Swatch beats Apple to China mobile payments market with Bellamy watch



  • Reply 61 of 84

    Originally Posted by thrang View Post

    Personally, I would miss among other things...

    - glances/notifications/response, for Messages, Mail, Calendar, weather, stocks. I reach the phone far less, so ironically, a new high tech piece lets me disengage more from technology. I'm use prebuilt response or Siri often for answering.

    - Convenince/immediacy of Apple Pay from the wrist, even if you've left the phone in the car or at home.

    - activity monitoring

    - direction notification via Maps (visual/audible/haptic)

    - phone calls when iPhone is not in hand

    - Siri lookups

    - remote control of my entire home theater, family room, and kitchen entertainment systems, lighting, fans, etc. from my wrist

    but what would you specifically miss when you go out at night; to a restaurant, event, entertainment, or bar? just during the time you walk out of the door until you get back?


    if you were to care about showing off / looking nice; what trade off would you accept for the option to wear an Omega (just because the post is about Swatch group)

  • Reply 62 of 84
    Originally Posted by BeltsBear View Post


    Also no security of authentication either.  Theft is more of an issue.  Apple pay will not work without some form of good authentication.

    when was the last time a Swatch was lost or stolen? if ever?

  • Reply 63 of 84
    thrang wrote: »
    Personally, I would miss among other things...

    - glances/notifications/response, for Messages, Mail, Calendar, weather, stocks. I reach the phone far less, so ironically, a new high tech piece lets me disengage more from technology. I'm use prebuilt response or Siri often for answering.
    - Convenince/immediacy of Apple Pay from the wrist, even if you've left the phone in the car or at home.
    - activity monitoring
    - direction notification via Maps (visual/audible/haptic)
    - phone calls when iPhone is not in hand
    - Siri lookups
    - remote control of my entire home theater, family room, and kitchen entertainment systems, lighting, fans, etc. from my wrist

    Well hell! Now I have to go get the ? Watch. Seriously guy. You did in one post what Apple couldn't do in all their PR and expensive ads - get me to want one.

    Great post and nicely made points too.
  • Reply 64 of 84

    Originally Posted by sflagel View Post


    when was the last time a Swatch was lost or stolen? if ever?

    Theft would become more likely if thieves knew they could take it and get 'free' stuff at stores with your swatch.  You can't just steal an Apple watch and use it because it will no longer be authenticated. 

  • Reply 65 of 84
    dewmedewme Posts: 5,521member
    This is basically just putting a prepaid debit card in a watch housing. I guess if you're in the market for a Swatch and don't want to be burdened by the onerous weight of a debit card in your wallet this gives you another option. It's kind of like a smart watch without the smart part. I'm surprised Casio didn't beat them to the punch on this one. They always seem to latch on to these "add a gimmick to a regular watch" themes. The headline of this article definitely stretches the meaning and significance of this way beyond reality. Anything to get Apple involved I guess.
  • Reply 66 of 84
    mac_128mac_128 Posts: 3,454member

    Originally Posted by thrang View Post

    Free iphones?

    Give away Apple Watches?


    Yes. "free" iPhones -- for purchase today directly from Apple:



    And why not give away watches? I once bought a polycarbonate MacBook in an Apple Store and received free iPod Touch during a back to school sale. The iPod Touch cost about the same as the ?Watch Sport. I don't see why that's so unreasonable. 


    So yes, Apple currently sells a free iPhone. Two years from now Apple releases the 3rd Gen ?Watch, and maybe offers the original ?Watch for free with the purchase of an iPhone 7S, or perhaps you can purchase it for $99. Suddenly anyone only interested in buying a fitbit is going to have much harder choice than they do now, aren't they? 

  • Reply 67 of 84
    Originally Posted by BeltsBear View Post


    Theft would become more likely if thieves knew they could take it and get 'free' stuff at stores with your swatch.  You can't just steal an Apple watch and use it because it will no longer be authenticated. 

    I suspect the frequency of Swatch theft will be very very small. And the risk of loss is limited, either the Swatch has a payment limit, or it is just pre-paid anyway. So its a few bucks you may lose, IF someone is idiotic enough to actually steal Swatch from you (rather than, say, the Cartier from your wife). It would be such a stupid thing to do, I would be laughing at the mugger.

  • Reply 68 of 84
    thrangthrang Posts: 1,024member
    sflagel wrote: »
    but what would you specifically miss when you go out at night; to a restaurant, event, entertainment, or bar? just during the time you walk out of the door until you get back?

    if you were to care about showing off / looking nice; what trade off would you accept for the option to wear an Omega (just because the post is about Swatch group)

    Well, truthfully I don't care about showing off; nonetheless, the Watch looks superb in any setting to me, especially with the aforementioned band and face variability. For example, during the day, I may use the text display see see calendar and weather information more easily, and use my black leather band. In the evening I may change to a dial face with fewer complications and wear the stainless band (though I don't care that much to do this often)

    The functionality is there if you need it regardless of what you're doing. I mean, I don't change the type of phone I'm using because I need less functionality at a nice dinner or party. The simple elegance, precision and finish of the Watch makes sense for me in any environment.

    A $15k Rolex makes diminishing sense to me.

    There are two ironies -

    1) a lot of people who can afford a Rolex are old enough that they cant see the date or time without glasses ;)

    2) paradoxically, analog watches are increasingly becoming anachronistic.
  • Reply 69 of 84
    mac_128mac_128 Posts: 3,454member

    Originally Posted by Boltsfan17 View Post


    Not only that, but what if you use multiple cards. How would you be able to select a different card like you can in Apple Pay? 

    Probably through an app on your mobile device, maybe not as convenient as an ?Watch, but you get what you pay for. ;-) Personally, I use one dedicated credit card for ?Pay, that I don't use anywhere else, otherwise ?Pay is reduced to just a convenience issue since the card data used with ?Pay can be compromised by any other method. It stays at home locked away where theft is an unlikely possibility as well. I have another dedicated card for online purchases since there is no protection whatsoever during those transactions. And I have another card strictly for use with brick and mortar stores POSTs. Many people can get by with just one credit card, and probably should. 


    I've yet to see a problem raised in this thread with the hybrid technology in this Swatch that can't be reasonably addressed. Again the biggest concern is exactly what kind of payment system is being implemented and how secure is that? The rest is trivial, and probably already solved.

  • Reply 70 of 84

    Originally Posted by thrang View Post

    Well, truthfully I don't care about showing off; nonetheless, the Watch looks superb in any setting to me, especially with the aforementioned band and face variability. For example, during the day, I may use the text display see see calendar and weather information more easily, and use my black leather band. In the evening I may change to a dial face with fewer complications and wear the stainless band (though I don't care that much to do this often)

    The functionality is there if you need it regardless of what you're doing. I mean, I don't change the type of phone I'm using because I need less functionality at a nice dinner or party. The simple elegance, precision and finish of the Watch makes sense for me in any environment.

    A $15k Rolex makes diminishing sense to me.

    There are two ironies -

    1) a lot of people who can afford a Rolex are old enough that they cant see the date or time without glasses image

    2) paradoxically, analog watches are increasingly becoming anachronistic.

    I was just trying to learn what the really key functionalities are that you'd miss on an evening out. You like the look of the AW, good for you. I think it is not offensive, but certainly not nice. Like a navy blue Boss suit, but not like a bespoke dinner jacket. So I wood not wear a dinner jacket with an AW. But I'd like to have *some* smart watch functionalities in the watch I wear at night.

  • Reply 71 of 84
    thrangthrang Posts: 1,024member
    mac_128 wrote: »

    Yes. "free" iPhones -- for purchase today directly from Apple:

    And why not give away watches? I once bought a polycarbonate MacBook in an Apple Store and received free iPod Touch during a back to school sale. The iPod Touch cost about the same as the ?Watch Sport. I don't see why that's so unreasonable. 

    So yes, Apple currently sells a free iPhone. Two years from now Apple releases the 3rd Gen ?Watch, and maybe offers the original ?Watch for free with the purchase of an iPhone 7S, or perhaps you can purchase it for $99. Suddenly anyone only interested in buying a fitbit is going to have much harder choice than they do now, aren't they? 

    Come on dude, you know there's no such things a free lunch - TANSTAFEL! The cost basis and profit (sometimes less, some times more) is covered somewhere,.

    That's two generations old, and is two-year contract subsidized and serves a different purpose for Apple (lower entry point to ensnare new buyers who will eventually upgrade next cycle)

    It doesn't serve Apple's goal to do that now with the Watch...sure, generations from now, that could be different, but that's not what you originally implied.
  • Reply 72 of 84
    sflagel wrote: »
    You may not. But I look a bit wankish when I wear the Apple Watch in the evenings out. But then again, I also do when I wear jeans.

    stainless steel, leather strap, simple & elegant face -- looks great with a dress shirt at dinner or the theatre.
  • Reply 73 of 84
    badmonkbadmonk Posts: 1,318member
    a cheap plastic device that authorizes payments through a Chinese conglomerate,

    what could go wrong?
  • Reply 74 of 84
    sflagel wrote: »
    You like the look of the AW, good for you. I think it is not offensive, but certainly not nice. Like a navy blue Boss suit, but not like a bespoke dinner jacket. So I wood not wear a dinner jacket with an AW.

    that general mentality will surely die out, literally. in the future, wearing a classy smartwatch with a dinner jacket will not be considered inappropriate. it will be normal.
  • Reply 75 of 84
    thrangthrang Posts: 1,024member
    Jeez, how many "fancy" dinners or audiences with the Queen are people going to that this is even a topic? :rolleyes:
  • Reply 76 of 84
    sflagelsflagel Posts: 828member

    Originally Posted by NolaMacGuy View Post

    stainless steel, leather strap, simple & elegant face -- looks great with a dress shirt at dinner or the theatre.

    I buy that. In a 70's cool retro sort of way. I thin the next gen will be nicer (hopefully they will do away with that pill shaped button and make it a tad, not much, thinner.


    Still, sometimes I'd like to wear a "real" watch, but without missing some core smart watch functionalities. Eg a rubber Swatch with payments, an Omega with notifications, just as an alternatives. I think there is a market for that.

  • Reply 77 of 84
    sflagelsflagel Posts: 828member
    Originally Posted by NolaMacGuy View Post

    that general mentality will surely die out, literally. in the future, wearing a classy smartwatch with a dinner jacket will not be considered inappropriate. it will be normal.

    That may very well be, but you may also underestimate the tendency of self flaggelation to "look good". See: my wife's shoes (which she can literally not walk in for more than 10 feet); the men's tie, the stiffness of formal shirts; the tightness of British bespoke suits; the complete lack of any space in a Ferrari; the outrageous size of full-size SUVs; the suicidal length of formal dinners, etc. 


    Besides, its about choice. And unlike a phone, a kettle, or a screwdriver, for things that are meant to project personality (like  a watch), the trend may not go the way you anticipate. We will see.

  • Reply 78 of 84
    mac_128mac_128 Posts: 3,454member
    Originally Posted by thrang View Post

    Come on dude, you know there's no such things a free lunch - TANSTAFEL! The cost basis and profit (sometimes less, some times more) is covered somewhere,.

    That's two generations old, and is two-year contract subsidized and serves a different purpose for Apple (lower entry point to ensnare new buyers who will eventually upgrade next cycle)

    It doesn't serve Apple's goal to do that now with the Watch...sure, generations from now, that could be different, but that's not what you originally implied.

    You "come on". That isn't the point. The fact that a customer doesn't have to pay out the full retail price of the phone when they buy it, opened the door to more customers adopting the iPhone instead of the cheaper lower quality Android phones which were also given away for "free".


    And yes, that's exactly what subsidizing the ?Watch will do for Apple. I think I was consistent in my posts stating that I saw the price of the watch coming down over time, and once Apple got the price down like they did with the iPhones, it would be a direct competitor against single-function watches like this Swatch, where style is the only variable. Im sorry if you inferred something else, but in context I didn't imply otherwise.


    And yes of course it serves Apple's goal to drop the price now .. why else are they selling it in Target, and online retailer B&H, and Best Buy, and Sprint and T-Mobile, and high end department stores, luxury jewelers, and fashion boutiques? Because they want to sell as many watches as they possibly can. That's Apple's goal. What else could it be? And selling as many as they possibly can is only going to happen is it's A) accessible to as many potential customers as possible, B) affordable to as many potential customers as possible, and C) desired by as many potential customers as possible. And that last one is the likely the most important as people don't know they want the watch unless they know what it can do, and the only way they're gonna know is if they use one. And for many it's not as attractive over other less expensive options with less functionality specific to what they know they want, and can use. And that's why Apple would benefit from a price drop as soon as possible. Just like cheaper iPhones let more customers use them and fall in love with them, and get sucked into Apple's ecosystem -- which let's face it is the ultimate goal. Apple doesn't want to just sell you products, they want to sell you products that allow you to use their services, which in turns locks you into products with which those services are only accessible.  

  • Reply 79 of 84
    sflagelsflagel Posts: 828member
    Originally Posted by thrang View Post

    Jeez, how many "fancy" dinners or audiences with the Queen are people going to that this is even a topic? image

    It does not have to be THAT fancy. But a friend's wedding, a special birthday party, a business gala dinner, charity dinners, Christmas mass, special wedding anniversary, or even a promising date (never wear an AW to a date!). I'd say most people have 4-5 formal events per year. Easily.


    But that's not the point, the point is that sometimes, you want to, or have to, wear something other than an Apple Watch, while still not wanting to miss some of the truly important core functionalities (like notifications or payments, depending on the watch and the use case).


    And this Swatch thing may be such an additional watch that can be useful for a specific use case (I mentioned going to the beach, but it can also be for young children to pay the tube for and have some spare change without carrying around a wallet)

  • Reply 80 of 84
    thrangthrang Posts: 1,024member
    sflagel wrote: »
    It does not have to be THAT fancy. But a friend's wedding, a special birthday party, a business gala dinner, charity dinners, Christmas mass, special wedding anniversary, or even a promising date (never wear an AW to a date!). I'd say most people have 4-5 formal events per year. Easily.

    But I think if someone intellectually has an issue using their Watch at a few events like this a year, then they have to intellectually justify spending several thousand dollars for a half dozen uses Personally, it makes little sense to me, despite the ability to to do so, and wearing the Watch at any of those events does not affect me or anyone.. But this is all about personal taste, attitude, and symbolism at this point, and that's fine.
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