Apple planning 2016 'iPhone 7' to be thinnest yet, in-line with new iPod touch & iPad Air 2



  • Reply 181 of 183

    Originally Posted by SolipsismY View Post

    Lightning was launched in an Apple product in 2012. USB-IF doesn't even look to have started with USB-C until 2013, probably after taking a good long look at Lightning, and it didn't hit a product until this year.

    Makes sense!


    I'm thinking also in terms of protecting the "ugh, Apple is always changing its cords" crap that people i know (see: my immediate family) and I had to explain that they had the 30-pin for 10 years and that seems like a pretty good run.  But some people might see a move to USB-C as a "greedy way to get us to buy more accessories"

  • Reply 182 of 183
    elijahg wrote: »
    Oh look, smaller battery again. And for the benefit of Solipsism, in watt hours.
    Oh boy...there sure are a lot of people writing about a desire for longer battery life and there sure are a lot of people that respond to "meaningless surveys that have been proven wrong" that also indicate a desire for a longer lasting battery.

    (/S) Don't they all realize they're being stupid and that the existing battery is sufficient? It has been proven that some people have usage patterns that give them a full day of use and therefore if it's good enough for some people, it's obviously good enough for everyone! Anyone that uses their phones more than these people must be misusing/abusing their device and they deserve any inconvenience the battery size creates for them. They need to just buy a case and shut up! How dare they have the nerve to ask or suggest that Apple offer a higher capacity/longer lasting product??? It's extremely rude and offensive to say something that some people could misinterpret as a criticism of Apple... (/S)

    Or...perhaps anyone who finds they have adequate battery life in their iPhone is UNDERusing it and they don't realize that it can do more than just make phone calls and send text messages. They have obviously wasted their money. They should just get rid of their smartphone and pick up a feature phone.

    But - if they're a normal, reasonable member of society - as opposed to a narrow-minded, arrogant, extremist - maybe just maybe - they can imagine a world which is filled with many different types of people including some that have different usage patterns, less access to midday charging facilities, work 24 hour shifts, enjoy camping on the weekends or have any number of other valid reasons that would improve life for them if their iOS device lasted longer on a full charge.

    And to the person who made the ridiculous claim that satisfaction with the existing battery capacity can be proven by the number of iPhone sales. I'll counter with the equally ridiculous rebuttal that every person who opted for the 6+ over the 6 did so because it came with a bigger battery! The larger screen and overall larger size of the phone was not important to their decision. They chose the 6+ simply because of the battery....and that is a LOT of votes for a bigger battery!!!
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