Wall Street shocked by Apple's staggering quarter, prompting analysts to raise estimates



  • Reply 61 of 83
    Figure 1, how many watches did apple sell last year?

    The graph doesn't represent the number of sales of ?Watches, but the profits of each product group. So the 2014 profits relating to the ?Watch was how much money Apple made by NOT selling the ?Watch until the next year. Yes, I know that seems impossible, but with Apple the normal laws of profitability go out the window... It's estimated Apple made $581 for each ?Watch they didn't sell in 2014.

    2015 will be a banner year for the ?Watch because Apple will be making money on every watch sold PLUS still earning on ?Watches not sold...
  • Reply 62 of 83
    fallenjtfallenjt Posts: 4,056member

    Thank all Wall Street analysts especially Mizuho Securities from a Japanese bank for downgrading AAPL last week, so that I could buy 200 shares at $106 and already made $2000 today. Screw the investors; their analyses sucked.

  • Reply 63 of 83
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,778member
    Wells Fargo is a joke!
  • Reply 64 of 83
    bugsnwbugsnw Posts: 717member

    Given the blowout quarter, I was a little underwhelmed by Apple's move up. It's a good move for a day, but it didn't look like a major adjustment was in play. Maybe that'll change over the next few days as the enormity of Apple's numbers sink in.


    Someone gave Cook some kudos and I'd like to add to that. He's the right guy and the right time. And here I thought he was a tad too boring. I missed that call big time.


    One thing I like about Cook is that he did bend to pressure to up the repurchase program. I like the dividends and aggressive repurchases a lot. Better to do it before you're either sued or the IRS or congress amends the rules to force your hand.


    Point is, I think Steve would have resisted a lot harder. Working with wall street will make all those goofy analysts a little less hostile towards Cook and Apple. Maybe the PE ratio will even start to climb.


    I see the faltering world economy as an obvious risk factor. A strong dollar is going to eat some international profit. That will be offset by a nice chunk of the 85% of iPhone owners who didn't upgrade upgrading to the new iPhone.


    Here's a huge opportunity. Now that it's widely known that Apple has sold a BILLION iOS devices, maybe that will squirt some goat juice into the development of new battery technology. Someone must be vying to be THE battery supplier for Apple...

  • Reply 65 of 83
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member

    Originally Posted by tmay View Post


    Massive flooding in New York City from storm surges? Un-possible !!! Yet that is exactly what happened with Hurricane Sandy, but I'm guessing that you didn't need to prepare for that either.


    What a lucky person you must be!


    Nope, I didn't prepare for Hurricane Sandy either. Certain areas and locations in the city were higher risk than others, and my area didn't have much to worry about, which turned out to be correct, as nothing special happened in my area. 


    After a few blackouts in the past, I am already stocked up on certain supplies such as flashlights, batteries and a few other items, but I don't need to make any special preperations anymore whenever the scaremongering media and politicians open their mouths.

  • Reply 66 of 83
    tmaytmay Posts: 6,425member
    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post



    Nope, I didn't prepare for Hurricane Sandy either. Certain areas and locations in the city were higher risk than others, and my area didn't have much to worry about, which turned out to be correct, as nothing special happened in my area. 


    After a few blackouts in the past, I am already stocked up on certain supplies such as flashlights, batteries and a few other items, but I don't need to make any special preperations anymore whenever the scaremongering media and politicians open their mouths.

    I apologize.


    I was just having some fun with the whole media narcissism over major weather events. I am pleased to find that you and others are well prepared, and as you say the news seems to focus on all of the "hoarders" in the last hours before the storm is scheduled to hit.


    I'm on the Eastern slope of the Sierra, south of Reno, and the snowpack is currently pretty poor after a Pineapple Express rolled through about a month ago. We'd be very, very happy to get some of that East Coast snowfall here.

  • Reply 67 of 83
    apple ][ wrote: »
    Nope, I didn't prepare for Hurricane Sandy either. Certain areas and locations in the city were higher risk than others, and my area didn't have much to worry about, which turned out to be correct, as nothing special happened in my area. 

    After a few blackouts in the past, I am already stocked up on certain supplies such as flashlights, batteries and a few other items, but I don't need to make any special preperations anymore whenever the scaremongering media and politicians open their mouths.

    Let me guess... Harlem? :D
  • Reply 68 of 83

    Originally Posted by FreeRange View Post

    It's amazing that Maynard Um of Wells Fargo still has a job.

    They *all* still have their jobs.

  • Reply 69 of 83

    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post



    Nope, I didn't prepare for Hurricane Sandy either. Certain areas and locations in the city were higher risk than others, and my area didn't have much to worry about, which turned out to be correct, as nothing special happened in my area. 


    After a few blackouts in the past, I am already stocked up on certain supplies such as flashlights, batteries and a few other items, but I don't need to make any special preperations anymore whenever the scaremongering media and politicians open their mouths.

    But you'll be among the first to sue for compensation and demand people get fired for "not doing their job' when it does occur. Hopefully not.

  • Reply 70 of 83
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member

    Originally Posted by ThePixelDoc View Post

    Let me guess... Harlem? image

    I'd rather not get specific, but no, I don't live in Harlem.:smokey:

  • Reply 71 of 83
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member

    Originally Posted by Elian Gonzalez View Post


    But you'll be among the first to sue for compensation and demand people get fired for "not doing their job' when it does occur. Hopefully not.

    Speculation much? :D


    I've never sued anybody before, so I'm going to have to disagree with your "conclusion". I have demanded that certain people get fired before though, in a few circumstances.

  • Reply 72 of 83
    cnocbuicnocbui Posts: 3,613member

    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post


    Speculation much? :D


    I've never sued anybody before, so I'm going to have to disagree with your "conclusion". I have demanded that certain people get fired before though, in a few circumstances.

    You left out the proposed executions for leaking some photos.

  • Reply 73 of 83
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member

    Originally Posted by cnocbui View Post


    You left out the proposed executions for leaking some photos.

    Which photos do you mean?

  • Reply 74 of 83
    I note that Cowen and Comany's $115 price target is the most accurate.
  • Reply 75 of 83
    jbdragon wrote: »
    As for current owners not upgrading to iPhone 6, it's likely they will wait for the iPhone 7.

    That should be 6S and 6S+ going by the past of Apple naming.

    If there is no 4" iPhone this year, then I see a lot of people skipping the 6s and holding out for the iPhone 7. At any rate, I think that the average lifespan of the iPhone is increasing to three or four years for many people. This will somewhat negate the effect of Android switchers.
  • Reply 76 of 83
    apple ][ wrote: »
    Most of these analysts suck!

    They are as accurate as the morons who predicted that my city would be hit by snowmageddon just a few days ago! that turned out to be complete BS!

    Foolish people were going bananas, emptying store shelves of food and supplies! i didnt believe it for a second, and i made zero preperations.

    The biggest earnings ever to be reported in human history! How's that for an earnings blowout? :D

    Hell, i want to see price targets that are above $200! Dont come here with any crap that is only a few dollars more than where we are today.

    My price target for December 31st, 2015 is $134.

    Methinks your $1,000 target is a little too optimistic. I would be happy to be proved wrong, though.
  • Reply 77 of 83
    torusoft wrote: »
    Apple is going to be the world's first super-company. I wrote about this almost a year ago and the argument is holding: http://torusoft.com/blog/how-to-recognize-a-super-company

    Super duper.
  • Reply 78 of 83
    apple ][ wrote: »
    Gene isn't going to raise his target until he has a 42" Apple TV set in his living room. Guy's obsessed with that TV.

    42" was maybe an ok size some years ago, when people first started taking about any Apple TV.

    But like I said, that was years ago! 42" is a complete joke today! It's way too small!

    The smallest Apple TV size offered should be 50" at least, and it should go all the way up to around 90".


    32" is plenty for me.
  • Reply 79 of 83
    apple ][ wrote: »
    You can stand proud that you are brighter ( in your world) than many, many people who spend their lives studying weather phenomena. Given the data they had, quite different than analysts data, they made predictions that gave those responsible for emergencies a hard choice. Ignore and hope to hell it isn't as bad as predicted, or take care and deal with problems that in the past, at lower expectations, cost lives and created horrific damages.

    Any logic to try to tie this to Apple gives analysts far too much wisdom and shows more "fawlty" logic as Mr C. might say. Nature is managed by somewhat ethereal sources, Apple by smart business people who have learned from the past, not perfect, as the whiners rush to point out on this site and others, but have a pretty good run behind them, lots of potential ahead.

    Forecasting weather is often less accurate than the predictions of Wall Street analysts, a group of people who provide no useful service to the world.

    My beef is not with the weather people, it's with today's PC society, where every little thing gets exaggerated and people turn into complete wusses. The Mayor shut down the entire city! Cars were forbidden from driving on any roads after 11 PM! That is insane!

    They need to grow some balls! It's only some snow! People and cities have dealt with snow for thousands of years! The way that they were talking about the storm, you'd think that they were talking about a scene out of "The Day After Tomorrow".:lol:  These people need to separate fiction from reality.

    Couldn't agree more.

    So many people are complete wusses today. It's because there are far too many women in work. Most of them should stay at home and tend to the clan.
  • Reply 80 of 83
    cnocbuicnocbui Posts: 3,613member

    Apple ][ - is that you?

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