iPod's disappearance from top of Apple website signals further slide into obscurity



  • Reply 61 of 69
    sflagelsflagel Posts: 838member

    Originally Posted by Macky the Macky View Post


    That's a perfect way to make all the other cellular providers drop Apple products... become their competitor.


    That's such a BAD idea it should win some kind of boobie prize...

    Could they do that? If someone buys an unlocked Apple phone and inserts a SIM card, can the network provider block it just because its an Apple phone? I think most phones these days are bought outright, no? And some countries may even have laws now to unbundle the phone purchase from the network rental.

  • Reply 62 of 69
    cnocbuicnocbui Posts: 3,613member

    Originally Posted by jungmark View Post

    Just semantics, but Apple didn't throw things out there to see what sticks.

    It just took 14+ years, but the iPod has failed. /s

    Yes they did.  Remember the disastrous iPod Shuffle which was made so pointlessly small it had no room for physical buttons and they had to put them on the earbud cable?  A major design mistake that was corrected with the following model.  Then of course they had the ghastly and near inexplicable 3rd generation Nano, which is best forgotten, followed by the perfect form factor of the 4th and 5th gen. Nanos, then the 6th gen Nano which was as ergonomically stupid for a music player as the 3rd gen was ugly, but made a fantastic and quirky watch, which was strangely the principal reason people bought them, then back to a tall thinish profile of the current generation nano which has horrible muted pastel colours instead of the wonderful bold rainbow colours of the 4th and 5th gens, a touch screen instead of the infinitely more useful click wheel.


    The 4th and 5th gen Nanos nailed it and were perfect.  The Op was correct, there was a lot of experimentation with the iPods.


  • Reply 63 of 69

    I'm still using a 5th Gen 60 GB iPod from 2006. It still holds more than 5 hours on a charge, and I've got more than 8,000 songs on it taking up 46 GB of space. The best and most satisfying Apple purchase I ever made.

    My children play songs on their phones, run the battery down, then are unable to receive calls, a real pain in the butt. I've got a 64GB iPhone 6+ that would take all of my iTunes library in an emergency, but I'm thinking of picking up a 64GB Touch the day my iPod finally fails. Keeping functions separate just makes sense. Even though I can navigate with my phone, I cycle with a GPS on my bike for the same reason. It's worthless to have a dead phone when you need to use it.

  • Reply 64 of 69
    hari5hari5 Posts: 56member

    iPod has always been king of portable mp3 player market. I've owned quite a few but from the sound quality point of view I can say that my 5.5G iPod Video is the best-ever iPod ever made with Wolfson DAC. I also have 4th gen iPod touch which comes with Cirrus Logic DAC which is fairly good but Wolfson has always been better.


    I understand that there is that certain "cool" factor of an iPod with industry leading quality and there's this emotional bond with the device but why not look for the better alternatives. Like few members have mentioned that there are some other companies such as Creative, Sony etc but from my experience Cowon is the King when it comes to sound quality. Cowon DX50, X7, J3.. no other can beat them in terms of sound quality.


    Their latest Cowon P1 which comes with 128 GB on board flash storage with provision of expanding it to 256 GB and SNR 120dB, THD+N 0.0006%, Crosstalk -130dB. Ability of playing high definition 24bit/192kHz sound with a warm Burr Brown DAC, it is one of the best digital player available, period. Even though it comes at a steep price, it produces exquisite sound quality. It's not over even if Apple stops making iPods. 

  • Reply 65 of 69
    geekygeeky Posts: 10member

    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post



    Nope.  Sorry.  Apple won't canibalize the iPhone 6+

    the iPhone serves a whole different audience than the iPod 


    a 5.5 inch iPod won't canibalize the iPhone 6+ because of a couple reasons

    1.an iPod can't do phone calls

    2.it doesn't have a cellular option 

    Apple hasn't added a cellular option to the iPod line for the very reason you stated they don't want it to canibalize the iPhone's sales 

  • Reply 66 of 69
    geekygeeky Posts: 10member

    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post



    There are no legit $300 Android alternatives to iPod that has a 5.5 inch screen.


    Apple does not mind canibalizing the low end (iPhone canabalizing iPod) but they avoid canibalizing the high end ( iPadMini canibalzing iPad).


    IMO, it was a mistake to make the iPadMini and it cost Apple a ton of iPad sales. The better alternative was bringing the big iPhone earlier.  We can already see how they are trying to convience people not to buy the iPadMini by giving it lower specs than the iPad. 


    Releasing a 5.5 inch iPod would be insane and could really hurt 6+ sales. 


    The iPod has run its course.  Its time to let it go.  Its in the catergory of pocket size digital cameras.  Some people still enjoy them but the units are too small for Apple to concern itself with.

    why do you hate the iPod so much and i don't think you know how big of an audience the iPod serves the only reason some people aren't buying them is the specs they're old and crummy and on the edge of being obsolete.


    i don't even care if apple doesn't change the outside of the iPod and just changes the insides 

  • Reply 67 of 69
    harry wildharry wild Posts: 813member

    I hope Apple stick with the iPod line since it save the company from going under!  It be stupid to discontinue it since it a way to draw new customers into Apple's ecosystem!

  • Reply 68 of 69

    Shuffles and Nano's are so popular with all sorts of athletes here in Texas.  They are perfect devices for intense exercise and the iPhone is just way too bulky.  Apple needs to let their employees out to exercise and maybe they give the iPods just a little love.  Clearly, not the money maker they once were but serve a purpose with no good alternatives.  

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