Angela Ahrendts treats Apple Store employees like execs, retained 81% of workforce in 2015



  • Reply 41 of 48
    foggyhillfoggyhill Posts: 4,767member
    bobroo said:
    "I don't see them as retail employees. I see them as executives in the company who are touching the customers with the products that Jony [Ive] and the team took years to build," Ahrendts said.

    Please keep in mind Ms Ahrendts had a $25M salary last year. Put into real terms that's $96,000 per workday Monday through Friday.

    The "executives who touch customers with Jony's products" make how much???

    I wonder if she has made those difficult new display decisions detailed in the 60 Minutes video? 

    Lot of her "salary" was a one time stock grant to compensate for her leaving unvested shares at Burburry where she was CEO.
    She'll have a very high compensation no doubt this year, but not $25M.
  • Reply 42 of 48
    foggyhillfoggyhill Posts: 4,767member
    ac1234 said:
    Empty skirt waste of money.  Can't add value so talk some BS to inspire the ill informed.

    20% turnover of staff is nothing to be touting.
    So, you're saying:
    "I'm a sexist jerk who just took a dump/commented. I can't argue, so I'll spout some ill informed BS pulled straight out of my rump"

    At least that's what the jerk to human translation dictionary tells me...

  • Reply 43 of 48
    foggyhillfoggyhill Posts: 4,767member
    Rayz2016 said:
    I know several current and former Apple engineers, and they're already plenty miserable. I'm about to hire one.
    But 81% of them are not miserable, which is a damn good score for a retail chain. 
    There are always people "miserable" everywhere, that's why you can't get 100% retention (and well people also retire eventually :-).
  • Reply 44 of 48
    fallenjtfallenjt Posts: 4,056member
    Rayz2016 said:
    Another reason why Tim Cook should be fired!

    Look at all the companies with unhappy retail staff! Their share price is higher! Cook needs to make his employees miserable or get off the pot!

    Miserable? My ass! They are unhappy because of $14/hr for doing nothing...yeah, standing at the door greeting customers, sign in customers, ring up pos...they don't really do any technical works beside those behind the Genius Bar.
    Sure, if I made shit loads of money like Angela, I will treat those employees even better than she does like buying them lunch when I visit the stores...fucking $100 million last year was what she made!
  • Reply 45 of 48
    eightzeroeightzero Posts: 3,130member
    foggyhill said:
    Rayz2016 said:
    But 81% of them are not miserable, which is a damn good score for a retail chain. 
    There are always people "miserable" everywhere, that's why you can't get 100% retention (and well people also retire eventually :-).
    Or die.
  • Reply 46 of 48
    lukeilukei Posts: 385member
    evilution said:
    In comparison to the last prick, I'd imagine anyone would have been better.
    he was a seagull manager. Flys in, makes a lot of noise, shits on everything and then fucks off.
    Yes indeed. Hire someone from a retailer with a strong reputation for providing dreadful customer service. Not Mr Cooks brightest move. 
  • Reply 47 of 48
    lukeilukei Posts: 385member
    birko said:
    81% - I would have thought that rather low retention rate in the retail market. I haven't worked in retail for over 12 years, but back then, we never had more than 5% staff loss in any given year - 18000+ employees (not counting those who reached retirement age). 
    I call BS on that. No retailer has staff turnover that low. 
  • Reply 48 of 48
    ac1234ac1234 Posts: 138member
    foggyhill said:
    ac1234 said:
    Empty skirt waste of money.  Can't add value so talk some BS to inspire the ill informed.

    20% turnover of staff is nothing to be touting.
    So, you're saying:
    "I'm a sexist jerk who just took a dump/commented. I can't argue, so I'll spout some ill informed BS pulled straight out of my rump"

    At least that's what the jerk to human translation dictionary tells me...

    No - that is what you are saying.  What is sexist??  Have you never heard of "empty suit" referring to near useless executives?   You do not sound very experienced.

    BTW - what is ill informed?  Her super high compensation is a matter of record as is her "to date" lack of accomplishment.  Perhaps you need to pull your head out of your rump and see her overpaid underperforming status for what it is worth.
    edited January 2016
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