Cook says discriminatory 'religious freedom' laws are dangerous, calls for action



  • Reply 81 of 492
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    rogifan wrote: »
    This article gets it right. Tim Cook is a hypocrite of the highest order.

    This (whether it's completely accurate or not is beside the point) is why a consumer electronics business should stay out of socially and politically sensitive matters.
  • Reply 82 of 492
    richlrichl Posts: 2,213member

    Originally Posted by ascii View Post


    That's what I was thinking. All it needs it some major Christian group to boycott Apple and it would surely show up in the numbers. Whether you agree with it or not, it's a widespread religion.


    No Christian organisation is going to do this because they're scared that their congregation would choose the iPhone over God.

  • Reply 83 of 492
    I'm patiently waiting for Tim to call out Islam to reform their religious freedoms. You know, when the execute homosexuals? I'm sure he's very concerned about that too.
  • Reply 84 of 492
    aaronjaaronj Posts: 1,595member

    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    This (whether it's completely accurate or not is beside the point) is why a consumer electronics business should stay out of socially and politically sensitive matters.

    No, it really isn't.


    And name a company that stays out of such matters.  

  • Reply 85 of 492
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    Why is it that the United States can't get over sexual orienation, when the rest of the modern democratic world has (sometimes years, even decades ago)?

    It's juvenile.
  • Reply 86 of 492
    mubailimubaili Posts: 454member
    pogo007 wrote: »
    I'm in favor of these laws. I have a computer business in Montreal. I once had a customer walk in my shop and refused to get served by one of my employees because his skin was black. I told him to take his things and get out of my shop and never come back. Fact of the matter is a business owner has the right to refuse doing business with who ever he wants for what ever reason. Sometimes those reasons are good or sometimes there perceived as bad. If a photographer doesn't want to work for a gay couple because he believes it's wrong, it's his right. The fact is that gay couple can go to many other photographers that will take his money. I don't why people are against it.
    it seems to me these laws are obviously against Amendment 1 and 14. Shouldn't ACLU just sue those state and have those stupid laws struck out?
  • Reply 87 of 492
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    This (whether it's completely accurate or not is beside the point) is why a consumer electronics business should stay out of socially and politically sensitive matters.

    Yep. Let Tim Cook speak out on whatever he wants as a private citizen. But don't drag Apple into it unless it's something that specifically impacts the company (like tax or immigration policy).
  • Reply 88 of 492
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    aaronj wrote: »

    No, it really isn't.

    And name a company that stays out of such matters.  

    The end result of jumping into such a fray will be harm to Apple's bottom line and the impression that Apple is two-faced, making a big stink about an issue in the US, while saying nothing about discriminatory or oppressive behaviors in other highly profitable markets. I'd rather Tim voluntarily quit to pursue a job in politics or at the UN if he prefers to take his attention away from Apple.
  • Reply 89 of 492
    aaronjaaronj Posts: 1,595member

    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    Why is it that the United States can't get over sexual orienation, when the rest of the modern democratic world has (sometimes years, even decades ago)?

    It's juvenile.

    Of course it's juvenile.  But ... that's the way our system (doesn't) work.

  • Reply 90 of 492
    gedboygedboy Posts: 9member

    Why do religious people think that marriage started with them? It's a wee bit older than that. The number of insane posts leads me to believe that either a) half the people in America are nuts or b) the USofA is a nation of satirists.

  • Reply 91 of 492
    aaronjaaronj Posts: 1,595member

    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    The end result of jumping into such a fray will be harm to Apple's bottom line and the impression that Apple is two-faced, making a big stink about an issue in the US, while saying nothing about discriminatory or oppressive behaviors in other highly profitable markets. I'd rather Tim voluntarily quit to pursue a job in politics or at the UN if he prefers to take his attention away from Apple.

    What you'd "rather" is totally irrelevant.  You're nothing more than a keyboard warrior, posting anonymously.  Cook is CEO of the most valuable company in the world.  And if you think that Cook, and Apple, have said "nothing" about oppressive behaviors in other countries, then I don't know what planet you've been on.  But the fact of the matter is, a person has to clean his own yard before it becomes his business to help his neighbor clean his.  This is simply fundamental.


    And I notice that you didn't name a company that doesn't get involved in political or social issues.

  • Reply 92 of 492
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    dukemeiser wrote: »
    I'm patiently waiting for Tim to call out Islam to reform their religious freedoms. You know, when the execute homosexuals? I'm sure he's very concerned about that too.

    Or how about China? Of course Cook would never offend China as its Apple's fastest growing market. The almighty dollar matters more than anything else in the end. Can't criticize China for it's appalling human rights record when you want Chinese consumers to buy your $10K gold watch, ;)
  • Reply 93 of 492
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    aaronj wrote: »

    What you'd "rather" is totally irrelevant.  You're nothing more than a keyboard warrior, posting anonymously.  Cook is CEO of the most valuable company in the world.  And if you think that Cook, and Apple, have said "nothing" about oppressive behaviors in other countries, then I don't know what planet you've been on.  But the fact of the matter is, a person has to clean his own yard before it becomes his business to help his neighbor clean his.  This is simply fundamental.

    And I notice that you didn't name a company that doesn't get involved in political or social issues.

    When has Cook publicly called out China for its appalling human rights record?
  • Reply 94 of 492
    Originally Posted by pogo007 View Post

    I'm in favor of these laws. I have a computer business in Montreal. I once had a customer walk in my shop and refused to get served by one of my employees because his skin was black. I told him to take his things and get out of my shop and never come back. Fact of the matter is a business owner has the right to refuse doing business with who ever he wants for what ever reason. Sometimes those reasons are good or sometimes there perceived as bad. If a photographer doesn't want to work for a gay couple because he believes it's wrong, it's his right. The fact is that gay couple can go to many other photographers that will take his money. I don't why people are against it.

    Let me try to get this right...


    You had a customer DISCRIMINATE against an employee of yours, so you threw him out. That makes it ok for YOU, as the business owner, to DISCRIMINATE against people whom you know NOTHING about? On top of that, those very people most likely did/will do NOTHING discriminatory against you, your business or employees. That doesn't matter though... right? As long as you have a reason to judge someone, that makes it ok, even though your Christianity STRONGLY frowns upon judgement by mere mortals, as GOD is the ONLY one who passes judgement. That doesn't matter, though, as long as you can cherry-pick the parts of your religion to make things look good to cover your actions. It doesn't work that way. 


    It's people like you who don't deserve anything in life, because you believe you're better than others, and it's your views or nothing. 


    Religious freedom means you have the freedom to practice any religion you CHOOSE (religion is a CHOICE). It does NOT mean you should have the right to force your religious views onto others. Forcing religious views is the exact opposite of having religious freedom. You do realize that's why Christianity is such a popular religion, right? Because governments forced it upon citizens. 


    All of you should be stoned to death for your hatred of others (completely against the teachings of Christianity, as well as judgment of others). That's what your bible says, isn't it? It's the people like you who are committing the sin, not the people whom you know nothing about, like it's any of your business anyway.


    I sincerely hope at least one of your customers with a brain reads your comments on here, then spreads the words of your bigotry and hatred, which leads to your business closing down. You don't deserve to be in business working with the public. 

  • Reply 95 of 492
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    aaronj wrote: »

    What you'd "rather" is totally irrelevant.  You're nothing more than a keyboard warrior, posting anonymously.  Cook is CEO of the most valuable company in the world.  And if you think that Cook, and Apple, have said "nothing" about oppressive behaviors in other countries, then I don't know what planet you've been on.  But the fact of the matter is, a person has to clean his own yard before it becomes his business to help his neighbor clean his.  This is simply fundamental.

    And I notice that you didn't name a company that doesn't get involved in political or social issues.

    My view is as valid as yours. I find it interesting that less and less of the content of my posts is being addressed in favor of personal attacks. Not a good way to go.
  • Reply 96 of 492
    aaronjaaronj Posts: 1,595member

    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    My view is as valid as yours. I find it interesting that less and less of the content of my posts is being addressed in favor of personal attacks. Not a good way to go.

    Our two views are explicitly different in one particular way:  You're saying that people should shut up, while I'm doing the opposite.  


    If you don't believe that Cook's right to free speech is just as important as yours or anyone else's, then just say that.  If you do, then what argument are you making, exactly? 

  • Reply 97 of 492
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    sog35 wrote: »
    Sell  your stock if you don't like the way Tim is doing business

    It's better to remain a shareholder and make your opinion heard. Don't you agree?
  • Reply 98 of 492
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    sog35 wrote: »
    Sell  your stock if you don't like the way Tim is doing business

    Easy for you to say that knowing most people won't do it. If there was a major shareholder uproar over Cook making Apple more and more political and it impacted the stock in a negative way you'd care. I own Apple stock because I think it's a company that creates great products and is well run financially and operationally. If Cook wants to be the national spokesperson for LGBT issues he should step aside and let someone else run Apple.
  • Reply 99 of 492
    baka-dubbs wrote: »
    You don't see the hypocrisy in your post?

    Lets break this down real nice and simple.   Our economy is based on the idea of exchanging money for goods or services.   The idea is, you put a price on something, and I have the money, I can purchase that item/service.   You think a business should be able to advertise an item or service to the public, but then deny service when someone comes to them with money, simply based on belief?   If that is the case, shouldn't that business have to implicitly state in there advertisement, on the entrance to the place of business, or in any place conduct business that they will not serve the LGBT community?  I bet it would be a lot different if they were required to put a big old sticker on their door stating  "LGBT not welcome".  Really jibes well with that whole "Love thy Neighbor" thing.   And somehow, that is not descrimination?  Replace LGBT with black, jew, muslim, etc, and see how well that works for you.   Keep burying your head in the sand.

    I'm sorry, where did I indicate I though homosexuals shouldn't be served? Please, allow me to break it down real nice and simple, I don't believe in discrimination of any sort. But I do believe in my right to worship the way I choose. True Christianity does not allow for discrimination, murder, or anything of that nature. But it also doesn't change to allow for mass opinion on sexuality. Homosexuality, adultery, sex before marriage and the like we're wrong yesterday, are wrong today, and will be wrong tomorrow. Regardless of what society deems acceptable.

    People using this law that was intended to protect religious freedom, and twisting it into something they can use to discriminate, is wrong for sure. If people choose to not serve the lgbt community, I wouldn't support their establishment. But that doesn't mean I shouldn't have the right to practice my religion.
  • Reply 100 of 492
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member

    Let me try to get this right...

    You had a customer DISCRIMINATE against an employee of yours, so you threw him out. That makes it ok for YOU, as the business owner, to DISCRIMINATE against people whom you know NOTHING about? On top of that, those very people most likely did/will do NOTHING discriminatory against you, your business or employees. That doesn't matter though... right? As long as you have a reason to judge someone, that makes it ok, even though your Christianity STRONGLY frowns upon judgement by mere mortals, as GOD is the ONLY one who passes judgement. That doesn't matter, though, as long as you can cherry-pick the parts of your religion to make things look good to cover your actions. It doesn't work that way, moron. 

    You, sir, are one of the bigots many here are referring to. It's people like you who don't deserve anything in life, because you believe you're better than others, and it's your views or nothing. 

    Religious freedom means you have the freedom to practice any religion you CHOOSE (religion is a CHOICE). It does NOT mean you should have the right to force your religious views onto others. Forcing religious views is the exact opposite of having religious freedom. You do realize that's why Christianity is such a popular religion, right? Because governments forced it upon citizens. 

    All of you bigots should be stoned to death for your hatred of others (completely against the teachings of Christianity, as well as judgment of others). That's what your bible says, isn't it? It's the bigots like you who are committing the sin, not the people whom you know nothing about, like it's any of your business anyway. 

    I sincerely hope at least one of your customers with a brain reads your comments on here, then spreads the words of your bigotry and hatred, which leads to your business closing down. You don't deserve to be in business working with the public. 

    A private business owner should be able to pick and choose whomever they want to conduct their business. I think it's wiser to be open and accepting of everyone's business, but freedom of association also means freedom to not associate.
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