Swiss National Bank grows stake in Apple by 500,000 shares in June quarter

in AAPL Investors edited August 2015
The Swiss National Bank increased its stake in Apple during the June quarter by 500,000 shares, giving it a total of 9.4 million, a filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission revealed on Wednesday.

In March the bank had 8.9 million Apple shares, indicating a 5.5 percent increase, Bloomberg noted. By comparison, it increased its stake in Microsoft by 4.8 percent, and holdings with oil giant Exxon Mobil by 3.6 percent. Apple was the bank's third-biggest American investment, displacing Johnson & Johnson.

In all, the SNB grew its U.S. equity to $38.6 billion from $37.5 billion in the previous quarter, split between over 2,500 companies.

Apple is a major target for institutional investors like banks, mutual funds, and retirement systems. The SNB is a relatively minor player, dwarfed by parties like Blackrock, Goldman Sachs, and JP Morgan.

By the end of the March quarter, the largest institutional investor was Vanguard Group, with almost 327 million shares. Some 61 percent of shares were controlled by institutions, rather than individuals.


  • Reply 1 of 16
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member

    Clearly, Apple has no future and they are just counting the hours and minutes until they have to shut their doors.  /s

  • Reply 2 of 16

    500,000 shares!  Many investors have dumped 10X that many Apple shares in a couple of days.  Nearly everyone is dumping Apple shares and buying Priceline, Amazon, Google and Netflix.  Apple appears to be the only highly profitable company on the planet that doesn't know how to attract more investors.  Apple is sitting on a mountain of wealth and decides to sell AppleWatches.  Who the hell is interested in buying smartwatches?  Almost no one.  The smartwatch has become the Pet Rock of the consumer tech industry and the butt of late night talk show jokes.


    Every major company needs cloud storage services but of course, Apple isn't interested in that sort of stuff.  Apple only deals in things you can neatly put in a box or display case.  Fine.  Apple shareholders will end up in a box, too.  A pine box.  I'm willing to bet Carl Icahn is cursing Tim Cook after selling off all of his Netflix shares.  A small company like Netflix is making Apple look like the worst investment on the planet.  And to think of all those tens of billions of dollars sunk into stock repurchases.  Apple could have built three Netflix companies with that totally wasted cash.  Over the last five years Amazon's share price gains have put Apple's gains to shame.  A nearly profitless company like Amazon is getting far more respect from investors than Apple ever did.  It's just insane how some companies get good investors and Apple ends up with most fickle investors around.

  • Reply 3 of 16
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,385member
    500,000 shares!  Many investors have dumped 10X that many Apple shares in a couple of days.  Nearly everyone is dumping Apple shares and buying Priceline, Amazon, Google and Netflix.  Apple appears to be the only highly profitable company on the planet that doesn't know how to attract more investors.  Apple is sitting on a mountain of wealth and decides to sell AppleWatches.  Who the hell is interested in buying smartwatches?  Almost no one.  The smartwatch has become the Pet Rock of the consumer tech industry and the butt of late night talk show jokes.

    Every major company needs cloud storage services but of course, Apple isn't interested in that sort of stuff.  Apple only deals in things you can neatly put in a box or display case.  Fine.  Apple shareholders will end up in a box, too.  A pine box.  I'm willing to bet Carl Icahn is cursing Tim Cook after selling off all of his Netflix shares.  A small company like Netflix is making Apple look like the worst investment on the planet.  And to think of all those tens of billions of dollars sunk into stock repurchases.  Apple could have built three Netflix companies with that totally wasted cash.  Over the last five years Amazon's share price gains have put Apple's gains to shame.  A nearly profitless company like Amazon is getting far more respect from investors than Apple ever did.  It's just insane how some companies get good investors and Apple ends up with most fickle investors around.

    Oh, shut the **** up. How do you have the energy to pen the same damn rant in every thread? Constable Odo, is that you? Your sock puppet accounts are pathetic and tiresome.
  • Reply 4 of 16
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,107member
    Originally Posted by Steffen Jobbs View Post


    500,000 shares!  Many investors have dumped 10X that many Apple shares in a couple of days.  Nearly everyone is dumping Apple shares and buying Priceline, Amazon, Google and Netflix.  Apple appears to be the only highly profitable company on the planet that doesn't know how to attract more investors.  Apple is sitting on a mountain of wealth and decides to sell AppleWatches.  Who the hell is interested in buying smartwatches?  Almost no one.  The smartwatch has become the Pet Rock of the consumer tech industry and the butt of late night talk show jokes.


    Every major company needs cloud storage services but of course, Apple isn't interested in that sort of stuff.  Apple only deals in things you can neatly put in a box or display case.  Fine.  Apple shareholders will end up in a box, too.  A pine box.  I'm willing to bet Carl Icahn is cursing Tim Cook after selling off all of his Netflix shares.  A small company like Netflix is making Apple look like the worst investment on the planet.  And to think of all those tens of billions of dollars sunk into stock repurchases.  Apple could have built three Netflix companies with that totally wasted cash.  Over the last five years Amazon's share price gains have put Apple's gains to shame.  A nearly profitless company like Amazon is getting far more respect from investors than Apple ever did.  It's just insane how some companies get good investors and Apple ends up with most fickle investors around.

    Pump-and-dump  much there?

    The term "investing" nowadays might as well be re-labeled as a card game at a Las Vegas Casino.  People with the attention-span of a gnat can't think long-term strategies anymore.  They want immediate results.


    Apple makes an obscene amount of money every quarter.  The not only dominate the mobile sector, but also desktops, computers, and consumer-services like music and media.  Apple-Pay is gaining traction.  The AppleWatch in the few months it's been out has sold more units in that time than the entire wearables market did EVER.  

    No, Apple is not sitting around counting its pile of money.  They are actually doing stuff and everyone else is picking up the crumbs.  Apple developed an entire industry that everyone else feeds off from.  They are not going anywhere.  They are silently setting themselves up to be involved on some level in everything consumers use.  


    If idiots want to fuel the doom-and-gloom scenario, go right ahead.  AAPL is a bargain again and as far as I'm concerned, I hope Tim Cook buys up another big wad of AAPL back cheap and gives those a$$hat Wall Street analysts the big middle-finger.

    In a few years, those analysts will then whine that there is very little AAPL stock left to game the system with.  Boo-freaking-hoo.

  • Reply 5 of 16

    Originally Posted by Steffen Jobbs View Post


    500,000 shares!  Many investors have dumped 10X that many Apple shares in a couple of days.  Nearly everyone is dumping Apple shares and buying Priceline, Amazon, Google and Netflix.  Apple appears to be the only highly profitable company on the planet that doesn't know how to attract more investors.  Apple is sitting on a mountain of wealth and decides to sell AppleWatches.  Who the hell is interested in buying smartwatches?  Almost no one.  The smartwatch has become the Pet Rock of the consumer tech industry and the butt of late night talk show jokes.


    Every major company needs cloud storage services but of course, Apple isn't interested in that sort of stuff.  Apple only deals in things you can neatly put in a box or display case.  Fine.  Apple shareholders will end up in a box, too.  A pine box.  I'm willing to bet Carl Icahn is cursing Tim Cook after selling off all of his Netflix shares.  A small company like Netflix is making Apple look like the worst investment on the planet.  And to think of all those tens of billions of dollars sunk into stock repurchases.  Apple could have built three Netflix companies with that totally wasted cash.  Over the last five years Amazon's share price gains have put Apple's gains to shame.  A nearly profitless company like Amazon is getting far more respect from investors than Apple ever did.  It's just insane how some companies get good investors and Apple ends up with most fickle investors around.

    Guess you never heard of iCloud. Also Apple Watch isnt a huge success in Apple terms but is out selling everything smart watch related be a vast margin so how is that all doom? As for investors who really cares. Apple is set on a different standard but is doing just great as a company, so unless you plan on making money from Apple stocks but all the QQ?

  • Reply 6 of 16
    jfc1138jfc1138 Posts: 3,090member

    Originally Posted by Steffen Jobbs View Post


    500,000 shares!  Many investors have dumped 10X that many Apple shares in a couple of days.  Nearly everyone is dumping Apple shares and buying Priceline, Amazon, Google and Netflix.  Apple appears to be the only highly profitable company on the planet that doesn't know how to attract more investors.  Apple is sitting on a mountain of wealth and decides to sell AppleWatches.  Who the hell is interested in buying smartwatches?  Almost no one.  The smartwatch has become the Pet Rock of the consumer tech industry and the butt of late night talk show jokes.


    Every major company needs cloud storage services but of course, Apple isn't interested in that sort of stuff.  Apple only deals in things you can neatly put in a box or display case.  Fine.  Apple shareholders will end up in a box, too.  A pine box.  I'm willing to bet Carl Icahn is cursing Tim Cook after selling off all of his Netflix shares.  A small company like Netflix is making Apple look like the worst investment on the planet.  And to think of all those tens of billions of dollars sunk into stock repurchases.  Apple could have built three Netflix companies with that totally wasted cash.  Over the last five years Amazon's share price gains have put Apple's gains to shame.  A nearly profitless company like Amazon is getting far more respect from investors than Apple ever did.  It's just insane how some companies get good investors and Apple ends up with most fickle investors around.

    And each and every share "dumped" was what? BOUGHT by someone else!




    Some one else who looked at the 39% YOY iPhone sales growth and went: BUY.

  • Reply 7 of 16

    The Swiss banking concerns are very deliberate and conservative, they seem to know a 'good thing' when they see it, unlike those idiots on Wall Street who get paid sx and  seven figure salaries only to be proven wrong.   

  • Reply 8 of 16
    dragondragon Posts: 9member
    A thought. The Swiss dominate the watch industry, perhaps the Swiss National Bank knows something we don't know. Like Apple Watch is grabbing more market share than the general public knows?
  • Reply 9 of 16
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member

    Originally Posted by dragon View Post

    A thought. The Swiss dominate the watch industry, perhaps the Swiss National Bank knows something we don't know. Like Apple Watch is grabbing more market share than the general public knows?

    An interesting comment. One wonders if Swiss National didn't catch heat from their local watch industry for this investment.

  • Reply 10 of 16

    Originally Posted by Bryant NorCal View Post


    Guess you never heard of iCloud. Also Apple Watch isnt a huge success in Apple terms but is out selling everything smart watch related be a vast margin so how is that all doom? As for investors who really cares. Apple is set on a different standard but is doing just great as a company, so unless you plan on making money from Apple stocks but all the QQ?

    Eh...not sure that's helping your case. I've definitely heard of this pile of utter crap called iCloud Music Library, have you?

  • Reply 11 of 16
    robmrobm Posts: 1,068member
    dragon wrote: »
    A thought. The Swiss dominate the watch industry, perhaps the Swiss National Bank knows something we don't know. Like Apple Watch is grabbing more market share than the general public knows?

    really doubt that the watch has anything to do with their decision.
    It's more likely that they're shifting investment blocks out of euro companies that may have exposure to currency uncertainties.

    But then again, you may be right ... sell some Swatch buy some Apple Watch ;)
  • Reply 12 of 16
    nasseraenasserae Posts: 3,167member
    500,000 shares!  Many investors have dumped 10X that many Apple shares in a couple of days.  Nearly everyone is dumping Apple shares and buying Priceline, Amazon, Google and Netflix.  Apple appears to be the only highly profitable company on the planet that doesn't know how to attract more investors.  Apple is sitting on a mountain of wealth and decides to sell AppleWatches.  Who the hell is interested in buying smartwatches?  Almost no one.  The smartwatch has become the Pet Rock of the consumer tech industry and the butt of late night talk show jokes.

    Every major company needs cloud storage services but of course, Apple isn't interested in that sort of stuff.  Apple only deals in things you can neatly put in a box or display case.  Fine.  Apple shareholders will end up in a box, too.  A pine box.  I'm willing to bet Carl Icahn is cursing Tim Cook after selling off all of his Netflix shares.  A small company like Netflix is making Apple look like the worst investment on the planet.  And to think of all those tens of billions of dollars sunk into stock repurchases.  Apple could have built three Netflix companies with that totally wasted cash.  Over the last five years Amazon's share price gains have put Apple's gains to shame.  A nearly profitless company like Amazon is getting far more respect from investors than Apple ever did.  It's just insane how some companies get good investors and Apple ends up with most fickle investors around.

    You forgot the sarcasm tag.
  • Reply 13 of 16
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,780member
    sog35 wrote: »
    Smart move by the Swiss.  Good hedge if Apple Watch take off.

    I don't understand why more countries don't invest in Apple.  Factoring the strength of the dollar and long-term domination.

    I wonder how much $ China government has invested in AAPL.

    I was thinking Apple should have bough Switzerland ;)
  • Reply 14 of 16
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,780member
    500,000 shares!  Many investors have dumped 10X that many Apple shares in a couple of days.  Nearly everyone is dumping Apple shares and buying Priceline, Amazon, Google and Netflix.  Apple appears to be the only highly profitable company on the planet that doesn't know how to attract more investors.  Apple is sitting on a mountain of wealth and decides to sell AppleWatches.  Who the hell is interested in buying smartwatches?  Almost no one.  The smartwatch has become the Pet Rock of the consumer tech industry and the butt of late night talk show jokes.

    Every major company needs cloud storage services but of course, Apple isn't interested in that sort of stuff.  Apple only deals in things you can neatly put in a box or display case.  Fine.  Apple shareholders will end up in a box, too.  A pine box.  I'm willing to bet Carl Icahn is cursing Tim Cook after selling off all of his Netflix shares.  A small company like Netflix is making Apple look like the worst investment on the planet.  And to think of all those tens of billions of dollars sunk into stock repurchases.  Apple could have built three Netflix companies with that totally wasted cash.  Over the last five years Amazon's share price gains have put Apple's gains to shame.  A nearly profitless company like Amazon is getting far more respect from investors than Apple ever did.  It's just insane how some companies get good investors and Apple ends up with most fickle investors around.

    I assume you don't own any AAPL? Mine is up several thousand percent so these minor fluctuations are not of concern but I have total confidence the price will get back on track. This is simply yet another of the many blips created by the analysts and media that are so predictable it is amazing how many morons spout doom, every time. Fear not :)
  • Reply 15 of 16
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,385member
    Originally Posted by TheWhiteFalcon View Post


    Eh...not sure that's helping your case. I've definitely heard of this pile of utter crap called iCloud Music Library, have you?


    Unfortunately your rabid, irrational, vitriolic hatred of Cook, Apple Music, and Beats prevents you from rationality and using any kind of context and logic. iCloud is comprised of just a BIT more than the Music Library, contrary to your deceptive post and no sane person can say Apple isn't investing in cloud services. You can click the below link for a refresher:



    And in case you're too lazy or unwilling to click the link (of course you are!) I've pasted the services below. 


    App Store


    iCloud Backup


    iTunes Match


    Apple ID


    iCloud Bookmarks & Tabs


    iTunes Store


    Apple Music


    iCloud Calendar


    iTunes U


    Apple Online Store


    iCloud Contacts


    iWork for iCloud beta


    Apple TV


    iCloud Drive


    Mac App Store


    Back to My Mac


    iCloud Keychain


    Mail Drop


    Beats 1


    iCloud Mail






    iCloud Notes


    OS X Software Update


    Documents in the Cloud


    iCloud Reminders


    Photo Print Products




    iCloud Storage Upgrades




    Find My Friends


    iCloud Web Apps (




    Find My iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, and Mac




    SMS Text Forwarding


    Game Center


    iMovie Theater


    Spotlight suggestions


    iBooks Store


    iOS Device Activation


    Volume Purchase Program




    iPhone Calls to iPad and Mac




    iCloud Account & Sign In


    iTunes in the Cloud

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