Rumored rose gold 'iPhone 7' shell shows single camera, tweaked antenna



  • Reply 21 of 22
    foggyhillfoggyhill Posts: 4,767member
    LPmagoo said:
    All I know is the 6S had zero wow factor for me...I barely use the 3D touch so not much different from the the 7 is looking even less compelling than the 6S...this from the largest company, most Tech company in the world???? The new "7" isn't even Yawn worthy...Would Steve do it like this...I doubt it!!!
    WTF comments is this ?  Beyond tiresome.

     Go buy a god damn S7 if your that unhappy and like "flashy" things.
    It still is slower than the Iphone 6s despite being released 6 months later. And its battery life... Oh my.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 22 of 22
    foggyhillfoggyhill Posts: 4,767member
    jmmso said:
    These rumors about the iPhone 7 lead me to believe that Apple doesn't want to sell many smatphones. This iPhone 6SS does not awaken me any interest.
    Maybe it is time you go to a sex shop and go fix this serious excitement deficit; heard they sell Samsung equipment there...

    Considering the 6s had more improvements in performance and features than the 6, your comment is a total non sequitur.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
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