Inside Greater China: An exclusive look at Apple Inc in Hong Kong



  • Reply 21 of 39
    xixoxixo Posts: 449member
    slurpy wrote: »
    I mean, besides your obvious hatred, bigotry, and racism that you exhibit towards people of other cultures, and your complete lack of curiosity or imagination, are there any secondary reasons? Are you so terrified that stepping outside your town might force you to change your skewed and hateful world view?

    They won't recognize his concealed carry permit...
  • Reply 22 of 39

    Thank you DED for posting a generally informative article on Apple in Hong Kong and a balanced profile on Hong Kong.  Hong Kong is a magnificent and unique city. I still have family and friends over there.   


    One thing DED is probably not aware of but central to Hong Kong living is the incredibly expensive real estate price.  Everyone lives in relatively small flat/apartment (size by US standard) which sells for utterly ridiculously price.  A typical unit at the middle class Western District may sell for HK$20,000 per sq. foot and so a 600 sq. ft (3 bedrooms) flat will cost US$1.5 million.  A unit at Midlevel or Kowloon Tong can cost up to HK$40,000 per sq. feet.  At the elite Peak level or Repulse Bay it may go up to HK$80,000 per sq. ft.  So a 4.000. sq ft.  luxury flat at the Peak may cost up to US$41 million.  It is very typical for a parking place to cost more than HK$300,000.


    The latest fad in housing is for real estate developer to push out very tiny flat so that it can be "more affordable".  So these units are 250 sq. ft. each and are sold at HK$12,000 per sq. ft.  Thus each of these US family room size units will cost around US$388,000.


    Despite these jaw dropping real estate number, a lot of people makes relatively patry income.  Recent survey indicates that university graduate makes around HK$10,000 per month.  That is why there is a huge sense of frustration among Hong Kong younger generation towards their future.  There is a general belief among Hong Kong people one needs to own a place in order to start a family.  But the astronomus cost of buying a flat make that dream almost impossible.


    In addition the very high cost of real estate also drives up the already high standard of living.  Apple can afford the sky high rent in each of three locations but small retail merchant constantly feel the squeeze of progressively higher and higher rent every month.


    All these high real estate is fueled directly by the influx of  capital from Mainland China (or as local say the Strong Country).  The China capital brings to Hong Kong the recent prosperity but also adds to misery of the less well off sector.  Income inequality in Hong Kong has never been higher.  

  • Reply 23 of 39
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    xixo wrote: »
    They won't recognize his concealed carry permit...

    He's a Brit and I'm not certain there are concealed carry permits there. Obviously your intent was to jab at someone on "the Right" whom you disagree with, but this isn't the right person or the right time.
  • Reply 24 of 39

    Originally Posted by SolipsismY View Post

    The trolls will tell it's clearly because Tim Cook doesn't believe in this product, but then why would Apple sell it. 


    As slurpy mentioned, it's intellectual dishonesty. They've started with their conclusions (which is really just an opinion) and invented "evidence" to support it.

  • Reply 25 of 39
    solipsismysolipsismy Posts: 5,099member
    As slurpy mentioned, it's intellectual dishonesty. They've started with their conclusions (which is really just an opinion) and invented "evidence" to support it.

    Frost is now peddling his anti-Apple rhetoric on Monday Note.
  • Reply 26 of 39
    solipsismy wrote: »
    Frost is now peddling his anti-Apple rhetoric on Monday Note.

    Still don't know how he hasn't been banned. He finally made it onto my blocklist.
  • Reply 27 of 39
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    solipsismy wrote: »
    Frost is now peddling his anti-Apple rhetoric on Monday Note.

    Well would you look at that, taking it to the pro insider sites.

    Note the use of the word "notionally." He plays the Fool here on AI as part of his act, but he's perfectly capable of writing an adult sentence.

    He is the most cynical troll-for-hire that the black-ops mediaplex has fronted to date. I don't believe for a minute that he's just an ordinary basement troglodyte.
  • Reply 28 of 39
    Originally Posted by SolipsismY View Post

    Frost is now peddling his anti-Apple rhetoric on Monday Note.

    Except I haven't heard a cogent argument as to why it's going to be a failure from BF. Just a plate of negative spaghetti thrown against the wall.


    Thanks for the link. I found this link at the end of the mondaynote article to be a good rebuttal to the doomsayers:


    (It's worth a read, in case you missed it)

  • Reply 29 of 39
    ibillibill Posts: 400member
    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post



    And I doubt they'd want to have you there. 


    Seriously, I've never heard a statement like that. Some might not want to live there for whatever reason, but "never wish to visit"? What could be so horrendous about Hong Kong, one of the most well known and incredible cities in the world, that you'd "never wish to visit", even out of curiosity? Every single person I know who has been there for a visit has loved it.  I mean, besides your obvious hatred, bigotry, and racism that you exhibit towards people of other cultures, and your complete lack of curiosity or imagination, are there any secondary reasons? Are you so terrified that stepping outside your town might force you to change your skewed and hateful world view?

    Hong Kong ia actually a great place to visit. The Guangdong Province, not so much..

  • Reply 30 of 39
    isteelersisteelers Posts: 738member
    slurpy wrote: »
    And I doubt they'd want to have you there. 

    Seriously, I've never heard a statement like that. Some might not want to live there for whatever reason, but "never wish to visit"? What could be so horrendous about Hong Kong, one of the most well known and incredible cities in the world, that you'd "never wish to visit", even out of curiosity? Every single person I know who has been there for a visit has loved it.  I mean, besides your obvious hatred, bigotry, and racism that you exhibit towards people of other cultures, and your complete lack of curiosity or imagination, are there any secondary reasons? Are you so terrified that stepping outside your town might force you to change your skewed and hateful world view?

    That's a little harsh. It's his opinion and if he doesn't wish to visit, that's up to him. I fail to see why that makes him a bigot and a racist. I don't agree with his opinions regarding Apple and the Apple Watch in particular, but he didn't say anything about hating the people that live in Hong Kong.
  • Reply 31 of 39
    isteelers wrote: »
    That's a little harsh. It's his opinion and if he doesn't wish to visit, that's up to him. I fail to see why that makes him a bigot and a racist. I don't agree with his opinions regarding Apple and the Apple Watch in particular, but he didn't say anything about hating the people that live in Hong Kong.
    He's been peddling his hate-speech here quite frequently and proudly for quite some time now
  • Reply 32 of 39
    You would think if HK as important Apple as in this profile, they would make a decent service, like 3D building, flyovers, and a cinema schedule.
    We have none here. In fact, even the Chinese Apple map is more sophisticated. And that's ironic because you would have 3D building mapping of Hong Kong when you travel in China.
    Apple Store in Hong Kong is only for serving mainland customers before the stores in mainland is ready. Otherwise, we would at least enjoying the services available in iOS prior to 2013.

    Siri and Apple map don't even have the same source of information. You have to use Siri to find a place, then open it in Apple map.
    Otherwise, all you would see is less than 10 points of interest in the radius of 100 meter.
  • Reply 33 of 39
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,385member

    Originally Posted by SolipsismY View Post

    Frost is now peddling his anti-Apple rhetoric on Monday Note.


    Wow, the guy certainly is busy. Pretty sure I've seen his name pop up under anti-Apple posts in a couple other places too. Between 6000+ troll posts here, as well as other places on the internet, I wonder if the guy has time left at all for something productive in his day. And this is the same guy that has called Tim Cook and Apple employees "lazy" and "sitting on their asses", the same Tim Cook that gets up at 3:45am every day. I hope, for his sake, he's at least paid for his negative trash. I can't imagine how sad it would be, if he wasn't. 

  • Reply 34 of 39
    solipsismysolipsismy Posts: 5,099member
    slurpy wrote: »
    Wow, the guy certainly is busy. Pretty sure I've seen his name pop up under anti-Apple posts in a couple other places too. Between 6000+ troll posts here, as well as other places on the internet, I wonder if the guy has time left at all for something productive in his day. And this is the same guy that has called Tim Cook and Apple employees "lazy" and "sitting on their asses", the same Tim Cook that gets up at 3:45am every day. I hope, for his sake, he's at least paid for his negative trash. I can't imagine how sad it would be, if he wasn't. 

    1) Not all his posts are spouting anti-Apple rhetoric. He used to make a lot of positive and balanced comments about Apple. I think Cook coming out as gay, and the iPhone 6 series and ?Watch not following his predictions seems to have changed him. I have hope it's only a temporary step off the path.

    2) Jobs certainly had a b air about him but I'm very fascinated by Cook's daily routine and work ethic. Up before 4am and reading emails sent to him from us, the average customer, is worth study.

    I wonder if he has at least one person pull emails from that account for him to read. You know, delete the pointlessly offensive and repeated requests. Perhaps repeated requests being tallied in a daily or running number sent a memo.

    If I have one niggle against Cook it's that his salary is more than $1 per year. I loved that Jobs believed in Apple's direction and focus so much as to get paid in results.
  • Reply 35 of 39
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    solipsismy wrote: »

    If I have one niggle against Cook it's that his salary is more than $1 per year. I loved that Jobs believed in Apple's direction and focus so much as to get paid in results.

    That's unfair. Jobs founded Apple and resurrected Pixar prior to becoming CEO again. He already has money. Plus Jobs had those stock options.
  • Reply 36 of 39
    marskmarsk Posts: 30member

    Great article! I'm a Hong Konger and I want to say Kudo to the writer! This article nicely described Hong Kong in great details! Thanks for the good work!! 

  • Reply 37 of 39
    solipsismysolipsismy Posts: 5,099member
    jungmark wrote: »
    That's unfair. Jobs founded Apple and resurrected Pixar prior to becoming CEO again. He already has money. Plus Jobs had those stock options.

    I would say that Cook has plenty probably has plenty of money saved up before becoming CEO, and it's not like the $1 was the only compensation Jobs got as CEO of Apple. Jobs also got pad handsomely in stocks which were even more valuable because of how made the company succeed.

    I wish all CEOs of major companies would do this. I hate seeing a CEO come into a company with a huge sign on bonus, wait until certain funds matured, and then leave with a huge golden parachute with the company in worse shape than it was before, often with employees having been let go because they had to "trim the fat."
  • Reply 38 of 39
    As a Hongkonger I must say your piece showed unbelievably good understanding and deep insight of what Hong Kong is. You must be super observative to dig so much out of the city in such a short period (it took me 20 years as a local to fully understand my own residence!). Most people only observe how Hong Kong is branded as a Chinese financial hub but missed out on the unique geological, historical, cultural and social features of the city.

    As for the iPhone 6 frenzy, it is definitely palpable as a local. Many locals cannot order one on the Apple Online Store until January, because the grey market is so large, everyone (yes, EVERYONE over 18 years of age) are trying to get one and resell it to those grey market dealers waiting outside the Apple Stores, and get around US$100 of profit immediately.

    Before Apple finally allowed shipments-on-order in January, people all have to wake up at 8, go to the Apple website, and try to outpace thousands of others in typing their information to get an order placed successfully. If they failed, they do the same thing over and over every day until they get it. All of my classmates in university were moaning or boasting how they didn't (or did) get an order placed every day from September to January it is just ridiculous. I underwent that "wake up at 8 every day and go to" process myself since my friend asked me to help increase his chances (while I stuck to my iPhone 5s) and can definitely feel the frustration of not getting one.

    Two articles describing the fuss in HK created by the new iPhones
  • Reply 39 of 39
    formosaformosa Posts: 261member

    Great piece on HK. Informative and unbiased.


    The MTR is second to none. One thing I noticed immediately was how fast the MTR escalators are; they're noticeably faster than anything else I've experienced. I guess that's what's needed to handle 1.82 billion passengers per year. :wow:

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