pissing off cheap customers is a good idea. Apple has no need nor time for cheap customers. They can move on to Android and stop wasting everyones time.
A 16GB iPhone 6 is $650. There is nothing cheap about that. Quit being a jerk.
That being said I don't think a lot of people get it, the 16 GB model is for business. Businesses simply don't want their people carrying around phones with lots of business related data on them. The 16 GB machine really isn't a consumer device.
I wouldn't say it is only for business. Although many on this forum don't see it, I expect a large number of low-power users don't utilize a lot of storage space. Anecdotally, I know few users with more than 16GB model, and rarely hear about storage space as a concern from those with the 16GB model (which is the only iPhone model avail where I work, but everyone dual uses the phone for personal use). My wife is different, as she takes a ton of photos, iMessages them everywhere, lots of apps. So 16GB is a bit too low for her, but that is also because she makes no effort to clean up the phone periodically (...yes, that is my job:).
There is only one company that has any "real world" data on the models of phones sold, and what is the average/typical storage usage (and for what) across those devices. Apple is certainly in the best position to determine if a 16GB phone is still a viable entry level model.
I have always had 16GB models (as that is the only option for our work), and it hasn't been a big issue to manage the storage (delete many photos & videos after syncing, clearing out iMessages with photos in them, etc). If I had the choice to get the 64GB I would, but then it would also be likely less than 50% utilized at peak. I have a 64GB iPad Air 2, and even with many magazines, some TV shows and movies, it is less than 32GB utilized.
I think it is a bit over-the-top to say that 16GB is a complete consumer rip-off, especially with iOS9 actually making improvements.
I wouldn't say it is only for business. Although many on this forum don't see it, I expect a large number of low-power users don't utilize a lot of storage space. Anecdotally, I know few users with more than 16GB model, and rarely hear about storage space as a concern from those with the 16GB model...
THIS ^^^
I have exactly the same experience and opinion - 16GB is not only viable, but it's perfectly usable/suitable for many people (my wife, my daughter, my mom, 3 different friends) - business users & otherwise. If *you* want more space, then *you* have the option to get 64GB or 128GB. If you can't afford it, then, like any consumer product, either wait for the price to go down or get something else.
And, not that SOG needs defending, his point on the 32GB 6 being available at $149 is (I expect) based on logical extrapolation of what Apple has done when they launch a new iPhone/iPad - the previous model is made available at about -$100 and at a single (typically) capacity of 32GB. Is it available today? No...will it be available when the 6s is launched? Based on experience, probably...
When the iPhone6 becomes the midrange phone in Sept it will have 32GB.
iPhone 6 - 16GB $99
iPhone 6 - 32GB $149
No it won't. The only reason the 5S has the 32GB option now is because it had that option when Apple started making it. There is no 32GB chip based on the same design used for the iPhone 6. Apple won't waste resources to make one, either, since the phones will now be sold for less money. You make absolutely no sense. If there is a 2nd tier for a continued iPhone 6, it'll be the 64GB model.
If you want a iPhone 6S with more than 16GB for $199 you have 2 options:
1. Pay the premium. Get it right away at launch.
2. Wait a few months till demand equalizes with supply. Then carriers/retailers will offer deals that make the cost of the 64GB $199
Its pretty simple. Those who are willing to pay the most can get the phone the quickest. It works the same way in the car business. When a hot car comes out people pay MORE than sticker price. But once demand/supply equalizes you can get several thousands off invoice.
Carriers aren't doing subsidized pricing anymore. and Apple keeping the base at 61GB just shows that they can be cheap bastards when it comes to iOS storage pricing. We'll see what happens this year considering they've already played the big screen card.
I have exactly the same experience and opinion - 16GB is not only viable, but it's perfectly usable/suitable for many people (my wife, my daughter, my mom, 3 different friends) - business users & otherwise. If *you* want more space, then *you* have the option to get 64GB or 128GB. If you can't afford it, then, like any consumer product, either wait for the price to go down or get something else.
And, not that SOG needs defending, his point on the 32GB 6 being available at $149 is (I expect) based on logical extrapolation of what Apple has done when they launch a new iPhone/iPad - the previous model is made available at about -$100 and at a single (typically) capacity of 32GB. Is it available today? No...will it be available when the 6s is launched? Based on experience, probably...
The point isn't whether 16GB is viable or not. I'm sure there are a lot of people with 64GB phones that aren't using up all that space. There is a reason Apple decided to bump up storage at the higher price tiers - because there is more margin to play with and Phil can push the upsell 4x the storage for only $100 more! And then Luca can report higher margins and ASPs on Apple's earnings calls.
I'm sure there were some people that were perfectly fine with paying for Apple software yet Apple made most of its software free. Why did they do that?
But Carriers/retailers do promotions like $99 gift cards for discounted data plans on the iPhone has been out for 6 months.
See below for a deal 5 months after the 6 came out.
<h1 style="clear:both;color:rgb(0,0,0);letter-spacing:-.03em;list-style:none;margin-bottom:0px;margin-top:0px;padding-bottom:15px;padding-top:15px;">iPhone 6 and 6 Plus Sale Deal: Up to $200 Best Buy Gift Card With Verizon, Sprint, and AT&T Plans</h1>
Its not rocket science. Goods get cheaper as time goes buy.
If you are so hardup for cash just wait a few months.
Hilarious that the most demanding customers are the ones with the lightest wallets.
Jesus Christ quit insulting people! I'm not hard up for cash and I actually own a 64GB iPhone 6 and will most likely get the 6S when it launches this quarter. It's insulting to say a $650 phone is cheap. It's not. And if everyone had to pay full price up front iPhone would not be nearly as successful as it is.
The point isn't whether 16GB is viable or not. I'm sure there are a lot of people with 64GB phones that aren't using up all that space. There is a reason Apple decided to bump up storage at the higher price tiers - because there is more margin to play with and Phil can push the upsell 4x the storage for only $100 more! And then Luca can report higher margins and ASPs on Apple's earnings calls.
I'm sure there were some people that were perfectly fine with paying for Apple software yet Apple made most of its software free. Why did they do that?
Your first point seems to agree with mine, so not sure what/if there's an argument here...
Your second point is irrelevant to this discussion. I believe Apple made some of their software free in order to:
a) Help ensure as many users as possible are on the latest & greatest for security, compatibility, etc.
b) Entice non-Mac users into the ecosystem
I don't think upping the base storage option on an iPhone from 16GB to 32GB has a similar impact. Again, if you want more storage it's available. Does it help Apple's margins? Absolutely...that's great for Apple and you still have options.
The people whining that the base model should come with at least 32 GB are cheap, ignorant and selfish.
16GB is enough for many people. There are many users who do not store a lot on their phone, and with the countless streaming options available today for music and video, 16 GB is just fine for many people. 8 GB, which Apple had on the lowest iPhone 5C models is perhaps a bit tight, but 16 GB is more than adequate for many people.
If somebody needs more storage space, then they should purchase the next model up. It's as simple as that. The last iOS device that I bought (iPad), was 128 GB.
pissing off cheap customers is a good idea. Apple has no need nor time for cheap customers. They can move on to Android and stop wasting everyones time.
Apple has plenty of "cheap" customers. Who do you think buys all the free and $99 iPhone year after year. Cheap customers looking to spend the least amount of money. Which in turn they don't spend money in the ecosystem either. They are basically subsidized by the people that buy the higher end models and spend money in the ecosystem.
If Apple raised the base model it 32 GB than they would sell less 64 GB models. Thats a FACT. Thus in order to make up for the lost profit Apple would either have to decrease costs which would lead to a lower quality product or increase the price of all the models.
And here is a fact the 16GB haters never mention:
The 16GB iPhone actually is the BEST DEAL based on gross margin. Apple makes the least amount of profit and gross margin on the 16GB phone. That is a FACT. Yet people want an even BETTER DEAL? give me a break.
The argument from the cheapo people is even less valid now that Apple has eliminated the 32GB model from their lineup, and they went straight to 64 GB from 16 GB. For only $100 more, somebody could get 4 times the storage space if they want it or need it. Before, that same $100 would only grant them twice the storage space, from 16 GB to 32 GB.
Well that sucks, especially with the rumors of improved camera and 4K recording. If Apple keeps 16GB and has no iCloud changes Phil might as well get up on stage and give everyone the middle finger because that's what Apple is saying.
Because there are millions of consumers out there who just use their iPhone for calls, texts and browsing. These people don't download a load of apps, have loads of photos and videos, so they don't need a lot of memory. They just want the cheapest upgrade they can get.
Remember, you aren't everyone. There are lots of other people with different needs to you so Apple are simply covering the bases,
Originally Posted by Rogifan
Right because pissing off customers is such a good idea.
I don't think your brain works correctly. How is offering a lower capacity phone going to piss people off? If they need more memory, they'll buy a phone with more memory. Yes, they took away the 32GB option but the moved the pricing structure down so you were getting 64Gb for the price of 32Gb. Surely that'd be the opposite of pissing people off, giving them something for nothing, although, after the U2 album, I could be wrong, there are a lot of professional idiots out there.
People who buy top of the range Ford Focus don't get pissed off because there is a cheaper model with less features. You buy what you want, not buy the cheapest and whinge like a little bitch that you don't get things that other people did that paid more.
Well that sucks, especially with the rumors of improved camera and 4K recording. If Apple keeps 16GB and has no iCloud changes Phil might as well get up on stage and give everyone the middle finger because that's what Apple is saying.
Yeah ok.
First of all, the people who buy the 16 GB device do so because its the cheapest. It doesn't matter how much storage it has. They are still buying it. Those people don't care about shooting 4k video either. I wouldn't be surprised if the 16 GB model has 4k toggled OFF and shoots in 1080p by default
And, between auto-deletion of text messages and the Optimize iPhone Storage aspect of iCloud Photo Library, it is now MORE practical to use a 16 GB device than it ever was before. The whole idea that its overdue for Apple to ditch the 16 model is wrong. Apple made the right move last year by making 64 and 128 GB devices much more affordable for the people who actually care about storage. For the people who don't...no reason for them to give up any margin, or lose the sale of a 64/128 model.
Also, you've changed the price of the (fictional) iPhone 6 32GB since your last post. New research available?
You're making stuff up again Arnold.
ever heard of the iPhone 5S?
You keep talking about a 32GB iPhone 6, not a 5S. Apple never made a 32GB iPhone 6, and I really doubt they ever will.
So Apple will be selling SEVEN phones come this fall? Talk about a bloated product line all in the service of propping up margins and ASPs.
A 16GB iPhone 6 is $650. There is nothing cheap about that. Quit being a jerk.
That being said I don't think a lot of people get it, the 16 GB model is for business. Businesses simply don't want their people carrying around phones with lots of business related data on them. The 16 GB machine really isn't a consumer device.
I wouldn't say it is only for business. Although many on this forum don't see it, I expect a large number of low-power users don't utilize a lot of storage space. Anecdotally, I know few users with more than 16GB model, and rarely hear about storage space as a concern from those with the 16GB model (which is the only iPhone model avail where I work, but everyone dual uses the phone for personal use). My wife is different, as she takes a ton of photos, iMessages them everywhere, lots of apps. So 16GB is a bit too low for her, but that is also because she makes no effort to clean up the phone periodically (...yes, that is my job:).
There is only one company that has any "real world" data on the models of phones sold, and what is the average/typical storage usage (and for what) across those devices. Apple is certainly in the best position to determine if a 16GB phone is still a viable entry level model.
I have always had 16GB models (as that is the only option for our work), and it hasn't been a big issue to manage the storage (delete many photos & videos after syncing, clearing out iMessages with photos in them, etc). If I had the choice to get the 64GB I would, but then it would also be likely less than 50% utilized at peak. I have a 64GB iPad Air 2, and even with many magazines, some TV shows and movies, it is less than 32GB utilized.
I think it is a bit over-the-top to say that 16GB is a complete consumer rip-off, especially with iOS9 actually making improvements.
The subject is whether a 32GB iPhone 6S will be available at all.
No it won't.
Why not? According to you there's a 32GB iPhone 6 available... you've mentioned it numerous times.
I wouldn't say it is only for business. Although many on this forum don't see it, I expect a large number of low-power users don't utilize a lot of storage space. Anecdotally, I know few users with more than 16GB model, and rarely hear about storage space as a concern from those with the 16GB model...
THIS ^^^
I have exactly the same experience and opinion - 16GB is not only viable, but it's perfectly usable/suitable for many people (my wife, my daughter, my mom, 3 different friends) - business users & otherwise. If *you* want more space, then *you* have the option to get 64GB or 128GB. If you can't afford it, then, like any consumer product, either wait for the price to go down or get something else.
And, not that SOG needs defending, his point on the 32GB 6 being available at $149 is (I expect) based on logical extrapolation of what Apple has done when they launch a new iPhone/iPad - the previous model is made available at about -$100 and at a single (typically) capacity of 32GB. Is it available today? No...will it be available when the 6s is launched? Based on experience, probably...
When the iPhone6 becomes the midrange phone in Sept it will have 32GB.
iPhone 6 - 16GB $99
iPhone 6 - 32GB $149
No it won't. The only reason the 5S has the 32GB option now is because it had that option when Apple started making it. There is no 32GB chip based on the same design used for the iPhone 6. Apple won't waste resources to make one, either, since the phones will now be sold for less money. You make absolutely no sense. If there is a 2nd tier for a continued iPhone 6, it'll be the 64GB model.
Carriers aren't doing subsidized pricing anymore. and Apple keeping the base at 61GB just shows that they can be cheap bastards when it comes to iOS storage pricing. We'll see what happens this year considering they've already played the big screen card.
The point isn't whether 16GB is viable or not. I'm sure there are a lot of people with 64GB phones that aren't using up all that space. There is a reason Apple decided to bump up storage at the higher price tiers - because there is more margin to play with and Phil can push the upsell 4x the storage for only $100 more! And then Luca can report higher margins and ASPs on Apple's earnings calls.
I'm sure there were some people that were perfectly fine with paying for Apple software yet Apple made most of its software free. Why did they do that?
Jesus Christ quit insulting people! I'm not hard up for cash and I actually own a 64GB iPhone 6 and will most likely get the 6S when it launches this quarter. It's insulting to say a $650 phone is cheap. It's not. And if everyone had to pay full price up front iPhone would not be nearly as successful as it is.
The point isn't whether 16GB is viable or not. I'm sure there are a lot of people with 64GB phones that aren't using up all that space. There is a reason Apple decided to bump up storage at the higher price tiers - because there is more margin to play with and Phil can push the upsell 4x the storage for only $100 more! And then Luca can report higher margins and ASPs on Apple's earnings calls.
I'm sure there were some people that were perfectly fine with paying for Apple software yet Apple made most of its software free. Why did they do that?
Your first point seems to agree with mine, so not sure what/if there's an argument here...
Your second point is irrelevant to this discussion. I believe Apple made some of their software free in order to:
a) Help ensure as many users as possible are on the latest & greatest for security, compatibility, etc.
b) Entice non-Mac users into the ecosystem
I don't think upping the base storage option on an iPhone from 16GB to 32GB has a similar impact. Again, if you want more storage it's available. Does it help Apple's margins? Absolutely...that's great for Apple and you still have options.
The people whining that the base model should come with at least 32 GB are cheap, ignorant and selfish.
16GB is enough for many people. There are many users who do not store a lot on their phone, and with the countless streaming options available today for music and video, 16 GB is just fine for many people. 8 GB, which Apple had on the lowest iPhone 5C models is perhaps a bit tight, but 16 GB is more than adequate for many people.
If somebody needs more storage space, then they should purchase the next model up. It's as simple as that. The last iOS device that I bought (iPad), was 128 GB.
Right because pissing off customers is such a good idea.
Pi**ing you off ? pi**ing off customers.
You constantly seem p-o'ed with Apple. Chill.
Apple has plenty of "cheap" customers. Who do you think buys all the free and $99 iPhone year after year. Cheap customers looking to spend the least amount of money. Which in turn they don't spend money in the ecosystem either. They are basically subsidized by the people that buy the higher end models and spend money in the ecosystem.
If Apple raised the base model it 32 GB than they would sell less 64 GB models. Thats a FACT. Thus in order to make up for the lost profit Apple would either have to decrease costs which would lead to a lower quality product or increase the price of all the models.
And here is a fact the 16GB haters never mention:
The 16GB iPhone actually is the BEST DEAL based on gross margin. Apple makes the least amount of profit and gross margin on the 16GB phone. That is a FACT. Yet people want an even BETTER DEAL? give me a break.
The argument from the cheapo people is even less valid now that Apple has eliminated the 32GB model from their lineup, and they went straight to 64 GB from 16 GB. For only $100 more, somebody could get 4 times the storage space if they want it or need it. Before, that same $100 would only grant them twice the storage space, from 16 GB to 32 GB.
Well that sucks, especially with the rumors of improved camera and 4K recording. If Apple keeps 16GB and has no iCloud changes Phil might as well get up on stage and give everyone the middle finger because that's what Apple is saying.
Because there are millions of consumers out there who just use their iPhone for calls, texts and browsing. These people don't download a load of apps, have loads of photos and videos, so they don't need a lot of memory. They just want the cheapest upgrade they can get.
Remember, you aren't everyone. There are lots of other people with different needs to you so Apple are simply covering the bases,
Right because pissing off customers is such a good idea.
I don't think your brain works correctly. How is offering a lower capacity phone going to piss people off? If they need more memory, they'll buy a phone with more memory. Yes, they took away the 32GB option but the moved the pricing structure down so you were getting 64Gb for the price of 32Gb. Surely that'd be the opposite of pissing people off, giving them something for nothing, although, after the U2 album, I could be wrong, there are a lot of professional idiots out there.
People who buy top of the range Ford Focus don't get pissed off because there is a cheaper model with less features. You buy what you want, not buy the cheapest and whinge like a little bitch that you don't get things that other people did that paid more.
Well that sucks, especially with the rumors of improved camera and 4K recording. If Apple keeps 16GB and has no iCloud changes Phil might as well get up on stage and give everyone the middle finger because that's what Apple is saying.
Yeah ok.
First of all, the people who buy the 16 GB device do so because its the cheapest. It doesn't matter how much storage it has. They are still buying it. Those people don't care about shooting 4k video either. I wouldn't be surprised if the 16 GB model has 4k toggled OFF and shoots in 1080p by default
And, between auto-deletion of text messages and the Optimize iPhone Storage aspect of iCloud Photo Library, it is now MORE practical to use a 16 GB device than it ever was before. The whole idea that its overdue for Apple to ditch the 16 model is wrong. Apple made the right move last year by making 64 and 128 GB devices much more affordable for the people who actually care about storage. For the people who don't...no reason for them to give up any margin, or lose the sale of a 64/128 model.