Steve Jobs movie nets highest per-theater average of 2015 on opening weekend
In a limited run this weekend at just four theaters in New York City and Los Angeles, Danny Boyle's Steve Jobs biopic managed to smash per-theater averages for any movie released in 2015 so far.

The film grossed $520,942 in all, translating to an average of $130,236, reported Deadline. By comparison, another recent high-profile movie -- Denis Villeneuve's Sicario -- averaged roughly $67,000 per theater during its opening. Jobs' record nevertheless sits behind some movies from 2014, such as Wes Anderson's The Grand Budapest Hotel, which managed $202,000.
Boyle's film is due to go into wider distribution on Oct. 23.
The premiere marks the end of a troubled road, which at different times saw the movie change its director, lead actors, and even studio on the way to the big screen. One of the few constants has been a script by Aaron Sorkin. A recent revelation was that Jobs' widow, Laurene Powell Jobs, repeatedly attempted to stop the movie's development with the help of supporters.
Though based on Walter Isaacson's 2011 biography, current and former Apple executives have noted that the movie deviates from historical accuracy. Steve Wozniak -- who acted as a paid consultant on the film -- claimed that while some events didn't happen, it succeeded at capturing Jobs' personality. Designer Jony Ive, however, has suggested that it conflicts with his memories.

The film grossed $520,942 in all, translating to an average of $130,236, reported Deadline. By comparison, another recent high-profile movie -- Denis Villeneuve's Sicario -- averaged roughly $67,000 per theater during its opening. Jobs' record nevertheless sits behind some movies from 2014, such as Wes Anderson's The Grand Budapest Hotel, which managed $202,000.
Boyle's film is due to go into wider distribution on Oct. 23.
The premiere marks the end of a troubled road, which at different times saw the movie change its director, lead actors, and even studio on the way to the big screen. One of the few constants has been a script by Aaron Sorkin. A recent revelation was that Jobs' widow, Laurene Powell Jobs, repeatedly attempted to stop the movie's development with the help of supporters.
Though based on Walter Isaacson's 2011 biography, current and former Apple executives have noted that the movie deviates from historical accuracy. Steve Wozniak -- who acted as a paid consultant on the film -- claimed that while some events didn't happen, it succeeded at capturing Jobs' personality. Designer Jony Ive, however, has suggested that it conflicts with his memories.
This means nothing.
It ran in only 4 theaters. They are just trying to manufacter fake hype.
Lets face the facts. This is probably a very good and entertaining movie. But you will learn NOTHING about the real Steve Jobs watching it.
Art over accuracy.
As you get older, most people are able to tell bullsh*t from a mile away and the propaganda behind this movie is full of it.
I don't think so, Obama was elected twice.
Better example: seems like you aren't getting any smarter.
I can't magine saying something so off topic like that.
As you get older, most people are able to tell bullsh*t from a mile away and the propaganda behind this movie is full of it.
I don't think so, Obama was elected twice.
Quite the opposite.
Republicans were not elected President.
It was *ACTUALLY* in only 4 theaters. That posted was not joking.
Pretty soon there's going to be more Steve Jobs movies then Jesus Christ movies.
In a limited release... Four theaters.
This is a fairly common film industry trick to get what looks to be a high per-theater average box office. More sorrid Hollywood chicanery.
It's fairly common to gauge interest in this way for non-block buster movies.
He was the archetypal bad guy. Dressed in black, he built his evil walled garden to stop free exchange of music and movie files and made things that some people couldn't afford.
And whilst he was building his money making empire, he sometimes acted 'bossy' and rude to people.
Hope this helps.
Check out the review on barrons. This does not make me want to see the movie, but it does seem to articulate some of the shortcomings we keep being told exist.
Well, what do you know. It seems as if I was spot on when I was describing this movie many, many years ago, when it was first mentioned on this site. Those old threads are still here I'm sure.
I wrote that the dialogue would be a million words per minute, in true Sorkin style, and I read a recent review about this movie which confirms that the talking is indeed very fast. There also seems to be a lot of liberty taken with this movie and a lot of it is simply made up baloney.
Also, a big F U to Seth Rogan, who seems to have a problem with successful black men, like Ben Carson, who has accomplished 1000 times more than Seth Rogan will ever accomplish.
I'll probably fast forward through this movie when it's available to download, but no way in hell would I ever bother going to any theatre to watch it.
Hey, a reviewer who wasn't sucked in. He quotes a major anachronism/stupidity that reveals Sorkin's agenda against Jobs, where he has Jobs saying to Woz as they're working on the Apple II, "What I want Is a closed system, with end-to-end control." (I guess Woz was arguing for expansion slots so the hobbyists could tinker.)
If you can stomach that kind of sloppiness and heavy-handedness with the story, you can join all the smart critics who gave this movie a good review.
Hey, a reviewer who wasn't sucked in. He quotes a major anachronism/stupidity that reveals Sorkin's agenda against Jobs, where he has Jobs saying to Woz as they're working on the Apple II, "What I want Is a closed system, with end-to-end control." (I guess Woz was arguing for expansion slots so the hobbyists could tinker.)
If you can stomach that kind of sloppiness and heavy-handedness with the story, you can join all the smart critics who gave this movie a good review.
Isn't it possible that a similar conversation took place in reaction to the Franklin 100?
Figure manipulation from studios. We'll see how it does when it rolls out in wider release.
I don't think so, Obama was elected twice.
You forgot to stamp your little, oppressed, freedom-lost feet.
You forgot to stamp your little, oppressed, freedom-lost feet.
It's ok, the country is being taken back very soon. I don't think that the other side has a chance at all this time around.
It really is nice to be a fish in a small pond. I suppose they had to do it that way to try and convince the rest of the distribution system to take a chance on them. But I don't see this beleaguered film lasting too much longer in theaters.
For what it's worth, there are around 40,000 movie theatre screens in the US. So this film occupied 0.01% of them.
Info from:
I'm just going to browse through instead of seeing this movie. link