I've been frustrated with Tim Cook's leadership but if this proves to be true, and if we finally get the new rumored MacBook Pro and 13" MacBook by the end of the year, all will be forgiven. Now just add 3D Touch to the iPad Pro and hurry along with OLED displays across the line.
This would be awesome. Even more so if you could replace the card with whatever you wanted, though that is unlikely. The $999 price would be somewhat more justified then too.
Depends. They can go with an MXM module used on landtank grade laptops (think Clevo), then you have some options while keeping the monitor reasonably sized
MBP redesign and potentially a new Thunderbolt display. This year (or at least the end of it) looks like its going to be a stella one for Mac fans...finally! I just hope there's going to be some upgrade love for the Mac Pro and Mini too. It could also make up for the rather less than stella redesign expected for the iPhone line this Fall as well.
Yes, this is what I was wondering if it could happen. Solves all the problems with the rMB.
Maybe! The rMB still suffers from a really poor performing CPU which will just be more so driving a large monitor. On top of that does the rMB even support TB at the speeds required? On the other hand if this new monitor can supply a 100 watts or so to the connected laptop it will be glorious.
Been waiting for this for some time....if it supports a USB-C connection...I hope they can push data AND power through the monitor to the laptop so that a single cable to the laptop handles, monitor, usb ports, ethernet, and power. would be the holy grail. that, and a dedicated graphics card would go a long ways to justifying the absurdly high $999 price point. If it's just going to be a retina monitor, they need to price it lower...maybe $700 max.
I suspect that they will have to go with more functionality than a built in GPU. This means charging support for the connected laptop, USB ports, maybe a TB port, a LAN port and other goodies. The $999 price point would still be hard to swallow even after all these goodies are added. Apple needs to find a way to a $750 price point which is still excessive when you consider how much a 4K TV costs.
And a little video card called the GTX 1080 was just released. Dare to dream . . .
In all seriousness, for a single card solution at an affordable price (meaning less than $700 for a single card), the new 1070 and 1080 are about the only game in town. If Apple were serious (and I really doubt this rumor as they've never had decent GPU's in their computers) this would coincide nicely with their release. I can see them bull**)thing about how "there has never been the power to do what we wanted to do in the graphics and gaming space . . . until now."
Opening sentence: "Rumors of a revamped Thunderbolt Display with high-resolution Retina display have persisted for years, but a new report claims that Apple may finally update its standalone display, complete with an external graphics card that would ensure all Macs could push the pixels necessary for a 5K resolution."
Imagination Technology's dedicated graphics. I believe this is Apple's precursor to the home theatre market. Look for a future Apple TV STB to include a ThunderBolt port. Future displays will scale up in size and include retina projectors.
And a little video card called the GTX 1080 was just released. Dare to dream . . .
In all seriousness, for a single card solution at an affordable price (meaning less than $700 for a single card), the new 1070 and 1080 are about the only game in town. If Apple were serious (and I really doubt this rumor as they've never had decent GPU's in their computers) this would coincide nicely with their release. I can see them bull**)thing about how "there has never been the power to do what we wanted to do in the graphics and gaming space . . . until now."
Ass per example however... The only problem with the 10 and the 900 and the 800 Nvidia series is that on macs they are not compatible with adobe products. If you're using adobe CC (at least when i last looked a few weeks ago) the best card they support (that isn't more than a grand) is the 700 series (still a pricey option for a mac at around $350-$400) which is now 3 gens behind. The stock card options in the new mac pro are not officially supported by Adobe and that is just one example, I'm not sure how this will settle the specific complaints for gamers etc as what they really need are wider card options not a better card that you can't customize. That's just more of the same problem. I'd hate to see this be this way for this monitor if you can somehow add a standard PCI type card in there that would be cool, but how does a video card that another company may not support fix any inconvenience? In terms of specific compatibility we are probably better off just using external TB boxes with the card of your choice mounted in it.
Of course, it is not touch screen. When is Apple going to get on the ball?
Are you being serious? I have a touch screen on my Alienware and have yet to use it after 1 year. Unless you are a graphic designer I am not sure what you would use a touch screen monitor for. I am being serious. Not against it at all. Just do not see the practicality behind it.
Your experience would reflect the vast majority of users out there.
However I do believe there are users beyond graphical designers that can make use of this sort of hardware. However you won't have these people accomplishing much with a vertically oriented monitor. You would need a table like the old draftsman tables of the recent past which where readily adjustable for what ever the draftsman was working on at the time. Ideally the monitor would be much bigger too.
Such a monitor/table could lead to some interesting deleopments in CAD which in my opinion suffers from really terrible man machine interfacing.
``Such capabilities are technically possible thanks to the high speeds of the Thunderbolt port,''
Such capabilities are technically possible, and most likely probable thanks to the high speeds of DisplayPort 1.4.
I see Apple dropping Thunderbolt in the long run.
And a little video card called the GTX 1080 was just released. Dare to dream . . .
In all seriousness, for a single card solution at an affordable price (meaning less than $700 for a single card), the new 1070 and 1080 are about the only game in town. If Apple were serious (and I really doubt this rumor as they've never had decent GPU's in their computers) this would coincide nicely with their release. I can see them bull**)thing about how "there has never been the power to do what we wanted to do in the graphics and gaming space . . . until now."
Ass per example however... The only problem with the 10 and the 900 and the 800 Nvidia series is that on macs they are not compatible with adobe products. If you're using adobe CC (at least when i last looked a few weeks ago) the best card they support (that isn't more than a grand) is the 700 series (still a pricey option for a mac at around $350-$400) which is now 3 gens behind. The stock card options in the new mac pro are not officially supported by Adobe and that is just one example, I'm not sure how this will settle the specific complaints for gamers etc as what they really need are wider card options not a better card that you can't customize. That's just more of the same problem. I'd hate to see this be this way for this monitor if you can somehow add a standard PCI type card in there that would be cool, but how does a video card that another company may not support fix any inconvenience? In terms of specific compatibility we are probably better off just using external TB boxes with the card of your choice mounted in it.
That is just sad news. Did not know about the compatibility problems with CC. But wouldn't create more compatibility issues if there were multiple options for gpu's?
I've been frustrated with Tim Cook's leadership but if this proves to be true, and if we finally get the new rumored MacBook Pro and 13" MacBook by the end of the year, all will be forgiven. Now just add 3D Touch to the iPad Pro and hurry along with OLED displays across the line.
Cook has done fine, I'm not sure why people want to blame him so much. Look at how long it took Apple to get the iPhone out and then iPad, neither of which where ideal implementations when the first came out. In fact I look at the first iHone and first iPad as proof of concepts more than anything. It is the reason that the first iPhones got dumped like hot potatoes when new models came out. Now the product line has matured to the point that one can realistically use an iPhone for multiple years.
As for laptops your angry needs to be directed at Intel and AMD. Speaking of which AMD should be launching new GPUs this week.
And a little video card called the GTX 1080 was just released. Dare to dream . . .
In all seriousness, for a single card solution at an affordable price (meaning less than $700 for a single card), the new 1070 and 1080 are about the only game in town. If Apple were serious (and I really doubt this rumor as they've never had decent GPU's in their computers) this would coincide nicely with their release. I can see them bull**)thing about how "there has never been the power to do what we wanted to do in the graphics and gaming space . . . until now."
AMD's offerings in the 14nm space are better, significantly better in fact.
``Such capabilities are technically possible thanks to the high speeds of the Thunderbolt port,''
Such capabilities are technically possible, and most likely probable thanks to the high speeds of DisplayPort 1.4.
I see Apple dropping Thunderbolt in the long run.
TB ends up just being another protocol that the drivers send over the wires. DisplayPort 1.4 will end up running over the same wires. This is what I see Apple moving to, one port that automagically configures to the proper protocol based on what is hooked up at the time. Apple will stay with TB due to its ability to packetize multiple protocols so that things like a monitor can have several functions like being a hub or being a lan connection beyond its monitor function.
In any event I'm not sure why the media is so underplaying the possibility of hardware at WWDC. Almost every WWDC I've paid attention to had some sort of hardware either released or demoed at WWDC. If it is a bad year for a specific product line they would have a release of a minor update just prior to WWDC. New hardware generates enthusiasm in the developer community.
And a little video card called the GTX 1080 was just released. Dare to dream . . .
In all seriousness, for a single card solution at an affordable price (meaning less than $700 for a single card), the new 1070 and 1080 are about the only game in town. If Apple were serious (and I really doubt this rumor as they've never had decent GPU's in their computers) this would coincide nicely with their release. I can see them bull**)thing about how "there has never been the power to do what we wanted to do in the graphics and gaming space . . . until now."
Nvidia is never getting Apple's contract again. They have custom ASIC designs with AMD coming out.
In all seriousness, for a single card solution at an affordable price (meaning less than $700 for a single card), the new 1070 and 1080 are about the only game in town. If Apple were serious (and I really doubt this rumor as they've never had decent GPU's in their computers) this would coincide nicely with their release. I can see them bull**)thing about how "there has never been the power to do what we wanted to do in the graphics and gaming space . . . until now."
You mean "...internal graphics card...", correct?
Think different Think big
However I do believe there are users beyond graphical designers that can make use of this sort of hardware. However you won't have these people accomplishing much with a vertically oriented monitor. You would need a table like the old draftsman tables of the recent past which where readily adjustable for what ever the draftsman was working on at the time. Ideally the monitor would be much bigger too. Such a monitor/table could lead to some interesting deleopments in CAD which in my opinion suffers from really terrible man machine interfacing.
… which doesn’t have a Thunderbolt port.
Nvidia is never getting Apple's contract again. They have custom ASIC designs with AMD coming out.