How Apple's new, powerful 4-inch iPhone SE is built for the future



  • Reply 21 of 60
    macplusplusmacplusplus Posts: 2,115member
    Lack of Touch 3D is the only negative making my wife and me (I) lean towards the 6s even though we were wanting the smaller format.  I can see 3D Touch being implemented more and more and being very useful.  Damn shame it isn't included.
    3D touch does not make sense in a 4" screen, there is not enough space to pop-up the menu, and its effect on saving the battery would be negligible. The large screens of 6 series have more pixels to manipulate during animated application opening/closing and providing a direct shortcut to the application's targeted view would have a meaningful effect on the usage time, thus on the battery. So do yourselves a favor and go buy the SE. I'd gladly bargain 3D Touch for more storage if that was possible...
  • Reply 22 of 60
    adybadyb Posts: 205member
    cali said:
    sflocal said:

    30 million 4" iPhone buyers last year alone proved you wrong on an epic scale.  I'm seriously considering going back to a smaller phone from my iP6+.  The smaller screen just seems to work better for me and my lifestyle.
    People said no one wants a smaller iPhone and analysts predicted 14 million sold this year.

    So sorry to say it buddy like the 5C this thing will major failz. (ignore the fact it will destroy every 'droid like 5c did)
    So it's a failure in your eyes if it only "destroy every 'droid like the 5c did"!! So what would constitute success in your eyes - selling more than the top of the range 6S's?

    Well this "major failz" will be getting one purchaser in the form of my wife, upgrading from her iPhone 4S & I think there will be quite a few more like her out there. 
  • Reply 23 of 60
    jcs2305jcs2305 Posts: 1,338member
    welshdog said:
    Lack of Touch 3D is the only negative making my wife and me (I) lean towards the 6s even though we were wanting the smaller format.  I can see 3D Touch being implemented more and more and being very useful.  Damn shame it isn't included.
    I have a 6s and almost never use 3D Touch.  I think it's an over hyped feature that is a waste of tech and money for the return you get in functionality.
    I am very happy with the 3D Touch capability added to settings that came with this last update ( 9.3 ) It was one of the things I always added when I jail broke on precious phones.  A tweek that enables you to get it setting or wifi with a long press from the control center.  it's also very nice to peek at a hyper link inside of a webpage and only open completely if you want. As well as song search for Apple Music on the home screen and one press for a new message from the messages app icon.

    plus there is going to be more and more functionality added. This technology is very young. So I guess I think over hyped feature that is a waste of money assessment is a bit off.  Maybe give it a chance? :) 
  • Reply 24 of 60
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,815member
    welshdog said:
    Lack of Touch 3D is the only negative making my wife and me (I) lean towards the 6s even though we were wanting the smaller format.  I can see 3D Touch being implemented more and more and being very useful.  Damn shame it isn't included.
    I have a 6s and almost never use 3D Touch.  I think it's an over hyped feature that is a waste of tech and money for the return you get in functionality.
    Well that's good feed back, thanks.
  • Reply 25 of 60
    sphericspheric Posts: 2,663member
    welshdog said:
    I have a 6s and almost never use 3D Touch.  I think it's an over hyped feature that is a waste of tech and money for the return you get in functionality.
    Well that's good feed back, thanks.
    FWIW, I use it all the time now on the home screen. Shazam now, maps to navigate me home, new Note, photo, new scan in Scanner Pro, and most of all, direct-dial favorites on the phone app. 

    I've started using it in Mail and in Safari (for popping links before opening or dismissing them), but it hasn't become as second-nature there, yet. 

    It it started off as a kind of "huh" thing, but it has quickly and surreptitiously grown on me in the past few months. I use it so much I'd balk at the idea of using a phone without it. I'm hoping the next iteration of the 4" phone has it, because I think I'm downsizing back to something more pocketable on the next round.
  • Reply 26 of 60
    Rayz2016Rayz2016 Posts: 6,957member
    cali said:
    sflocal said:

    30 million 4" iPhone buyers last year alone proved you wrong on an epic scale.  I'm seriously considering going back to a smaller phone from my iP6+.  The smaller screen just seems to work better for me and my lifestyle.
    People said no one wants a smaller iPhone and analysts predicted …
    And that's where I stopped reading.
  • Reply 27 of 60
    leighrleighr Posts: 256member
    fallenjt said:
    Lack of Touch 3D is the only negative making my wife and me (I) lean towards the 6s even though we were wanting the smaller format.  I can see 3D Touch being implemented more and more and being very useful.  Damn shame it isn't included.
    Damn shame if it's included and make the phone way thicker than what's already thick.
    Interestingly, the SE, using the iPhone 5 case design from 2012, is still THINNER that the Galaxy S7 from 2016. I gues that's how far ahead Apple is.
  • Reply 28 of 60
    why-why- Posts: 305member
    My question is what will they call the next one? The iPhone SE 2? The iPhone 2 SE? Or will it just disappear after two or three years?
  • Reply 29 of 60
    bonobobbonobob Posts: 392member
    I was all set to buy one until I found out there's no 128GB model.  :/
  • Reply 30 of 60
    fallenjtfallenjt Posts: 4,056member
    why- said:
    My question is what will they call the next one? The iPhone SE 2? The iPhone 2 SE? Or will it just disappear after two or three years?
    Special Edition usually doesn't have a sequel...
    I wish Apple just make the next iPhone just like iPhone 4, thinner bezels...Love that classic design.
    edited March 2016
  • Reply 31 of 60
    michael_cmichael_c Posts: 164member
    sflocal said:
    jason98 said:
    "Built for the future" ???

    Compact phones are great, and internal components matter, but not in a device with 4" display. As a matter of fact iPhone SE has absolutely worse screen to body ratio in the industry - a little over 60%

    30 million 4" iPhone buyers last year alone proved you wrong on an epic scale.  I'm seriously considering going back to a smaller phone from my iP6+.  The smaller screen just seems to work better for me and my lifestyle.
    That's the most relevant point - we don't all have the same needs, hand size, or preferences. I like the iPhone 6+ size, and for the type of things I do, the extra real-estate is appreciated. Glad you and others who want the smaller form factor have the choice to go with what fits your life, without sacrificing performance.
  • Reply 32 of 60
    I loved my 4S and was not planning on upgrading until the equivalent of the 6S. Unfortunately it began playing up and although it was out of warranty, Apple offered to trade it in. I didn't particularly like the larger sized phones and wasn't impressed with the early reports of poor battery life with the basic 6 so opted for the 6 Plus mainly because of its stonking great battery. Don't get me wrong, it performed fantastically and even began replacing my iPad mini for many tasks however... No escaping the fact that it was uncomfortably large and in my line of work portability really is a factor (not to mention when going to the gym or cycling). It migrated from my shirt pocket to a leg cargo pocket and particularly in the summer was problematic as I generally had fewer pockets anyway; I was resigned to being stuck with a succession of big phablets for the foreseeable future. The SE is exactly what I need, a workhorse with a small form factor. For many professional users, a large screen is a luxury and often an encumbrance especially when you need to add a substantial protective case. I am pleasantly surprised by Apple's decision to produce this device, I don't care if it is based on a three year old shape, its guts are bang up to date, I've managed so far without Touch 3D so won't miss that or a couple of other minor widgets that have been omitted. I'm fed up with each succeeding generation of iPhone trying to look like something you would dissolve on your tongue to freshen your breath. Credit to Apple for making this move against the current trend, as another poster said, I can see this becoming the corporate phone of choice. People moan when Apple does not listen to its customers yet I am noticing a fair number of moans about this device, you cannot please everyone but ultimately, if it works for you then it is the right device irrespective of size, shape or function. I will be watching developments with interest, hopefully, from my point of view at least, Apple will maintain this product line for years to come. Bottom line, it (apparently) does what I need it to do and I will be obtaining a 64GB model at the earliest opportunity with the intention of trading in my 6 plus. I strongly suspect that I will not be alone in this.
  • Reply 33 of 60
    On a side note, I am fascinated by the number of people who are holding off buying due to the lack of a 128GB option. Not so long ago, when a 128GB iPad was announced, the reaction from many commentators was something along the lines of well, I suppose you could load up three or four feature length movies for when you go on holiday but seriously, why would anyone need all that space for day to day usage...
  • Reply 34 of 60
    "Putting its latest processor, camera and Apple Pay into the iPhone SE accomplishes a few key goals. Perhaps most importantly, it takes the worry out of buying a "low-end" model. Consumers who purchase the iPhone SE can know with confidence that it will continue to be supported and operate properly for years to come --?at least as long as the flagship iPhone 6s sticks around, which carries the same internal specs."

    Or until the battery gives out...  Being a non user replaceable battery it will have a finite lifetime.  Nice bit of planned obsolescence on Apple's part which is why I will never buy any iPhone, or Macbook from them. Apple started the trend of the non user replaceable battery while still trying to tell people they were trying to be a "green" company.  Meanwhile they are contributing to huge amounts of e-waste with this policy.
  • Reply 35 of 60
    clock07clock07 Posts: 39member
    Quite satisfied with my 6+ battery life, unlike my wife having poor 5S. Now she's more than happy to make a jump to a much stronger SE battery. Obviously Apple is going in right direction, complying with customers' wishes. Two of those are being taken care of on the go - state of the art processors and prolonged battery life, and the third is yet to be addressed - wireless charging ! 
  • Reply 36 of 60
    clock07 said:
    Quite satisfied with my 6+ battery life, unlike my wife having poor 5S. Now she's more than happy to make a jump to a much stronger SE battery. Obviously Apple is going in right direction, complying with customers' wishes. Two of those are being taken care of on the go - state of the art processors and prolonged battery life, and the third is yet to be addressed - wireless charging ! 
    I've got mixed feelings about wireless charging. So far, as I can determine, you still need a device specific charging pad which is plugged into the mains with a wire. There seem to be a few generic chargers beginning to appear which is good provided that any compatibility issues are addressed. Sure, you could put all the family phones on a mat to charge overnight but I like MY phone by MY bedside. The only advantage I can see so far is that you place your device directly on a pad rather than fumbling for a cable port. Also, and I stand to be corrected about this, don't wireless chargers actually draw more power since charging is by an induction field instead of direct connection? I recall that there was a lot of discussion last summer about research into using wifi signals to charge batteries from as far away as 15 feet! If you could come up with a device that has no external ports (syncing and audio all being wireless) which picked up charge from residual electromagnetic energy around the house or office then that really would be something.  On a sidenote, my original iPhone was a 3GS which my wife now has (who was never the most techy person and doesn't see why she should upgrade, she even has a PAYG tariff!); I finally had to replace the battery last week after almost seven years of continuous regular use. 
  • Reply 37 of 60
    sphericspheric Posts: 2,663member
    bruceh-vn said:
    "Putting its latest processor, camera and Apple Pay into the iPhone SE accomplishes a few key goals. Perhaps most importantly, it takes the worry out of buying a "low-end" model. Consumers who purchase the iPhone SE can know with confidence that it will continue to be supported and operate properly for years to come --?at least as long as the flagship iPhone 6s sticks around, which carries the same internal specs."

    Or until the battery gives out...  Being a non user replaceable battery it will have a finite lifetime.  Nice bit of planned obsolescence on Apple's part which is why I will never buy any iPhone, or Macbook from them. Apple started the trend of the non user replaceable battery while still trying to tell people they were trying to be a "green" company.  Meanwhile they are contributing to huge amounts of e-waste with this policy.
    Ignorant trolls may contribute to huge amounts of e-waste. The rest of us just get the battery replaced once it goes. 
  • Reply 38 of 60
    brakkenbrakken Posts: 687member
    Lack of Touch 3D is the only negative making my wife and me (I) lean towards the 6s even though we were wanting the smaller format.  I can see 3D Touch being implemented more and more and being very useful.  Damn shame it isn't included.
    I've used 3D Touch maybe three times since launch day. Five bucks says it'll disappear completely in a generation or two. When Apple has to go on an ad blitz to remind users something exists in the first place, that doesn't exactly speak well of its design or even necessity. 
    I agree - 3DT should've been included. Perhaps Apple will be keeping the 4" and the iPod Touch in the same vein, while moving 4.7" and 5.5" along with 3DT...
    I doubt iPad will have it anytime soon, so maybe this problem isn't as big as it seems.
  • Reply 39 of 60
    macplusplusmacplusplus Posts: 2,115member
    why- said:
    My question is what will they call the next one? The iPhone SE 2? The iPhone 2 SE? Or will it just disappear after two or three years?
    They will just call it "iPhone" as always. That is the official name of the product. SE, 6, 6 Plus, 6s, 6s Plus are just descriptors. Apple can use anything as descriptor and the use or dismissal of a descriptor means nothing about the future of the product. Mac models are described by their release date (Early-2009, Mid-2011...) for example. Apple may adopt a similar scheme for iPhone or iPad as well. Expect the "iPhone Pro" this fall, and then the SE moniker may be dropped altogether to keep only "iPhone" and "iPhone Pro".

    SE may point to "Standard Edition" as well and may signify Apple is reverting back to the 4" form factor for the mainstream iPhone. The rest is just the "Pro".
    edited March 2016 nolamacguy
  • Reply 40 of 60
    steven n.steven n. Posts: 1,229member
    wood1208 said:
    Said right to the penny. In 4 incher iphone, majority wants faster processor for quick smooth multitasking user experience, obviously better camera, better voice(VoLTE), VoWiFi(free calls on internet), numerous cellular, LTE bands to make it world phone and last but not least ApplePay. We got it all in SE and on top somewhat better battery life. This phone will sell very well and created excellent path for future incremental updates in same 4" footprint that does not put previous generation SE not likeable. Just a winning formula.
    My thoughts exactly. I am seriously thinking of going from the 6S to the 5SE.
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