500 more, then they wouldn't be in business. they are barely getting by as it is. they need the money.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    They also need marketshare and competitive hardware. They barely have either of those things.
  • Reply 15 of 44
    mjemje Posts: 91member
    [quote]Originally posted by seb:

    <strong>Hey, if you're gonna compare, compare all in ones.[/URL]


    I compared for the sake of comparing basics. Just to show that the 100 price up isn't because of LCD and Ram price hikes. and WOOZers to think when I saw the 1st Gateway all in one I thought it was kinda cool..
  • Reply 16 of 44
    ferroferro Posts: 453member
    Its 12 O'clock...

    Is steve asleep at the wheel...???

    Steve has lost all touch of reality!

    I am a hardcore apple fanatic forever, but...

    I dont know....


    © FERRO 2001-2002
  • Reply 17 of 44
    [quote]Originally posted by MJE:

    <strong>Just for the hell of it: Priced a PC at gateway

    15" LCD CDRW 1.3GHz 40GB with speakers 974.. about 400 bucks less than the LOWEST price iMac

    [Edit Full Specs]

    Processor: Intel® Celeron? Processor 1300MHz (1.3GHz) with 256K Cache HDW

    Memory: 128MB SDRAM ........[

    Hard Drive: 40GB UATA100 7200RPM Hard Drive HDW

    Floppy Drive: 3.5" 1.44MB diskette drive HDW

    CD-ROM: 16x/10x/40x Recordable ReWriteable CDRW ........

    Certification: Energy Star Compliant HDW

    Operating System: Microsoft® Windows® XP Home Edition SFW

    Application Software: Microsoft® Works Suite 2002 - Including Microsoft® Word and Encarta SFW

    Monitor: 15" LCD Flat Panel Display (15" viewable) HDW

    Video: Integrated Intel® 3D Graphics HDW

    Keyboard: Multi-function Keyboard HDW

    Mouse: Logitech USB Optical Wheel Mouse and Gateway mouse pad HDW

    Sound System: Integrated Enhanced Audio HDW

    Speakers: 2-Piece Speakers .......

    Case: Gateway Micro-Tower Case HDW

    Expansion Slots: 3 PCI Expansion Slots HDW

    Modem: 56K PCI Voice Modem HDW

    Network Adapter: Integrated 10/100 Ethernet HDW

    Internet Service Provider: One year America Online® Internet Access (New members only) ISP

    Limited Warranty Program: 1 Year Limited Parts / Labor / Support WRN

    AntiVirus Software: Norton AntiVirus 90 day Introductory Offer SFW

    Total Price: US $974

    [ 03-20-2002: Message edited by: MJE ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Great, buy one, and STFU.

  • Reply 18 of 44
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member
    1.) I'm dissapointed in the iMac price increases. Their excuse is what pisses me off though. High LCD and RAM prices? Sorry but they should have secured those deals at set prices months ago, and probably did. it smells like bullshit and likely is. if that were the reason the portables also would have seen price increases.

    2.) iPod dissapointed me severly. The only reason I was looking forward to today was because I wanted a 10GB iPod. I never expected Apple to make it 100 dollars more expensive. Technology is suppose to improve and get cheaper. Apple doesn't seem to believe that.

    3.) engraving. cool. especially now that you can have your name put on the iPod in case it got lost or something. But Apple should have absorbed the cost into the 399 and 499 price tags. everyone was expecting price cuts and nothing. we're paying top dollar already, why can't they just throw that in as part of the iPod. makes no sense. is apple really that desperate to get an extra 50 bucks from a couple people here and there?

    4.) I was expecting a smaller Cinema Display. Maybe 18 inches. never did I expect them to introduce a larger one and one that costs 1000 dollars more, especially in the current market.

    What is Apple thinking? Are they really going for that "Sharper Image" niche now or what?
  • Reply 19 of 44
    leonisleonis Posts: 3,427member
    Should we start thinking about leaving the Mac platform ???
  • Reply 20 of 44
    ferroferro Posts: 453member
    No, but maybe we should ask steve to step down...

    "steve has lost his marbles...."

    Apple was "I thought" a company that was in touch with the people, but all I have seen lately is steve kissing corporate butt and alot of (unquestionable) totalitarian rule over what the future of apple is...

    I am filled with doubt, not only as to the financial future of Apple but also for the competency of its leader...

    Now I will say that this isnt thaT big of a deal right now, but apple'(steves) decisions (concerning eveything from marketing to new products) is leaving me in a state of confusion... ???


    © FERRO 2001-2002
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