New rumor repeats claim that Apple won't include 'iPad Air 3' in fall lineup



  • Reply 61 of 74
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    Originally Posted by elehcdn View Post

    Wow, this is a loaded comment ... I use my AppleWatch a lot ... but then again, I also used my Pebble Smartwatch quite a bit and the AppleWatch is definitely a step up in usability.


    Originally Posted by elehcdn View Post

    Wow, this is a loaded comment ... I use my AppleWatch a lot ... but then again, I also used my Pebble Smartwatch quite a bit and the AppleWatch is definitely a step up in usability.


    That's great, I'm really happy that your happy. I was just saying how I feel about the Apple Watch and smart-watches in generall. Though I'm a real snob when it comes to watches, I hate seeing the same watch, over and over again. At least with something like a Swatch, there are so many different styles that I rarely see the same one again. It's also why I hardly ever buy a mainstream mobile phone, I just can't stand conformity. I get my MacBooks painted from ColorWare for example.
  • Reply 62 of 74
    elehcdnelehcdn Posts: 388member

    Originally Posted by Relic View Post

    Do you actually see the iPad as being a direct competitor to the Surface, maybe the new Surface 3 but I don't think the Surface Pro 3 is. The Surface Pro line falls more in line with a MacBook Air or even the new Macbook 12". I could be wrong though, I really don't know what the majority of iPad users do with their devices. Personally, I would never use an iPad for what I use my Surface Pro 3 or MacBook for. It's just missing to many features for me to consider it as a content creation tool. I know Apple's marketing team and Apple eccentric websites like to portray the iPad as one but in a reality, well mine anyway, it's more of a media consumption device, a very good one but no where near as capable as using a machine with a full OS at your disposal. I'm not saying you can't create with the iPad, it's just that anything outside of personal use, I would prefer using a machine that was intended for such tasks and had at the very least, mouse support. Just my opinion.

    Sorry, but I use my iPad for business work all the time. I log in with Outlook mail to the corporate exchange server, pull down documents off of Box  (including Word, Excel, & PPT) and review and edit them on my iPad, I log into the corporate SalesForce server and edit entries ... and I am not a sales professional, I am a technical trainer. For me, the biggest things are having an LTE connection (which MS didn't add to Surfaces until about a month ago) so that I can access corporate assets on the go, the ability to have immediate power up and do work without pulling out a keyboard (although I do have a BT keyboard for those times when I am seated at a desk), the added battery life and ability to recharge off of relatively cheap USB battery powered chargers, and keep up to date at all times utilizing the handoff functionality that Apple has built in to integrate my laptop, tablet, and phone. And I have done all this while traveling internationally for business.


    Just because you can't figure out how to work it into your workflow doesn't mean that it isn't capable.


    For me, the larger screen size of an iPad Pro is going to be a big benefit along with multitasking in iOS 9 and make me even more efficient as I work while on the go.

  • Reply 63 of 74
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member

    Originally Posted by elehcdn View Post


    Sorry, but I use my iPad for business work all the time. I log in with Outlook mail to the corporate exchange server, pull down documents off of Box  (including Word, Excel, & PPT) and review and edit them on my iPad, I log into the corporate SalesForce server and edit entries ... and I am not a sales professional, I am a technical trainer. For me, the biggest things are having an LTE connection (which MS didn't add to Surfaces until about a month ago) so that I can access corporate assets on the go, the ability to have immediate power up and do work without pulling out a keyboard (although I do have a BT keyboard for those times when I am seated at a desk), the added battery life and ability to recharge off of relatively cheap USB battery powered chargers, and keep up to date at all times utilizing the handoff functionality that Apple has built in to integrate my laptop, tablet, and phone. And I have done all this while traveling internationally for business.


    Just because you can't figure out how to work it into your workflow doesn't mean that it isn't capable.


    For me, the larger screen size of an iPad Pro is going to be a big benefit along with multitasking in iOS 9 and make me even more efficient as I work while on the go.


    Great, though I never said you couldn't do any of those things you listed, just that I personally prefer using a full desktop OS for creating my content.

  • Reply 64 of 74
    jccjcc Posts: 335member

    Originally Posted by Relic View Post



    A little of both, my experience with the Apple Watch has been a little different. Most of the people around me who had bought one, including my kids and husband, wore them everyday for about a month, than I started to notice less and less of them wearing them. Now, only about two people out of 12 that I know personally, still wear them on a daily basis. Now this doesn't mean that the others don't ever wear them, it's just that after a while they got tired of charging them every night and not really using them for anything other than showing it off to their other friends. Seriously, no BS, I got the same response from almost all of them. It's not just the Apple Watch either, I think the whole smart-watch concept is flawed, at least at the moment. I give it another 5 years before anything exciting comes out of them. Until the day I can buy a Rolex, Tag, Omega, etc. that is mechanical, has a small sliver that attaches to the bottom to house the computer and is upgrade-able so the watch doesn't devalue, with a transparent LCD screen above that displays the smart functionality part when needed, has a battery life of a week, minimal, I'll continue to have zero interest in the concept. I'm a firm believer in watches being jewelry, when I buy one, I expect it to last a life-time or two.

    Well, I think you just proved my point. The watch hasn't been selling well by Apple standards. in order for it to be successful, it needs to sell by the millions every month. Only the hardcore fanboys have bought this. You need to be able to attract people who normally won't waste money on such a toy.  That won't arrive until they have the health tracking perfected. You yourself said that most people who bought it stop wearing it after owning it for a few months.  That's a massive fail. Did people stop using their iPhone, iPads, iPods, iAnything after a few months? Ever? Again, the Apple Watch is a massive fail.


    Now, Cook who don't seem to know his butt from a hole in the ground is about to launch a giant iPad. I can tell right now that it's going to be another massive fail just like I told people on this forum before the launch of the watch that it was going to be massive fail. There are people like me, like Jobs, who can predict how consumers will react to products. I will tell you now that only the fanboys will buy this.  You'll get an initial spike, like the Apple Watch, then sales will drop like a rock. The fact of the matter is that the iPad is already large enough and heavy enough. I can't see how making it heavier and bigger will make the experience better. In fact, I think it will make the experience worse.  There's a reason while Jobs was alive that he picked the 9" screen.  It's the most optimal size.  Any bigger and it suffers from being too heavy and unwieldy.  Any smaller and you suffer from the screen being just a bit too small to be that useful. Cook, who's desperate at this point is willing to release anything to make people think that Apple's doing fine without Jobs but that's not true. The giant iPad is probably being pushed due to their partnership with IBM who probably told them that they would like the larger version to sell to businesses. Well, good luck to that!

  • Reply 65 of 74
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    jcc wrote: »

    Well, I think you just proved my point. The watch hasn't been selling well by Apple standards. in order for it to be successful, it needs to sell by the millions every month. Only the hardcore fanboys have bought this. You need to be able to attract people who normally won't waste money on such a toy.  That won't arrive until they have the health tracking perfected. You yourself said that most people who bought it stop wearing it after owning it for a few months.  That's a massive fail. Did people stop using their iPhone, iPads, iPods, iAnything after a few months? Ever? Again, the Apple Watch is a massive fail.

    Now, Cook who don't seem to know his butt from a hole in the ground is about to launch a giant iPad. I can tell right now that it's going to be another massive fail just like I told people on this forum before the launch of the watch that it was going to be massive fail. There are people like me, like Jobs, who can predict how consumers will react to products. I will tell you now that only the fanboys will buy this.  You'll get an initial spike, like the Apple Watch, then sales will drop like a rock. The fact of the matter is that the iPad is already large enough and heavy enough. I can't see how making it heavier and bigger will make the experience better. In fact, I think it will make the experience worse.  There's a reason while Jobs was alive that he picked the 9" screen.  It's the most optimal size.  Any bigger and it suffers from being too heavy and unwieldy.  Any smaller and you suffer from the screen being just a bit too small to be that useful. Cook, who's desperate at this point is willing to release anything to make people think that Apple's doing fine without Jobs but that's not true. The giant iPad is probably being pushed due to their partnership with IBM who probably told them that they would like the larger version to sell to businesses. Well, good luck to that!

    How did the watch fail? It outsold the iPhone and iPod did at the same point of their initial releases.

    Did you really think the Apple Watch was a replacement for an iPhone, iPod, iPad?

    Obviously this has to be a joke post. No one can be this dense.

    And Jobs did prefer the 3.5". Look what the 6/6+ did in sales.
  • Reply 66 of 74
    sphericspheric Posts: 2,666member
    Originally Posted by JCC View Post


    Well, I think you just proved my point. The watch hasn't been selling well by Apple standards. in order for it to be successful, it needs to sell by the millions every month. 


    It outsold both the iPad and the iPhone in its first 90 days. In the millions.


    That is the ONLY number we have.


    Seriously, WTF, man.

  • Reply 67 of 74
    jccjcc Posts: 335member
    Originally Posted by jungmark View Post

    How did the watch fail? It outsold the iPhone and iPod did at the same point of their initial releases.

    Did you really think the Apple Watch was a replacement for an iPhone, iPod, iPad?

    Obviously this has to be a joke post. No one can be this dense.

    And Jobs did prefer the 3.5". Look what the 6/6+ did in sales.


    Apple has far bigger customer base than when the iPhone and iPad were released.  If just 0.01% of the buyers bought the watch, it would be in the millions as we saw in the first months of it's release. It has to sustain it or even explode from that. It's not going to happen. Just go into a store and check out the traffic at the Watch displays. You can literally hear the crickets. Who are you going to believe? Me or your own eyes?


    Originally Posted by spheric View Post



    It outsold both the iPad and the iPhone in its first 90 days. In the millions.


    That is the ONLY number we have.


    Seriously, WTF, man.

    Yea seriously, WTF. You yourself said that a large percentage of the people who you know that bought the watch has stopped wearing it on a daily basis. WOW! What an endorsement!!! Does that sound like a product that's going to sell like hotcakes?

  • Reply 68 of 74
    sphericspheric Posts: 2,666member
    Originally Posted by JCC View Post



    Apple has far bigger customer base than when the iPhone and iPad were released.  If just 0.01% of the buyers bought the watch, it would be in the millions as we saw in the first months of it's release. It has to sustain it or even explode from that. It's not going to happen. Just go into a store and check out the traffic at the Watch displays. You can literally hear the crickets. Who are you going to believe? Me or your own eyes?


    Their customer base at iPhone launch was cellphone users. That market was ONE BILLION sold the year prior to release. 


    Incidentally, that's just how many wristwatches were sold last year. 


    Except that with the Apple Watch, that market is limited by the requirement of owning an iPhone 5 or newer.


    It's okay though. I realize that there is nothing anybody could say that would convince you. Even when Apple finally releases numbers that are way beyond internal expectations, you (and hundreds of moron internet pundits and bloggers) will find a way to spin them as failure. 


    Apple is doomed, btw. Have you heard? 69 times since 1995


    Originally Posted by JCC View Post



    Yea seriously, WTF. You yourself said that a large percentage of the people who you know that bought the watch has stopped wearing it on a daily basis. WOW! What an endorsement!!! Does that sound like a product that's going to sell like hotcakes?


    Uh…no I didn't. Get your attributions straight. All the people I know who own Apple Watches (they aren't many, yet) use them as daily wearers. 

  • Reply 69 of 74
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    jcc wrote: »
    Apple has far bigger customer base than when the iPhone and iPad were released.  If just 0.01% of the buyers bought the watch, it would be in the millions as we saw in the first months of it's release. It has to sustain it or even explode from that. It's not going to happen. Just go into a store and check out the traffic at the Watch displays. You can literally hear the crickets. Who are you going to believe? Me or your own eyes?

    Anecdotal evidence isn't real evidence regardless if I see people waiting for the watch or not.

    I must've miss the memo that only Apple fans/customers could buy the iPhone and iPad upon their release.
  • Reply 70 of 74
    elehcdnelehcdn Posts: 388member

    Originally Posted by JCC View Post



    Perhaps I'm not the one who's dense. What part of Apple fanboys sales do you not get? Apple has far bigger customer base than when the iPhone and iPad were released.  If just 0.01% of the buyers bought the watch, which probably constitute their most loyal fanboys who would buy doggie doo with an Apple logo on it, it would be in the millions as we saw in the first months of it's release. 

    The funny part about this quote is that people still refer to people that buy Apple products (especially with regards to phones and tablets) as fanboys. Considering that Apple phones and tablets are easily the most dominant platform on the globe, what does it mean when "fan boys" are the majority?

  • Reply 71 of 74
    jccjcc Posts: 335member

    Originally Posted by elehcdn View Post


    The funny part about this quote is that people still refer to people that buy Apple products (especially with regards to phones and tablets) as fanboys. Considering that Apple phones and tablets are easily the most dominant platform on the globe, what does it mean when "fan boys" are the majority?

    It means those who would buy Apple products without regard to their utility, quality, price, etc. THAT, is the very definition of a fanboy.

  • Reply 72 of 74
    brucemcbrucemc Posts: 1,541member

    Glad to see that troll JCC was banned (he must have been trying though, pushing all of the right buttons).  The Mods seem a little quicker these days.

  • Reply 73 of 74
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    elehcdn wrote: »
    The funny part about this quote is that people still refer to people that buy Apple products (especially with regards to phones and tablets) as fanboys. Considering that Apple phones and tablets are easily the most dominant platform on the globe, what does it mean when "fan boys" are the majority?

    I think they only refer those who are very vocal about Apple products, making statements such as, "my iDevice is the best thing on the market and everything else is absolute crap or those who wait in line for an Apple product as fanboys. Since people buy more Apple devices than any other mobile product it doesn't make sense to label them a as Fanboys.

    Especially when the majority of them just own an iPhone because their popular and never use anything more than social networking. A Danish group j recently put Android on an iPhone 6 (I don't no how they did it, maybe umulation) and than walked around the street asking people what they though of iOS 9. Out of the more than 30 people they interviewed, only about 6 got that gag. The rest truly thought it was the new iOS 9. When asked why they liked the iPhone so much, a lot of them said they liked how the system looked and how easy it was to use, they also pointed out how much better they liked the new OS, especially the new features. I honestly believe that the majority of smartphones users buy what seems to be the most popular or what they're surrounded by on a daily basis. Example of this is both of my children are now using BlackBerry Passports, which was great for me as their about 300 bucks cheaper than an iPhone +. Fast forward a few weeks later and almost all of my Daughters friends also got BlackBerry Passports, as she is the alpha of the group it kind of makes sense. However what was trully interesting is that when we went to parents night at her school, I counted 4 faculty members who were also carrying them. When I ask one of them why do I see so many teachers carrying around Passports, he replied, I started to see more and more kids carry them and since their more up to date on these sort of things I decided to check it out. I instantly fell in love with it and when I brought it to school and showed some of the other teachers, they also really liked it and bought one themselves. It's just so much better than the other phones I've owned.

    The same thing happened in my husbands firm, my brother in laws firm, my sisters firm and a lot of my friends. Once they got their Passports and started showing them off to their friends and co-workers it didn't take long until they started to see people carrying them.

    My point is, what others use around a person is a huge motivator. By the way, I'm also in no way trying to make the Passport look better than the iPhone, just pointing out something about people's decision making process and phenomenon at my daughters school.
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