Samsung feeling the squeeze from success of Apple's iPhone 6 & 6 Plus, Kantar says



  • Reply 21 of 33
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member

    Originally Posted by dugbug View Post

    "die-hard feature phone owners state they are not planning to buy a smartphone"

    wow. these people exist.

    They do and for a pretty good reason - do you remember the battery life on the old phones? If all you need is a phone anything else is a waste of money and technology. I noticed that everybody in Sons of Anarchy only use flip phones. Are they easier to make untraceable? So if you are a criminal an old feature phone may be the better option?

  • Reply 22 of 33
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member

    Originally Posted by schlack View Post

    10 yrs from now, will there will be a retro market of simple phones that don't do anything but make calls...that everyone will think is cool?

    Already happening. Flip phones are cool, or so I hear.

  • Reply 23 of 33
    dwandwan Posts: 2member

     For example, in the U.S., the iPhone accounted for 47.4 percent of sales, according to Kantar. That was a 4.3 percentage point increase from the same period tracked by the firm in 2013.

    Kantar estimates that the iPhone 6 alone accounted for 19 percent of total American smartphone sales. Of all iPhone models, the company projects AT&T made up 57 percent of sales.


    Does this mean 28.4%  (47.4 minus 19) of sales were the iPhone 6 Plus? That sounds wrong.

  • Reply 24 of 33
    dwandwan Posts: 2member

     For example, in the U.S., the iPhone accounted for 47.4 percent of sales, according to Kantar. That was a 4.3 percentage point increase from the same period tracked by the firm in 2013.

    Kantar estimates that the iPhone 6 alone accounted for 19 percent of total American smartphone sales. Of all iPhone models, the company projects AT&T made up 57 percent of sales.


    Subtracting 19 from 47.4, this suggests 28.4% of all smartphone sales in the US were iPhone 6 Plus models. That's not consistent with any other reporting.

  • Reply 25 of 33
    sockrolidsockrolid Posts: 2,789member

    Just FYI: If I were an evil robot, I'd seriously consider changing my name to Kantar.

  • Reply 26 of 33
    sockrolidsockrolid Posts: 2,789member

    Originally Posted by dugbug View Post

    "die-hard feature phone owners state they are not planning to buy a smartphone"

    wow. these people exist.


    Especially in India.

  • Reply 27 of 33
    sockrolid wrote: »
    Especially in India.

    Isn't that someplace you go if you want to "live off the grid"?
  • Reply 28 of 33
    dasanman69 wrote: »
    Many people don't need, nor want a smartphone.

    I've considered it a few times but to date I have never owned a portable phone of any kind. iPods, iPod touches and iPads, yes, but no phone.

    Be afraid. Be very afraid. We exist.
  • Reply 29 of 33
    sockrolidsockrolid Posts: 2,789member

    Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton View Post


    Isn't that someplace you go if you want to "live off the grid"?


    Yup.  Either India or Modesto.

  • Reply 30 of 33
    Easy to do: Whatever app was open when an iPhone goes into standby mode will open the next time you unlock the phone. iPhones do not start at the home screen, unless you were on the home screen when you locked / went into standby mode. Just leave the phone app open, with the keypad selected.

    Edit: Response to post #19, from PScooter63.
  • Reply 31 of 33
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member
    Originally Posted by PScooter63 View Post



    An elder relative of mine loves her 17" MBP and her 4th-gen iPad... but when her hubby gifted her an iPhone, she freaked.  The gift card lay unused for well over a year, until her clamshell finally croaked.  She hates her new phone, because it doesn't act like a phone (to her way of thinking).


    So, as a back-burner project, I want to figure out how to get her 5S to mimic the user experience she's comfortable with... which might be as simple as having the phone wake directly to the phone keypad, rather than the home screen...

    Sell her 5S and get an old style phone. She'll be happy to get money back :) There are many available marketed for seniors, such as this -

  • Reply 32 of 33
    jmc54 wrote: »
    jbdragon wrote: »

    Well my Grandma, almost 90 just had to replace her phone and got a cheap Android ZTE Smart Phone.  Small screen, your basic cheap Android phone which is a very large percentage that gets sold, barely know how to do much more then making a call from the thing.   

    My mother in law is in her 80's and we got her a base model iphone 6 and she's a texting, picture taking monster!

    That's mother-in-laws for you.
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