Poll: What is your favorite email app for OS X?



  • Reply 21 of 39
    linkmanlinkman Posts: 1,046member
    Where is Thunderbird? Does exactly what it says on the tin.

    Not a proper poll IMHO.

    Yes. I'm sure a whole lot of people use Outlook too.
  • Reply 22 of 39
    jSnivelyjSnively Posts: 433administrator
    Postbox -- been using it for years. It's thunderbird that isn't a mess.
  • Reply 23 of 39
    dreyfus2dreyfus2 Posts: 1,072member
    I do not mind the odd choices, but excluding Apple Mail (for exactly what purpose?) and not even mentioning Outlook or Thunderbird (which may be the two real "competitors", as far as free software without ads is in competition at all)... is just plain goofy. My definition of a mail client is flexible, except for two points: 1. It has to support proper email (SMTP, POP, IMAP) standards. Any application exclusively designed to deal with the proprietary mess that is Gmail is not a mail client, but a Gmail client. 2. Any application that implements features by adding own servers between me and my email providers (and requires me to give them my credentials to do so) while not even having a business plan that could even in theory be sustainable... must be fucking kidding. A Nigerian princess with an own email app is still a Nigerian princess. Long story short. I use Apple Mail (with MailTags, Mail-Act-On and MailHub extensions) to manage 13 email accounts with over 700 real emails a week. Neither do I need someone to "fix"email (my inbox is empty, my mails are answered, and - thanks to MailTags - I have any mean to handle, sort and filter them, even set reminders and tickle dates without ever leaving Mail.app), nor has anything proven to be better than Mail. Every time I tried Outlook I came back screaming and begging for mercy.
  • Reply 24 of 39
    rcfarcfa Posts: 1,124member
    What a BS poll set up to produce a result that makes it look like Apple's Mail sucked.
    Aside from possibly N1 Apple's Mail is the only serious e-mail program (not) on the list.
    Next the results will be published: XYZ most popular mail program for OS X, even the majority likely uses Apple's Mail.
    Is that what passes as journalism these days? Disgusting!
  • Reply 25 of 39
    They're all POS compared to Mail.app. What's most important in the equation is your Mail Server.
    true, but so is apple mail. they broke it in 10.4.8 and never fixed it. I switched to thunderbird and never looked back. 
  • Reply 26 of 39
    dreyfus2 said:
    I do not mind the odd choices, but excluding Apple Mail (for exactly what purpose?) and not even mentioning Outlook or Thunderbird (which may be the two real "competitors", as far as free software without ads is in competition at all)... is just plain goofy. My definition of a mail client is flexible, except for two points: 1. It has to support proper email (SMTP, POP, IMAP) standards. Any application exclusively designed to deal with the proprietary mess that is Gmail is not a mail client, but a Gmail client. 2. Any application that implements features by adding own servers between me and my email providers (and requires me to give them my credentials to do so) while not even having a business plan that could even in theory be sustainable... must be fucking kidding. A Nigerian princess with an own email app is still a Nigerian princess. Long story short. I use Apple Mail (with MailTags, Mail-Act-On and MailHub extensions) to manage 13 email accounts with over 700 real emails a week. Neither do I need someone to "fix"email (my inbox is empty, my mails are answered, and - thanks to MailTags - I have any mean to handle, sort and filter them, even set reminders and tickle dates without ever leaving Mail.app), nor has anything proven to be better than Mail. Every time I tried Outlook I came back screaming and begging for mercy.
    have you tried thunderbirsd? I have a dozen accounts with about as much email. NEVER a prob with the bird. 
  • Reply 27 of 39
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    For me, having just about every Apple device there is,  I use Apple apps whenever possible for maximum eco system wide compatibility, so the answer is Apple Mail.  If I had to answer what is my favorite OS X app ... period ... it would be Aperture and Final Cut Pro followed closely by Photoshop.  
  • Reply 28 of 39
    Outlook for me.  Does everything I need it to - no reason to switch to anything else
  • Reply 29 of 39
    hittrj01 said:
    The problem I have with Mail is when I email someone a large attachment they get it but I have no record of it being sent unless I bcc myself.
    Uhh..... There is a "Sent Mail" folder that houses all of the email that you have sent to others. It's there no matter if you're using iCloud, Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo, etc.
    The problem is that it is not being saved in the "Sent Folder".  If I send an email with no attachment or a small attachment it shows up in the Sent Folder.  But if I do the same with a large attachment it does not show up in the Sent Folder.  I don't know if it is technically a problem with Mail or iCloud but other people have had the same problem.  Per the seventh post on this thread it is normal expected behavior per Apple


  • Reply 30 of 39
    roakeroake Posts: 821member
    My write-in vote is for Apple Mail.

    I don't plan to participate in any more of these poorly-done polls (where the likely most-used client is excluded as a choice).
  • Reply 31 of 39
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    crowley said:
    I don't see the point of these polls
    Ad revenue from the companies involved. Why else would OS X Mail not be here?
  • Reply 32 of 39
    djkfisher said:
    friedmud said:
    Google Inbox is by far the best.  I haven't used a Desktop client since Gmail was in beta...
    Say what....

    “Google isn’t just a search engine; it’s a provider of email, document storage, videos, phone service, and numerous other capabilities. What they all have in common is Google’s legendary contextual advertising—that’s how Google makes money. And the more Google services you use, the more personal data the company has about you that can be used to target ads with ever greater precision. Make no mistake about it: every search, every YouTube video viewed, every email read contributes to Google’s personal profile on you, to be used for the express purpose of displaying targeted ads.”

    Yep - I'm one of those weird people that _wants_ targeted ads!  Ads pay for the things I like to view on the internet... as long as I'm going to see ads I would rather them be more relevant to me!

    I'm also one of those odd people that likes to _pay_ for the things I use.  It's one of the reasons why I'm signed up with Google Contributor... so I can contribute directly to the websites I read daily...
  • Reply 33 of 39
    uraharaurahara Posts: 733member
    And I just use Safari for all my mail. Get everything from different mailboxes into one gmail account. There I can it set-up and send as if I send from a different email address I own.
  • Reply 34 of 39
    If you want to make an objective comparison, list all available and show a table listing as minimum features like: Name URL, Cost, Apple Mail, Mail Tracking, Transfer from other existing Mail Client, Schedule sending, multiple box setup, support of most other ISP Mail Clients, etc. Your presentation is useless and is subjective.
  • Reply 35 of 39
    I think it would be fair to mention that Nylas, like Microsoft with the iOS version of Outlook, is only offering a web interface and you need to give their servers complete access to your email in order to use it. For a company to slide that under the radar is, to me, near-criminally dishonest.
  • Reply 36 of 39
    jcraigjcraig Posts: 30member
    Not much reason to use anything but Mail.app, but it sure would be nice if, after 11 iterations of OS X, it would handle image attachments like practically every other email app without need of additional plugins (Clive Galeni's Anti-Inline plugin takes over where the abandoned Attachment-Tamer left off).
  • Reply 37 of 39
    I rarely make comments on posts like these, but there's something I'd like to point out to all the Mail.app lovers here. First, I also think Mail.app is great...but the problem is that Apple simply won't fix the things wrong with it. Apple's own discussion forums are filled with thousands of messages regarding how Mail.app plays poorly with Gmail. Yes, this is because Gmail isn't a true IMAP client...only masquerading  as one, but surely with all the programming talent in Cupertino, CA they could overcome this.

    I would still use Mail.app but for one huge flaw. Every time I open a new window to compose an email it's in a different spot on my large iMac. It refuses to remember the position I want and this has been a problem with Mail.app for at least a decade. Fix this, Apple, and I'll come back. Until then I'll keep on using third party apps that do what "I" want...not what the developer wants.
  • Reply 38 of 39
    I received an invitation to test Polymail few weeks ago, and I am completely addicted, it is for sure the best email client ever !
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