Todoist for iOS gets major upgrades, New York Times creates 'one-sentence stories' for Apple Watch

in iPhone edited April 2015
Doist on Tuesday released a major update of Todoist for iOS, adding features like "intelligent" task input, while the New York Times announced it would be creating single-sentence stories for display on Apple Watch.

Todoist 10 for iOS gets intelligent input, more

The latest edition of Doist's flagship task manager sports a collection of improvements, including something it calls "intelligent input." This parses text for important details such as labels, priorities, and due dates, and will attempt to automatically categorize them. Date recognition is supported in over 10 languages and uses more than 100 rules and 300 normalizations.

New tasks can now be created by tapping a red circle in any task view or project, or by pulling two tasks apart to make one in the middle of a list. The app has also gained options to edit multiple tasks simultaneously, expand or collapse list views, and reorder tasks and sub-projects by long-pressing the item to be moved.

Doist has further redesigned and simplified the overall interface design, pairing it with optional color themes such as "tangerine," "clover," "noir" and "graphite."

Todoist is a free download for iOS 8 devices. Although Todoist 10 is currently an iOS exclusive, the new features should soon roll out to Mac, Android, and Windows apps, as well as the Todoist Web interface.

New York Times spins short news for Apple Watch

For its upcoming Apple Watch app, the newspaper is devising what it calls "one-sentence stories," allowing people to keep up with news on the Watch's small display. Despite the name, these items will also be accompanied by photos and bullet points.

To read a complete story a person will be able to tap "Save for Later" to create a reading list, or use Handoff to push the article to the Times' iPhone and iPad apps.

The Watch app will be handled by the Times' mobile team, which will push out stories from "many" sections of the paper including Politics, Science, and Tech.

The new content will be accessible on April 24, the same day that the Watch is shipping to stores and pre-order customers.


  • Reply 1 of 9
    I thought one sentence stories were called headlines.
  • Reply 2 of 9
    gtrgtr Posts: 3,231member
    One sentence stories seems appropriate considering the New York Times and most news media outlets usually do one minute worth of research per story these days...
  • Reply 3 of 9
    mr omr o Posts: 1,046member

    "Just Because You Can Doesn't Mean You Should"


    My one-sentence advice to the NY Times

  • Reply 4 of 9
    One sentence stories?
    You mean headlines?
    When did we need a new name for that?
  • Reply 5 of 9
    mr o wrote: »
    "Just Because You Can Doesn't Mean You Should"

    My one-sentence advice to the NY Times

    I wish you'd given that advice to Jony Ive before he decided to do the Apple Watch.
  • Reply 6 of 9
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,385member
    Originally Posted by Benjamin Frost View Post

    I wish you'd given that advice to Jony Ive before he decided to do the Apple Watch.


    I notice you never fail to be within the 1st 5 posts of any Apple Watch thread, and many times the first.  Obviously, you're vehemently and furiously refreshing this website for Apple Watch articles you can troll.  I've literally never witnessed anything more pathetic, or depressing in my life.


    Imagine if you actually attempted to do something productive with your time? The people you mock (but secretly envy), like Ive and Cook, did not get to where they were by refreshing websites in order to post nasty messages.  Maybe you can develop some kind of goal for your life, and do something constructive with it, instead of this wasteful and useless behavior. 

  • Reply 7 of 9
    steveausteveau Posts: 300member
    Hey, Benji, keep it up! These pages would be so factual, fawning and boring without you.
  • Reply 8 of 9
    mr omr o Posts: 1,046member

    Originally Posted by Benjamin Frost View Post

    I wish you'd given that advice to Jony Ive before he decided to do the Apple Watch.

    Anything that makes the phone less prominent is a good thing.


    ? watch clearly is a first generation product. It does indeed have some flaws. However, it is a solid watch that offers intelligent time. To me, this is a significant feature justifying the existence of the watch.

  • Reply 9 of 9
    nick29nick29 Posts: 111member
    One-sentence brainwashing. Liberal or conservative, you're an idiot if you think one sentence (even with pictures and bullet points) is a credible way to ingest information about the world.
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