America is so damned screwed up when it comes to Human Rights' issues. You all know everything dies, yet millions of you; ...defend your "right" to bear arms, Capital Punishment ...go outdoors and kill or maim wildlife on a whim... help cause untold misery in third-world countries where our planets poorest get to live short, wretched lives clawing minerals from their soil in the destructive process of providing you with products you don't really need.
So, it's bloody amusing when those of you get so yippity-yuppety about a woman or a man's choice to terminate a pregnancy; grounds for which may be myriad and often in the interests of the zygote.
75% of American's cling to a totally unprovable belief that some god, thought up by Pagan Semites just a few moments ago, equivocally divines how and when all life both begins and ends. Yet, of the incontrovertible fact this same god terminates countless more zygotes than his creations could ever do, you don't question his morality.
How do you "divine" something? I think America's screwed up because we're so quick to defend the right to rip babies out of the womb and yet claim to care so much about our children, in spite of a monster divorce rate with single parents taking care of babies...ignoring so many studies that prove the connection between loving households with two parents and success in adult life. That's why I think America is screwed up.
I can't actually utilise supernaturalism to divine anything; I'm just an animal equipped with natural abilities attributable to evolution. It's monotheists who maintain god does all the vengefully preternatural stuff. When in fact god gets a kick out of setting demons and angels against each other and us. Kinda like a Biblical Soap Opera, but much darker.
"I think America's screwed up because we're so quick to defend the right to rip babies out of the womb and yet claim to care so much about our children, "
America's screwedupedness goes way, way beyond the single matter of abortion rights. It's partially evident in emotive statements similar to that of yours quoted above. The competitions the US left and right challenge each other with are disturbingly absolutist.
"...and yet claim to care so much about our children"
What of the children wrecked by Agent Orange? Where were all the Pro-Lifers demonstrating when innocent (though potentially commie) zygotes were being malformed inside their mother's womb or expelled lifeless?
"That's why I think America is screwed up."
No moral compass: That's where I think too many American's screw up.
bloodshotrollin’red said: All independent sentient life is worth protecting.
Sapient, but sure.
The assumption that only "innocent" people die by the gun is not reflected in statistics.
That wasn’t anyone’s assumption.
In the UK the number of deaths by firearms is barely registered outside of the criminal underworld.
And deaths (et. al.) due to inability to defend oneself? How do those register?
If a person is so psychologically damaged that they cannot comprehend the consequences of their actions they should be cared for in a secure hospital environment.
Still on the taxpayer’s dime, though. Note that I’m not against institutionalization as a concept.
a Judaeo-Christian culture
This does not exist and never has, under any definition.
capital punishment does not deter illegal killing.
[citation needed]
…murder the murderer…
Capital punishment isn’t murder, sorry.
…hypoxia? Loss of consciousness takes two to three seconds, the executed have no physical or psychological awareness that they're dying and, crucially for a population of capitalists, the process used (any inert gas, but preferably Argon) is materially cheap, naturally abundant, environmentally clean.
Sure. No need to waste time or effort with special chemicals. I’m 100% for quick and painless. It’s the difference between civilization and, assumedly, what he did to deserve this.
Acknowledge your role in consumerism.
I acknowledge the bastardization of our founding system and work to fix it.
They do within a functional relationship.
1. A functional relationship would not include this. 2. A man has no choice, by law.
I can't believe it took Apple 4 years to fix this... That's pretty embarrassing.
Maybe helping sexually irresponsible individuals get rid of their unborn children wasn't very high on the priority list? Just a guess. And if you need Siri to find an abortion clinic you probably haven't thought it through very well.
... If Siri is deliberately steering to places like planned parenthood it could imply behaviour just as bad as if Siri was actively steering away from them in the first place. ...
This statement alone shows your huge bias. Planned Parenthood is an institution of long-standing that provides assistance to people in need, but somehow to you (based on absolutely no evidence because none is available) it is somehow an evil institution.
Almost every "western" country has a branch of Planned Parenthood or something very similar with a different name in operation. This has been the case for many decades. In all those countries, these organisations have done good work and are a greatly respected part of their respective societies. The only exception to this is the USA.
The USA is not only on the wrong side of history with these wild religious based claims, they have no facts to support them. The minute religion gets involved, reason goes out the window. In that way, the USA is basically the same as ISIS.
There is absolutely no basis for anything you just said. Many religious people are pro choice. Many non religious people are pro life. More importantly though, many people throughout the world are pro life and no, not every country has rampant abortion clinics sprawling all over.
Abortion law greatly differs throughout the world. The US, Canada and most of Europe fall into the least restricted category. Almost the entire rest of the globe has greater restrictions or regulates on a state by state basis. Throughout the Middle East, parts of South America, most of Africa, and in Ireland for example it is reserved to mothers life being in danger or other serious health conditions. In the UK it is restricted to cases of rape, mothers life in danger, mental health, deformity or other factors. The US has no federal restriction on abortions and there are very few countries where that is the case. Some of us just don't want our tax dollars going to providers of abortions. We morally believe it's murder. Period.
I can't believe it took Apple 4 years to fix this... That's pretty embarrassing.
Maybe helping sexually irresponsible individuals get rid of their unborn children wasn't very high on the priority list? Just a guess. And if you need Siri to find an abortion clinic you probably haven't thought it through very well.
Complete gibberish. I don't know if you're trying to be funny, or if you're trying to make a point - but either way, you failed miserably. Pure nonsense.
This statement alone shows your huge bias. Planned Parenthood is an institution of long-standing that provides assistance to people in need, but somehow to you (based on absolutely no evidence because none is available) it is somehow an evil institution.
Almost every "western" country has a branch of Planned Parenthood or something very similar with a different name in operation. This has been the case for many decades. In all those countries, these organisations have done good work and are a greatly respected part of their respective societies. The only exception to this is the USA.
The USA is not only on the wrong side of history with these wild religious based claims, they have no facts to support them. The minute religion gets involved, reason goes out the window. In that way, the USA is basically the same as ISIS.
There is absolutely no basis for anything you just said. Many religious people are pro choice. Many non religious people are pro life. More importantly though, many people throughout the world are pro life and no, not every country has rampant abortion clinics sprawling all over.
Abortion law greatly differs throughout the world. The US, Canada and most of Europe fall into the least restricted category. Almost the entire rest of the globe has greater restrictions or regulates on a state by state basis. Throughout the Middle East, parts of South America, most of Africa, and in Ireland for example it is reserved to mothers life being in danger or other serious health conditions. In the UK it is restricted to cases of rape, mothers life in danger, mental health, deformity or other factors. The US has no federal restriction on abortions and there are very few countries where that is the case. Some of us just don't want our tax dollars going to providers of abortions. We morally believe it's murder. Period.
More nonsense.! What was the point you were trying to make here? That you don't want your tax dollars susidizing aboetion clinics? Then what was the point with all of the global statistics all about? The only conclusion you draw is that "many people are pro choice" and "many people are pro life". And thank you for that enlightenment - I'm sure that many people didn't realize that many people felt strongly one way or the other.
As for your tax dollars...well....tough shit. Suck it up and move on. You don't get to choose where your tax dollars go! If you could, I'm sure that every single one of us would make some changes as to where our tax dollars go! Ridiculous.
And the last thing your message does is displays your ignorance! First of all, you presumptuously present yourself to be a spokesperson for the entire group of pro-lifers - and on behalf of ALL of the pro-lifers, you present a statement, which if true - proves that most pro-lifers are idiots! If you live in an area where abortion is legal, then by definition - it cannot be murder. A murder is "an unlawful, premeditated killing".
It doesn't matter how much you dislike or disagree with the law - you can not "believe" it out of existence! So please - let's drop the talk of "murder" and keep the debate grounded in reality. You may also want to apologize to all of the pro-lifers you just tried to speak on behalf of.
You don't get to choose where your tax dollars go!
Uh, that’s literally exactly what we have the right to do.
Oh! Great! Problem solved then! Can you please explain to @pigybank ; and the rest of us how we can prevent our tax dollars from going to subsidize abortion clinics....
The law is unconstitutional. Sorry.
Sure - if you want to challenge the law in court - but there's a pretty good chance you wind up losing your challenge.... And until it is successfully challenged and declared unconstitutional, it's in people's best interest to abide by the law. What point was it that you were trying to make? Something useful? Interesting? Thought provoking? Or just random, weak contradiction?
TS, half the time I do not understand what you post, but I sure wish you'd post more often.
I’m working on the ‘fade out’ approach. Eventually people won’t remember me so that when I die there won’t be any opinion either way on the matter. And yeah, I tend to be short with my replies these days. I mean that it’s unconstitutional insofar as the Constitution does these things:
0. Pertains to humans. 1. Grants the right to life. 2. Outlines completely the powers of the federal government 3. Leaves the rest of all stated and unstated powers to the states and the people.
Thus the current federal “ruling” on the legality of abortion is not legally valid, as the matter would be, at best (worst, really), left to individual states to offer abortions. The federal government cannot dictate that revoking the right to life of someone who has not committed any crime is legal.
Blame Marbury v. Madison, the worst court decision in our country’s history,for setting up an environment that allowed for the creation of this mess.
As far as Siri goes, someone said earlier in the thread that Siri should be an accurate search engine. Moreover, it should be more accurate than Google, Bing, or Yahoo!, but of course while using them as a backend this won’t be possible. I just mean to say that Apple needs to offer a search that is not CURATED, AD-BUMPED, OR CENSORED FOR POLITICAL GAIN, like G, B, and Y.
The only stipulation possible that I could see would be to offer a button that says “Alternatives” (for nearly every search), under which adoption agencies and other groups could be placed. Instead of being a condescending “did you mean” like Google and offering spelling corrections, Apple’s “Alternatives” would be intelligent (fitting their love of ‘data detectors’), offering groupings based not only on, say, similar names “did you mean John Stapleton?” but similar fields of thought.
Abortion would pull up adoption, scientific studies on rainfall in an area would pull up correlations to historical farming yields in the same, anthropological searches on migration over sea would offer suggestions on the continental shelf, etc.
Some of the comments here are just plain sad. It would seem some people here shouldn't live in the U.S. since they would like to censor freedom of speech and eliminate the rule of law. Abortion clinics are legal. You can say whatever you want and think whatever you want, but they continue to be legal, and therefore, people have a right to find them and use them. If Siri aspires to be used for search, then the search should provide what I'm asking for: an abortion clinic. It shouldn't attempt to push someone's specific view or sense of morality upon me. It should simply deliver what I asked for like any other search engine. Someone looking for an adoption clinic would have used adoption and not abortion as their search word, or did Siri not understand the difference between the two? What would the reaction have been, had it been the other way around? It's not sad. It's not strange. It's been a legal practice since 1973, which means it's been legal and normal and happening in large numbers for a large portion, if not all of our lives. If one disagrees, one can attempt to vote it out. That's a democracy, and that's what the U.S. is supposed to be. In the meantime, people can continue to do it and search for it.
I'm glad they corrected it. It has nothing to do with belief or opinion. It's legal and people have a legal right to search for it and use it. It's not being advertised. People are looking for it, and they should be able to find it.
bloodshotrollin’red said: All independent sentient life is worth protecting.
"Sapient, but sure."
How presumptuous of you. You've clearly not seen naturalist documentaries which show the acquired wisdom of many (maybe all) animals. We know that if, for instance, an elephant matriarch is killed by a poacher or hunter it causes havoc within the entire memory left behind. The loss of a wise matriarch may lead to famine, deaths from thirst, miscarriage, etc.
It would do you know harm to watch a handful of well researched natural history documentaries by the BBC if you truly believe the human animal is the only wise (sapient) animal currently living on this planet.
"That wasn’t anyone’s assumption."
I said, "All independent sentient life is worth protecting.", All means everything no matter what.
And deaths (et. al.) due to inability to defend oneself? How do those register?Still on the taxpayer’s dime, though. Note that I’m not against institutionalisation as a concept.
Nationalists expect their service personnel to die in instances where no defence was possible or failed. Tax dollars. Nationalists accept greater collateral damage of non-combatants overseas at the hands of their service personnel than they do the collateral damage caused by gun-toting' citizens given the right to bare arms. Tax dollars.
"[citation needed]"
Grow up! You know they'll be as many pro as anti claims to Capital Punishment. I can find citations, then so can you. My stance is Capital Punishment is never applied objectively. It can and does murder people who were "innocent" of the crime they were alleged to have committed. And, whilst I'm an atheist I do hold that no one should kill another.
"Capital punishment isn’t murder, sorry."
Semantics. Laws. Whose laws...those arrived at by men (and latterly women) or the multitude laws laid out in that divisive Hebrew tome of fables to which they've added sequels?
"Sure. No need to waste time or effort with special chemicals. I’m 100% for quick and painless. It’s the difference between civilisation and, assumedly, what he did to deserve this."
The difference between civilisation and barbarity is the lack of Capital Punishment. Only the most barbarous nations hold with the Death Penalty.
"I acknowledge the bastardisation of our founding system and work to fix it."
I don't know you, however, I suspect that your claim is untrue. You appear to spend most of your leisure time adding to your unhealthy 49,500 postings on this web-site.
"1. A functional relationship would not include this. 2. A man has no choice, by law."
There will be numerous instances where a man and a women have chosen to agree to terminate or proceed with a pregnancy.
This article was bound to trigger a bit of a shit storm in the comments section and lo and behold it has. Still a nasty but also sad subject to tackle.
But it shouldn't. These organizations exist and it's a map products job to help you find and get to the place you need to go. It's ridiculous for a maps product to apply filters or censorship tied to the author or owners morals, values or ethics.
People don't use "maps" to research their options for making important life choices - they use search engines like Google and Bing. Only after they've done their research and made their decision will they turn to maps to help them get to the place at which they already have an appointment.
Hahahah, hahahahah, hahahahahahahhahaha.
Okay: "Hey Siri, please help me shoot up a school."
According to tenly: "These are the nearest gun shops."
According to ethical humans: "Maybe you should check out these anti-depression hotlines first."
/wipes tears. I love libertarians. Yes, please, let's not let ethical thought creep into our utopia.
Edit: The ultimate irony of your post is that Apple was required to introduce filters for this search because planned parenthood wasn't advertising that they help with abortions enough to get them on the standard search result. lol! Oh the irony. Thanks for the laugh.
I actually think it was appropriate to "indicate adoption" as an option, but I think the real problem was that one of their data providers had mapped queries for Abortion directly to adoption agencies as a political motivation and Apple likely had to figure out where the bad data was coming from and purge it from Siri's learning. The other possibility is that "Siri learned" Abortion and Adoption were the same thing from that data and that had to be forgotten after the data source was scrubbed for that filtering.
And if this is happening for one key word, imagine what it's doing for other political terms. What does "Obamacare" bring up?
How could it ever be appropriate to throw back information on adoption when someone is searching for abortion clinics? If I search for Catholic Churches should I be presented with information on the nearest Satanic groups? If I search for burger joints should I be presented with a list of vegetarian restaurants? Complete nonsense.
Also, your idea that it might have been "bad data" flies in the face of the reality of how long this change took. America is so backward about abortion and planned parenthood that there are hundreds and hundreds of times less clinics in a given area in the USA than there are in other more civilised countries. It wouldn't take years to correct that data. One person could easily in the space of a couple of days go through a list of all the abortion providers in the USA and correct the map data. Easily.
You are living in a dream world my friend. Adjusting reality to fit your theories and inclinations.
I want to join your dream world where human life would be destroyed if someone was sent to a Satanic group instead of a Church. hahahah.
Some of the comments here are just plain sad. It would seem some people here shouldn't live in the U.S. since they would like to censor freedom of speech and eliminate the rule of law. Abortion clinics are legal. You can say whatever you want and think whatever you want, but they continue to be legal, and therefore, people have a right to find them and use them. If Siri aspires to be used for search, then the search should provide what I'm asking for: an abortion clinic. It shouldn't attempt to push someone's specific view or sense of morality upon me. It should simply deliver what I asked for like any other search engine. Someone looking for an adoption clinic would have used adoption and not abortion as their search word, or did Siri not understand the difference between the two? What would the reaction have been, had it been the other way around? It's not sad. It's not strange. It's been a legal practice since 1973, which means it's been legal and normal and happening in large numbers for a large portion, if not all of our lives. If one disagrees, one can attempt to vote it out. That's a democracy, and that's what the U.S. is supposed to be. In the meantime, people can continue to do it and search for it.
I'm glad they corrected it. It has nothing to do with belief or opinion. It's legal and people have a legal right to search for it and use it. It's not being advertised. People are looking for it, and they should be able to find it.
So, Siri, where can I abort adults?
Just pondering...
Your last comment almost accidentally alerted your rational thought to the absurdity of your completely rational position. If you try to be completely rational you become just as bad as fundamentalist.
i.e. search companies shouldn't help people find guns who search "Hey siri, please help me shoot up my high school." And in fact, google does this now with searches on suicide, ISIS, and school shootings.
Libertarian rationalists like yourself should check yourselves every so often.
But it shouldn't. These organizations exist and it's a map products job to help you find and get to the place you need to go. It's ridiculous for a maps product to apply filters or censorship tied to the author or owners morals, values or ethics.
People don't use "maps" to research their options for making important life choices - they use search engines like Google and Bing. Only after they've done their research and made their decision will they turn to maps to help them get to the place at which they already have an appointment.
Hahahah, hahahahah, hahahahahahahhahaha.
Okay: "Hey Siri, please help me shoot up a school."
According to tenly: "These are the nearest gun shops."
According to ethical humans: "Maybe you should check out these anti-depression hotlines first."
/wipes tears. I love libertarians. Yes, please, let's not let ethical thought creep into our utopia.
Edit: The ultimate irony of your post is that Apple was required to introduce filters for this search because planned parenthood wasn't advertising that they help with abortions enough to get them on the standard search result. lol! Oh the irony. Thanks for the laugh.
Wow! What an idiotic post! All 3 of them actually. I'm glad that you're able to find amusement in your comments since that's the only value they have.
Your words have no relevance to the topic being discussed.
We are talking about people who are requesting information they are legally allowed to request for a legal service they are legally allowed to consume. Do you see the commonality? The key word is legal. LEGAL!!! Do I need to shout it?
You barge in here with absurdity and nonsense about shooting up a school? Where the hell did that come from? That would be an illegal request and therefore it's not part of what we are discussing. Siri, give me a list of gun shops in my area? Absolutely Siri should respond with the correct information.
Siri should respond to requests as if she were nothing more than an automated interface to the Yellow Pages or to an Encyclopedia. Those resources have existed for dozens of years and society has managed to survive.
You and your comments add no value here. Run off and take your fear mongering elsewhere...or keep your comments relative and your demeanour polite. The funny part of your posts for me is that you obviously think you have good points! LOL! And *THAT* is frickin' hilarious!
Oh, good! You know the difference. I blame Transformers for calling sapience sentience.
You've clearly not seen naturalist documentaries which show the acquired wisdom of many (maybe all) animals.
Don’t get me wrong, I support preserving biodiversity and am wholly against animal cruelty. But they’re subordinate to us.
Nationalists expect their service personnel to die in instances where no defence was possible or failed.
Where do you get that?
You know they'll be as many pro as anti claims to Capital Punishment.
There’ll be more pro than anti, and that’s not the point being made. You need to prove that capital punishment is not a deterrent of crime. Capital also meaning the result of the use of personal protection.
My stance is Capital Punishment is never applied objectively. It can and does murder people who were "innocent" of the crime they were alleged to have committed.
’Sometimes’ is not ’never’.
Semantics. Laws.
Hey, the original argument! Abortion is a law (or “law”, depending on your constitutional interpretation), therefore not murder. Capital punishment is a law, therefore not murder.
...that divisive Hebrew tome of fables...
Funny, I didn’t know the US was founded on the Talmud.
The difference between civilisation and barbarity is the lack of Capital Punishment.
Fucking lol, no.
I don't know you, however, I suspect that your claim is untrue. You appear to spend most of your leisure time adding to your unhealthy 49,500 postings on this web-site.
And there it is! Thanks for playing!
There will be numerous instances where a man and a women have chosen to agree to terminate or proceed with a pregnancy.
Okay: "Hey Siri, please help me shoot up a school." According to tenly: "These are the nearest gun shops." According to ethical humans: "Maybe you should check out these anti-depression hotlines first.”
Ah, that’s a good point... I think that would fall under my “Alternatives” idea about Siri above.
I love libertarians.
He doesn’t feel like a libertarian to me. Maybe I’m misreading.
"I think America's screwed up because we're so quick to defend the right to rip babies out of the womb and yet claim to care so much about our children, "
America's screwedupedness goes way, way beyond the single matter of abortion rights. It's partially evident in emotive statements similar to that of yours quoted above. The competitions the US left and right challenge each other with are disturbingly absolutist.
"...and yet claim to care so much about our children"
What of the children wrecked by Agent Orange? Where were all the Pro-Lifers demonstrating when innocent (though potentially commie) zygotes were being malformed inside their mother's womb or expelled lifeless?
"That's why I think America is screwed up."
No moral compass: That's where I think too many American's screw up.
That wasn’t anyone’s assumption.
And deaths (et. al.) due to inability to defend oneself? How do those register? Still on the taxpayer’s dime, though. Note that I’m not against institutionalization as a concept.
This does not exist and never has, under any definition.
[citation needed]
Capital punishment isn’t murder, sorry.
Sure. No need to waste time or effort with special chemicals. I’m 100% for quick and painless. It’s the difference between civilization and, assumedly, what he did to deserve this.
I acknowledge the bastardization of our founding system and work to fix it.
1. A functional relationship would not include this.
2. A man has no choice, by law.
Abortion law greatly differs throughout the world. The US, Canada and most of Europe fall into the least restricted category. Almost the entire rest of the globe has greater restrictions or regulates on a state by state basis. Throughout the Middle East, parts of South America, most of Africa, and in Ireland for example it is reserved to mothers life being in danger or other serious health conditions. In the UK it is restricted to cases of rape, mothers life in danger, mental health, deformity or other factors. The US has no federal restriction on abortions and there are very few countries where that is the case. Some of us just don't want our tax dollars going to providers of abortions. We morally believe it's murder. Period.
More nonsense.! What was the point you were trying to make here? That you don't want your tax dollars susidizing aboetion clinics? Then what was the point with all of the global statistics all about? The only conclusion you draw is that "many people are pro choice" and "many people are pro life". And thank you for that enlightenment - I'm sure that many people didn't realize that many people felt strongly one way or the other.
As for your tax dollars...well....tough shit. Suck it up and move on. You don't get to choose where your tax dollars go! If you could, I'm sure that every single one of us would make some changes as to where our tax dollars go! Ridiculous.
And the last thing your message does is displays your ignorance! First of all, you presumptuously present yourself to be a spokesperson for the entire group of pro-lifers - and on behalf of ALL of the pro-lifers, you present a statement, which if true - proves that most pro-lifers are idiots! If you live in an area where abortion is legal, then by definition - it cannot be murder. A murder is "an unlawful, premeditated killing".
It doesn't matter how much you dislike or disagree with the law - you can not "believe" it out of existence! So please - let's drop the talk of "murder" and keep the debate grounded in reality. You may also want to apologize to all of the pro-lifers you just tried to speak on behalf of.
The law is unconstitutional. Sorry.
Sure - if you want to challenge the law in court - but there's a pretty good chance you wind up losing your challenge.... And until it is successfully challenged and declared unconstitutional, it's in people's best interest to abide by the law. What point was it that you were trying to make? Something useful? Interesting? Thought provoking? Or just random, weak contradiction?
0. Pertains to humans.
1. Grants the right to life.
2. Outlines completely the powers of the federal government
3. Leaves the rest of all stated and unstated powers to the states and the people.
Thus the current federal “ruling” on the legality of abortion is not legally valid, as the matter would be, at best (worst, really), left to individual states to offer abortions. The federal government cannot dictate that revoking the right to life of someone who has not committed any crime is legal.
Blame Marbury v. Madison, the worst court decision in our country’s history, for setting up an environment that allowed for the creation of this mess.
As far as Siri goes, someone said earlier in the thread that Siri should be an accurate search engine. Moreover, it should be more accurate than Google, Bing, or Yahoo!, but of course while using them as a backend this won’t be possible. I just mean to say that Apple needs to offer a search that is not CURATED, AD-BUMPED, OR CENSORED FOR POLITICAL GAIN, like G, B, and Y.
The only stipulation possible that I could see would be to offer a button that says “Alternatives” (for nearly every search), under which adoption agencies and other groups could be placed. Instead of being a condescending “did you mean” like Google and offering spelling corrections, Apple’s “Alternatives” would be intelligent (fitting their love of ‘data detectors’), offering groupings based not only on, say, similar names “did you mean John Stapleton?” but similar fields of thought.
Abortion would pull up adoption, scientific studies on rainfall in an area would pull up correlations to historical farming yields in the same, anthropological searches on migration over sea would offer suggestions on the continental shelf, etc.
I'm glad they corrected it. It has nothing to do with belief or opinion. It's legal and people have a legal right to search for it and use it. It's not being advertised. People are looking for it, and they should be able to find it.
So, Siri, where can I abort adults?
Just pondering...
Hahahah, hahahahah, hahahahahahahhahaha.
Okay: "Hey Siri, please help me shoot up a school."
According to tenly: "These are the nearest gun shops."
According to ethical humans: "Maybe you should check out these anti-depression hotlines first."
/wipes tears. I love libertarians. Yes, please, let's not let ethical thought creep into our utopia.
Edit: The ultimate irony of your post is that Apple was required to introduce filters for this search because planned parenthood wasn't advertising that they help with abortions enough to get them on the standard search result. lol! Oh the irony. Thanks for the laugh.
I want to join your dream world where human life would be destroyed if someone was sent to a Satanic group instead of a Church. hahahah.
i.e. search companies shouldn't help people find guns who search "Hey siri, please help me shoot up my high school." And in fact, google does this now with searches on suicide, ISIS, and school shootings.
Libertarian rationalists like yourself should check yourselves every so often.
Your words have no relevance to the topic being discussed.
We are talking about people who are requesting information they are legally allowed to request for a legal service they are legally allowed to consume. Do you see the commonality? The key word is legal. LEGAL!!! Do I need to shout it?
You barge in here with absurdity and nonsense about shooting up a school? Where the hell did that come from? That would be an illegal request and therefore it's not part of what we are discussing. Siri, give me a list of gun shops in my area? Absolutely Siri should respond with the correct information.
Siri should respond to requests as if she were nothing more than an automated interface to the Yellow Pages or to an Encyclopedia. Those resources have existed for dozens of years and society has managed to survive.
You and your comments add no value here. Run off and take your fear mongering elsewhere...or keep your comments relative and your demeanour polite. The funny part of your posts for me is that you obviously think you have good points! LOL! And *THAT* is frickin' hilarious!
Don’t get me wrong, I support preserving biodiversity and am wholly against animal cruelty. But they’re subordinate to us.
Where do you get that?
There’ll be more pro than anti, and that’s not the point being made. You need to prove that capital punishment is not a deterrent of crime. Capital also meaning the result of the use of personal protection.
’Sometimes’ is not ’never’.
Hey, the original argument! Abortion is a law (or “law”, depending on your constitutional interpretation), therefore not murder. Capital punishment is a law, therefore not murder.
Funny, I didn’t know the US was founded on the Talmud.
Fucking lol, no.
And there it is! Thanks for playing!
tralalalalalala said: Ah, that’s a good point... I think that would fall under my “Alternatives” idea about Siri above.
He doesn’t feel like a libertarian to me. Maybe I’m misreading.