Rumor: Apple considering becoming a carrier, leasing network from existing wireless providers



  • Reply 41 of 55
    Wall Street is mostly afraid of Apple at this point. They have never had a company realistically worth $1Trillion that has stunning cash flows and profits, is very well run, with outstanding client loyalty and more money at hand than most countries.

    Look for the "collective" to harp on anything they can to slow Apple until the real numbers absolutely defy the negativity...

    It's all emotional for the time being...
  • Reply 42 of 55
    jbdragonjbdragon Posts: 2,312member
    And it should be noted that the telephone monopoly that used to exist did not happen because of market forces. It was thanks to longstanding collusion between AT&T and government.

    It was a government created monopoly, where do we see that these days?. Oh ya, internet service providers. Let me know when Comcast, TWC and others are all in the same city fighting for business!!!. You see what happens when Google comes to town!. Prices drop and speeds shoot up to try and keep customers. In the other city's, nothing changes.
  • Reply 43 of 55
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post



    I don't remember it.  If you find it fine.


    But someone would have to bet with me to take the bet.

    Don't lie now. You know damn well that you made such a bet (with no opposing bet by anyone else) and you've mentioned it several times here after the fact as well.


    If AAPL fails to hit $150 by year end, you self-ban for a year as you promised or you're the biggest liar on the site.

  • Reply 44 of 55
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post

    give me a break. If i put a bet for 1 year the loser has to get banned for 1 year.

    What kind of stupid ass bet that I'm the only one who losses.

    So are you game or not?

    Or are you chicken sheet? Its at $118 so you have a huge advantage.

    Yes or No?

    Lets see you put your money where your mouth is.

    $150 this year you get banned for 1 year. If not I get banned for 1 year.

    You made the bet. You volunteered if the stock failed to hit $150 by year end, you'd self-ban for a year. Your written words, not mine. Obviously, you haven't got the spine to stand behind your original post.


    I'd never make such a moronic bet to begin with. You did. The damning evidence is below (emphasis added):

    You fell for the media's bullshit that China is doomed.  Do you even research things?  At all?  The Chinese stock market is still up 15% YTD!  Floundering EU??  Are talking about Greece?  You fell for more BULLSHIT.  Greece is like 3% of the EU.  They generate the same GDP as Oregon!!! I mean WTF!!!! But go ahead and sell your shares for cheap.  This is EXACTLY what the Wall Street manipulators want you to do. If we don't hit $150 by EOY I'll ban myself for 1 year.



    So, stick by your statement. Otherwise, shut up and go away.

  • Reply 45 of 55
    tenlytenly Posts: 710member

    You made the bet. You volunteered if the stock failed to hit $150 by year end, you'd self-ban for a year. Your written words, not mine. Obviously, you haven't got the spine to stand behind your original post.

    I'd never make such a moronic bet to begin with. You did.
    Why don't you post a link to his original post rather than just arguing about it? I thought I remembered him promising to self-ban for a month if Apple sold over 5 million watches - but I don't care enough to go look it up. You seem to care a great deal about his stock quote prediction.

    I'd recommend you accept his wager yourself right now, or find and post a link to his original promise that you claim he made - or just drop it. If you're going to call him a liar (repeatedly), then at least post the proof! If not, and the bickering continues, I'm just going to ban you both for 6 months!!! (Er...well...that is if I had the power to ban
  • Reply 46 of 55
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by tenly View Post

    Why don't you post a link to his original post rather than just arguing about it? I thought I remembered him promising to self-ban for a month if Apple sold over 5 million watches - but I don't care enough to go look it up. You seem to care a great deal about his stock quote prediction.

    I'd recommend you accept his wager yourself right now, or find and post a link to his original promise that you claim he made - or just drop it. If you're going to call him a liar (repeatedly), then at least post the proof! If not, and the bickering continues, I'm just going to ban you both for 6 months!!! (Er...well...that is if I had the power to ban

    I did post the link:


    He made a bet unprompted and cannot weasel his way out of it because obviously he's not confident his longstanding target will be hit.

  • Reply 47 of 55
    hentaiboyhentaiboy Posts: 1,252member

    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post


    I did post the link:


    He made a bet unprompted and cannot weasel his way out of it because obviously he's not confident his longstanding target will be hit.

    I believe that he's also going to ban himself if Apple doesn't shift 15,000,000 watches in 12 months. How he's going to measure this though when Apple doesn't report watch sales beats me :\

  • Reply 48 of 55
    foggyhillfoggyhill Posts: 4,767member

    Originally Posted by hentaiboy View Post


    I believe that he's also going to ban himself if Apple doesn't shift 15,000,000 watches in 12 months. How he's going to measure this though when Apple doesn't report watch sales beats me :\


    Considering they'll be stuffed in Other, you'll get a pretty good hint, if not an exact number. But, I've got the feeling that it will be so much over it that it won't be in question at all.

  • Reply 49 of 55
    ksecksec Posts: 1,569member

    The report also claims this is a long term project, in the 5 years+ timeline.


    5 years down the road we are talking about 5G era. First commercial 5G network in the world likely start at 2018 - 2019. The same timeline also gives 802.11ax WiFi. Which should finally get us real world 1Gbps Wireless Speed on a 2x2 Antenna config. 

    Then there is LTE-U, LTE on Unlicensed Spectrum 5Ghz and MuLTEFire.


    It would be possible for Apple to built a world wide Small Cell Station with LTE-U, making the MNVO as the Anchor point only, ( LTE-U requires you to have a active connection for QoS etc to function ). Since Apple pay for the bandwidth using Network Operator, any bandwidth they could off load into their own Small Cell Network means savings or profit margin for them. And the MNVO would means additional lock in to Apple Devices.


    So Carrier dont lose anything. For every 1 dollar of transfer cost, Apple will pay those 1 dollar as well. Apple will handle the VoiceMail, ( Finally Visual Voice Mail and free of the bloody patents trolls ). And Remember while Apple only have 20% world wide market shares, it is responsible for much larger share of usage. Hence a larger share of bandwidth.


    How many percentage of transfer Apple could off load remains to be seen. But My guess is that Apple could work with those Shopping Mall which has Apple Store, the iBeacon and location awareness Cell could be a big sale for these Malls.  Then there are government properties ( public transport ), Fast Food Chains Restaurant ( McDonald, KFC, Starbucks etc ) , or any other High Density locations.

  • Reply 50 of 55
    thepixeldocthepixeldoc Posts: 2,257member
    bobschlob wrote: »
    Forget it. Apple had their chance back when they declined to buy all the spectrum they could ever want at auction several years ago.
    They could have owned the the cell-waves, the same way they could have owned the automobile market if they had just bought the bankrupt Big Three.
    Cell waves, auto makers?

    Shiiiit! They could have owned their own country by bailing out Greece!

    You think too small :p
  • Reply 51 of 55
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    hydro mac wrote: »
    They should have done this when they first brought out the iPhone.

    They thought about it then too. We've been hearing this ghost story about Apple being its own carrier for 8 years.
  • Reply 52 of 55
    evilutionevilution Posts: 1,399member

    Originally Posted by gregq View Post


    the main carriers will always be able to undercut apple on price, unless they plan on running at a loss

    Disagree. If a company wanted to rent line space from a carrier, they would have to get offered a discount.

    Judging how Apple negotiate, they'd get a good deal. From there it would depend heavily on the amount of profit (if any) that Apple wanted to create. If they made it a non profit hobby, no one could undercut them, not even the main carrier because, as soon as they did, that'd be the set price and Apple would want a bigger discount.

  • Reply 53 of 55
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Cell waves, auto makers?

    Shiiiit! They could have owned their own country by bailing out Greece!

    You think too small :p

    Greece would only be worth buying for the property. The Socialists in charge are what have turned Greece into the mess it is today.
  • Reply 54 of 55
    thepixeldocthepixeldoc Posts: 2,257member
    Greece would only be worth buying for the property.

    You could've stopped here and received a simple up-vote.... but nooooooo...
    The Socialists in charge are what have turned Greece into the mess it is today.

    Has nothing to do with specific political philosophies or party affiliations... and EVERYTHING to do with rampant corruption across political, business and mega-mogul boundaries, and embedded in their society for generations.

    Fact is that the PEOPLE and the ones they've elected to represent them against the power of Business Tycoonery, have many times went overboard in granting social benefits in order to stop the listing of the ship, and corral the shipping magnets that are steering everything (manipulating) ONLY in their own interests and towards favorite ports of call AKA banks both national and foreign.

    The chicanery and ruthlessness of Greek tycoons and businessmen is most definitely not a myth, nor to be taken lightly. That's a century old fact, and unfortunately I can attest to it's veracity. :\
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