New Adele album to be withheld from Apple Music, Spotify, other streaming services



  • Reply 21 of 102
    lxglxg Posts: 19member
    Adele? CDs? Huh?
  • Reply 22 of 102
    pmz wrote: »
    It's 2015. Any artist that "withholds" their music from a streaming service might as will just give up.

    Why? How many people listen to Apple Music or other streaming music services, over buying their content via iTunes Store or other digital download services? I'd say that most are still purchasing these days, not to mention terrestrial radio, satellite radio, and television-based music services.
  • Reply 23 of 102
    I agree that artists need to make money off their hard work!

    I just don't want to pay the studios for adding nothing in the way of value. Yet they take the highest share!
  • Reply 24 of 102
    ecats wrote: »
    HBO figured this out pretty quickly with GOT. Streaming really isn't an "option" anymore. Certainly OK for Adele + Team to make up their own mind about this, but unfortunately the decision really does invite high levels of piracy and keeps the pirate sites flush with users.

    The people that are going to pirate her new songs aren't likely to only do it because it's not on a paid service like Apple Music or Spotify; they're going to do it because they don't want to pay for anything.
  • Reply 25 of 102
    Funny she has it on iTunes which will account for 65% of ALL the digital download sales she'll get (with Amazon, Google and all the others fighting over the other 35%), yet she wants to snub Apple Music?

    gatorguy wrote: »

    :rolleyes: Apple. Users. Don't. Steal.

    That's for poor Android folks who don't want to pay for anything, remember?

    Given that A) iTunes accounts for the majority of digital music sales (6x what Google sells) and B) Android has the majority of market share, then there are really only a few possibilities:

    - Android users are downloading their music through other, illegal means.
    - Android users don't listen to as much music as iOS users, which is why they don't buy.
    - Android users only stream instead of buying.

    We all know which is the right one. For the same reasons App developers see substantially higher rates of piracy of their Apps on Android vs iOS.
  • Reply 26 of 102
    Smart move on Adele's part.

    I always thought it would make sense to approach music like how movies are handled. I think a solution below would make a lot of sense:

    1. Pay full price for digital or physical album.

    2. Subscribe to a streaming service, and pay a discounted rate for immediate access to new albums.

    3. Wait for an extended period of time where the album becomes available to listen on steaming service (Netflix mentality).

    Not all artists would have to participate in this, and could have their albums go straight to streaming at launch, but would give artists the options to consider all options.
  • Reply 27 of 102

    Why on earth would Apple stock a form of media (CDs) that they don't currently support on any of their products except for their non-Retina Macbook Pro?

  • Reply 28 of 102

    The album already leaked about 20 hours ago. Those who don't want to pay for it will have it by tomorrow anyway. I don't care for her music, not even if it's free...


    Though it's funny to see the comments on this story... the tone would have been completely different if Apple Music would have streamed this and not Spotify. Now that Apple Music is equally deprived of this album, the tone is more like "oh well..." 

  • Reply 28 of 102


  • Reply 30 of 102

    If you want her music, you'll have to pay for it. Nothing wrong with that.

  • Reply 31 of 102
    Garth Brooks won't stream either. Hey Garth you're a "has been". People aren't buying your albums any more unless they are used cds. Might as well let them stream it so you can get your money.
  • Reply 32 of 102

    Originally Posted by willgonz View Post

    Garth Brooks won't stream either. Hey Garth you're a "has been". People aren't buying your albums any more unless they are used cds. Might as well let them stream it so you can get your money.

    Streaming rates are a pittance compared to individual songs and albums. I don't blame any musician not willing to play in the streaming game.

  • Reply 33 of 102

    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post


    Streaming rates are a pittance compared to individual songs and albums. I don't blame any musician not willing to play in the streaming game.

    Well if millions of people stream your song and you get .05 cents per steam that would be $50,000 for that 5 minutes.  Heck sometimes I have Sail by AWOL Nation on repeat and leave the house for work.  I bet they are making a ton because I am streaming it.

  • Reply 34 of 102

    Originally Posted by Cpsro View Post


    No matter. I'm sure the CD is available elsewhere to download, for those who can't find it through one of the regular streaming services.

    I am wondering if you read the article and understood what it said. It doesn't seem you did. Sales of the album is not an issue. Anyone can buy the album/CD and it will be available from a wide range of sources. Streaming is the issue. There will be no legal streaming for quite some time

  • Reply 35 of 102

    Originally Posted by SolipsismY View Post

    The people that are going to pirate her new songs aren't likely to only do it because it's not on a paid service like Apple Music or Spotify; they're going to do it because they don't want to pay for anything.

    They are dishonest scum. It is stealing no matter how they try to frame/justify it.

  • Reply 36 of 102
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,584member
    willgonz wrote: »
    Well if millions of people stream your song and you get .05 cents per steam that would be $50,000 for that 5 minutes.  Heck sometimes I have Sail by AWOL Nation on repeat and leave the house for work.  I bet they are making a ton because I am streaming it.
    Apple is reported to be paying the labels .02 per stream.The artist would be getting a much smaller cut of that and the songwriter also gets a tiny peice. An artist that is also the label and songwriter (ex. Taylor Swift) might do fairly well if the song is hugely popular and streamed a whole lot. Otherwise most performers/writers really won't make much at all, maybe a few dollars a month.
  • Reply 37 of 102

    Originally Posted by willgonz View Post

    Garth Brooks won't stream either. Hey Garth you're a "has been". People aren't buying your albums any more unless they are used cds. Might as well let them stream it so you can get your money.

    Garth Brooks has his own streaming service called Ghost Tunes. He also exclusively sells his CDs to Wal-Mart. You'd be foolish to think Garth Brooks doesn't sell a shit ton of CDs, as he has sold 135 million to date.


    Garth Brooks fans are very loyal, and most definitely buy his CDs. He is also not as a has been, as he is on pace to have the most successful world tour of all time. Am I Garth Brooks fan, not necessarily, but I am married to one and have read quite a bit on his business practices and how successful he is.


    Your ignorance on him is noticeable.

  • Reply 38 of 102

    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    Just further proof to me that there is nothing unique about Apple Music. Being pay-only didn't seem to matter to Adele.

    Adele's decision has ZERO to do with Apple music. It's a business decision about money and streaming versus album sales. There may be nothing unique about Apple Music, but this move has no role in that and in no way makes a statement about that.


    The lack of knowledge in some of these comments is just unreal. The commenters mean well, but have no idea what they are talking about.

  • Reply 39 of 102


    Originally Posted by MacVicta View Post

    I'll just get it for free.


    You are a POS thief. I sincerely hope you steal from the wrong person/company.

  • Reply 40 of 102
    Originally Posted by willgonz View Post


    Well if millions of people stream your song and you get .05 cents per steam that would be $50,000 for that 5 minutes.  Heck sometimes I have Sail by AWOL Nation on repeat and leave the house for work.  I bet they are making a ton because I am streaming it.

    It's significantly less than what you think:


        Recently, these variables have led to an average “per stream” payout to rights holders of between $0.006 and $0.0084.



    In other words, you need far, far more listens to make even a fraction of what can be made with individual song or album sales.

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