Discontinue The Imac

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
In case you haven't noticed the imac is dead, played out,kaput! Apple should discontinue the line, and not waste any resources building an lcd model! Watch if apple developes an lcd imac it will go the way of the cube! A total waste of money and resources! No one wants an imac anymore! Your not going to convert pc users to the apple platform with an lcd imac! Try building cheaper computers! Their prices are insane! Case in point:Gateway sells an all in one lcd unit now the profile 3 model! It's not a big seller! An lcd imac=cube!


  • Reply 1 of 86
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,027member
    [quote]Originally posted by rbald:

    <strong>In case you haven't noticed the imac is dead, played out,kaput! Apple should discontinue the line, and not waste any resources building an lcd model! Watch if apple developes an lcd imac it will go the way of the cube! A total waste of money and resources! No one wants an imac anymore! Your not going to convert pc users to the apple platform with an lcd imac! Try building cheaper computers! Their prices are insane! Case in point:Gateway sells an all in one lcd unit now the profile 3 model! It's not a big seller! An lcd imac=cube! </strong><hr></blockquote>

    Umm...no. the iMac is the reason Apple is still in business today. And, it DID convert MANY PC users when it was introduced.

    It is time for refresh, and I big one at that. If no iMac, then what? They need to have a consumer line. The PowerMac is intended for Power Users and Pros.

    Discontinue the iMac....yeah, SUPERB IDEA THERE.

    How about someone discontinues his user account?
  • Reply 2 of 86
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member
    obviously this is just flame bait but....

    why would apple throw away one of the most recognizable electronic product names in american culture now?
  • Reply 3 of 86
    I agree with Applenut.

    Thread stays open though. Just let it drop out of sight.
  • Reply 4 of 86
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member

    And maybe Harley Davidson will drop the Sportster. And while we're at it, Volkswagon may as well drop the Beetle.

    And I hear that McDonald's is getting tired of the whole Big Mac thing too.

    The iMac isn't going ANYWHERE. What it's ABOUT to do, is come roaring back in a breathtaking, ass-kicking incarnation and will once again regain its rightful place as the symbol of all that is cool and right at Apple.

    The product that saved Apple's bacon and is, in the eyes of MILLIONS, THE symbol of the company just doesn't get whacked because a few hammerheads think it's not cool anymore.

    Doesn't work that way.
  • Reply 5 of 86
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    As long as the iMac gets an LCD and good specs why wouldn't it sell? Why wouldn't it convert PC users? I think the main reason why the iMac isn't selling as good as it used to is because it isn't worth the money right now.
  • Reply 5 of 86
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    By the way, it's iMac...not Imac or I-MAC or whatever.

    If you can't write it correctly (it's only the most visible goddamn computer ever), then you don't get comment on its future and utility.

    New rule.

  • Reply 7 of 86
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    [quote]Originally posted by pscates:

    <strong>By the way, it's iMac...not Imac or I-MAC or whatever.

    If you can't write it correctly (it's only the most visible goddamn computer ever), then you don't get comment on its future and utility.

    New rule.


    Good rule. When it comes to a thread like this and the starter spells iMac they way that he did it just makes the starter of the topic look like an idiot.
  • Reply 8 of 86
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    Following your logic, PC's should drop mIcrosOft M$ hasn't done shit, it's kaput, windows is played out. Time to move on and over to the real X. OS X.
  • Reply 9 of 86
    The iMac is a consumer desktop. Should Apple stop making consumer desktops? Should they drop the name "iMac?" Should they drop the idea of an all-in-one computer? Should they drop the idea of a an easy-to-use (and set-up) computer? Should they drop the idea of a computer as a fashion statement? Should they drop the current "jelly bean" form of the iMac? Aren't we assuming that the only thing that will change in the new iMac is its monitor? Isn't this a silly assumption?
  • Reply 10 of 86
    msleemslee Posts: 143member
    The iMac, in its current incarnation, is "played out."

    In practice, Apple isn't a company to keep products around for sentimental reasons (take a look at the Apple product history if you don't believe me).

    The current iMac will stay around for probably two years. It still, as far as the education market goes, a lucrative money maker.

    Apple needs a new consumer product. Whether this new product carries the iMac name, which it probably won't, or be called the iMac II, is a largely irrelevant semantic argument that has no bearing on Apple's future, financial or otherwise.

    What matters, is that Apple produces an entirely new prodcuts, that encapsulates the best design and engineering principles of the iMac, yet is informed by circa 2002 design principles.

    Don't be so hard on the thread starter. Some of what he says is correct. The iMac is played out. The major purchasers of the iMac do so in bulk quantities, like schools and businesses who need cheap, reliable terminals. Its clear that the market increases Apple seeks cannot and will not be obtained in these markets. Such increases will, by most measures, come from gains in the consumer markets. Hence Apple's emphasis on retail stores--and such redoubled efforts into this market will require products that are clearly distinguishable, both in the marketing and engineering senses, from the low-margin, low-value products that HP, Compaq and Sony push at BestBuy and CompUSA. Taking market share from these PC OEMS will not be possible by waging a price war: this much is evident from Gateway's financial woes and Dell's shift to a income scheme that places a higher reliance on the sales of service and peripherals. Stealing market share will require value-adding in the form of new features and compelling features. One of the most instantly visible features that instills value in a computer is the LCD screen. Practical or not, its difficult for consumers to distinguish between processors and buses (why else would P4s on a SDRAM bus sell so well?)...and they are coming to rely on other features to distinguish computers from one another. Adding a G4 or a fast bus or a superdrive won't help iMac sales...because consumers (most anyway) fail to understand that the difference between such an iMac and the one that debuted almost four years ago. Such advanced features need a marker...be it a new name and/or a new enclosure. Only by enticing consumers with looks and style, can Apple engange the consumers in a technical argument about the advantages of the Apple experience.

    [ 12-13-2001: Message edited by: mslee ]</p>
  • Reply 11 of 86
    Agreed, except for that SuperDrive part. If the average Joe Schmoe knows he can burn DVD movies via the SuperDrive on a $1499 machine as cool as the new LCD iMac, he will more than likely be sold, as opposed to just being like "Whoa cool! I like that." with a SuperDrive-less iMac.

    Let's just hope there IS a SuperDrive.

    [ 12-13-2001: Message edited by: Tarbash ]</p>
  • Reply 12 of 86
    rbaldrbald Posts: 108member
    [quote]Originally posted by EmAn:

    <strong>As long as the iMac gets an LCD and good specs why wouldn't it sell? Why wouldn't it convert PC users? I think the main reason why the iMac isn't selling as good as it used to is because it isn't worth the money right now.</strong><hr></blockquote>Apple has 3% of the market! So how many pc users has it converted? Dah! Answer 0!!! What Apple keeps doing is reselling to the installed base!

  • Reply 13 of 86
    rbaldrbald Posts: 108member
    [quote]Originally posted by pscates:


    And maybe Harley Davidson will drop the Sportster. And while we're at it, Volkswagon may as well drop the Beetle.

    And I hear that McDonald's is getting tired of the whole Big Mac thing too.

    The iMac isn't going ANYWHERE. What it's ABOUT to do, is come roaring back in a breathtaking, ass-kicking incarnation and will once again regain its rightful place as the symbol of all that is cool and right at Apple.

    The product that saved Apple's bacon and is, in the eyes of MILLIONS, THE symbol of the company just doesn't get whacked because a few hammerheads think it's not cool anymore.

    Doesn't work that way.</strong><hr></blockquote>Oh yea your the guy who kept telling everyone what a big seller the cube was going to be! Ha,Ha, what a joke that was!
  • Reply 14 of 86
    rbaldrbald Posts: 108member
    [quote]Originally posted by SDW2001:


    Umm...no. the iMac is the reason Apple is still in business today. And, it DID convert MANY PC users when it was introduced.

    It is time for refresh, and I big one at that. If no iMac, then what? They need to have a consumer line. The PowerMac is intended for Power Users and Pros.

    Discontinue the iMac....yeah, SUPERB IDEA THERE.

    How about someone discontinues his user account?</strong><hr></blockquote>Oh really! How many pc users got converted with Apples market share at a pathetic 3% sherlock?

  • Reply 15 of 86
    rbaldrbald Posts: 108member
    [quote]Originally posted by applenut:

    <strong>obviously this is just flame bait but....

    why would apple throw away one of the most recognizable electronic product names in american culture now?</strong><hr></blockquote>Your problem is that you can't take any criticism! Apple's not converting any pc users to the mac os with the imac! Or any other computer! What Apple does is keep selling to their installed base over and over again! Which bears out 3% market share!

  • Reply 16 of 86
    [quote]Originally posted by rbald:

    <strong>Apple has 3% of the market! So how many pc users has it converted?


    Hey, idiot. Apple has 5%, not 3%. And thats the overall market. In education, they're % is much higher. And please dont scuff at 5%. As apple has said and i agree with, thats just as much as Mercedes has in America. Dont be such an ass.
  • Reply 17 of 86
    rbaldrbald Posts: 108member
    [quote]Originally posted by KidRed:

    <strong>Following your logic, PC's should drop mIcrosOft M$ hasn't done shit, it's kaput, windows is played out. Time to move on and over to the real X. OS X.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    In case you haven't noticed Microsoft has 95% of the pc market and rules the world! Apple has a pathetic 3% and is always one quarter away from going out of business!!
  • Reply 18 of 86
    rbaldrbald Posts: 108member
    [quote]Originally posted by SameOldSht:


    Hey, idiot. Apple has 5%, not 3%. And thats the overall market. In education, they're % is much higher. And please dont scuff at 5%. As apple has said and i agree with, thats just as much as Mercedes has in America. Dont be such an ass.</strong><hr></blockquote> No, it's down to 3%! Their pathetic!
  • Reply 19 of 86
    rbaldrbald Posts: 108member
    What Apple needs to do is lower their prices, and stop ripping people off! That's what Apple does best! Ripping off their installed base!!!!!!!!! What a circle jerk! What person in their right mind would buy an Apple computer when they can have a windows computer for half the price! Remember the cube it went for $1700 and didn't sell! Then Apple lowered it to $1299 and the piece of junk still didn't sell! What a laugh!!

    [ 12-13-2001: Message edited by: rbald ]</p>
  • Reply 20 of 86
    I like your new troll, 68K. He actually makes sense this time.

    There is no point in arguing with a troll, so leave this thread alone.
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