Apple CEO Tim Cook calls for racial equality in light of US shooting deaths



  • Reply 81 of 121
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    marrtyy said:
    I find it ironic that a man who fund-raises for Paul Ryan who has/will endorse Trump a hate-monger speaks out about hate and killing. Hmmmm.
    Their is nothing about Trump nor his speeches that indicates that he is a hate monger. He has and hopefully will continue to address real issues with Illegal immigration that has created huge problems in this country. Enforcing the law has little to do with hate.
    boltsfan17apple ][tallest skilLib-Simulator
  • Reply 82 of 121
    nolamacguynolamacguy Posts: 4,758member
    flaneur said:
    wizard69 said:
    Absolute baloney! The whole problem we have right now is the political environment in Washington that encourages hate. That hate ends up being directed at police officers because they are the most direct line to government. All of this could have been prevented years ago if we as a nation demanded a violent and destructive response to the Black Live Matter non sense.
    Rabid paranoia. Here's a guy whose sense of time and events is so compressed by watching TV news that he thinks Black Lives Matter is "years" old.

    As for his advocacy for "a violent and destructive response," that speaks for itself. Along with Apple ][ and a few others here, we're in psychopath territory. Maybe Apple Insider should consider not running these stories any more. We're in the same gutter zone as white supremacy or neo Nazi websites.
    it is rather pathetic. I'd rather AI not provide fuel to the rabid loons with these political comment-bait stories. 
  • Reply 83 of 121
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    volcan said:
    wizard69 said:

    The fact of the matter is that the overwhelming majority of black people killed by cops have been criminals or in the act of criminal behavior.
    The President commented that blacks and latinos make up a third of the US population but make up more than half of the incarcerated population. There is a reason for that but it is not racist tendencies of the criminal justice system as he suggested as much as it is a matter of lack of education. That is where the racism is. Blacks and latinos are not given the resources to gain an education and thus remain in poverty and tend to join gangs, commit crimes, and hence run into trouble with the law.  If you look at the asian immigrants in the US, the parents sacrifice everything for the children's education. In the impoverished black and latino communities, no so much, the parents are uneducated and so are their children. Long term the only way to solve these violent incidents is with better education.
    This is absolute non sense. It is a cultural problem when I comes to education. You mention Asian but you fail to understand just how little some of them had when coming to this country. Frankly often far less than the average African American family has while collecting their welfare checks. Education is free in this country for K-12 so if somebody isn't getting an education the only people to blame are the parents of the child involved. As for the criminal justice system, this biggest problem we have isn't that we have some people in prison the problem is that we don't have enough swinging from a rope. A well used death penalty would do much for the African American community because it would remove the criminals from the community forever. That would mean people that can provide a more positive influence would be able to exert that effect for the greater good of the community.
    apple ][Lib-Simulator
  • Reply 84 of 121
    volcanvolcan Posts: 1,799member
    wizard69 said:
    This is absolute non sense. It is a cultural problem when I comes to education. 
    By the way, the word 'nonsense' is actually one word although you repeatedly use it as two words. Please do not criticize my call for better education when you apparently don't have one.
    edited July 2016 londorpbrstreetgAnidementuschikanbaconstang
  • Reply 85 of 121
    Oh, well. Tim Cook voicing about another issue that's going to create more haters of Apple. I guess I thought tech companies pretty much stayed neutral or silent about what's going on in the world.
    apple ][
  • Reply 86 of 121
    thewhitefalconthewhitefalcon Posts: 4,453member
    apple ][ said:
    flaneur said:
    We're in the same gutter zone as white supremacy or neo Nazi websites.
    Are you talking about BLM?, because BLM is basically the black KKK.

    They're both racist, supremacist organizations, they both want segregation, and they both use violence and intimidation, including murder to further their cause.

    And Obama and many others on the left support the black KKK.

    Screw anybody who supports BLM and/or the KKK. 
    Eh, BLM is closer to Al Queda or ISIS. They're just not as far down the rabbit hole yet.
    apple ][tallest skil
  • Reply 87 of 121
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Eh, BLM is closer to Al Queda or ISIS. They're just not as far down the rabbit hole yet.
    BLM should be classified as a domestic terrorist group and treated as one.

    All BLM supporters should be treated like dirt and viewed with contempt. 

    TurboPGTboltsfan17tallest skiltrollkiller
  • Reply 88 of 121
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    volcan said:
    wizard69 said:
    This is absolute non sense. It is a cultural problem when I comes to education. 
    By the way, the word 'nonsense' is actually one word although you repeatedly use it as two words. Please do not criticize my call for better education when you apparently don't have one.
  • Reply 89 of 121
    singularitysingularity Posts: 1,328member
    The usa keeps its death spiral love affair with guns. 

  • Reply 90 of 121
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    Oh, well. Tim Cook voicing about another issue that's going to create more haters of Apple. I guess I thought tech companies pretty much stayed neutral or silent about what's going on in the world.
    Your post will do for all those who expressed similar.

    The reason why Tim Cook has to bear down publicly on discrimination within the US — Apple is in the global consciousness-change business, has been since Jobs, and it will do no good for the home country to be stuck in a dark age of racial, religious or ideological conflict. He has to speak out as a voice for evolutionary progress. Silence means complicity, especially when you're making tools that spread hate and ignorance as easily as truth and enlightenment. 

    By the same token, he has no ground for lecturing other national cultures, seeing as his home turf is such a stew of backwardness right now, as exemplified by the events of the past few days as well as the posturing in this thread.
    edited July 2016 londorvolcanpbrstreetgbaconstangpropod
  • Reply 91 of 121
    g-newsg-news Posts: 1,107member
    I'd like him to be as vocal about feature equality with Windows workstations. Alas we're quickly approaching 1000 days of no news.
    back in 2000, Apple was an electronics and software manufacturer. Today they're more like a human rights movement.
  • Reply 92 of 121
    pigybankpigybank Posts: 178member
    I'll be waiting for his updated statement in light of yesterday's events.
  • Reply 93 of 121
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Video of BLM trash and scum celebrating and dancing in front of police, after murders.

  • Reply 94 of 121
    londorlondor Posts: 263member
    pigybank said:
    I'll be waiting for his updated statement in light of yesterday's events.
    He did it over five hours ago but just hold your breath whilst you keep on waiting. Hopefully apple ][ and the likes will also join you.
  • Reply 95 of 121
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    wizard69 said:
    Let the investigations play out. If the police were guilty of murder, throw them under the jail, then, capital punishment is a good method of stopping murderers. 

    Also, 4 police officers are dead tonight, anyone think we'll hear from Tim Cook on that? 

    This is the ovewhelming reality, the vast majority of people shot by cops are in fact criminals. Due to the lack of strongly enforced death penalties it is a good thing that people, criminals really, are getting killed in this manner. We don't have a problem with racial inequality in this nation, rather we have an ethnic group that is largely populated with criminals that want a lawless society. Until people wake up as to just how off the tracks this community is racial equality will never happen.
    Are you really condoning the killing of criminals by the police because there's no death penalty? 
  • Reply 96 of 121
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    wizard69 said:
    ALL It has been 151 years since the end of the US Civil War and approx 60 years since the US Civil Rights movement and Great Society programs have been enacted. The rift between blacks and whites is as great as ever even with the election of a African American President. There is no other equal level of conflict that exists betwwen other races or ethnic groups as the black-white divide, clearly existring methods are not working and the problem I suspect is mostly cultural and not merely skin color as witness by the successful and rapid integration of other races and ethnic groups into the USA mainstream within a generation or two. We need soe deep soul searching here.
    This is a huge problem but the establishment of the Welfare state didn't help the situation but rather it made the situation much worst. Frankly I don't really understand the African American community, at least that part of the community that has embraced the welfare state. It is a hideous creation of the Democrats, the public housing for example is just another aspect of slavery that the Democrats have always supported. The absolutely hilarious thing here is that the Democrates actually got people on welfare to willingly move into these public housing prisons. I'm not sure which is worst, the Democrats inability to give up their connections with slavery, or the gullibility of people that let them continue. I do believe ignorance is a big part of the problem.
    Public housing and welfare are supposed to be a stop gap. Many successful people have come from there. The CEO of Goldman Sachs grew up in public housing in Brooklyn. The difference is the family structure and education. More blacks need to get motivated, get up, get educated, and get a job or a business. 
  • Reply 97 of 121
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    apple ][ said:
    Video of BLM trash and scum celebrating and dancing in front of police, after murders.

    Those are a bunch of thugs that have nothing to do with BLM. They don't care about their own lives do you really think they care about anyone else's? 
  • Reply 98 of 121
    pbrstreetgpbrstreetg Posts: 184member
    wizard69 said:
    This is a huge problem but the establishment of the Welfare state didn't help the situation but rather it made the situation much worst. Frankly I don't really understand the African American community, at least that part of the community that has embraced the welfare state. It is a hideous creation of the Democrats, the public housing for example is just another aspect of slavery that the Democrats have always supported. The absolutely hilarious thing here is that the Democrates actually got people on welfare to willingly move into these public housing prisons. I'm not sure which is worst, the Democrats inability to give up their connections with slavery, or the gullibility of people that let them continue. I do believe ignorance is a big part of the problem.
    Public housing and welfare are supposed to be a stop gap. Many successful people have come from there. The CEO of Goldman Sachs grew up in public housing in Brooklyn. The difference is the family structure and education. More blacks need to get motivated, get up, get educated, and get a job or a business. 
    On aggregate, more whites receive public assistance than blacks; blacks do need to get motivated and educated, but it helps immensely if they don't get killed or harassed.
  • Reply 99 of 121
    buzdotsbuzdots Posts: 452member
    There's a rumor that Hillary Clinton is going to ask Tim Cook to serve in her administration once she's elected. Good I hope she does. He belongs in politics not running a major technology company.
    Hopefully that means both of them will be sitting in a two hole, transgender porta-potty somewhere taking a dump by themselves.
    edited July 2016 apple ][
  • Reply 100 of 121
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Apple CEO Tim Cook calls for racial equality

    I applaud Tim Cook, then. I expect to see Apple championing the fight to repeal things like affirmative action, race-based scholarships, and other–illegal–forms of inequality from US law books.
    The usa keeps its death spiral love affair with guns. 
    Molon labe, motherfucker. Just try it.
    edited July 2016
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