OS X 10.11.4 hidden framework hints Apple could rebrand it as 'macOS'



  • Reply 61 of 71
    zoetmbzoetmb Posts: 2,656member
    Is this a joke ?! If not this is just another example of extreme ignorance from AppleInsider...

    Why don't you claim that it will be called Nextstep since that .nib extension of that file means "Nextstep interface bytestream".

    OS X APIs (Application Programming Interface) are full of "NS" abbreviations, prefixes etc. yet OS X is called what it is, not Nextstep. That Mac abbreviation in the name of that file just signifies the Intel platform, not a commercial brand and never what OS X will be called. That is beyond divination !... Naming conventions in software engineering have nothing to do with commercial branding...

    YES, it's a joke. I can't believe all the experts pontificating.  Doesn't anyone look at the calendar?  Friday is April Fools Day.  Can't believe how naive everyone is.  
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  • Reply 62 of 71
    rogifan_newrogifan_new Posts: 4,297member
    sog35 said:

    You were the one that grouped things into good, better, best. I was explaining why the current product line doesn't fit into those categories. I agree that the MBA is on its way out. The SE is not confusing. But still selling the 6 and 6S is. If someone wants the bigger screen get the 6S or 6S Plus? Why would I pay more for a product that has older tech than its cheaper counterpart?

    Apple is doomed if it's product decisions are about margins and profits. Make good products and the rest will take care of themselves. What I would do is get rid of the mini 2 and the Air 2 and have the mini 4 be the cheaper iPad (and get rid of the numbering sequence) and the Pro be the flagship device. Stop selling old models just to slot into a certain price point. As I said before if Apple can sell the SE for $399 they can sell the mini 4 for $299.
    WTF. What's wrong with having two choices of big screen phones?  6+ or 6s+.  Why is that wrong?  Why is that confusing?  Why is having a choice of 1 large screen phone better?  Also keep in mind in other countries the 6s+ is over $1000 USD.  So it is very important to have the 6+ at $800 USD.  I still don't understand why you are so confused.  Even my 80 year old grandma is not confused about the iPhone line up.  Neither is my 12 year old nephew.

    So are you telling me Apple can only either produce great products or make great profits?  They can't make decisions to do both?  WTF. Of course they can do both. And the NEED TO DO BOTH. In order to keep building great products it take $$$. It takes PROFITS to spend BILLIONS on R&D and keep the best talent. If the products are too expensive people will stop buying stuff and Apple will need to adjust. So far people are MORE THAN WILLING to pay Apple prices.

    And why the FUC would you get rid of the Air2?  What if someone wants to buy a 9.7 inch tablet but only has $500 to spend?  Without the Air2 that customer would be out of luck. How is that helping anyone? The Mini is now a niche product. Most people who use to buy Mini's just buy the bigger phones now.  It would be pure stupidity to just have the Mini iPad and Pro iPad and NOTHING in the $399-$499 slot for normal sized ipads. 
    The only reason you want to get rid of the mini is b/c you're convinced the margins on it suck. All you care about is your AAPL stock. if the $399 mini 4 has horrible margins then wouldn't the $399 Air 2 have them as well? And why does the mini 4 offer a 128GB option but the Air 2 doesn't? Seems pretty clear to me if the Air line was sticking around Apple wouldn't have removed the 128GB option. I think within a year the Air 2 will be gone and you'll have the mini (cheaper option) and the Pros.
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  • Reply 63 of 71
    Blasterblaster Posts: 97member
    If Apple released a non-touch version of iOS for general devices, similar to tvOS, but for a laptop or other non-touchscreen devices running a variant of iOS, what would that OS be named?
    There is no "i" in touch.
    edited March 2016
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  • Reply 64 of 71
    alandailalandail Posts: 781member
    ration al said:
    Mac OS X did not stand for "Operating System Ex" as you like to say it. It was originally just Mac OS 10. They used the "X" as a marketing gimmick to make it seem so much bigger than just a version change (from Mac OS 9 to Mac OS 10). They knew they were putting Unix in it, a complete overhaul of the system itself. So, they went with the Roman numeral for 10 which is X. Then people started referring to it as Mac OX "Ex" (myself included), even though Steve kept referring to it as Mac OS 10.

    Now, should they go away from the "X" that is there? I have no idea; I am a developer not a marketing person [in my best McCoy voice]! But it may be time to retire the 10-series and move forward with 11. My thinking is that it will not be this upcoming version, but the next one when they release iOS 11 (assuming in 2017), they may release MacOS 11 then as well. Just a thought. 
    I'm going to take Mr. Driftmeyer's side of this argument since he was actually working for Apple Computer at the time of the name's introduction.

    I've always associated the X in OS X with the X in NeXT, the operating system that spawned OS X, which contributed greatly to Apple's comeback. It would be a shame if the last vestige of this link we're removed before the current OS is replaced with the next ground-up re-written replacement.

    so you're going to take his version over Steve Jobs and other apple leaders?  I've watched pretty much every apple keynote since MacOS X was released (and most of the ones before that too) and it's always been pronounced as 10, the X is a roman numeral.  Sure, they very likely went with roman numeral because of NeXT, but it still has never been pronounced even one time at any apple keynote as "ex".  It has always been pronounced 10.
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  • Reply 65 of 71
    foggyhillfoggyhill Posts: 4,767member
    sog35 said:
    WTF. What's wrong with having two choices of big screen phones?  6+ or 6s+.  Why is that wrong?  Why is that confusing?  Why is having a choice of 1 large screen phone better?  Also keep in mind in other countries the 6s+ is over $1000 USD.  So it is very important to have the 6+ at $800 USD.  I still don't understand why you are so confused.  Even my 80 year old grandma is not confused about the iPhone line up.  Neither is my 12 year old nephew.

    So are you telling me Apple can only either produce great products or make great profits?  They can't make decisions to do both?  WTF. Of course they can do both. And the NEED TO DO BOTH. In order to keep building great products it take $$$. It takes PROFITS to spend BILLIONS on R&D and keep the best talent. If the products are too expensive people will stop buying stuff and Apple will need to adjust. So far people are MORE THAN WILLING to pay Apple prices.

    And why the FUC would you get rid of the Air2?  What if someone wants to buy a 9.7 inch tablet but only has $500 to spend?  Without the Air2 that customer would be out of luck. How is that helping anyone? The Mini is now a niche product. Most people who use to buy Mini's just buy the bigger phones now.  It would be pure stupidity to just have the Mini iPad and Pro iPad and NOTHING in the $399-$499 slot for normal sized ipads. 
    The only reason you want to get rid of the mini is b/c you're convinced the margins on it suck. All you care about is your AAPL stock. if the $399 mini 4 has horrible margins then wouldn't the $399 Air 2 have them as well? And why does the mini 4 offer a 128GB option but the Air 2 doesn't? Seems pretty clear to me if the Air line was sticking around Apple wouldn't have removed the 128GB option. I think within a year the Air 2 will be gone and you'll have the mini (cheaper option) and the Pros.
    The Air moniker might disapeer but I think there will be a media consumption Ipad seperate from the Pro/Business line.
    This allows for much bigger differentiation according to features and better responding to demand of each segment.

    The media consumption, lower cost Ipad when they refresh it could be 60% the weight of the current one and 5mm thick.
     You can't do that if you have to support the latest features and clock speeds of the pro model.

    Ipads, especially non pro ones, tend to stay at home where they can consume streamed media, media from NAS or get media in and out quick.
    So, getting 128G is not as important. My parents use a 16G Ipad Air 2 to stream media every day. It's not close to being full.

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  • Reply 66 of 71
    scxfanscxfan Posts: 8member
    Who said innovation was dead at Apple?
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  • Reply 67 of 71
    rogifan_newrogifan_new Posts: 4,297member
    foggyhill said:
    The only reason you want to get rid of the mini is b/c you're convinced the margins on it suck. All you care about is your AAPL stock. if the $399 mini 4 has horrible margins then wouldn't the $399 Air 2 have them as well? And why does the mini 4 offer a 128GB option but the Air 2 doesn't? Seems pretty clear to me if the Air line was sticking around Apple wouldn't have removed the 128GB option. I think within a year the Air 2 will be gone and you'll have the mini (cheaper option) and the Pros.
    The Air moniker might disapeer but I think there will be a media consumption Ipad seperate from the Pro/Business line.
    This allows for much bigger differentiation according to features and better responding to demand of each segment.

    The media consumption, lower cost Ipad when they refresh it could be 60% the weight of the current one and 5mm thick.
     You can't do that if you have to support the latest features and clock speeds of the pro model.

    Ipads, especially non pro ones, tend to stay at home where they can consume streamed media, media from NAS or get media in and out quick.
    So, getting 128G is not as important. My parents use a 16G Ipad Air 2 to stream media every day. It's not close to being full.

    Why didn't they remove the 128GB option from the mini 4 line then? 
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  • Reply 68 of 71
    rcfarcfa Posts: 1,124member
    Stupid. It's all the same OS underneath: Darwin.
    Just because there are different GUI layers doesn't make it a different OS.
    So while a M$ after Ballmer learned from Apple and now uses a single OS across all devices, and went a step further with an adaptive UI where an app can sport different UIs depending on whether it runs on a desktop, mobile or holo-lens; Apple is hiding the strength that propelled it to where it is by giving the same OS several names, and even though it has the hooks for an adaptive UI (OS X: windowed vs. full screen; iOS; iPhone vs. iPad) it doesn't tie it all together by allowing for universal apps that could run from AppleTV to Mac, adjusting the UI as needed, which using LLVM should not be an issue for a company Apple's size.

    What really should happen is that iOS 9 and OS X 10.11 are followed by iOS X sporting an adaptive UI, and universal apps.

    M$ is also leading because of this by allowing a phone to be docked with an external screen and keyboard and turning into a deskto (thanks to an adaptive UI) which for many people is all the computer they'll ever need.
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  • Reply 69 of 71
    dacloodacloo Posts: 890member
    Why don't you claim that it will be called Nextstep since that .nib extension of that file means "Nextstep interface bytestream".

    Valid point there, but what is remarkable in this case is that there's suddenly a notion of a new name. NS and NIB has been there for years, but 'Mac OS' is new.
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  • Reply 70 of 71
    SpamSandwichspamsandwich Posts: 33,407member
    I think I'm going to have tacOS for lunch today.
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