Apple offers rare look inside secret Apple Watch health and fitness testing labs [u]



  • Reply 41 of 43
    robbyxrobbyx Posts: 479member

    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post


    And no, there's more to health than "go for a walk and eat in moderation". 


    Maybe so, but these two are basics.  If you can't get them right on your own, no technology is going to give you will power.  I don't think fitness trackers will ever be a successful product category for two reasons.  First, only a very small group of truly fit people are interested in them.  These people are data geeks more than they are health nuts.  But most healthy/fit people aren't really interested in tracking all of that minutiae.  So if there are only so many healthy people who are interested in tracking fitness, your obvious market is the unhealthy, right?  But they have no discipline.  They might buy a fitness tracker, just like they might sign up for the gym.  But they'll rarely use either for very long.


    The more I see of the Apple Watch, the more I feel that it's all of the little advantages working together that will compel someone to buy it, not one set of features (ie: fitness tracking).  As a fitness tracker, the Apple Watch has numerous drawbacks compared to other dedicated products on the market.  But when all aspects of the Apple Watch are considered, it's clearly a superior wearable.  I still don't want one, but I'm less pessimistic about it than I was a few months ago.  I'm also happy to read rumors of an Apple TV with an App Store in the works because I think home automation, television, and gaming are all far more lucrative (and, in my opinion, interesting) markets than wearables.

  • Reply 42 of 43
    robbyxrobbyx Posts: 479member

    Originally Posted by Sector7G View Post



    one day everyone will have some type of tracking device on their person.


    Why stop there?  It will be inside their person.  And probably government mandated.  I'm glad I'll be old and won't care about this stuff and I'm glad I don't have kids because the future we're building for them is really nasty.

  • Reply 43 of 43
    gildergilder Posts: 2member

    So is this the same building as "SixtyEight" that AppleInsider reported with Project Titan?

    Or am I way off? haha
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