Apple's iPad Pro vs. 12-inch MacBook with Retina display: which is best for you?



  • Reply 21 of 76

    Originally Posted by CanukStorm View Post


    I was considering the rMB but I heard that it runs really slow after lengthy use due to poor thermals. What's your take on this?

    I've been using the rMB for about 2 months now.  I bought it for a trip to Hawaii for photo editing while I was there.  I have a 15" Macbook Pro, and absolutely love it, but it's heavy and kinda a pain for travel.  The rMB is an absolute wonderful machine.  So incredibly light and perfect screen size for portable use.  I've used a ton of photoshop with it and it work just fine, even after several hours of use.  I've done some light video editing, and although the interface works just fine, once you get to the point of converting and saving the video file it can take some time, but that's only an issue if you're in a hurry after all the editing is done.  I've yet to run into an issue where the computer can't keep up with what I'm trying to do.  The keyboard is just a joy to use, and nothing beats an Apple trackpad for easy productivity.


    The only negative of the laptop is that the battery life can go quite quickly when running processor intensive applications.  Just surfing the web or watching video I get about 7-8 hours with the screen brightness at 50%.  When I get into photoshop or iMovie, that can get down to 5-6 hours.  There is definitely some battery sacrifice for portability, but I wouldn't make the rMB any heavier to try to squeeze another hour out of's a perfect balance as it is.  


    I don't have a iPad Pro, just an iPad air, and I have to say the iPad is seeing a lot less love from me since I got the rMB.  The iPad has it's place, but I still don't think there is yet a substitute for a full on operating system in this day and age.  Maybe someday as iOS continues to grow and apps get better and better, but I don't think they're there yet and traditional operating systems still have their place.

  • Reply 22 of 76

    You can't plug in any Apple devices to the iPad so that you can back them up to say like iTunes like you can with a Macbook running OS X. Apple is shooting themselves in the foot by not having and iPad the runs OS X.

  • Reply 23 of 76
    gofaster wrote: »
    You can't plug in any Apple devices to the iPad so that you can back them up to say like iTunes like you can with a Macbook running OS X. Apple is shooting themselves in the foot by not having and iPad the runs OS X.

  • Reply 24 of 76
    If only the Wordpress iOS app wasn't so neglected... or the mobile view in a browser.
  • Reply 25 of 76
    solipsismy wrote: »
    Holy shit! There are still people saying the iPad is only a consumption device.
    I'm one of them. Been using iOS devices since 2007, I've owned every iPhone and almost every iPad (didn't bother with the iPad 3 or 4, can't remember which) and yeah - I just bought a MacBook because I travel a lot and wanted something lighter and more portable than my 15" MacBook Pro but with a better screen than my 13" MacBook Air. I never even considered the iPad Pro, because it's an iPad. They're awful for multitasking and productivity, IMO.
  • Reply 26 of 76

    iPad Pro is a niche market. What about split view? Reinventing the window? That's your multitasking? Come on, Apple! It's the time. Take advantage of the PCs industry not sorting itself out and release a MacPad with some sort of Smart Frame and an OSX able to run iOS apps.

  • Reply 27 of 76
    I will probably always use both. It would be a game-changer for users like me if Apple could create an iOS file and folder access app for OS X, and a similar iOS app to access OS X files and folders. Transfers should be made possible via iCloud, Airdrop and/or BT.

    As an aside, do current iPad apps look fine on the Pro? What's the early verdict?
  • Reply 28 of 76
    mavis wrote: »
    I'm one of them. Been using iOS devices since 2007, I've owned every iPhone and almost every iPad (didn't bother with the iPad 3 or 4, can't remember which) and yeah - I just bought a MacBook because I travel a lot and wanted something lighter and more portable than my 15" MacBook Pro but with a better screen than my 13" MacBook Air. I never even considered the iPad Pro, because it's an iPad. They're awful for multitasking and productivity, IMO.

    And because the iPad isn't an ideal machine for you, you're labeling it as only a consumption device for everyone, even now with the iPad Pro, side-by-side apps, and Pencil with API support for arguably the best stylus input ever created for a digitizer touchscreen? The iPad doesn't work for my needs either but in no way would I claim it's only for media consumption.
  • Reply 29 of 76
    Originally Posted by GOFaster View Post

    Apple is shooting themselves in the foot by not having and iPad the runs OS X.

    Keep wishing for things that make absolutely no sense whatsoever, I guess.

  • Reply 30 of 76

    If the first thing you do with a new computer is install MacPorts or Homebrew, the iPad Pro is probably not for you. If in the course of a day you ever aim a browser at "" or, God forbid, "", the iPad Pro, alone, is not for you.


    I am planning to buy an iPad Pro, keyboard cover, and pencil as a portable tmux terminal and teaching tool. But having used a 12" rMB for some weeks as a development machine, I am totally in love with it.

  • Reply 31 of 76
    There are a lot of times when something I *could* have done on the iPad I didn't, because of what I needed to with the file after it was done. Just the fact that I can do it on an IOS device doesn't trump the fact that doing the next handful of things with it in OS X is multitudes simpler, not to mention faster and easier. Right tool right job and all that.
  • Reply 32 of 76
    fallenjtfallenjt Posts: 4,056member
    gofaster wrote: »
    You can't plug in any Apple devices to the iPad so that you can back them up to say like iTunes like you can with a Macbook running OS X. Apple is shooting themselves in the foot by not having and iPad the runs OS X.
    here you go again, Mr.SurfaceLover. Bring your Toaster-refrigerator somewhere else. Apple is shooting themselves in the foot for only selling over 2.5 million units since release... Damn, that only is a liitle better than Surface sale in 3 years.
  • Reply 33 of 76
    What kind of MacBook is an rMB?
  • Reply 34 of 76

    Originally Posted by siretman View Post

    What kind of MacBook is an rMB?

    12" Retina Macbook.

  • Reply 35 of 76
    canukstorm wrote: »
    12" Retina Macbook.
    Thank you.
  • Reply 36 of 76
    I actually purchased the iPad Pro for my MacBook Pro 15" so I could have a second monitor on the road (Duet is what I am using currently) as well as being able to tether to the cellular without draining my cell phone battery.
    Not an either or but why not both?
    When not needing the MBP I can use the iPad Pro for normal iOS items (videos, gaming, etc..)
  • Reply 37 of 76

    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    I will probably always use both. It would be a game-changer for users like me if Apple could create an iOS file and folder access app for OS X, and a similar iOS app to access OS X files and folders. Transfers should be made possible via iCloud, Airdrop and/or BT.

    As an aside, do current iPad apps look fine on the Pro? What's the early verdict?

    Some apps that have been optimized for the Pro look good and some that haven't are just blown up and don't look good or outright funny. I think it'll be several months or even longer for most iPad apps to be tweaked to better fit the Pro's greatly expanded display space.

  • Reply 38 of 76
    Some apps that have been optimized for the Pro look good and some that haven't are just blown up and don't look good or outright funny. I think it'll be several months or even longer for most iPad apps to be tweaked to better fit the Pro's greatly expanded display space.

    Is it worse or on par with iPhone apps blown up on the iPhone back in 2010-11? Are any of them Apple apps from the App Store (I assume all built-in apps are idealized for the iPad Pro display)?
  • Reply 39 of 76
    I will probably always use both. It would be a game-changer for users like me if Apple could create an iOS file and folder access app for OS X, and a similar iOS app to access OS X files and folders. Transfers should be made possible via iCloud, Airdrop and/or BT.

    As an aside, do current iPad apps look fine on the Pro? What's the early verdict?

    Everything looks beautiful, except lo-res YouTube vids on such a big screen. But the quad-speakers make up for it quite easily! :D
  • Reply 40 of 76
    brakken wrote: »
    Everything looks beautiful, except lo-res YouTube vids on such a big screen. But the quad-speakers make up for it quite easily! :D

    Do you think Google is doing that as a power play, the way they presumably withheld releasing a Google Maps app for iOS after their contract with Apple was over and Apple had integrated their own vector mapping backend with turn-by-turn support in apps, or do you think it's just a low priority for them to worry about checking to see which resolution video would work best for specific iOS devices? Is it still low-res when on fast WiFi and Internet, not on cellular? Can you hold down the refresh button to load to the desktop page to get higher-res video?
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