Apple to KILL OS9 on new systems...



  • Reply 41 of 45
    thegeldingthegelding Posts: 3,230member
    i guess i'm confused (not a first, just ask my kids )...this is going to be for new systems right? this is not something that will make my older computer not able to boot into 9 like it does now right??? if you have a computer that boots into os 9, it will always be able to boot into os 9...simple, so what's the big deal?? if i buy a pc running XP i can't boot into NT or ME or 2000 or 98 right (or am i wrong...not a big pc user...have one at work but don't play with it like i do the macs at home) systems usally run that latest system and that system is often not fully supportive of "older" programs....this is not usual or work they are changing systems from 98 to 2000 only to find out that microsoft is planning to no longer support 2000 in 9 months....g

    i personally have only booted into os 9 this week for the first time since buying my iMac 800 in Feb because my niece is visiting from baltimore and her arther learning center cd's don't run in classic...that and i haven't use my scanner since i got this computer....thanks umax for working so hard to make an os X driver ---oh well, never used my scanner much video camcorder has taken it's place and waiting for the nikon 4500 camera i'm getting to totally make my Astra Mx3 obsolete (the pretty blue cover that once went so nicely with my blueberry iMac DV no longer fits quite as well with my white iMac 800, though white does go with everything)....

    [ 08-11-2002: Message edited by: thegelding ]</p>
  • Reply 42 of 45
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    [quote]Originally posted by thegelding:

    <strong>i guess i'm confused (not a first, just ask my kids )...this is going to be for new systems right? </strong><hr></blockquote>


    [quote]<strong>this is not something that will make my older computer not able to boot into 9 like it does now right??? if you have a computer that boots into os 9, it will always be able to boot into os 9...simple,</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Again, correct. And you're right, it's simple.

    [quote]<strong>so what's the big deal??</strong><hr></blockquote>

    That's what I can't figure out.

    Apple's not pulling anything 'shady' or 'evil'... they're just not going to update 9, as they've stated for *MONTHS*.

    This has nothing to do with making new hardware that 'breaks' 9, it has everything to do with the fact that 9 was written to support *particular* hardware, and we're moving *past* that old hardware. That's it, folks.

    Take your pick: endless ability to boot into 9, *OR* hardware improvements.

    You can't have both.

    Development on 9 has stopped, except for minor tweaks... supporting new motherboard busses (HyperTransport), RAM channels (DDR), and CPUs (rumored IBM chip) requires *SIGNIFICANT* work. These things just aren't going to be rolled into 9. (And running 9 on a 64-bit architecture would require *massive* rewrites of not just the underlying kernel system, but the *entire codebase*, from the bottom System libraries to the Finder, and beyond. It is *not going to happen*.)

    If you want the big hardware updates, you're going to have to give up running 9 on that hardware. It's just that simple.

    If you want to keep running 9, then by all means *DO SO*, on your current hardware... it isn't like it's suddenly going to stop one day. Cripes.

    9 is dead for further development.

    Major hardware changes require major development in the OS to support.

    You make the logical conclusion. (Oh wait, I already spelled it out...)
  • Reply 43 of 45
    I came into 'Mac Maturity' under OS 9 so I'm kind affectionate with it, but all in all I'm glad to see further OS development. Is it just me or does the move from 9 to X feel more like the move from 7 to 8 then from 8 to 9? 8 to 9 was kinda boring. 7 to 8 was a WORLD of differences. Primarly the PPC chip coming out etc..
  • Reply 44 of 45
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    Oh heck, you should have been there for the 6-&gt;7 change then. Talk about fairly major...

    System7 was a *huge* change from System 6.x, and added a ton of new technologies, most of which were only really possible with the speed of the PowerPC.
  • Reply 45 of 45
    amorphamorph Posts: 7,112member
    [quote]Originally posted by Kickaha:

    <strong>Oh heck, you should have been there for the 6-&gt;7 change then. Talk about fairly major...

    System7 was a *huge* change from System 6.x, and added a ton of new technologies, most of which were only really possible with the speed of the PowerPC.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    And people still complained that it was bog slow that the features (like labels) were unnecessary bloat, etc.

    Oh, how familiar it all sounds now. <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" />
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