Walgreens Balance Rewards card gains Apple Pay compatibility



  • Reply 21 of 37

    Originally Posted by Vavatch View Post


    You do NOT need the barcode anymore. Now it works using the NFC. So, tap the phone (or the watch) on the terminal and it will read the rewards card, and then repeat (using the payment method). It's really no different than physical cards, except that you do not dig around for the cards, scan/swipe/insert them, enter any PIN codes, or sign with your signature, etc. Just tap for rewards, and tap again to pay. Seriously, what could be easier?


    Okay, I know... one tap, right? Well, I addressed that. it needs to be two. One for rewards account, and the other for payment, but there is the possibility of a credit on the rewards account exceeding the amount of the transaction total, and if applied, then the payment card is is not needed, so no second tap in such a case, as no payment is needed - again, this is because everything was processed in the rewards card.


    As an example, Starbucks, which has had a rewards cards in the Wallet for a couple years now, and who has committed to adding ApplePay support to their POS terminals soon, will either continue to require the payment to be using funds that have already been applied to the rewards account to get credit for the purchase, or a double tap process - I think that Starbucks pushes the prepayment specifically to cut down on handling of cash and credit card fees, though the latter still exist when using a card to reloading, but likely fewer overall transaction fees for loading larger amounts onto cards than the typical transaction, and as those merchant fees still remain with credit cards processed through ApplePay, I suspect Starbucks would prefer to keep the process as it is, but is likely also getting pressure to loosen up a bit.

    thanks - as for the double 'tap' to use two cards - why would the walgreens card require my fingerprint - is that just in the case i can use my saved rewards?

  • Reply 22 of 37
    Went to Walgreens. Didn't work.
  • Reply 23 of 37
    <div class="quote-container" data-huddler-embed="/t/189942/walgreens-balance-rewards-card-gains-apple-pay-compatibility#post_2801881" data-huddler-embed-placeholder="false">Quote:<div class="quote-block">Originally Posted by <strong>Right_said_fred</strong> <a href="/t/189942/walgreens-balance-rewards-card-gains-apple-pay-compatibility#post_2801881"><img alt="View Post" src="/img/forum/go_quote.gif" /></a><br /> <p><br />ok...</p><p style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0)">I added Walgreens to my wallet, so its on my iphone AND apple watch...</p><p style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0)">now if i click the button on the watch twice, it will bring up my credit cards, and a BIG blue walgreens badge ( with no useful info on it!!! but if i scroll it up i can see the barcode...</p><p style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0)">note the starbucks app NEVER appears when double clicking the button - you have to select wallet from the watch menu to see that.</p><p style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0)">it seems inconsistent - and its a little confusing - IMHO</p><p style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0)"> </p><p style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0)">I still think its a little clunky and confusing..</p></div></div><p><br />Though I have not have a Starbucks drink in ages, I did use (and still have) their app on my phone, and it always appeared on my phone when I was in the parking lot.</p>

    thanks - as for the double 'tap' to use two cards - why would the walgreens card require my fingerprint - is that just in the case i can use my saved rewards?

    It's not the Walgreens card that requires the fingerprint, but ApplePay, which uses it to verify you are you, and authorised to use cards stored in ApplePay.
  • Reply 24 of 37
    Went to Walgreens. Didn't work.

    What didn't work? Do you have the Walgreens Rewards card set up in ApplePay? If so, was it set up before this update? If so, it might take a while for the updated card to show up. The old one is white and has a barcode on it. The updated one is light blue without the barcode, and there is a message below the card that says to tough the AppleID. If you see the old card, you can force update by opening the Walgreens app and read the card to the Wallet. I did that, and it updated to the new card.
  • Reply 25 of 37

    I was confused since I already had my Walgreens reward card in "Wallet" I went into the Walgreens app and there it was "Balance Rewards" followed the steps and added it. So instead of having them scan the "Balance Rewards" card that was in my "Wallet" I can now just hold my phone to the NFC terminal and voila...?

  • Reply 26 of 37
    Upon requests by many, I went ahead and made a video using the balance rewards card here- The terminal was not yet enabled but it will give you a nice demonstration as to what you can expect.
  • Reply 27 of 37
    Upon requests by many, I went ahead and made a video using the balance rewards card here- The terminal was not yet enabled but it will give you a nice demonstration as to what you can expect.
  • Reply 28 of 37

    Upon requests by many, I went ahead and made a video using the balance rewards card here-



    The terminal was not yet enabled but it will give you a nice demonstration as to what you can expect

  • Reply 29 of 37
    jfc1138jfc1138 Posts: 3,090member

    so starbucks card will not show when i double click apple watch because starbucks doesnt participate in 'that' - even though i add funds to starbucks  with apple pay - 
    I guess it will become clearer as more rewards cards are added
    "That" being NFC in store payments, TouchID to authorize in app payments Starbucks does now support and has for quite some time.
  • Reply 30 of 37

    Originally Posted by jfc1138 View Post

    "That" being NFC in store payments, TouchID to authorize in app payments Starbucks does now support and has for quite some time.

    yet does starbucks not appear in apple watch wallet when you double click the side button, yet wallgreens does?

  • Reply 31 of 37

    yet does starbucks not appear in apple watch wallet when you double click the side button, yet wallgreens does?

    Yes, because the new Walgreens rewards card is NFC-capable. To access the Starbucks card you need to open up the Wallet app so you can bring up the barcode. That's the same for the old Walgreens rewards, and every other barcoded Pass, assuming you've added those passes to Wallet. The Starbucks card you add via the Starbucks app, and you can choose up to 5 stores that you frequent so that on your iPhone and Watch they come up as geo-fenced messages when you're at those stores. I'm not sure if the Walgreens app allowed you to make a Wallet Pass the same way with the barcoded card.
  • Reply 32 of 37

    Originally Posted by SolipsismY View Post

    Yes, because the new Walgreens rewards card is NFC-capable. To access the Starbucks card you need to open up the Wallet app so you can bring up the barcode. That's the same for the old Walgreens rewards, and every other barcoded Pass, assuming you've added those passes to Wallet. The Starbucks card you add via the Starbucks app, and you can choose up to 5 stores that you frequent so that on your iPhone and Watch they come up as geo-fenced messages when you're at those stores. I'm not sure if the Walgreens app allowed you to make a Wallet Pass the same way with the barcoded card.

    this helps, but if i have this straight...

    i go into a starbucks to pay with apple wallet, i double click the button on my apple watch, and wonder why no starbucks card qppears, even though that card would appear on my iPhone simply by double pressing the home button

    .... so I must remember to select the starbucks card from the wallet from the apple watch menu...

    then i go into wallgreens, and wether or not that walgreens is NFC equiped, i can simply double click my apple watch and.. wallgreens appears in the wallet app on my iphone ( exact same method as my iphone..

    once i have wallgreens card on show (by simply double clicking button on apple watch) i can scroll it up t reveal a barcode...

    .....im getting it, its not apple pay so much as wether or not an wallet item IS NFC enabled...


    fact is why would/should i have to know this - as ive mentioned, maybe im easily confused, but why is there even this distinction in how i reveal that card on the apple watch, why wouldnt the starbucks card appear when double clicking the side button, just like the wallgreens card and just like they both do on the iPhone?


    I entered my walgreens into wallet (apple pay) via the app, which btw was updated this evening...

  • Reply 33 of 37

    this helps, but if i have this straight...
    i go into a starbucks to pay with apple wallet, i double click the button on my apple watch, and wonder why no starbucks card qppears, even though that card would appear on my iPhone simply by double pressing the home button
    .... so I must remember to select the starbucks card from the wallet from the apple watch menu...
    then i go into wallgreens, and wether or not that walgreens is NFC equiped, i can simply double click my apple watch and.. wallgreens appears in the wallet app on my iphone ( exact same method as my iphone..
    once i have wallgreens card on show (by simply double clicking button on apple watch) i can scroll it up t reveal a barcode...
    .....im getting it, its not apple pay so much as wether or not an wallet item IS NFC enabled...

    fact is why would/should i have to know this - as ive mentioned, maybe im easily confused, but why is there even this distinction in how i reveal that card on the apple watch, why wouldnt the starbucks card appear when double clicking the side button, just like the wallgreens card and just like they both do on the iPhone?

    I entered my walgreens into wallet (apple pay) via the app, which btw was updated this evening...

    Double clicking the Contacts button on the Apple Watch will never bring up barcodes. It's just for NFC-capable items as this enables the NFC antenna on the Apple Watch. On the iPhone, this is on by default, and then you authorize with Touch ID. On the Watch, you don't authorize except for input your PIN when you put it on.

    On the Apple Watch, if you want to bring up any barcoded Pass you need to do that via the Wallet app -or- if there is a geo-location option in the Pass, like with my Starbucks pass for my typical Starbucks run, it will be a red dot at the top of my Apple Watch display that I can pull down to get to the Starbucks barcoded Pass.
  • Reply 34 of 37
    vavatch wrote: »
    What didn't work? Do you have the Walgreens Rewards card set up in ApplePay? If so, was it set up before this update? If so, it might take a while for the updated card to show up. The old one is white and has a barcode on it. The updated one is light blue without the barcode, and there is a message below the card that says to tough the AppleID. If you see the old card, you can force update by opening the Walgreens app and read the card to the Wallet. I did that, and it updated to the new card.

    I updated my Balance Rewards card in Wallet. It showed up without a barcode and appeared in Apple Pay on my Apple Watch. When the terminal asked me for Balance Rewards I attempted to use Apple Pay on my phone, then watch. Didn't work. I tried again before I paid. Also didn't work. Obviously I have the updated card otherwise it wouldn't have shown up in my watch under Apple Pay and the barcode wouldn't be hidden by default. When someone is successful I'll try again.
  • Reply 35 of 37

    when you see the blue wallgreen screen on your apple watch - you can slide upwards to see the barcode.

    despite some genuine attempts at help from member s - i have not manage to pay either use my rewards on my watch or phone, i resorted to entering my phone number on their terminal...

    i still dont get why i can double click my watch and see wallgreens and credit/debit cards, but no other wallet items such as starbucks - ive been told its becomes some support NFC but right now im not near NFC, im sat in my office. Its not slick, like just using the nfc apple pay at a retailer is slick. these specialized cards are inconsistent....

    i will go to wallgreens ( a differetn brach) tomorrow and try again

  • Reply 36 of 37
    i still dont get why i can double click my watch and see wallgreens and credit/debit cards, but no other wallet items such as starbucks - ive been told its becomes some support NFC but right now im not near NFC, im sat in my office. Its not slick, like just using the nfc apple pay at a retailer is slick. these specialized cards are inconsistent....

    Double-tapping the Contacts button does NOT bring up the Wallet app. That is why you can not see your Passes when you access that shortcut to what was designed to be convenient Apple Pay payment options.
  • Reply 37 of 37
    jfc1138jfc1138 Posts: 3,090member
    Originally Posted by Right_said_fred View Post


    when you see the blue wallgreen screen on your apple watch - you can slide upwards to see the barcode.

    despite some genuine attempts at help from member s - i have not manage to pay either use my rewards on my watch or phone, i resorted to entering my phone number on their terminal...

    i still dont get why i can double click my watch and see wallgreens and credit/debit cards, but no other wallet items such as starbucks - ive been told its becomes some support NFC but right now im not near NFC, im sat in my office. Its not slick, like just using the nfc apple pay at a retailer is slick. these specialized cards are inconsistent....

    i will go to wallgreens ( a differetn brach) tomorrow and try again

    Double click is an ApplePay ONLY trigger; "why", because that's how the computer code is written. Same reason you had to pay the troll with the gold coin in ZORK to cross the bridge. Or a runner has to touch first base before continuing on to second in baseball: them's the rules.


    The cards are very consistent: ApplePay is a double click: barcodes are not since they don't use the NFC radio's and security circuitry and so the computer code separates how they are accessed. That keeps ApplePay NFC in store payments simple, double click, choose the desired payment card and hold the watch close to the NFC capable terminal, wait for the confirming sound (in Wegmann's a nice loud chime from the terminal).

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