This week on AI: DOJ drops court order, Apple ships iPhone SE & 9.7" iPad Pro, iOS 9.3.1 fixes crit

in General Discussion edited April 2016
Apple's confrontation with the U.S. government over encryption took a major twist, thanks to the Justice Department officially withdrawing its court order. Later in the week, Apple shipped the iPhone SE and 9.7-inch iPad Pro, and fixed a critical bug via iOS 9.3.1.

To keep up on the latest in the Apple world, download the official AppleInsider app, and subscribe to our email newsletter.

Everything you need to know:

  • The DoJ withdrew its action against Apple, saying it successfully extracted data from Syed Farook's iPhone > >
  • The FBI agreed to try cracking an iPhone 6 and an iPod in an Arkansas murder case > >
  • Apple published its 2016 Supplier Responsibility report > >
  • iOS 9.3.1 fixed a bug causing crashes tied to Web links > >
  • The next wave of iPhone SE and 9.7-inch iPad Pro launches begins April 4 > >
  • Apple's security team is in flux > >
  • Some ResearchKit studies are now sending data to Apple > >
  • Siri will now respond properly to questions about sexual assault > >

For in-depth discussion of this week's hottest stories, listen to the AppleInsider podcast. Subscribe here, or stream the embed below:

A roundup of all of our hottest stories this week:

DOJ confirms successful iPhone data extraction, withdraws encryption case against Apple [u]

FBI agrees to help crack iPhone 6 and iPod tied to Arkansas murder trial, but method unknown

Apple Supplier Responsibility 2016 Progress Report reveals 97% work-hour compliance, carbon emissions reductions

Apple releases iOS 9.3.1 to fix Web link crashing bug

Apple's second wave of 9.7" iPad Pro & iPhone SE launches to start April 4

As FBI's iPhone exploit remains secret, Apple's security operation in transition

Apple begins collecting ResearchKit data to further platform integration

Apple's Siri updated to understand sexual assault queries, provide help

Tesla's unveils more affordable Model 3, gives glimpse at Apple's future auto competition
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