Company, not Cook, will be held responsible if Apple loses fight over FBI case, experts say



  • Reply 61 of 66
    ceek74 said:
    We're almost there.
    Why limit it to USA soil?
    Good point. 

    If the Obama FBI has its way, it's only a matter of time before it becomes global. 

    Especially since Obama intends to head up the U. N. 
  • Reply 62 of 66
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Why limit it to USA soil?
    Good point. 

    If the Obama FBI has its way, it's only a matter of time before it becomes global. 

    Especially since Obama intends to head up the U. N. 
    Obama should retire to Hawaii and take up golfing full time.
  • Reply 63 of 66
    jony0jony0 Posts: 380member
    spacekid said:
    sog35 said:
    For all those who support the FBI answer this question:

    Would you allow the USA government to put a tracking device on the wrist of every single person on USA soil?

    The device would have to be worn 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The device would be locked on your wrist and almost impossible to take off by a regular citizen. If you take it off you can be sent to jail. It would track everywhere you go, everyone you speak to, and even record conversations. But such a device would decrease crime and probably would have stopped this recent terrorist attack in California. We should do everything to stop terrorism right?  Even if it means giving up some liberty and privacy?

    Isn't that right FBI supporters?

    Nope. You ignore the fact that a court order would be required to do this [at first only]. Also, putting a tracking capability in a phone is not part of this FBI request, nor is any requirement to where any such tracking device [for now]. Sounds like you're engaging in fear mongering [ignoring].

    Other than a laptop (which could change as well by future laws [now you're catching on]), what other device is prohibited from divulging it's contents upon a court order?

    [If] Apple may win loses this battle but [we've all] lost the war. Apple's stance may [will] cause Congress to pass a law requiring Apple to disable the requested 10-attempt wipe and go much further. QED

    Fixed that for you.
  • Reply 64 of 66
    mac_128 said:
    Tim Cook basically said in the ABC interview that Apple would follow the law if they lose.
    But what if they didn't or were found in contempt.

    This is where the whole "corporations are people" fiction breaks down. An individual is deterred from being in contempt of court with the threat of jail time. And if a person is convicted, they lose their freedoms, and ability to earn income, or otherwise participate with society. Companies are fined. And yes theoretically they could be fined out of existence, effectively jailing them, but that has never happened. It's ridiculous that companies principle executives do not have to individually answer for their actions, when it's their actions that guide to course of the company.
    But a court can hold the decision maker of a company who doesn't follow a court order in contempt; that is, the person who refuses. If Tim refuses to order his employees to do make the software, that could be him. If an employee refuses to do write the code, it could be that person.

    As a different example from last year not involving contempt, but actual conduct,  a company sold salmonella contaminated peanut butter. However, it was a company executive and a plant manager who were criminally charged... and the exec is now facing life in prison. That was I believe a private company owned by the executive, but i would assume the same premise could be applied to a public company.
  • Reply 65 of 66
    Urei1620Urei1620 Posts: 88member
    Good point. 

    If the Obama FBI has its way, it's only a matter of time before it becomes global. 

    Especially since Obama intends to head up the U. N. 
    Obama should retire to Hawaii and take up golfing full time.
    or go back to school and study Constitutional Law since he apparently forgot everything he learned
    edited February 2016
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