Apple Music offers a peek into the future of Apple Inc, and its stark contrast to Google and Microso



  • Reply 81 of 99

    I will wait...wait...wait... and wait some more until I'm forced to do the update, maybe with an IOS system update. I don't want Apple Music, I don't even want iTunes, but right now that's all I have.

  • Reply 82 of 99
    adonissmuadonissmu Posts: 1,776member
    jbdragon wrote: »
    That's the whole point!!!!  it's not to share with 5 of your friends splitting the cost 6 ways.  Each person paying $2.50 a month!!!  That is why it's called the FAMILY plan!!! Not the Friends and Family Plan!!!   You're complaining because you're trying to cheat the system!!!  
    how do you keep kids from purchasing stuff? Or even other adult family members?
  • Reply 83 of 99
    adonissmuadonissmu Posts: 1,776member
    I was expecting Apple Music to be much worse than it is. I was pleasantly surprised. It is a bit rough around the edges but its still better than Spotify IMO. I was hoping for easier integration with songs I had already purchased on iTunes but I think this is fixable.
  • Reply 84 of 99

    You are right on. The folks who seem to have unlimited disposable income will jump on AM like a bird on a bug, but in reality most aged people have already accrued their favorite music over the years and will rarely deviate from it as they get older. I mean there are so many "The Four Seasons" renditions one can own and say, "Oh yes, there is a difference!" Or in another vein, old farts like me who only listen to Classic Rock from the 60's and 70's are not going to go listen to Dr. Dre's new hits album. In other words $9.95 a month added to my Verizon Data x 4 units added to my Direct TV added to my broad band cable added to my.... You get my point. There is only enough "added to's" to go around in today's society and Apple Music is WAAAAAAY down the list.

  • Reply 85 of 99
    matrix07matrix07 Posts: 1,993member
    Originally Posted by sagan_student View Post

    I personally have found the UI to be very good for my needs. There is a bit of a learning curve to find where things are but its all there. Any way you wish to listen to music is all within a few taps. I can understand the frustration with moving to a different UI but how can one ever make a switch into a different paradigm and not experience a little growing pangs? I personally am finding it difficult to think of another way to display nearly all the worlds music into an app that makes it easy to get to a particular artist, album, or song (search), music for your taste, new and playlists, radio, or personal music collections. The app focuses on providing you with the initial selection of how you want to listen to music and then you dig down deeper. What are the other solutions that would do this job better while avoiding any limitations or learning curves?



    If people give Apple Music a chance, instead of wanting it to be exactly like Beats or other platforms, there is some amazing things to discover. I never enjoy new music like this.

  • Reply 86 of 99
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  • Reply 87 of 99
    mr omr o Posts: 1,046member

    Originally Posted by jungmark View Post

    Sometimes you have to see all the options so people won't get confused if some of these options are missing. It looks ugly but it's not going to be static forever.


    Adding options is a sign that you are clueless and lacking focus. Your user will feel confused no matter what.

  • Reply 88 of 99
    mr omr o Posts: 1,046member
    Originally Posted by dklebedev View Post

    So you liked eating a cactus. It's still a mess.

    Apple Music basically is a free Beta version. Just like iOS 9, but in a dire state. Especially iTunes 12.2 in OSX.


    I hope they get their act together when the Beta ends.

  • Reply 89 of 99
    jkrummjkrumm Posts: 1member
    I was a Mog user and loved it. Then Beats bought Mog and brought out the bubbles and not many people were happy with it (hence low market penetration and plenty of switching). I saw its potential but thought it needed lots of work, work that never happened. Mog's main claim to fame for a while was sound quality, but now most services stream at 320kbps. Apple Music is a slightly modified Beats Music with the exact same bubble feature, with a slightly lower bitrate. Connect is the same as well. The main difference is Beats One and better overal integration with the Apple catalogue, iTunes and the iPhone. The bubbles are still gimicky and don't let me input artists and genres I actually want to represent my tastes.
    For now I'll stick to Rhapsody. Better catalogue, and way better organization of the catalogue. I can find the genre I want and even drill down to subgenres. Sound quality is good. If Apple had the organization of Rhapsody's catalogue combined with it's own curated playlists combined with some of the better social features of Spotify, well that would do it.
  • Reply 90 of 99
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    mr o wrote: »
    Adding options is a sign that you are clueless and lacking focus. Your user will feel confused no matter what.

    Aren't they valid options?
  • Reply 91 of 99
    So far, I'm sitting out until the dust settles. But I'm concerned. This sounds like a not ready for prime time mess. And Photos has been a not ready for prime time mess. And that's two big releases that WOULD have been ready for prime time if Jobs was still around. I'm not a Cook basher or hater, not even a little, but I'm starting to worry, for the first time, that something critical has been lost.
  • Reply 92 of 99
    xixoxixo Posts: 451member

    Originally Posted by justThorne View Post

    So far, I'm sitting out until the dust settles. But I'm concerned. This sounds like a not ready for prime time mess. And Photos has been a not ready for prime time mess. And that's two big releases that WOULD have been ready for prime time if Jobs was still around. I'm not a Cook basher or hater, not even a little, but I'm starting to worry, for the first time, that something critical has been lost.


    totally agree. apple used to hold releases until they were ready, and when stuff didn't work in production, heads rolled.


    10.7 introduced a bug in monitors where the drivers and models I use were always rearranged on every reboot. this was finally fixed in 10.10.3 - more than four years later.


    apple's products were rock solid since os x 10.1, but 10.7 was 'vista for mac'.


    despite his arrogance, jobs only cared about serving the customer. the stockholder benefited because the customer was happy.


    now it's a tossup. the stockholders have certainly benefitted, with substance trumped by style.


    microsoft's decline was inevitable, some day the kool-aid will run out at apple too...

  • Reply 93 of 99

    Originally Posted by Multimedia View Post

    Daniel, I love and respect your editorials every time. But I don't understand how you can proclaim Apple Music a success when I almost lost my entire 4TB library and all my 20 years of playlist building just because there was no warning that when you turn ON iCloud Music Library, it may destroy your iTunes Library and all your playlists. Thank God for Time Machine backup.


    well, you're in the minority (but it still sucks). 


    look on the bright side..

    while they may have caused you a problem, they ALSO provided a brain dead way for you to fix it.


    ...i'm just sayin'

  • Reply 94 of 99
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    justthorne wrote: »
    So far, I'm sitting out until the dust settles. But I'm concerned. This sounds like a not ready for prime time mess. And Photos has been a not ready for prime time mess. And that's two big releases that WOULD have been ready for prime time if Jobs was still around. I'm not a Cook basher or hater, not even a little, but I'm starting to worry, for the first time, that something critical has been lost.

    I remember when jobs released MobileMe. It was flawless and everyone still uses it...
  • Reply 95 of 99
    sphericspheric Posts: 2,666member
    Originally Posted by xixo View Post



    totally agree. apple used to hold releases until they were ready, and when stuff didn't work in production, heads rolled.


    10.7 introduced a bug in monitors where the drivers and models I use were always rearranged on every reboot. this was finally fixed in 10.10.3 - more than four years later.


    apple's products were rock solid since os x 10.1, but 10.7 was 'vista for mac'.


    AHHHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAhaaahahahahahahahaaa…. No. 


    Sorry, but that's the rosey-red tint of nostalgia tinging your hindsight. 


    Who would ever forget the wonderful iTunes installer that would irrevocably erase ALL attached external drives that had a space in their name. And sheesh, if you think 10.5.0 and 10.6.0 were better than 10.7.0…you were a smart guy, because you obviously never actually used the .0 versions.

    Or maybe you were just extremely lucky that the bugs were always in subsystems that you didn't directly depend upon. 


    There was a bug in Apple's Firewire implementation that required a nasty hack in audio drivers that lasted for years and years (I think it was finally fixed in one of the later 10.6 or 10.7 builds, but I'm not entirely sure). 


    Oh yeah, and hardware that didn't conform to Apple's own Firewire hardware spec and would blow out the controllers when bus-powered devices were attached (1998-2002 or so)…got hit by that twice; a friend, three times. 


    And boy, did we have fun with the Classic environment, and early Intel transitions…a decade ago...


    Apple's stuff is no more and no less buggy than it's been at least since 1989, when I started using it.

  • Reply 96 of 99
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  • Reply 97 of 99
    zoso4zoso4 Posts: 11member
    I have ?Music turned off. I have Sirius Radio in my truck and offline playlists on my phone for cutting grass. But then, I'm 62. :)
  • Reply 98 of 99

    Scott Forestall perhaps??

  • Reply 99 of 99

    Originally Posted by matrix07 View Post



    I stop reading when it said iBooks is not a verb.

    I didn't, and it showed me stuff I didn't know. this is because, at this time, I refuse to sign up. Too many horror stories, and Apple Music has destroyed all my fave iTunes Radio stations, which were just fine by me, so much so that I reverted to iTines 12.1 on all my Macs. Still, maybe I'll use the free trial on an emulator. Not sure why though. Tried Beats 1, and it's awful. Who needs another station of self important crap? How does it cater to the various generations, let alone genres? Hideous waste of time.

    Still, Apple will win this, as they do everywhere else. Spotify crashes all the time, Pandora requires me to reinstall Flash ( Your'e kidding, right? ) and the Tidal UI is terrible. Best get the trial over with then.

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