Apple adds former Boeing CFO James Bell to its board of directors



  • Reply 21 of 30
    john.bjohn.b Posts: 2,742member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post


    I hope Al Gore, Andrea Jung and Art Levinson will be the next ones to be jettisoned.


    Art Levinson was a terrible choice for Chairman.  Proof that Apple has learned nothing from their past corporate governance experiences.

  • Reply 22 of 30

    is this part of the diversity crap?

  • Reply 23 of 30

    Maybe you should look up what a CFO's duties are before complaining about his hiring. 

  • Reply 24 of 30

    here is a brief description of what a CFO does for those that expect them to know how to engineer a chip or write code.


    Controllership duties hold the CFO responsible for presenting and reporting accurate and timely historical financial information of the company he or she works for.


    The CFO is also responsible for the company's present financial condition, so he or she must decide how to invest the company's money, taking into consideration risk and liquidity. In addition, the CFO oversees the capital structure of the company, determining the best mix of debtequity and internal financing.


    Not only is a CFO responsible for a company's past and present financial situation, he or she is also an integral part of a company's financial future. A CFO must be able to identify and report what areas of a company are most efficient and how the company can capitalize on this information. For example, the CFO of an auto manufacturer must be able to pinpoint which models are making the most money for the company and how this information can best be used to improve the company in the future.

  • Reply 25 of 30

    I guess not all people that use Apple products and like them enough to read tech savvy websites like AI are open minded. I was afraid the "diversity quota" nonsense would be mentioned and sure enough someone took the bait. Why is it when a woman or person that is not a white, heterosexual male lands a high position with Apple so many people cry fowl? Is it jealousy, envy, or a pathetic racist mentality? Shame on you that only see gender and color first. 

  • Reply 26 of 30
    Did anyone else notice that this guy is basically an accountant?
    BS in Accounting and was in charge of Capital services (financing).
    Not an aeronautical engineer... no flying electric cars yet.

    Dude, you don't need an engineer at that level.
    You need someone from the inner circles of Boeing that Boeing management listens to.
    He can serve as Boeings liaison to Apple.
  • Reply 27 of 30
    calicali Posts: 3,494member
    This is very interesting because...

    1. Apple acquired Coherent Navigations this year.
    2. Coherent Navigation was developing a commercial high-precision navigation service that leverages the Iridium satellite network. (iGPS)
    3. Boeing had been leading the development of proprietary iGPS with Coherent Navigations.

    Could we have pilot-less self-flying planes/cars in the near future? (A la Jetsons)

    With GPS accuracy to the centimeter with Coherent Navigations Iridium, a self flying plane would be much easier to do then a self driving car.

    Time will tell.

    Your YouTube video was terminated.

    Has anyone seen Mark Newsson's personal mini jet design??!!

    That's thing makes you want one and say "screw AppleCar!!"

    Tim Cook was asked about airplanes at the Box conference the other day. I think they knew about Boeing guy at the time.
  • Reply 28 of 30

    And to keep the Kevin Bacon game going, Mr Bell became interim CEO when Allan Mullally left Boeing to become CEO of Ford Motor Co. Granted  Mullally no longer is Ford's main man but the glass house in Dearborn still has Mullally folks around.

  • Reply 29 of 30
    boredumbboredumb Posts: 1,418member

    Originally Posted by brobc View Post

    Fire Al Gore!!! What expertise does he bring to Apple's board? How to scam people by selling imaginary green energy credits? Get him out of there!

    Ridiculously transparent political objection...

    "Expertise" belongs in the lab.

    "Perspective, experience, contacts" - those belong on the board.

  • Reply 30 of 30
    foggyhillfoggyhill Posts: 4,767member

    Originally Posted by SolipsismY View Post

    Apple is getting into the autonomous, electric airplane business¡


    Autonomous flying cars is my guess, seems like the logical next step for them.

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