Cupertino mayor accuses Apple, responsible for nearly 20% of the city's tax revenue, of not paying



  • Reply 41 of 114
    volcanvolcan Posts: 1,799member
    sog35 said:
    volcan said:
    The Campus 2 idea was all Steve.
    Still does not make it right.
    Sure it does. If you read the back of your iPhone it says "Designed by Apple in California..." That legacy will remain no matter what the cost because that is what SJ wanted.

    Who is Cook to pull up stakes when so much in planning and investment has already been spent? Besides, The best and the brightest want to live in California. Have you heard the term Silicon Valley? There is a reason so many tech firms are located there. Even LA is considered a wasteland when it comes to tech.
  • Reply 42 of 114
    spacekidspacekid Posts: 184member
    As Bernie and Obama and Hillary would say, "Apple should pay their fair share".
    apple ][netmageentropys
  • Reply 43 of 114
    spacekidspacekid Posts: 184member
    AppleZulu said:
    This argument is little different than the argument that the rich in general don't pay enough taxes, when in reality the richest 10% pay the majority of federal income fact the bottom 50% of earners pay almost no federal tax at all.
    The richest 10% also have the majority of income and wealth, which by definition means they get the most benefit from living, working, and doing business here. Of course they're responsible for the majority of the taxes.
    And Apple has the majority of income and wealth in their city so they get the most benefit there. So you support Apple paying much more city taxes?
  • Reply 44 of 114
    Jasonx911Jasonx911 Posts: 16member
    The problem in Cupertino much like all cities in California are simple math. They receive constant cash flow religiously from APPLE and they use it for compensation and pensions instead of what they are supposed to due with it. And then buildings start showing some wear and tear from lack of upkeep and they say lets go to the tap and get more. There response is typical the same but Apple has millions of dollars due your fair share. Don't question is we are the responsible ones 
  • Reply 45 of 114
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    spacekid said:
    As Bernie and Obama and Hillary would say, "Apple should pay their fair share".
    Also, something needs to be done about many Apple employees' outrageous and disgusting salary, which is simply revolting.

    when Sanders was the Liberty Union’s candidate for Senate in Vermont, he told the Burlington Free Press that “nobody should earn more than $1 million,”
    edited May 2016 netmagespacekid
  • Reply 46 of 114
    macxpressmacxpress Posts: 5,910member
    wdowell said:
    Frankly would it kill Apple to support its local community a bit more. It can afford it.
    Frankly, they pay 20% of the city's budget...Just because Apple has money, doesn't mean everyone deserves a piece of it. They chose to put their next generation campus in the same city, keeping 20% of the taxes going to them, and mostly likely significantly more once Apple Campus 2 is finished. What more do you want? You're acting like Apple does nothing for the city of Cupertino. 
  • Reply 47 of 114
    macxpressmacxpress Posts: 5,910member

    apple ][ said:
    volcan said:
    The Campus 2 idea was all Steve.
    That is true. This whole thing was decided many, many years ago, and I remember watching that video of Steve Jobs making his presentation to the city council.

    And I bet none of them had the balls to say no to Steve Jobs either....
  • Reply 48 of 114
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    wdowell said:
    Frankly would it kill Apple to support its local community a bit more. It can afford it.
    I'm sure you get paid well. Could you give more of your money to your community? Im sure you can afford another $100 /week in govt donations. 
    tallest skilnetmageai46entropys
  • Reply 49 of 114
    jasenj1jasenj1 Posts: 923member
    "fund the transport infrastructure needed to deal with congestion created by the company, as well as other businesses in the area"

    This should have been thought through when the Spaceship was proposed. Either they didn't think it through, or whatever they planned is now felt to be inadequate. Someone has to pay for roads, & bridges, & public transportation, etc.

    I suspect there is a large voter block who see Apple and the other big companies as cash cows to be milked for all they can get. Why should I, Little Old Lady Jane Citizen, pay taxes when corporate giant Apple is sitting right there? Pandering to those voters could be a profitable political play for the Mayor.
  • Reply 50 of 114
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member
    Knee jerk reactions @ Right Wing Zealot Insider. You are being blinded by your love of Apple and Hatred for the all things government. To argue that just because I earn a lot more than you and therefore pay more taxes than you I should get a better tax rate than you, is what if not non-sensical? Unless of course you (too) belong to the very top tax bracket.
  • Reply 51 of 114
    donjuandonjuan Posts: 61member
    apple ][ said:
    Serves 'em right!

    I bet that a lot of Apple employees are Bernie supporters who have contributed to the campaign and they support higher taxation!

    Now pay up what you owe! Put your money where your mouth is!

    Apple only contributes nearly 20% of the city's tax revenue? It should clearly be much higher!

    Down with the rich! Down with greedy corporations! The rich are evil! And Apple has plenty of money! It's absolutely disgusting that any company should make that much money.

    Let's dismantle Apple and nationalize it! Power to the people! Crackhead lives matter!
    The mayor wants to go back to the days before Apple in Cupertino and grow oranges. 
    apple ][
  • Reply 52 of 114
    9secondkox29secondkox2 Posts: 3,010member
    wow. So the mayor wants to extort Apple to pay for his projects to make him look like some genius of traffic management. 

    Get the heck out of town. 

    This is guy needs to get ousted with his hostile treatment of a huge contributor such as Apple. 

    They don't exist to be you bank account. 


    What is this, communist China?
    edited May 2016 entropys
  • Reply 53 of 114
    calicali Posts: 3,494member
    apple ][ said:
    cali said:
    You're a trump supporter.
    Oh no!I've been found out! I've been trying to keep it a secret.

    What sort of expert detective work did you utilize to come to that conclusion? :#
    You missed the irony. Trump wants to destroy Apple and drain their cash.
  • Reply 54 of 114
    calicali Posts: 3,494member
    Why can't Apple just buy California already? Seriously the U.S. treats this great American company like an enemy.

    Here's Steve's last appearance before he passed talking to Cupertino council:

    tallest skil
  • Reply 55 of 114
    davidwdavidw Posts: 2,100member
    spacekid said:
    AppleZulu said:
    The richest 10% also have the majority of income and wealth, which by definition means they get the most benefit from living, working, and doing business here. Of course they're responsible for the majority of the taxes.
    And Apple has the majority of income and wealth in their city so they get the most benefit there. So you support Apple paying much more city taxes?

    But the vast majority of Apple income and wealth do not come from the city of Cupertino. 60% of Apple revenue is made overseas and had nothing to do with the city of Cupertino. If the US IRS don't consider that taxable income, unless it's spent in the US, why should Cupertino get to use it as a reason to increase Apple's local tax burden?  Apple could easily design their products in Ireland. There's nothing about being designed in Cupertino that increases the value of Apple products. Maybe Apple is getting the most benefit in Cupertino because they pay the most taxes there and it's the city of Cupertino that is greatly benefiting from Apple having their headquarter there . Not the other way around. 
  • Reply 56 of 114
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    cali said:
    apple ][ said:
    Oh no!I've been found out! I've been trying to keep it a secret.

    What sort of expert detective work did you utilize to come to that conclusion? :#
    You missed the irony. Trump wants to destroy Apple and drain their cash.
    What specifically are you referring to?

    I heard him say that everything should be manufactured in the USA, something that is obviously unrealistic at the moment. Apple has begun to assemble Mac Pros in the USA at least.

    On the other hand, I've been saying for a long time that Apple should diversify beyond relying on Chinese manufacturing primarily, because that is just not wise, especially with what's been coming out of China lately, and how they treat Apple.
  • Reply 57 of 114
    macxpress said:
    So basically, he wants Apple with all of its BILLIONS of dollars to pay 100% of Cupertino's taxes. I mean Apple could have easily chosen to build its new headquarters elsewhere. Maybe some of these issues should have been brought up BEFORE they approved of Apple Campus 2 being approved by the city. Were they afraid to say no to Steve Jobs in the first place???

    its not like Apple is bullying the city to get out of paying taxes. Sounds like poor planning on the city's part for all of these projects and the mayor wants Apple to pay for it because it has the money to do so. 

    Funny how everyone seems to think they deserve a small portion of Apple's cash...
    Thing is Apple clearly does impact the community both Pro -- housing, shopping, gas, coffee, essentially the halo effect of one employer having so many emplyees, visitors, 2nd tier contractors/consultants on site regularly, and Con -- traffic, congestion, infrastructure (public utilities).   The impact of such a large company is not always about the tax dollars into the community's coffers.

    While Cupertino most certainly appreciates the income from higher property values, sales tax, and all the additional fiscal benefits, it would appear they failed to account for the additional strain the new campus would place on its ever aging infrastructure.  Community Development departments are notoriously spineless and cave routinely to the pressures of politicians/residents/other businesses to give in rather than require an assessment of the added strain on existing transportation and municipally owned facilities (water / sewer/ electric).

    The mayor suddenly having an epiphany in regards to the needed update/upkeep of these facilities is what seems to be causing the stir.  The need is real and not imagined.  If studied and and any shortcomings addressed or requested at the time of the initial permitting process, I doubt this would be such a heated point of discussion.
  • Reply 58 of 114
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    volcan said:
    Apple's presence generates a ton of revenue in the form of sales tax. Highly paid Apple employees spend money on wining and dining and other luxury goods. New businesses move into town to support Apple and they pay business licenses, insurance, and buy goods and employ even more people. Cupertino just needs to budget better, sell bonds, cut waste, etc if they want to improve their infrastructure.
    Cupertino isn't that sort of town. It's a suburb really. 
  • Reply 59 of 114
    nolamacguynolamacguy Posts: 4,758member

    sog35 said:
    slurpy said:
    You need some help, seriously. What do you want Cook to do, go to the guy's house, tie him up along with his family, and threaten him? The guy is the fucking Mayor, he has freedom of speech like anyone else. As far as I know, Cook hasn't caved in or agreed with any demands or proposals, so don't know WTF you're talking about. He's a tech CEO, not a mob boss. In regards to "crapping on Apple" (a term you've repeated like 5 times in your post), ironic coming from you, as you often have the most unfair, unhinged and unsubstantiated attacks on Cook and the company, that have literally NOTHING to do with their performance or anything under their control- this post being a prime example. Oh, and you have a horrible or selective memory. Apple was "crapped on" substantially under Jobs, there's no reason to expect it to lessen with time and as the company has exploded in size and success.
    That's the way I see Cook. A weak CEO who was lucky to be given the CEO job without earning it at all.
    you have no fucking idea what you're talking about, from week to week. it's insane. the notion that Cook didn't earn his role, or that no respects him, is insane. you really need help.
    irwinmauricenetmageai46crowleystevehpscooter63singularitybrucemclord amhran
  • Reply 60 of 114
    thrangthrang Posts: 1,029member
    wdowell said:
    Frankly would it kill Apple to support its local community a bit more. It can afford it.
    Bernie, welcome to the forum!
    netmageai46stevehtallest skilentropys
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