Apple says 'dozens' of banks and stores signed up for Apple Pay in recent weeks



  • Reply 61 of 85

    Originally Posted by mvigod View Post


    Last, how often does a credit card get stolen.  The majority of people it never happens to.  The few that it does it is once or twice in their life.  Rarely does it happen more than twice to an individual so nobody is out that much in terms of time and certainly not financially in any way.


    maybe youre not from around here.... Target, Home Depot, Kmart. ever hear of those? my bank has. you know what happens when my cc is compromised? after i get a new card, i have to contact all of my billing vendors and change my bill pays to use the new cc number.


    why on earth would i not want to avoid that?


    keep grasping at those straws, buddy. and then start your own insanely successful company that does it better.

  • Reply 62 of 85
    mvigodmvigod Posts: 172member

    Originally Posted by TonyPie View Post

    Well I'd rather not spend the 5 minutes calling my CC Company and screwing around updating my new CC number at Payment Sites. Guess your not an Internet user utilizing payment sites. Most individuals seem to use them to pay their bills electronically, it's really convenient.


    Yup had to go and change my cards on maybe 6 or 7 autopay websites.  Took me 15 to 20 minutes.  Again pretty easy sitting at my computer to do.  If it happened every month yeah I'd be annoyed.  Every year not really so much.  Once every 10 or 20 years as it actually has been for me I can deal with that too.  I think you are making the security issue and the rare breach into something bigger than it really is.  I wasn't stressed out by it happening.  I wasn't traumatized.  I didn't lose anything

  • Reply 63 of 85
    mvigod wrote: »
    Yup had to go and change my cards on maybe 6 or 7 autopay websites.  Took me 15 to 20 minutes.  Again pretty easy sitting at my computer to do.  If it happened every month yeah I'd be annoyed.  Every year not really so much.  Once every 10 or 20 years as it actually has been for me I can deal with that too.  I think you are making the security issue and the rare breach into something bigger than it really is.  I wasn't stressed out by it happening.  I wasn't traumatized.  I didn't lose anything

    Well now, it takes more than 5 minutes. I hate waiting in line more than 5 minutes.
  • Reply 64 of 85

    Originally Posted by mvigod View Post


    Sorry but security just is not a big deal for the end user no matter how you slice it.  If it was people wouldn't have been using cards the last 20 plus years, right?  If it was so terrible and horrible it never would have seen the adoption curve that it did.  Think about that rationally for a moment.


    so because we have a vulnerable legacy system thats been around for 20 years, we should never stop using it? because "It's not terrible and horrible!" riiight.


    sorry, dude, youve lost this one. anybody whos had their primary card stolen in a data breach from one of the recent major US retailers knows what a hassle it is. i see no reason to user a weaker system than a stronger one. "because, legacy!" doesnt make any sense.

  • Reply 65 of 85

    Originally Posted by mvigod View Post



    Well from my experience it has been.  Card lost. Call credit card company (if they don't call you first).  5 minutes I had everything cancelled, fraudulent charges reversed and a new card on my way.  Cost me zero.  I really can't complain about that.  It's not exactly digging ditches for 8 hours is it?

    But it's not just about the cost to you or the consumer.  There is more to it.    

  • Reply 66 of 85

    Originally Posted by coffeetime View Post


    I'd love to be able to try out Apple Pay, but so far we haven't shopped anyplace where it an option.  We went to Walgreens once and the clerk didn't have a clue about it, nor was there any special station at the registers.  Chicken and egg sort of thing.


    it's the normal POS terminal at walgreens. your cashier probably didnt even have to know about it.

  • Reply 67 of 85
    mvigodmvigod Posts: 172member

    Originally Posted by NolaMacGuy View Post



    so because we have a vulnerable legacy system thats been around for 20 years, we should never stop using it? because "It's not terrible and horrible!" riiight.


    sorry, dude, youve lost this one. anybody whos had their primary card stolen in a data breach from one of the recent major US retailers knows what a hassle it is. i see no reason to user a weaker system than a stronger one. "because, legacy!" doesnt make any sense.


    I don't think that we shouldn't have another system.  We should.  Those who want to use it should too.  I may use Apple Pay at some terminals but it won't be because of security as that was never an issue for me.  The banks and credit card issuers made it a point to market to everyone there is no need to worry about security.  They marketed the zero liability policy.  


    What I'm saying is that without either strong pleasure points or strong pain points people don't change their behaviour so quickly (or at all)

  • Reply 68 of 85
    Originally Posted by mvigod View Post


    Correct I have many cards so if I don't get a new card for a couple days I don't really care.   It just is of no concern to me.  


    congratulations for acknowledging that the concerns of normal people just arent of any concern to *YOU*. 


    are you one of those libertarian techie types who is completely disconnected from the realty of normal people?

  • Reply 69 of 85

    Originally Posted by mvigod View Post


    I can't speak to debit cards linked to banks. I don't and won't use them.  I don't know why anyone would either.  Get a credit card.  No link to bank account. No liability. Rewards programs.  Flexible payment options.  You get to float for up to 30 days for free whereas debit you get no free float.  That was some marketing scheme the banks put on people to get those vs a credit card.  


    smarty: debit cards such as the popular visa check-cards have rewards programs too. but dont let your ignorance get in the way of facts, im sure it's nothing new to you.


    i enjoy living on my actual capital and not somebody else's.

  • Reply 70 of 85
    Originally Posted by mvigod View Post


    Are you going to use apple pay which has a unique one time token on your autopay sites?


    strawman and irrelevant. AP is designed to work w/ your credit card on file at retail locations and in-app; the credit card on file is what's used by various other autopay billers, not AP. thus AP isnt trying to eliminate all uses of the credit card everywhere.


    your tangent has absolutely no bearing on this conversation. but you knew that.

  • Reply 71 of 85

    Originally Posted by mvigod View Post


    Well from my experience it has been.  Card lost. Call credit card company (if they don't call you first).  5 minutes I had everything cancelled, fraudulent charges reversed and a new card on my way.  Cost me zero.  I really can't complain about that.  It's not exactly digging ditches for 8 hours is it?


    one of my clients is a major bank which issues credit cards. fraud is a huge source of loss -- and you pay for it. only a total tool would think they dont wrap that into their overhead to you. eliminating fraud allows a bank to be more competitive in other price avenues with their customers.


    try harder.

  • Reply 72 of 85

    Originally Posted by TonyPie View Post

    Well now, it takes more than 5 minutes. I hate waiting in line more than 5 minutes.


    yeah this guys is just a whistling-dixie contrarian tool, he'll say anything he needs to in order to not be wrong. we'll likely never see of a post of his again after this thread.

  • Reply 73 of 85

    Originally Posted by mvigod View Post


    What I'm saying is that without either strong pleasure points or strong pain points people don't change their behaviour so quickly (or at all)


    tell that to McDonald's, who reported AP now accounts for 50% of their NFC purchases. guess you arent the marketing genius you thought....

  • Reply 74 of 85
    jbdragonjbdragon Posts: 2,312member

    Originally Posted by DanielSW View Post


    It's not a matter of "they just don't get it". Quite the contrary. They get it, and they're scrambling to somehow protect vested interests. You're looking at a concerted, desperate, and covert FUD campaign against Apple.


    The thing comming next year, CurrentC,  NO THANKS!!!   You think you get spied on enough now using your credit or debit card, it's even worse with CurrentC.   Apple's cut using Apple Pay is really pretty tiny.  It's not a increase cost to retailers but taking a tiny cut from the credit card fee that's charged.  They're doing this because of the far better security which will save them money, and with less fraud going on, transaction fee's can be reduced in the end which will save retailers money.


    With a Credit Card, you're protected under LAW against fraud and aren't liable for more then $50.  Most of the time you don't charge you even that $50.  CurrectC does a direct withdraw form your Bank Account.  There's ZERO fraud protection under law!!!  All your info is stored in their Cloud which has already been hacked once that people know about.    I also hear the CurrentC App is trying to make a grab for the health info that's on your Smartphone also!!!


    Who wants to load up a App and then start taking pictures of codes, which is what CurrectC does!!!  Apple Pay is quick and easy.    If you want to reward people, there's Reward Cards you can use.  Amazon has their Reward MMasterCardwhich can be used with Apple Pay, you get your rewards using it and Amazon can track you!!!  The point being, if you don't want to be tracked, you pretty much don't have to do anything with Apple Pay other then use a normal Credit Card.  A Debit only card also doesn't give you the same protection as a Credit Card, but using it for Apple Pay, you're transactions are at least secure and won't be hacked from a Target, Home Deport and other Servers!!! They don't get your number using Apple Pay, it's not even stored on your iPhone.  A Token is, and a 1 time use token is used to pay for your Items.  Even if somehow that got hacked, it would still be worthless.


    Apple Pay is about Security for the Customer and the banks issuing the cards.  CurrentC is all about tracking your spending habits and anything else they can grab from you.  You go to the Doctor, now they're tracking your prescriptions, or anything else.  No thanks.  I'll NEVER use CurrentC.

  • Reply 75 of 85
    nolamacguy wrote: »
    yeah this guys is just a whistling-dixie contrarian tool, he'll say anything he needs to in order to not be wrong. we'll likely never see of a post of his again after this thread.

    WOW, guess someone must have thought that I was mivgod. Have you mis-identified me as "mvigod" or what?
  • Reply 76 of 85
    tonypie wrote: »
    WOW, guess someone must have anointed you a God. Have you identified me as "mvigod" or what?

    Huh? You know he's talking to you about [@]mvigod[/@], not referring to you in his quote of your reply, right?
  • Reply 77 of 85
    solipsismy wrote: »
    Huh? You know he's talking to you about [@]mvigod[/@], not referring to you in his quote of your reply, right?

    OK, re-read his post; my bad. Initially just saw my name quoted NolaMac and erroneously assumed he was writing about me.
  • Reply 78 of 85
    tonypie wrote: »
    OK, re-read his post; my bad. Initially just saw my name quoted NolaMac and erroneously assumed he was writing about me.

    It happens. Sometimes I'll preface my response with something, like, "Adding to you reply…" if I think it's ambiguous, but miscommunication still happens.
  • Reply 79 of 85

    One thing I have not seen mentioned. The thief wins when they steal a credit card. Even if you are not responsible for the debt the thief gets something for free. By using apple pay the thief does not steal my card and gets nothing for free. I am all for the reduction or preventing of fraud. Also if someone steals my card # or wallet I will have a huge mess to deal with. If my phone is stolen then I only need new phone.

  • Reply 80 of 85
    nolamacguy wrote: »
    congratulations for acknowledging that the concerns of normal people just arent of any concern to *YOU*. 

    are you one of those libertarian techie types who is completely disconnected from the realty of normal people?

    Calling someone "libertarian" is not an insult, it's a badge of honor!
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