Apple considering 'major' expansion of Ireland manufacturing - report



  • Reply 61 of 66
    splifsplif Posts: 603member

    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    Again, it's because of the existence of these programs Walmart is able to pay wages that are essentially subsidized by taxpayers. If these misguided programs did not exist, wages would have to adjust to whatever the market would bear.


  • Reply 62 of 66
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member

    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    Again, it's because of the existence of these programs Walmart is able to pay wages that are essentially subsidized by taxpayers. If these misguided programs did not exist, wages would have to adjust to whatever the market would bear.

    Are you claiming that no one was lowly paid before food stamps were introduced?


    You do realise that people in poverty don't have the luxury of turning up their nose at a job because "it doesn't pay enough", right?

  • Reply 63 of 66
    splifsplif Posts: 603member

    Originally Posted by icoco3 View Post



    My cousin pulled down around $300 a night in tips back in the 80's.  She was poached by another restaurant as well because she was very good.  It was not from her looks either, it was her professional standards and ability to wow the customers.  Good waitresses can move to the better restaurants and increase their income.


    What I tip is between me and the waitress and I am sure they have never been disappointed.  Hope you do the same as you seem to think it is a chore to do so.  If waitresses get paid more by their employers, it will just show up on your bill in increased food costs.  Economics 101.

    Doesn't tipping increase your food cost? Math 101

    Average Waitress salaries with tips:

  • Reply 64 of 66
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by TheWhiteFalcon View Post

    No one does. The IRS has stated they have never received extra funds.


    Because it’s definitionally impossible for them to receive them.


    Originally Posted by sflagel View Post

    You forgot two important words: "... the bloodlust of the vampiric democratically elected EU political class".


    That’s cute. You think the EU has anything to do with the will of the people it rules.


    Originally Posted by Crowley View Post

    Crikey, so now the EU is too democratic?


    You have to be insane to think that democracy is not evil.


    Originally Posted by Crowley View Post

    You really love saying this, don't you?

    Only because it’s true.


    The OP talked about democratically elected, not democracy.


    So what are you pretending this means? “Without corruption”? That’s also not true. “Of equality”? Nope.


    …locally it is often more directly democratic.


    Because that’s literally the only scale upon which democracy can work. For populations greater than a few thousand, democracy does far more evil than good.

  • Reply 65 of 66
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member

    A word of advice TS, don't stampede into other people's conversations with a loose grasp of facts and no grasp of context.

    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    You have to be insane to think that democracy is not evil.


    Well, no actually.  But the word is democratic, not democracy.  They mean different things.  Besides which, the point was that just the other day someone on a rant was complaining how the EU was unelected and undemocratic (which I disproved).  And today the EU is democracy gone mad (it isn't).  Seems like talking about the EU turns people into rabid fools in both directions.


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    Only because it’s true.


    Lots of things are true, but I don't feel the need to interject them into unrelated conversations on a regular basis.  That is the mark of dogmatic thinking and personal hang ups.


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    So what are you pretending this means? “Without corruption”? That’s also not true. “Of equality”? Nope.


    I wasn't pretending either of those things.  What're those things you hate, oh yeah, straw men.


    Democratic and democracy are different words and mean different things.  Making a point about how the USA is not a democracy (nationally, it isn't) when the original point about how the USA is democratic (nationally, it is) is besides the point.  Again, dogmatic hang ups, and not relevant.


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    Because that’s literally the only scale upon which democracy can work. For populations greater than a few thousand, democracy does far more evil than good.


    You're saying democracy literally doesn't work?  That's patent nonsense.  It is sub-optimal for sure, just as every non-utopian-daydream alternative is.  Where large communities have to form cohesive governmental structures for mutual defense and support, democratic processes have frequently shown themselves to be the most stable and productive while respecting citizens liberties.  With exceptions of course, but nothing in the real world is perfect.

  • Reply 66 of 66
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    rayz wrote: »

    When the tax situation changes then I suspect a lot of tech companies will pull out of Ireland. This will leave Apple with the pick of a well-educated work force going cheap.

    I keep hearing this but where would they go to? If the EU enforces the law on tax universally the only option is outside Europe and that option is available already.

    frankie wrote: »

    Considering Ireland stopping the service, they are broke, and have zero jobs, I'm not sure it worked out too well for them.

    You'll have to rephrase that.
    icoco3 wrote: »
    My cousin pulled down around $300 a night in tips back in the 80's.  She was poached by another restaurant as well because she was very good.  It was not from her looks either, it was her professional standards and ability to wow the customers.  Good waitresses can move to the better restaurants and increase their income.

    What I tip is between me and the waitress and I am sure they have never been disappointed.  Hope you do the same as you seem to think it is a chore to do so.  If waitresses get paid more by their employers, it will just show up on your bill in increased food costs.  Economics 101.

    Well tips are part of the food costs of course. And it's not true that employers can always pass on costs to consumers, it depends on the competition.

    I do like one thing about tipping American style, it pays the best and busiest workers for being better and working the busiest shifts. Like profit sharing. In Europe you get paid the same for a quiet Tuesday waiting a table and a busy Saturday. That tends to not make Saturday's popular with the best workers with a corresponding drop in overall quality of service.
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